My father was a billionaire, i was his only daughter and child. Imagine being the only daughter and child of a billionaire; that was why i was his treasure.

One day i hired a cab, when i was about to step down i couldn’t find my purse to settle the taxi fare; the driver started insulting me,

“This is how cheap prostitutes like you go about jumping on cabs without money. When we get to your destination you pretend you have lost your wallet or cannot find it. Do you think i will buy petrol with your beautiful face? If you don’t pay me, i will lock you in my cab and rock you all night. You cannot leave this car without paying,”

I was seriously searching for my purse inside my handbag, while he was reducing me to nothing with his disgusting insults. When i was about to tell him,

“Shut your dirty mouth, take me home and i will pay you ten times double,”

The boy sitting next to me in the same taxi said in a calm voice,

“Please driver do you think a beautiful and wonderful lady like this, will hire the taxi for a drop without money. When she was stopping the taxi; she was on the phone, when you halted she took out a pink purse and dropped her phone inside, i was in the cab wondering over her beauty and gazing. I think the guy who jammed her, when she was about hopping in the car picked her wallet. That is how pickpockets robe people,”

“Stop your sermon young man, i need my money,”

The cab driver yelled furiously and the handsome dude spoke calmly,

“Don’t mind beautiful angel, i will pay for your fare.”

I took his phone and wrote my number before getting out of the taxi,

“Please call me,”

And insisted,

“Don’t forget to call me.”

He nodded his head.

On my way home i remembered how my father had been persuading me to bring the man i loved home so he could give his blessings, spent a token of his earnings to organize our wedding and of course; i was going to have the best wedding ever in the entire region. My wedding was going to be broadcast on national T.V and why not on every medium . My father never joked with his words though sounded unserious, he always meant every word especially when it concerned me. My mom had a miscarriage when she got pregnant with my junior brother and for her to live again her phalopian tube had to be plucked off. She was never going to have a child again. My father wanted me to marry quick so i could give him grand children and enlarge family and legacy.

I imagined a wedding with twelve flower girls, dressed in white flaring gowns, wearing white wings like little angels; who reminded me of cupid the greek god of love. six sophisticated bridesmaids all dress in purple tight fitting flowery gowns also flaring wide their feet.

And then i fantazied about my charming boyfriend called Ayori. He didn’t even know i was the daughter of billionaire Sunjo; with six groomsmen dressed in dark blue. I dated him in secret because i wanted a man who knew nothing about my background. I wanted to avoid any situation of being married for my fathers money. I was used to luxurious jeeps and fancy cars, so as a beautiful bride, i wanted me and my husband to be carried on a horse pulled carriage. All the horses were going to be white in color and then the groomsmen dressed in dark blue and white shirts while my hubby was clad on a blue suit with his handsome face and a purple bow tie. On a carriage pulled by two white horses, followed by a convoy of six horses rode by a groomsman and a bridemaid. Then the flower girls and family members could cruise on the most expensive cars in town.

Oh how his smile melted my heart and how i fell in love with him when i lost my purse and was stranded. He helped paid for my taxi fare when i was embarrassed in a cab. No one even knew who i was. The manner in which he smiled, took my heart by surprise and to be truthful, i never had a sound sleep every night hoping he will call me. When my purse was stolen from my handbag, i also lost my iPhone. So i gave him my number to call me a few days later when i was going to purchase another phone and retrieve my number. When i got home just by the mentioned of my missing wallet; my father snapped his fingers and in no time the latest iphone was immediately purchased and my number retrieved.

How i wish the kind handsome boy could call, i could not stop thinking of his charming smile, calm voice, gentle speech and kind gesture to a stranger in his eyes.

My father was rich and kind; he taught me to be kind to his servants because it was one of his housekeepers who help my mother to conceive me. He protected his maids and servants like family then imagined how he protected me. He told me how one of his housekeepers helped him to bear me when he and my mum were looking for the ftuits of the womb. But he never spared the rod because he never wanted to spoil me.

I was so mad at the guy who paid my taxi fare for not calling. He never meant those sweet words he said to me. As a woman i loved to feel protected by a man and he stood by me when i was a stranger to him, how was he going to stand by me when we became more than friends.

Fantasizing over someone i have never met before. How i wish i took his number, if i had not lost my phone and purse, i won’t had noticed him.

I don’t know what happened that day, there was the son of my father’s rich friend Jaila who was stalking me everywhere he had a chance but he was too hot and proud for me.

He kept calling me countless times everyday singing all songs of love to me but i felt irritated. When i stopped picking his calls he trapped me by using strange numbers. So i detested strange calls.

As usual i sat at the balcony looking across the street hoping one day i could find my charming prince loitering around, i got interrupted by one of my father’s servants,

“Miss Sahbinla, someone is calling you,”

She held my phone on her hand, but i was reluctant,

“Did you see the person calling?”

“No Miss, it is a strange number,”

“Please drop the call and leave the phone beside me,”

She did as i said and went away. A few minutes later, the same number started calling and i knew it was Jaila. I had to tell him to stop bugging me. He couldn’t understand when a girl don’t want him. So i grabbed the phone with rage,

“Please Jaila, if you know what is good for both of us, stop calling me. please i don’t want,”

“Hello, i am not Jaila,”

The sound of that voice melted my fury like snow and i asked anxiously,

“Who am i talking to please?”

“I am Ayori,”

“Your voice sound familiar, have we met before?”

“The guy you met in the taxi,”

“How long have you been calling?”

“I was just flipping through my phone and saw your name on my contact list saved as; ‘Beautiful girl in Taxi’ then i remembered you asked me to call you. I couldn’t forget your beautiful face but i had forgotten how i saved your name on my phone till today,”

“Where are you?”

“I am at home,”

“please can i see you,”

“I was just calling to find out how you are doing,”

“I am not doing fine,”

I was just crazy hearing his voice and when he heard i was not well, he sounded worried,

“What is the matter?”

“You are the reason i am not fine,”

“I don’t understand,”

“You stole something very precious from me the very day we met and till i find you; i cannot be sure of having it back,”

“So you think i stole your phone and purse that day?”

“No, that is not what i mean,”

“Then what are you insinuating?”

“Can we meet now,”


“Anywhere of your choice.”

That was how i was crushing over his charming voice and when he gave me a venue, i went out for the first without taking my bath. I sprayed perfume on my body and rushed out. I hired a cab because i didn’t want him to know whose daughter i was. I was furious because he stole the most important treasure of my life and never mind returning it back. I had to arrest him when it was still not late.

The sincere love i had for him was the reason i finally had my Honeymoon in prison with my hubby instead of spending it in Paris or our matrimonial bed. The story will shock you.

I never cared if the driver was reckless or not, i only wanted to get there. My heart was limping not because of the fast and dangerous ride but because i was craving to meet Ayori.

When i got at the right destination i almost forgot to pay the driver off. He honked the car before i realized i was already crossing the road.

When i got there, i was scared because i found some hoodlums walking straight to me but they just bypassed and went on smoking their cigarettes.

Then i called him,

“You don’t keep a lady waiting my friend,”

“I have been watching you, i was scared you will come with the police,”

“Please come out to me, i am longing to see you again,”

Then he walked out from a corner and waved at me. I ran towards him and hugged him.

“Let’s have a seat,”

We sat in a public garden and he gazed at me through my eyes and i could see the affection in his, though uttered no word of love,

“Tell me what i stole from you,”

“Nothing, why are you looking at me like that,”

I was the woman i didn’t want to sound cheap by making the first move but i was craving to kiss him. I was glad when he said,

“I am gazing at you because i am scared,”

“Why are you scared, i know you didn’t steal my purse,”

“I am scared of losing you again,”

“I don’t know why. I just keep thinking about you and especially now, when you hugged me i had this feeling in my heart like i don’t ever want you to leave my side again,”

“Me too.”

And that is how it started, love flowed in our hearts and we couldn’t stay a while without talking to each other on phone. I met him every week and after two months i told my father,

“Daddy, i have found someone who makes me happy, i love him and i think he will make a good husband,”

“Does he know who your father is?”

“No daddy,”

“Do you trust him;”

“Yes dad,”

“Does he love you,”

“So much daddy.”

“Bring him home to me and your mother.”

A week after our love was stronger and unbreakable till he told me,

“Sahbi, how i wish i had enough money to come see your parents and pay your bride price, i will make you my wife,”

“If you want me to marry you just ask, step after step.”

He proposed to me a few days later, i melted in his arm during having first kiss with him.

I returned home and asked my father when to bring him home and he said,

“After the celebration of my 50th anniversary you can bring him home.”

I thought it was too far but i just had to wait.

I never told Ayori who my father was, i was scared he could dump me because of inferiority complex. I also wanted him to love me like a normal girl and he did.

It was during my father’s 50th anniversary that an accident that change my story that finally ended up with my husband and i having our honeymoon in jail in a room in the prison.

Luxurious cars and jeeps parked in our villa. Sons and daughters of ministers, governors and rich business men. I was unable to Even talk to my dad. He was busy attending to guests. Some of his friends even came from abroad. I was avoiding Jaila because he was already drunk.

Then i walked to my room and sat there trying to call Ayori in a calm place and then i heard someone pushed my door open and it was Jaila. He was no longer on his right state of mind. He hugged me and started kissing me. I tried to loose his hands but he was forcing himself on me. I resisted and pushed him with rage; he knocked his head on the edge of my bed and laid down still. While i was still panicking on what to do, one of his friends walked into my room and was shocked,

“What have you done?”

“Nothing, he was molesting me and i pushed him accidentally, he hit his head on the edge of my bed,”

Then he bend down and touched his heart,

“He is gone, You ended his life,”

“Just go out, don’t tell anyone. Let me handle it.”

I rushed out not knowing what to do, i had ended someone’s life. I was confused, i thought of telling my dad but he was busy and i didn’t want to spoil his happy mood. This was the first time for a long time i have seen him so happy. My mother was always beside him, quiet and smiling but she was always worried because due to her miscarriage my father had only one child. She had always dreamt of having other kids but fate changed her vision and she was always wondering how daddy felt with such wealth only having one child who was a girl. That is what made me strong and fragile at the same time, so i imagine myself in prison after accidentally taking the life out of Jaila. Ending up in prison was depriving my parents of their greatest treasure. If i was sentence in prison i was going to break their hearts and no one was going to believe it was an accident.

My heart was pumping very fast and sweating. I was even scared to walk up my room to find the body. Half an hour later, Bayeh, Jaila’s friend walked up to me and whispered on my ear,

“You can now go to your room, i have handled it. Let’s just have a dance and pretend everything is well.”

While we were dancing he recounted what he had done with the body,

“I took his corpse to the back of his car and laid him there like he was drunk and deep asleep. The good news is that when he drinks he can slumber like a log of wood. Then i told his father’s driver that he was drunk and was sleeping behind the car waiting for him to drive him home. The driver immediately collected the keys from me and rode off,”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, you are the only egg of your parents and if anything happens to you they will be miserable forever,”

“Thank you so much,”

“Just stay quiet and thank me later. I will be here till the end of the feast because i don’t want to be implicated with what just happen,”

“It was his fault,”

“No one will believe you, if you even hire the best lawyer. I was following him because i know how he misbehave when he is drunk. Unfortunately and fortunately i found you on a very delicate spot,”

Then he returned to his seat where he sat there sipping the glass of wine as if nothing happened.

I slept that night very late and i couldn’t find sleep. When i finally slept off, i had a terrible nightmare. When i got up, i wished Ayori was by my side. He would have held me on his arms and comforted me to sleep. I got up in the morning looking pale while my parents were still sleeping because of the party that ended late. I was depressed and worried but i had to hide my deep feelings with a pretencious jovial face.

In the evening at about 7p.m i had an incoming call from an unknown number; which i was scared to pick but i had to. When i answered the call he introduced himself immediately,

“Hi how are you doing, I am Bayeh,”

“Hello, Bayeh, I am trying to be fine,”

“Don’t crucify yourself, it was an accident. have you gone to social media.”

I was very anxious to go on social media, so i immediately went on to Facebook and i was shocked; I didn’t know why he asked me to go to the media but there was surely something he wanted me to see. After a couple of scrolling down my eyes were glued to my phone when many bloggers reported,

“The body of a young man was found d3athh, dumped at the side of the road heading to the federal quaters this morning and the name on the victim’s I.D Card was Jaila Clovis. The body was carried to a nearby mortuary still waiting for the relatives of the victim to come and recognise him.”

Then my father walked in to the living room and wondered,

“My daughter why are you burried on your phone with a bewildered expression?”

“Daddy welcome,”

“How are you my darling daughter?”

“I am fine.”

The next day in the morning Bayeh called me to meet him in a classic restaurant at 9a.m. I wondered what he wanted us to discuss and he said,

“If anyone ask you where you are going to just tell him you are having a date with your future husband.”

It was a joke i thought and honored his self-proclaimed date. When i got there he got up and hugged me.

“Baby, have a seat,”

I wondered when i had become his baby. Then he ordered for roasted and toasted chicken. When he asked me to have something i told him i was not in the mood,

“Life must move on, don’t let anything stop you, life is too short.”

“Please, why did you call me here?”

“To know when you are presenting me to your parents,”

“As who?”

“As your fiancé ,”

“You are funny,”

“Listen honey. You are a very beautiful daughter of an influential man. I just covered something that would have sentenced you to life in jail. This is how you want to pay me. I love you Sahbinla, and i want to marry you. Don’t mind i will be a very good husband to you. Jaila’s parents are already asking questions about what happened. Now tell me, should i tell them the truth or you are going to intoduce me to your parents darling,”

“I see i have no choice.”

“Do you think i have a choice too. I am your accomplice already. So when are you taking me to your parents,”

“When ever you are ready,”

“I am always ready, anytime, anyday. I will be waiting but don’t keep your husband waiting for so long, i don’t like to be kept in the dark.”

I ruminated for days but couldn’t get a solution that was not going to complicate matters. So i decided to dance to the music that he was playing and sacrifice my love for Ayori.

Do u want more..

I had no choice but to invite him to the mansion in my parents presence. My father was so glad that for the first time i came home accompanied by a handsome man. We sat in my room and he started touching me fondly but he irritated me.

“What is it?”

“You are running too fast calm down,”

“We will soon be married,”

“Let my parents approve it first,”

“If that is the case why not introduce me to them now.”

I was trying to buy time but how was i going to keep escaping from my fate. I was so much in love with Ayori and he was my dream man. He didn’t even know i was Billionaire Sunjo’s daughter and treated me with so much love and care. I was the only offspring of my father and i had to sacrifice my happiness to make them have their grandchildren even if it was with an opportunist like Bayeh.

We walked down the stairs and i introduced him to my parents who were in the living room,

“Daddy, this is the young man i have been telling you people about,”

“Do you mean the guy you want to settle down with?”

My mom excitedly interrupted and when i agreed they were so happy,

“Tell me young man, who is your father?”

“My father is Yuven Charles,”

“Do you mean the business tycoon?”

“Yes sir,”

“My daughter have eyes for good things. Were you not the young man who was there with your father during my aniversary?”

“I am the one sir,”

“I am glad to hear that.”

My parents quickly accepted Bayeh as their future son in law because he was from a wealthy background but when he left my mother was a little worried,

“My husband, during your aniversary one of my friends pointed at Mr Yuven and fidgeted to me that he was not a genuine business man. Don’t you think since our daughter has introduced him to us, we could at least carry out some findings about the boy’s family?”

“Is it not the same rumors people say about me. You know poor people believe that to be rich to a certain extent we must have soiled our hands or live a deceitful life.”

I ended up with a broken hearted and was unable to tell Ayori. What was i going to tell him that made me to rush to another man’s arms and quickly became his wife.

I didn’t accept Bayeh to touch me because i was so much in love with Ayori.

A few days later Ayori was longing to meet me and invited me to our usual hidden spot. He paid for the lunch and it was from there he told me his father was a Petit trader in the market and his mom was a simtress. He asked,

“My love it has been a while since we met and i wondered what you have been doing and who you have been with,”

“I am sorry Ayori you know someone like you is the reason i want to live long and feel this soothing feeling when i am by your side but…”

“But what…”

He inquired and i couldn’t just open my mouth and tell him i was soon going to get married to another man, so i quickly covered up,

“Just that we cannot continue like this in hiding. Just let me put myself together and all will be well.”

I could see so much love in his eyes. The next morning my parents asked me when i thought the wedding could be held but i asked my dad to ask my fiancé. Bayeh couldn’t wait and told my father that he was coming with his parents in two weeks to do the introductory rites.

I had no choice to marry him because he had covered the incident of which i k1lled his friend trying to defend myself.

I spent my idle moments talking to Ayori on the phone because he was my last source of joy,

“Ayo i feel like the last moments i have with you will soon expire though in the depth of my heart i want to spend the rest of my life with you,”

“Like i told you, i will never leave you, you are so special to me,” He responded not knowing i was soon going to be another man’s wife. I was longing to be his wife that was why i didn’t want to let him leave me to be lonely,

“Please let me attend to something, i will call you as soon as i am done,” He pleaded but i wanted to listen to his voice for the whole day,

“So soon, i will never have enough of you,” I uttered as if we have just spoken for a while. But i looked at the time, it was 4p.m and we started the conversation at few minutes after 2p.m.

“I will like to continue listening to your soothing voice my love but my battery is low. While i attend to something let me power my phone.”

My introductory rites was in a few days. That day Ayori called and i didn’t pick because Bayeh’s parents were already at home to see my parents.

Things were moving very fast though i asked him to slow down he didn’t. Ayori called me and was angry the whole day but i couldn’t pick, so i had to lie,

“I am sorry my love, we had some visitors and had to entertain them so i was so busy, I only rested in the evening,”

“Were your father’s servants not there?”

“There was a lot of work.”

I could imagine how much he loved me because he couldn’t pass a day without hearing my voice.

“Your voice is the medicine to all my worries and brings me joy and sound sleep,”

He always said and i responded,

“If i had the choice to abandon all this riches and luxury just to be somewhere with you, where i will never be hungry; the love i feel for you will be enough for me to live for the rest of our days.”

So i left him for fate to unravel and face reality. Soon i was going to be someone’s wife and if he learned about it; i was not going to enjoy the few moments left with him. I didn’t want to break his heart but i had to live for the few days left. He was still going to have another chance to live and love again.

A few weeks later my bride price was paid and the court wedding was going to be soon. Bayeh wanted me to come and live in his place but i denied because i didn’t love him. Marrying a man i never loved and could never love was just the same like spending the rest of my life in prison.

I told my parents i wanted a very simple wedding because there was no use. I should have preferred going to prison rather than marrying a heartless opportunist like Bayeh but i thought of my parents and their long awaited grandchildren.

The wedding day finally came and i was already leaving my hotel when Ayori started calling me several times but i didn’t pick. Then while i walked through the aisle to the court, i looked if he had found out the truth and was in the audience but he was not there.

Before the deputy mayor proceeded he asked,

“Is there something someone have to say?”

“Yes sir,”

My chief bridesmaid said, and the mayor shockingly urged him,

“What is it?”

“Can i talk to the bride?”

“Go ahead before it is too late,”

then she came close and whispered to my ear,

“There is a message on your phone look.”

A video was sent to her of which a certain young man was standing at the edge of the tallest building in town threatening to jump down and the broadcasting stations and social media was live,

“He is the one,”

i told my chief bridesmaid and she was curious,

“Who is he?”

I removed the veil from my face, flung the high heels off my feet and took a run. I knew exactly where the tallest building of the city was. I hurried to the place with the bridal ride and immediately i hurried up the staircase to stop him from committing suicide because i disappointed him.

I got there while he was about to jump and yelled his name,


“My love, why did you do this to me? Just let me jump,”

“I am sorry, if you jump i will also jump after you,”

“I was calling you to stop what ever you were doing and come here to witness it,”

“Please don’t do it, i will not marry again,”

But the multitude was cheering him up to jump. Why was the mob happy for someone to leap from the tallest building and perish. Then one of the red cross men came to his rescue,

“Why are you distracting him? Let him swing down and make our hood proud,”

“I don’t understand, “

“He is one of our spectacular cascaders who display every year during the annual festival.”

That was when i was told that he was about performing one of the most spectacular swings with a rope from the building and if he won, he was going to be celebrated,

“I thought you saw my wedding on line and wanted to commit suicide,”

“Why will i do that when you are here already, i don’t understand,”

“Jump my love,”

I encourage him with the power of love he swinged the longest swing i have ever seen yelling my name,

“I Love you Sahbinla!”

He won the spectacle and was awarded money and a trophy. My wedding was interupted and when i was asked what happened i said i wanted to save my love because i was not happy. I explained everything to Ayori and he inquired,

“Did you attend the deceased funeral or you just accepted to marry a man that he was d6ad,”

“It was published on social media,”

“But you said it was an accident,”

“We are going to go through and if it is true i will go to prison for you if you will accept to be my wife. I love you so much and will swear in court that i tried to defend you from being molested by him and pushed him so that you will not marry the beast.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

I wondered how was i going to spend my honeymoon in prison with my husband but i really loved him and if it was the only way to be happy and keep my bloodline with a legacy. But we had to face the law and it was not going to be easy..

Ayori and i decided to go to Jaila’s father to find out the truth. That was the only person who could have told us of his son was actually no more living. I was familiar with his father and he also was a friend to my dad; they didn’t actually get along at a certain time but when Jaila started dating me Mr. Lanjo actually became amicable with my parents but i didn’t want to open up to him directly. When we got to his office, i discovered he had actually fired so many employees because there was no longer a receptionist and the secretary was playing the double role. The office was completely scanty for a company that people and staff used to flood in and out. Something must have gone wrong.

I was quickly taken to his ofice when i introduced myself to the secretary.

“What! wonderful, you paid me a visit in my office,”

“Of course sir,”

“Then the moon must have come out during the day; tell me what brings you to my office,”

He was wearing a surprising face and Ayori greeted him,

“Good morning sir,”

“Good morning, is he your new bodyguard or driver?”

I didn’t want to embarrass Ayori but it was for our good to know Jaila’s fate so i couldn’t tell him, he was my sweet heart,

“Something like that sir,”

“Which one of it? Your driver or body guard,”

“My driver,”

“I witnessed what happened during your wedding and still bear the shock till now. Why did you leave a man waiting for you on your wedding day? Do you know it is the worse thing to happen to any man?”

I was wondering how i was going to know if Jaila was truly gone and his father made things easier for me so i used his worries as a ploy,

“I am still in love with your son sir,”

“But you didn’t accept to be his wife,”

“I am sorry to say this, he was going too fast and he was overreacting,”

“Where is he now, my son is d3ed and who so ever is responsible for it will have to pay with his life or rot in jail forever.”

He sounded very serious and i made him believe it was because i still loved him that i left Bayeh at the court pulpit during our wedding. I would have been an unhappy married woman. Ayori had given me more hope and when we stepped out he said,

“Something fishy is going on somewhere, his father is hiding something from us.”

But i couldn’t figure it out myself.

The next day Bayeh came to our house and threatened me before my parents,

“I hope you are aware that you daughter is responsible for Jaila’s d3ad?”

“What! is it true Sahbinla?”

“Yes dad,”

“If she don’t apologize and call back our wedding she will spend the rest of her life in Jail,”

He kept menacing me before my parents and my mum wondered,

“Is this supposed to be a blackmail or what? Are you serious?”

“It is the reality not blackmail.”

He was furious that i abandoned him during our wedding event. When he left i recounted the truth to my parents. Then i told them that Ayori was the person i loved and was only marrying Bayeh to escape jail. They told me,

“In that case you have no choice our daughter.”

That was when i recounted to my parents that Ayori loved me so much and i loved him; so he had decided to pay the price of love by claiming the responsibility for the victim’s demise. Even my father knew Jaila was deceased and called one of his private detectives to invetigate if he actually died. Then he gave me a promise,

“If the boy goes to prison for you then i will owe him for the rest of my life and he would have paid for your bride price in the most special way.”

A few days later the police arrested me but before i got to the station Ayori followed and told them he was the one who actually had a fight with Jaila for molesting me and pushed him. Even when Bayeh tried proving otherwise i told the police i asked Ayori to leave the scene before anyone found the victim . So Jaila’s parents sue us in court. We tried to prove it was an accident but at the end of the case, my love was found guilty of accidentally murdering someone. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for not coming up to the police to report himself. If i had reported the sentence would have been reduced because it was not intentional.

I watched him go to prison, married him in prison and had my Honeymoon in prison. i visited him at least once in a week and my father even bribed the Wadders in prison to keep him in a more secure place. I had to wait for ten good years for him to be released in order to have him by my side.

I loved Ayori but i didn’t gave up; one day he could be given conditional liberty. so i kept pressing my father to investigate. I knew i needed my husband by my side. But i also had to be strong. I could remember the last time we spent together as free beings some months ago but i had to wait for him. So many men tempted me but i turned them down. One of the was still Bayeh but i didn’t like him.

A few months later i discovered i was pregnant which made my father so glad and i decided that week to reach to my husband in prison and break the good news. When i got to him he was so happy. i sat on his arms when a prison guard walked up to us and said,

“Your session is over you can now leave,”

“But it is not yet an hour as usual,”

He insisted for me to leave. I had to obey because they have always been good to me but on getting out the guard told my husband,

“Follow her,”

I wondered what happened when we got out my father’s car was standing outside to pick us,

“Daddy, what happened,”

“Let’s get home i am going to explain.”

I wondered why my husband was with us and when we got home my father recounted what happened. it was a conspiracy between Bayeh and Jaila’s parents for one of their sons to marry me and later got rid of my dad and made sure my husband inherited all the company’s shares. They were planning to illegally take over my father’s business empire.

Jaila was actually very much alive. He got revived; the doctor and other witnesses were hugely paid to keep quiet. Jaila was abroad and was part of the plot . His collapsed had just given them the opportunity to use it against me and my father.

And the proofs implicated Bayeh, Jaila and their parents. I became married to the love of my life and he was offered a job in one of my father’s companies.

The man who decided to go to prison in the place of the woman he loved, i was the happiest and luckiest woman on earth; that was why i loved, cherished and respected him so much as he did to me.

If you cannot love genuinely please do not fall in love.

The best you can do for me your favorite author is to recomend my page positively. Thank you for reading.