COAX|beautiful story

Sofia was seen in her sitting room lost in deep thought as she cried and murmured some audible words to herself.

She was sobing profusely and also asking God many question.

Honey what is it again? Collins her husband ask as he entered into the sitting room with his brief case in his hands.

It was night already and Collins was back from work only to find his beloved wife crying.

Did anyone come here to harrass you ? Collins ask as he walked close to her

droping his brief case on the table as he sit beside her.

Come on now!! Tell me whats the problem, what’s making you cry?? He said holding her hand.

What will be the problem or make me cry if not my predicament, she said with a teary voice as she lift her face looking at him.

Mtcheeew!! What is your problem why are you doing all this to me? Don’t you know it affects me when you are like this, Collins asked

Have I ever complained to you ,he asked again looking straight into her eyes…

No !! She replied

Then why complain and disturb yourself?..

Mtcheew!! She sighed taking her face down

Hey,I love you and no one can change that,not even the situation… Moreover its not your fault.

Only God we can look up to,so stop all this please. Stop putting yourself In this condition,

Collins spoke as he hugged her.

Oya smile for me, he said after hugging her

Am not in the mood ,she replied

Smile for me jare he said tickling her as she started laughing…

Stop! Stop! Stop! Please!! She shouted as they both continued laughing.

You know…you scared me,I thought mama came to the house and might be the reason you were in that mood,Collins said.

Well no,but you know she’s likely to come one of this days and you know we can’t stop her ,Sofia said.

Hmm! When that day comes,then we know what to do,Collins replied her.

Okay oo,I pray we do something that will divert her attention,she said.

it was morning, Collins was preparing to go to work as his wife assisted him in preparing

honey as am going out now,I don’t want you to start being worried or sober

leave everything to God,I believe he will answer us soon…Collins said petting his wife on the back

and she nod her head in response

And I think you should go see your mom,so you won’t be lonely here he added

no it’s okay am fine, I just don’t want to extend my worries to her…

I will be fine and I promise not to get worried again.. Sofia said as they both hugged each other

don’t worry,let’s see next Month the grace of God am going to set up the business for you

so you won’t keep being lonely and getting worried all the time… Collins said

oh!, thanks dear Sophia replied

its nothing honey…anything for you Collins said as he kissed her forehead

I think I should start going am running late he said as he went for his brief case

OK just be careful and take good care of yourself for me…

Sophia said as she crosscheck her husband

I will dear but if being bored,you can go talk with the gateman,his very fun to be with

just give it a try…Collins said walking out of the house

bye Sophia said after him

Sophia POV

I am happy and also blessed to have a husband like him

am Sophia as you know and the first child of my parent..which are still alive

I have three younger ones after me(a girl and two boys) two of us in the family are married

me and my younger brother which is the first son,but second child

while the other two aren’t yet married (the 3rd child being the second son and our last born Chelsea,the second girl )

Chelsea is a student of uniport ,she’s in 300 level ,while Ben is a youth copper

serving in Abuja ….

I was the first to get married and that was 3years ago

I met my loving husband when I was still in university, when I remember how we met, I sometimes laugh over it

we were core enemies that later became friends, gradually we started having feelings for each other

which later landed us in getting married…. and here we are being incomplete

but in all I thank God for bringing him into my life, his one of a kind

and he has always been there for me since we got married,he has been the best of husband so far

I was in the sitting room watching one of the zeeworld series when my phone ringed

I check and it was mom calling

hello mom I said after picking up the call

mom: hello sweet heart how are you doing??

Sophia: am fine and you mom,how are you

mom: am okay dear,I just called to check on you…how is your husband??

Sophia: thanks mom,..his fine and how is daddy??

mom: your daddy is fine dear…hope everything is ok there??

Sophia: yes mom we are fine and everything is okay

mom: alright but in case you need someone to talk to, you can come over

or call I will be there to listen, okay

Sophia; okay mom

mom: don’t get worried or fell pained everything will be fine alright?

Sophia: okay mom

mom: always kneel in prayers, I will also continue praying for you here

Sophia: thanks mom

mom: alright dear,bye for now

Sophia: bye and please greet daddy for me

mom: alright dear(she said and the call disconnected)

after the call I continued watching the movie, but while watching… the power supply went off

so I decided to go outside at least to talk to someone

I went outside and there I saw our new gateman,his new does not mean he was employed yesterday or today

he was employed six months ago…but have never said a word to him other than open the gate,

the former gateman we had before was just like a Senior brother

and a friend to me ,he had worked with us for two years plus….

before resigning, he resigned so he would start something better

which he did, he now owns a small growing business and its taking care of his family.

his wife was always there for me when he was working with us,

she would always bring her two children over…

encouraging and advising me ,sealing it prayers.

but after her husband resigned,she only comes once in a while…

and no one to talk to other than my family and my friend (Beatrice) …

she has always been my best friend since university days.

I met her while writing my jamb,and we wrote in same center…then it turned out

she was given admission in the same school I was also given admission.

that was how we clinged together being best friends till now.

though my siblings always call to check on me and even my younger sister Chelsea…

always come to keep me company, but for six months now,she hasn’t come…

and I know she is very busy with studies that’s why but we always talk on phone.

Hey Derrick ,what’s up with you I said since I heard that’s his name.

Am fine ma’am…are you going out on foot today ,he said going to open the gate.

No !!! I just want to talk to someone, so I decided I should at least come talk to you I said.

and I noticed him being shocked and surprise at same time.

well he should be because if I were to be him I would be surprise too…

someone that has never talked or smiled at you or even answer your greetings…

comes to you and say she is bored and wants to talk to you that’s why she came out.

you would be really surprise, its not his fault anyway…I know he might have been thinking am rude.

and wicked,I am but am not that…am very good and kind deep down but he won’t understand anyways.

okay please come and let’s sit down ma’am he said giving me a stool.

that was after recovering from his shock and I sat as we engaged in some discussion.

so tell me more about yourself and family I ask as he sat he sat opposite me smiling.

well am Derrick as you know,and am the last child of my parent… we are just three in my family.

my big sister and my big brother…am a graduate of unilag and I studied mechanical engineering.

but due to the unemployment In the country, I landed here…he said.

and I was surprise…

wow!!!so you are a graduate?? that’s really good.

don’t worry just keep trying,I believe one day you will get your dream job.

I encouraged and we discussed more…to be frank,the guy is good.

and with him you can’t be bored,he is really funny ,he is full of jokes and very brilliant.

after our discussion I went in to prepare for my husband.

cos its just a matter of time he would be back.

(the next day🌙)

I helped my husband prepare for work as I prepared breakfast for him.

come take your break fast before going I said as he came down with his breif case.

few minutes later he was done and I helped arranged his tie as I kissed him.

Goodluck and stay safe for me I said and he grabbed his briefcase.

I will dear but make sure you keep yourself busy and don’t be bored.

I love you!! he said kissing my forehead. bye I said as he left.

After arranging the house I prepared to go get some food stuff in the !market.

to replace the ones that are almost getting finished.

I took my car keys and went out, I got into my car after greeting and talking to Derrick.

then I zoomed off.

I was almost close to the market when two little children ran in front of my car.

everything happened so fast that I couldn’t hold the brake…then the car knock them down.

oh my God I shouted with fear as I came down.

Sophia POV

I rushed to the kids as few people also rushed to the kids and I thank God nothing happened to the kids.

As we raised them up… the only had little bruises.

A woman whom I guess should be their mother gave me a dangerous stare.

its like you don’t have children, cos if you do…you will know how you drive.

thank your God nothing happened to my children, if not you would have seen the other side of me nonesence!!!

the woman said lashing her anger out on me and her words strucked me

but I comported myself as I manage to get into my car.

I stayed for some minutes in the car pouring out my anger in tears before continuing.

when I came back, I met my bestie in the compound as I drive in…

hey ! where is your phone?? she asked consigned.

mtcheeew!! I forgot it in my room before going out I said tiring.

what’s the problem?? you look stressed out and your face is so pluffy.

where did you even go to, she asked as we both entered inside.

what’s the problem Sophia?? why are you saddened??

and I guess you were crying why??? she asked again.

i went and landed on the couch as I narrated what happened to her.

oh my!! thank God nothing happened to them.

but the mother was careless but she still pushed the blame on you.

Anyway its okay,that shouldn’t spoil your happiness… I have a good news for you.

there is these prophet that is the talk of the town and God is using him to do wonders.

so I decided to come tale my bestie there she said smiling… and my mood was lighten up.

but are you sure he will be able to help me??

you know we have gone to different church and different prophet.

all they do is, eat my money and nothing happens.

I said sadly.

Sophia POV

but are you sure he will be able to help me, you know we have gone to different church and prophet

all they do is eat my money and nothing happens…I said sadly

I know dear but this one is different,I think we should give it a try…she said and I agreed

so when are we meeting this prophet??, I ask

well I think we should go tomorrow she said… and we discussed about other issues before she left

the next day

I prepare to go meet the prophet as I called my bestie on phone

were are you, am ready and waiting for you…I said as she picked up the call

am close to your house she said before disconnecting the call.

few minutes later she came in…hey bestie!! she said giving me a peck on the cheek.

as she sat opposite me.

what took you so long?? I asked grabbing my bag and we left.

we got to the place and is still on construction but a very big church anyway.

we asked about the prophet and we were directed to he s office.

Good morning sir we both greeted!!

morning children of the most high…

before you came ,a message has already been sent on behalf of you

the man said pointing to me and I was shock.

there is something eating you up and you have been seeking for solution everywhere.

you are at the right place!…he said again !marvelling me.

e..e..e yes sir ,thank you sir! I tried saying.

I will be conducting a revival on you, five days revival and everything will be okay.

he said and i was happy hearing it as my bestie smiled.

okay sir, when are you starting I asked curious to know.

when will you be ready?? Cos you will be doing the revival with me here in the church. he said

Am ready any time sir…even tomorrow am ready I said.

And Beatrice nodded in agreement.

okay then, we start tomorrow.

you will have to buy an olive oil and an annoited water ( bottle water).

I will annoit it,you will also get a white handkerchief before the third day of the revival.

he said and prayed for us before we left.

I was really happy…

hey bestie !! how did you know this prophet? I asked as we enter into the car.

My dear,he is the talk of the town now… I first heard him talk on Radio

and later someone recommended him to me and I attended one of his crusade…

though I have never met him one on one…so I decided to bring you here


many people have been bless through him.

I have heard so many testimony about him and I guess we should try him out.

Beatrice said and I smiled…you are one of a kind bestie, I said as we zoomed off.

The next day I was ready for the revival and I told my husband about it…

at first he never agreed but later accepted.

Beatrice came and we went together

as we got there…

Beatrice waited in the church auditorium as I went into his office.

Good morning sir,I greeted as I entered

oh morning my dear you are here already.

okay let’s start he said as we started with worship and then praise before we entered into prayer.

After we were done praying ,he used the annoiting oil to annoit my face.

tomorrow will be intense, get ready…

come with a white material he said before concluding the prayers and I left

how did it go ?? Beatrice asked

it went well and the prayer was really powerful.

but I will be needing a white material tomorrow, I said as we headed to the market to buy it.

the next day I got ready and Beatrice also accompanied me there

just like yesterday,she waited in the church auditorium as I headed to his office.

oh!! I have been waiting for you the prophet said while I greeted him.

Now after few prayers, you will have to go tie the white material

so as to be annoited he said and I thought for a while then agreed.

at least lets see how it goes,I thought to myself as we started.

Few minutes after some prayers, I was instructed to tie the material which I did.

and the prayer continued… it was time for the annoiting

and I knelt down carrying my hands up as instructed.

And the prophet started with my head,still prophesying and then my face

before I know it,he was touching my breast…I opened my eyes immediately

and I guess he notice my reaction.

this are the process you need to go through…

I will need to make you fertile before you will conceive. he said

And I stared at him confused… I don’t get i said still staring.

I will need to sex you so you can be fertile.

you are insane I said trying to stand up..and he rushed me.

trying to force himself on me and I shouted.

immediately Beatrice rushed in hitting him with the heel of her shoe.

he left me and held his head,then we rushed out with my clothes in my hand.

I went to the car and wore my clothes…

OMG!!! I can’t believe this!!!

I have been hearing of fake pastors,prophet and churches but I have never experience one before.

this is what my husband warned me about but I didn’t listen.

Oh mine !! so if Beatrice never came along …I would have been done with.

oh thank God ,I keep thinking as I ignited the engine.

hey its okay dear,thank God I was there for you…sorry I never knew it will end this way.

I just felt your pain and I only wanted to help , Beatrice said…

and I understand her,we have always been there for each other…

and I love her so much like a sister.

its okay anyway…is not your fault, I said trying so hard to smile as we drove home.

I got home and I didn’t know what to tell my husband cos he will surely asks

I can’t possibly tell him what happened… he will surely get mad

and will try going after the pastor which will really bring much trouble.

i just want my family to be at peace as it has always been.

Hey dear,if your husband ask about it…

you tell him you got to meet someone that told you how fake the prophet is.

and you decided withdrawing, Beatrice said…I was happy I finally have something to say.

thank you bestie,you are always a life saver…I said hugging her.

and she tried brightening my mood before going.

My husband came back and I narrated just as Beatrice advice

I even spiced it up to !make it sound nice.

I told you all this prophet are something else

you can’t differentiate the good ones…because the bad ones has dominated. he said

as we discussed more.

all I just have to say is be patients… Gods time is the best

seek God directly… everyone has the right and opportunity to communicate with him.

so Go on your kneels and talk to him,he concluded before going to bed.

the next day I went to see my mom, and i stayed there all through out the day

only to come back and see my worst nightmare.

Good morning mama, I greeted but she eyed me.

so instead of you to stay in your house and seek solution to your problem.

you prefer walking around,aren’t you ashamed of yourself??

your mate in the north are proud grandmothers.. but look at you!

look at how quite this house is, and the only thing you know is to be going around gossiping.

she said piercing my heart…and I just stood there facing down as my eyes clouded with tears.

what’s going on here mom?? what’s it??

honey are you okay?? Collins asked as he held me.

its okay dear ,come on let’s go in…he said pulling me with him.

its not okay ooo, that’s how you always do covering her up.

stay there and be behaving like a he goat..

.until you die childless,then you will receive since idiots!!! mama lashed at us.

I couldn’t help but cry,what have I not done?? I have tried so many things to make sure I conceive.

I have gone to different prophet and churches that even the last one almost landed me on a bad side.

or is the hospitals that I haven’t gone…which hospital have I not visited??

All they say is be patient, keep trying… you are okay. your womb is intact ,you will conceive.

just calm down as if I haven’t calm down enough.

maybe until I enter into the ground, that’s when they will know that I have been calming down.

I keep thinking .

as I cried the more, its okay dear…stop crying ,you should be used to all these by now

Collins said consoling me.

what have I done to deserve this torture??

where did I go wrong I ask?

and he held me to himself… we really need a child ,you need a child…I murmured crying.

where is that man called woman !!! you better come and prepare something for me to eat.

I heard mama shouting and I was really afraid going out.

how will I cope with her in this house?? how will I face her ?? I keep thinking.

Collins held my hands,don’t worry …what am expecting is already near.

and next week you will be starting your business, Collins said cheering me up.

Collins POV

I don’t know how to make my mom understand that is not Sophia’s fault.

though I really need a child and is bothering me…but whom am I to question God.

its only God that gives children, and its just three years of marriage.

whereas some couples have stayed even more than five years,and they still have children at last.

it would have been a different case if something was wrong with any of us…

but we are both fine according to all the hospitals report.

is just a matter of time we will have kids and I believe so.

I was sitting in the sitting room lost in thought when I felt someone tapping me

Good morning mom I greeted immediately I noticed her presence.

what are you still doing here? are you not going to your office today?? she asked staring at me

Am off today mom I said and she gave me a bad stare

you gave yourself off because am here or you were really given an off day today??

she asked eyeing me

you really need to stop this mom,I don’t know what have gotten into you?

you are not the loving and peaceful mom I know, I said sincerely.

I think you are really mad,after giving me grand children..

. I will then become the peaceful and loving mom you once knew nonsense!!!

if it is because of me you are at home that means you are ready to quit your job

she said going to the kitchen and I sighed.

Sophia POV

I have been in my room since cos I don’t know how to face that woman

but I need to prepare something for us to eat in the afternoon.

mtcheeeew!! I will just try and go out so I can clean the house and do other house chores.

I just pray she doesn’t give me trouble.

I went out and headed into the kitchen to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen.

I was on it when she scared me with her words “I thought you will never come out again”

she said and I stood still …good morning ma I greeted.

what is good about this morning?

is it that you don’t have a child or you are barren??

No!! tell me what is good about the morning??

look at you, a woman of the house…its 10 o’clock already and you haven’t cleaned the house.

you have not done anything at all,if not for the bread and tea I drank…

I would have been hungry waiting for the Almighty madam to come and prepare food.

is that how your mother taught you… she barked at me demostrating.

and I didn’t know what to say,I just kept quiet putting myself together.

so you are now deaf and dumb?? she asked giving me a bad stare.

am sorry ma, I burst out trying to control myself from pouring out my feelings.

please mom just let her be…

I wouldn’t like you making my wife uncomfortable in my own house.

Collins said standing up for me

oh!!! so you now have the right to talk to me anyhow…I don’t blame you

after I have carried you for 9months,gave birth to you and took care of you…

you have now grown the wings to talk to me anyhow because of a barren woman.

she said piercing my heart

am not barren I said amidst tears…

as I left there.

I will not really take this from you mom,I will not accept this in my house

Collins said walking out.

eeeehhhh!!! so you are now telling me to go out of your house Collins.

your father and siblings must hear this,she shouted as she followed him.

I never said so mom,look. I don’t know what you have turned into

you should know its God that gives children, and it’s not by our power

Collins said as she continued arguing with him.

Sophia POV

thank God for Collins intervention, if he wasnt at home today, i wonder what would have happened.

but will he continue to stay at home and quit his job??

I keep thinking as I stared at my food

I don’t even have appetite to eat again.

I was done with the house chores and decided preparing jellof rice …

but now ,I don’t have the appetite to eat it.

I kept the food back in the kitchen and covered it as I went back into the room

Hey are you still moody…common cheer up now

hope you have eaten?? Collins asked and I just laid on the bed.

am not hungry I said

alright get dressed let me take you out…I promise you will have fun he said.

and I thought about it,I really need to go out…at least to get my mind off this woman.

I stood up and dressed and he held my hand.

we came out and mama was in the parlor.

where are you two going???

don’t you know ,,you both are suppose to be inside making children

she asked but Collins ignored Her as he pulled me along with him

and we went out…

it was a good thing I followed Collins cos it was really fun.

he lightened my mood up,we went to were he has been eyeing for me to start my business.

we even talked to the caretaker, we went shopping and also ate in one of the classic eateries.

we spent much time together before coming back and I was relieved.

but is that the end??

it was night already and I was thinking of how the next day will be.

I woke up to prepare for Collins to go to work…

good morning honey! Collins greeted me as he came to the kitchen…

I responded and we kissed each other…,so where will you be going today??

I don’t think you should stay alone with mama,he said and i stared at him.

well I think you should go visit your mom,he added.

if I escape your mom today,will I possibly escape her tomorrow and then next??

I don’t think so!! I wouldn’t be visiting my mom Evey day

she will sense something fishy and I don’t want her to know.

Am gonna be fine,don’t worry I said


Are you sure he asked??

Am done with everything, so I will just stay indoors when you leave.

Unless I want to go out ,I said assuring him.

okay before I go out I will give others to Derrick to make sure the generator never offs.

he said and I smiled.

well Collins was done preparing as he took his brief case and left.

I went into !y room and prayed for some minutes then a call came in my phone.

and it was Beatrice my friend.

Hello I said !!

what’s up ,are you at home?? she asked.

yes are you coming over,I asked

and she replied yes.

oh mine,thank God …I will finally have someone to talk to.

I said and she laughed.

An hour later,Beatrice came,and we were in the parlor as I offered her something to drink.

come !! are you married??? I heard mama ask…as I went to get water for my self in the kitchen.

No ma!!! Beatrice answered

oh!!! now I know,…birds of same feather indeed flock together.

she said staring at me as I came out.

Good morning ma I greeted,

there is nothing good about this morning …

so keep your greetings to yourself, she said and went out.

you never told Me she is around, Beatrice ask.

did I even have the chance to tell you before she showed herself.

I said sitting on the couch..

now I know why you were happy when you heard I was coming. she said laughing.

though it wasn’t funny to me.

so how have you been coping she asked??

my dear it was Collins that saved me yesterday. I said

this one you came this morning, are you off at work today??? i asked!!

yea!!! and I have a good news for you she said and I rolled my eyes.

hope is not about any of this prophet?? cos am done with all this prophet and churches.

I said and she laughed.

its not funny okay.

well is not about any prophet. but this time around… somewhere better.

she said and I asked where.

someone told me about this powerful herbalist, and I thought of it…

and I decided telling you.

come on you need to do something,I feel your pain so you just have to give it a try.

she said and I thought of it but I need to tell my husband… we need to agree before I go there.

in case anything happens in future, I don’t want to keep him in the dark…I said.

And she squeezed her face,

Beatrice: what do you think will happen??

come on,you are the one with this pains more…and nothing will happen.

Sophia: I am not really buy it,you don’t understand Beatrice!

okay ,I will give you a reply let me think about it…I said

okay no problem dear,am always there for you…

she replied as we chat about different things.

she stayed for some hour before leaving and I came out to talk with Derrick.

my husband came later that night and I suggested we meet a herbalist to seek solution…

but he rebuked me

I have told you I don’t like that Beatrice of a girl…I have never liked her

and she is the one that suggested this, am not surprise!! after all she is not even a Christian.

Collins said and I regretted telling him.

“look dear,you can’t dine with the devil and Go scot free…and you know that!

don’t let any body mislead you,I know we need a child but is it because of a child…

you will go Bring calamity to yourself and I…he said and he really made sense.

see when the devil gives you something with his right hand…

he uses his left hand to take it back,do you want to do something you will regret after???

he asked and I killed the plans of following Beatrice.

its okay dear,i just wanted to hear from you I said.

there are many other ways,and if you had came up with any of them…

I would have accepted… eg… adopting a child and any other,he said.

and we talked more about other things.

Beatrice called the next day and I told her I wasn’t interested that she should suggests another way.

though she persuaded but later gave up.

that day after everything I went to talk with Derrick…

he is very intelligent and I do learn something from him

though mama came with her problem, and she even touched me with her words…

changing my happy mood,but Derrick still made me laugh…

using her also to make me laugh.

Derrick became my gist And chat mate.

two weeks later my husband started a big supermarket for me…

I was very happy,at least I have something to keep me busy…

even though I have two sales rep.

I was really greatful to him as I started the business…

going out everyday and having the chance of avoiding mama

that doesn’t seems to leave soon.

it was Sunday and we just came back from church…

I was preparing food for the family when my husband elder sister came to visit with her kids.

Good day sis Helen, I greeted and we exchange peasantries

I carried her second two year old child as I played with her…

hey hey hey hey…keep her down mama shouted and everyone including my Husband was surprise…

we were wondering while she shouted I should keep the child down.

Do you want to infect her with your barrenness??

is the mother not a woman like you ??

she said and it touched me.

look at you carrying someone’s child,

when are you suppose to be carrying your own??

if your mother was barren like you,will you be here?? nonsense!! she said

and I couldn’t help but walk away with pains in my heart…

not just me but for the fact she mentioned my mom made it hurt more.

Authoress POV

But mom,that was harsh…Helen said.

shout up your mouth!! what do you know is the meaning of harsh…

can you define harsh??

I just told her the truth and you are here talking about being harsh.

of course truth is bitter,that’s why it sounds harsh. mama said to her

I have heard enough from you mom,I don’t think am enjoying your stay anymore.

Collins said angrily as he walked away.

you must be mad!!, you must be mad for talking to me like that…mama shouted at Collins.

did you just hear your brother?? did you hear how his talking to me.

just because of a woman,he is pushing me out of his house..

.because of a barren woman,mama said to Helen.

calm down mom,its okay but that was really harsh…Helen said and mama gave her a bad stir.

Sophia was in her room sobbing when Collins entered, I just want to be alone please

just let me be for now,Sophia said with her palms covering her face.

and Collins went away sadly.

few minutes later Sophia was still in her room,heartbroken when Helen came in…

can I talk to you?? Helen said

am not really in the mood,Sophia replied.

look am really sorry on behalf of my mom..

.I don’t know what to say but am deeply sorry please

just let me talk to you Helen said…and Sophia agreed.

Have you gone to the hospital to know what’s wrong?? Helen asked.

which hospital have I not gone to???

if you know any,you can tell me please…

Sophia replied sobbing

its okay dear,I feel your pains… there is this great doctor in town

he just came back from UK… he is really good.

you might give it a trial by meeting him…Helen said.

Am ready any time ,Sophia said eagerly.

okay I will come pick you up tomorrow, so we can meet him…Helen said.

then Sophia’s face brighten up a little.

thanks, Sophia said

you are welcome… Helen replied going out.

Collins also came apologizing on behalf of his mother…

you know am always with you and will always be with you.

so don’t ever push me away, Collins said holding her hand

Am sorry,Sophia apologized as they cuddled each other.

Entering into a deep romance and then they both had sex.

Sophia POV

Helen came as promised and she took me to the hospital where we met the doctor.

some medical check up was conducted on me .

And the doc confirmed I was okay,some drugs were prescribed to me.

and we bought them before coming back.

I came back to meet my bestie waiting for me.

she called and I told her to wait for me.

what’s up?? I said to her

am cool you kept me waiting… she said

Sophia: Am sorry I just went to meet a doctor my sister in law told me about.

Beatrice: oh okay…so how did it go?? she asked

and I told her everything including what prompted me to go meet the doctor.

hmmm!!! that woman is really a pain in the neck oo…

where is she self??? Beatrice ask

she might be upstairs, I said

let’s see how the drugs works then we know what next.

but incase it doesn’t work ,you need to rethink about the herbalist.

Beatrice said and I rebuked her.

stop being negative I said

am not being negative, am just saying…but believe me I pray it works. she said and I hissed.

meen!!! your gateman, what’s his name again…Derrick!

he is very good.

he is fun to be with and very intelligent.

do you know he is a graduate??

I was with him as I waited for you…you know I couldn’t stay inside this big and broad house alone.

so I went at least to pass some time with him. Beatrice said and I just rolled my eyes.

he is handsome, I just like his physic…she said again.

and I gave her a weird look…you are really crazy,I said.

and she laughed.

well am taken anyway, if not I wouldn’t waste time…you know me nahh.

she said and I adjusted myself sitting properly.

so you mean ,you now want to be serious with a guy?? I asked surprised

cos Beatrice has always been a player and I always wonder if she will ever think of marriage.

I had talked to her severely, but she will always have a reason to defend that she was not ready for marriage

which made me give up.

so who is this guy that stole my besties heart??? I said sarcastically.

we are even engaged, she said showing me her fingers.

oh my God!! and you never told me.

am so hurt right now,I said squeezing my face.

that’s why I came monkey!!! she said

and we both laughed.

so how did it start??? I asked and she started gisting me.

she is really a joy giver cos I almost forget my sorrows. as she gist me

later that night my husband came and I told him how it all went in the hospital with the doc.

we joined hand together, sealing it with prayers.

for a month now I have been taking the drugs the doctor gave me…

and its finished already but am not noticing any thing.

maybe I should go check myself in the hospital I thought to myself as I sat on the bed.

I got to the hospital and check myself but nothing yet.

oh God,what will I do?? I said as I entered into my car.

well mama is gone and there is peace at home

but does it mean I should be ignorant of the trouble that is about swallowing me

some of my friends and church members that got married exactly when I married…

Now have children ,some are expecting their second child while some third…

when I haven’t gotten anyone.

where did I even go wrong?? I kept thinking as I drive.

I can’t go to my shop like this,I brought out my phone and called Beatrice.

Hey bestie!! are you busy? I ask and I guess she notice the sadness in my voice.

are you okay? do you want me to come over she asked??

and I responded yes before disconnecting the call.

I got home sadly and I went inside to wait for Beatrice.

few minutes later I heard the gate opened and I pipped to see her coming.

what’s wrong?? she asked as she came in.

its just that I have been taking the drugs for a month now…and its finished but nothing is happening.

I explained sadly.

when did you take the last one ??? she asked.

a day before yesterday, I replied.

but you just finished taking it nah,you just have to give it some time she said.

and I thought of it,she is right.

let’s just give it two more weeks and make sure you have sex with your husband every single day.

she said and I agreed with her.

she is really smart…

after that if nothing happens then I will just think of another way. she said and I was happy.

thanks bestie…I said.

its nothing dear,I just have to get back to work.

she said rushing out and I also stayed for some minutes before going to the shop.

its two weeks now and still nothing yet,I was worried as I took the phone and called Beatrice…

am on my way to your house she said as she picked up the call.

I waited for some minutes before she showed up.

so what should we do??I ask as she sits opposite me.

well since you don’t want to meet the herbalist and all this prophet are just something else.

there is one last thing I think you should do…and its some one that gave me that idea.

I think you should try getting pregnant outside,she said and I was shocked.

Sophia POV

Beatrice are you okay, did you really hear yourself… I ask in shock

Sophia you have tried everything and nothing is working, don’t you think there is something wrong??

come on think of it, is it when you lose your husband you will now open your eyes

Collins might support you now….but it will get to a point he will really feel the pains of not having a child

and then he will abide to his mother’s advice,.. believe me his mother will get him another wife,

that will make sure she gives him a child by any means…and then you will know you have lost everything

think of it Sophia something might be wrong somewhere, it might be from Collins or maybe you

that is why you need to find out were the problem is coming from… weather is you or Collins…

by trying to get pregnant outside… if you get pregnant outside then you know it’s Collins

but if you don’t get pregnant outside after trying, then you know it’s you …Beatrice explain

and I was confuse,though she made a point but it’s a very dangerous and difficult one

listen Sophia, I know it’s a difficult thing for you to do but reason with me that if a woman comes in…

hearing you couldn’t give birth…she will make sure she gets pregnant, but if she doesn’t with Collins…

she will go outside and get pregnant, making sure she push you out …you can’t deny

how crazy and desperate ladies are,ladies looking for husband are not smiling nowadays

if you listen to me and try to getting pregnant outside,it doesn’t work…you will now know you are the course

then we will know what to do, and that is when you will take it spiritually, since you are okay physically and healthwise

Beatrice said and I thought of all she said and they were all truth

but how do I go about it??, what if I get busted.. I ask lost in thought

common girl you won’t get busted ,except you open up yourself… you know I will never betray you

and how to go about it depends on you.. Beatrice said

but I wasn’t really okay with it,I was scared…. what if he finds out one day I keep asking

well after doing it with the person you will make sure you do it with your husband that same day

and continue doing it with him every week till you get to nine months…it will help the baby form well

with the help of your husband’s sperm,which will also nourish the child

when the child comes out, he or she will have a little resemblance of your husband

and will also look like you… the possibility of the child looking like the real father will be small

then there will be no suspicion… Beatrice said and I wondered how she got to know all this

how do you know all this, I as marvelled

one of my Fling’s who is a very good doctor told me all this

i went to him to seek solution for you and he gave this advice Beatrice said and I just sigh

but which DNA will the child have?? I ask

hmmm it will be the real father’s own but the doctor said in some case it can be complicated

don’t worry, that is not a problem.. I will handle that when the time comes, I have so many doctors as friends

she said but I kept thinking

you can ponder over it Sophia, when you decide you let me know then we see how it goes

but seriously I don’t have anything to tell you again.. she said and I told her I will give her my reply

since Beatrice left I have been pondering on what she said, its going to be hard for me to do

but is there any other way out..o God please don’t let me do it, I kept thinking

good day ma Derrick greeted and I didn’t even notice when he came in

good day Derrick I said tiredly

ma anything for the boys he ask and I know he is hungry… that has been his slangs anytime his hungry

and sometimes when he finish eating he will stay and gist me,keeping me company

ha you won’t kill me Derrick, sit let me go get something for us to eat cos am hungry too

I said heading to the kitchen

I dish out two plate of porage yam and brought it to the sitting room.. I gave him one and held one then we started eating

hope there is no problem ma,when I came in you were lost in thought and your face looked stress out

he said

mctheew my dear you won’t understand but thank God you are hear to keep me company

I said munching the food in my mouth

to be frank I don’t know but I always feel comfortable and okay with him,I always like talking to him

maybe cos his funny to be with, and there is no dull moment With him

though his very handsome and good looking but my husband is good looking too

Derrick will be around his late twenties while my husband is around his early thirties

we finish eating and I was about carrying our plate to the kitchen

no ma,you be madam na me be the boy here,just give me the plate make I go keep he said

and I chuckled stretching the plate to him,then he went to keep it

ma you did not go to your shop today he ask coming out of the kitchen

I will go there in the evening I said and he sat opposite me

I pray I don’t enjoy your gist\joke and forget I said and we both laugh

the next day

I gave Derrick my car keys to wash the car in and out…and am about going out but he hasn’t brought the keys back

I went out cos am in a hurry,I went and nock on his door… who is that he shouted

were is the key Derrick I want to go out I said,

sorry ma am coming he said

then I notice he is in the bathroom,I turn to leave but I heard the bathroom door open

then I decided to wait so I can get my car key

some minutes later he open the door wide,stretching the key to me…there he was

with a white towel round his waist ,water dripping from his wet body then my eyes lifted to his chest

his body is so broad and masculine that you will wish to rest your head on it

here is the key ma he said bringing me out of my fantasy and I grabbed it and left

its Sunday and my husband is invited to a child dedication by his clique at work

and we are preparing to go together. we got there and was welcome by his clique

who is the child’s father

the occasion started and couples were everywhere, each holding their kids then Beatrice words ringed in my head

And I started thinking if I should do it or not

some kids were playing in my front then one of them started dragging the other child’s heir

stop it I said to the one dragging the other

don’t do that baby girl, its not good.. so let go of her I said and she seems not to listen to me

and the other was in pains, everyone are busy to even notice I stood up and held her

trying to remove her hands from the other little girl’s heir.. stop I said jacking her off

and she rush giving me a bite on the hand just in a flash… arshhh!..

with pain I spank her butt thrice and she cried and left… few minutes later someone was racking

holding the stubborn little girl,coming my way..

so you are the one that beat my child she said as she came close to me,and I notice she is Collins clique at work

I didn’t beat her that much I said explaining what happened but what she said shocked me.

why will you even touch her?? do you know what it is to give birth to a child??

please dont ever do that again!!

you will first report to me, instead of beating her. she said walking away and it really touched me.

I can’t bear this anymore!!! I need to do something, I said putting myself together.

at the end of the dedication we went home but I didn’t tell my husband what happened.

instead I decided calling Beatrice the next day.

what took you so long at the gate?? I asked Beatrice as she came in.

can’t I say hello to our gateman again?? she said and I wink at her.

how is it our gateman?? I asked with an eye roll.

whatever??? am here now, she said sitting beside me.

but Beatrice, how will I have sex with a stranger??

someone I don’t even know, it will be irritating to me I said.

but have you made up your mind?? she asked.

yes!! is just that ,I don’t know how to go about it. I said worried.

leave that to me don’t stress yourself over it,she said and I looked at her.

so what’s your plan,I asked

I will arrange someone for you,she said but I didn’t like the idea.

so how do you want it ?? she asked.

I don’t know!! but you arranging someone for me is something else.

I said as we both thought of some other way.

wait!! do you have any !male friend?? she ask.

I have but they aren’t that close to me…and I can’t do that with them.

NO!!! I said as I imagined it….I just can’t do it with them, I added.

okay!!, what about Derrick??

I know you like him though you don’t love him…but you like him.

he Is the only close person if you don’t want a stranger. she said and I looked at her.

he is our gateman silly girl!!! I said and she laughed.

okay,I have a plan… and I think you should go with him in this plan.

she said and I listened to hear her silly plan.

the plan is, you get yourself a bit drunk…and make sure he comes to see you drinking to stupor.

and he will try to help you,then you get your chance with him.

make sure you dress seductively before you start drinking.

we both know you are inresistable with this your killer body.

so he won’t dare escape your trap,but hey!! …

I won’t fail to hear how that sexy body feels like.

OMG!! those broad chest of his… she said

and I touched her neck to know if she is really okay.

I thought your craziness will come to an end one day.??

but now I know it will never end,I said and she laughed.

so what do you think about the plan?? she asked.

and I was confused, the truth is that I have been trying to avoid Derrick since that day…

and now here is a plan involving him.

come on that’s the last thing in my head now,except you have any other plan.

Beatrice said since I wasn’t responding.

I have been trying to avoid him I said as I explained what happened.

don’t worry with your drunk state, he will know you aren’t with your sence.

she said and I just nod my head as we planned more on it.

the next day

just as Beatrice said,I wore a transparent crop top revealing half of my body…

with a transparent bra showing off my breast

and a very mini short skirts just a little above my butt with a transparent pant

then I sat on the couch in the sitting room with a big bottle of “One man squad” and a glass

well I made it to be in accordance with the time he always come requesting for food.

I poured out the first glass and drink,poured out the second and then third.

my head started spinning me and eyes was now blurring .

I poured out the fourt glass as I sing sipping it.

few seconds later, the door opened and I know is him coming

God why me!! I said and continued singing.

Good morning ma, your boy is loyal ma…he said as he came close.

but seeing me he was uncomfortable.

I dont know what my offence is Derrick?? I don’t know why am being tortured

I said and he seems confused.

what’s the problem ma?? he asked

am really in pains Derrick, a!m in pains but wait let me go and bring your food.

the drink was really affecting me but I was trying my possible best to control myself as I stood up

taking a step I tried falling but he was very fast to catch me.

is okay ma,I will come later and eat…he said dropping me on the couch,and I held him.

I already dished your food out,you don’t have to starve,you can go get it from the kitchen.

then come stay here and eat please!! I said.

you don’t have to worry, I will be okay he said but I persisted and he agreed.

okay let’s go so I will show you where it is I said.

No! you can’t even walk by yourself, don’t worry let me go get it myself.

tell me where it is, he said and I told him.

Derrick POV

I got to the kitchen and I search for were the food is and took it.

I was worried, worried why she got herself drunk…I knew there was something eating her up.

but she has never opened up to me

I guess its she being childless cos that’s what I always hear her mother in law say when she was here.

but is it why she got herself drunk??

will drink solve the problem, I asked myself as I went out of the kitchen.

getting to the sitting room, I saw her gulping another glass of alcohol

I wanted to leave but if I do,she will destroy everything in this house or even hurt herself.

so I dropped the food and rushed to her,collecting the glass and bottle of ONE MAN SQUAD from her.

stop it please, look at how you messed yourself up I said

give it back she said trying to drag the glass from me

she was really drunk…let me take you to your room I said.

No no no eat first,after eating you can take me she said

and I dropped her on the couch cos I was really hungry and it seems she knows.

she has always been understanding shaa…I carried the alcohol away and kept it in the bar.

came back ,grab my food bouncing on it . while eating she was singing and later started dancing.

before I know it she was close to me as she started twerking,shaking her butt and bending down.

I can’t take it anymore!! cos she is good as naked

I dropp my food and grab her ,taking her to her room before I commit sin.

where?? I asked as I got upstairs

there !! she said pointing to no where in particular.

oh my!! what do i do now?? I said ,then I decide dropping her in any of the rooms.

I got to the second room and it was open then I got in.

but when I try dropping her on the bed,she grab me and we both fell on the bed.

stay with me she said grabbing my cork.

urshhh!!! this woman is really making things worst for me.

I try standing up but she held me with all her strength.

help me please she said and I didn’t know what to do cos she was just naked.

her nipples are really mouth watery with her sexy body…my cork is already hard.

and she is worsening things by climbing on me,making her breast press my chest.

and her private part pressing my cork,I couldn’t take it anymore as I grab her tight

and pulled her skirt up,placing her on the bed properly

and I pulled my trouser off,then I intrusted in her,grabbing her breast hungrily.

I wasn’t really myself doing all that ,I pulled everything off her body bouncing on her.

she is really sweet and I really enjoyed every part of her body.

she held me so tight,we were on it for minutes and due to how sweet she is…

I didn’t know when I poured everything in her.

OMG! I said as my eyes cleared and I noticed what I just did.

I woke up with a heavy headache as I rolled on the bed,

I felt I was naked and I checked myself to confirm I was naked.

omg!! I shouted as everything played on my head…

how will he see me now,how will I even cope with him in this house??

I kept thinking then my phone ranged,I checked and its Beatrice calling.

hello!! I said to her…

what’s up? did you succeed?? she ask

and I responded yes bitterly…

hey I know you don’t feel comfortable w it but you just need to do it.

after all,just this one…so chill. she said and I hissed.

how,was he?? she asked and I know we was really crazy not just a joke anymore.

even in this odd condition,you are still being silly…are you for real? I said and she chuckled.

OK am sorry please,am sorry nah she added And said okay…

so what’s next? I ask

just give it a week then you go for a test but don’t forget to also give your husband this night.

make sure he poures everything into you she,said.

naughty girl, I said before disconnecting the call.

had been thinking of how to face Derrick and I haven’t gone out since .

Derrick POV

I don’t know what to do ,I have been thinking of how to face Mrs Sophia and am very hungry…

my stomach is rumbling even the food I wanted to eat in the morning,I did not eat it to my satisfaction.

and its evening already,mtcheeew Nawa oh!!

how can I go inside there now? I kept thinking as I thought of rice.

Sophia POV

I was in the guest room downstairs still thinking all that happened

I pray it works,if not it will pain me…after everything it doesn’t work.

it will work ,i need to be positive about it..I said and I heard a noise in the house.

I listened well to know where the tiny noise is coming from and its from the kitchen…

I came out and walked quietly to the kitchen,entering I saw Derrick quietly opening the fridge…

I guess he turned back to check if someone was looking and was shock to see me… mm we both starmmard,I just couldn’t ask what he was doing there.

Am sorry,its just that am very hungry…I dont want to disturb you .

I know its wrong coming to take something without your permission,am sorry he said.

and I remembered he didn’t finish his food,he must have been hungry since morning.

so is that the reason why you took advantage of me?? I ask angrily as if I don’t know anything about it .

you got wrong ma,you were the one all over me,he said

and I gave him a dagger stare,I was drunk you fool!! I barked.

but you were nothing different from naked,when I came into the sitting room…

not just that you were drunk,he,said piercing my heart with that…

and I know I will be at lost if i continue arguing.

I tried my best to avoid it but you never really gave me the chance to…

am sorry but its not really my fault he said.

and I have no choice but to accept…me too,am sorry ,I didnt know what I was doing please…

let this be only between me and you please I begged.

I would be stupid to even say it out…my deeds he said.

and I was,relieved and assured me…am really sorry,let’s just live like it never happened.

I said as I dished out food for him …thank you ma he said leaving with the food.

Derrick POV

that was,really close but why did she dress seductive?

was,she expecting her husband?

anyway,thats her cup of tea,she was really sweet…oh Derrick! you are insane,forget it.

Sophia POV

My husband came back and I gave it to him like never before.

two weeks later,I had been feeling really sick and weak this days…

I don’t know why,I just pray am pregnant…I got ready as i went to the hospital.

few minutes later after the test I was called into the doctors office.

congratulations Sophia,you are pregnant he,said and it was,as if i start numbing around.

OMG!! are you serious I ask happily??

yes!! and here is the result,he said stretching it to me .

And I collected it happily as I left…I got home home and called Beatrice…

it worked, it worked bestir you are one in a million I said as she picked up the call.

Alright chill am coming over before disconnecting the call.

so you mean you are Now pregnant? Beatrice aske as she came in.

yes yes yes i shouted hugging her.

that means it wasnt really your fault,anyway thank God for Derrick opening the way for Collins.

she said and I eyed her

come on girl,you know am just sayin the obvious not that I will go spill it out…

after all we both have secret we are covering for each other ,so why will i betray you …

when I know you can also give me out,she said and I just rolled my eyes.

you know I trust you even more than my mom,and we have always gat each others back I said.

you know I gat your back she said and am so happy for you she added.

Beatrice spend some time with me before leaving.

it was night and I was waiting for my husband to inform him the good news.

few minutes later he came back.

welcome honey I said as I hugged and kissed him.

oh my sweetheart how are you?? Collins asked

am fine,how was your day at work i asked?? collecting his breifcase

it was really heatic he,said and I held him.

its okay honey,just go freshen up…I have a good news for you. I said and he chuckled.

okay,I can’t wait to hear this goodness he said going upstairs.

I arranged the good in the dinning,keeping the pregnancy result on his seat.

he was done and came down,so whats this goodnews he said coming to the dinning.

and all I just did was smile as he came,he was about sitting then he saw,the envelope.

he stretched and picked it,what’s this he asked??

I don’t know,maybe you should check it out I said.

and he opened it and read.

Collins POV

I opened the envelope and read,I couldn’t believe my eyes.

OMG!! my wife is pregnant I shouted as I grab her…

so am gonna be a father? am gonna be a father I said happily.

what do you want from me now? just say it full of joy, I asked.

I don’t know now,but if I find out what I want I will tell you.

she replied and I kissed her.

mama will be very happy to hear this I said to her.

you see I told you to be patient that God time is the best…

I know my God will never fail me I said thanking God.

Sophia POV

I am happy to see my husband happy,even though I know its not his…

the news got to mama and she was very happy that she decide to come visit.

my mom and siblings were very happy for me…I know,God will never fail my mom said when I visited her.

(one month later)

I am expecting Beatrice since she said she was coming but for hours now,I havent seen her.

and I have been calling her but she is not picking.

I decided to go see her my self but as,I came out I saw,her coming out from Derricks apartment.

and they were even kissing…I dont know why but I was hurt and jealous.

then I went towards them…I guess they saw me coming and disengaged.

I have been waiting for you Beatrice I said eyeing Derrick as I tried to control my anger.

am sorry for keeping you waiting,come on let’s go she said grabbing my hands

but I didnt know when I removed my hand from hers as I walked ahead of her.


Hey what’s the problem beatrice ask?

did you too have sex? Sophia ask

what’s that question for? does it really matter to you ? just wanted to take my own share.

why being so upset? she ask

nothing I said even though it pained,its just that him seeing me and seeing you is not good. I said

Are you sure you are saying the truth? she ask and I eyed her.

come on tell me the truth cos it seems like you are falling for him. she said.

I just told you the truth.

whatever!! keep lying to yourself but am sorry anyway and am not going again…

you should have told me you wanted him,then I won’t have near but if you still want to

continue hiding the feelings from your bestir,thats your cup of tea. she said standing up to go .

wait! am sorry please sit,you know you are the only one that understand me well…

you are like a twin to me,am sorry for my little reaction…okay,its just that I don’t know what is wrong with me.

I can’t take my mind of him .

I don’t know what to say now, but trust me you need to stop that feeling .Beatrice said

I need your help Beatrice,how will I ??

I don’t know but what will you do about your husband? Beatrice asked

I don’t know ooo!!! Sophia said

hmm what a complication,just stay away from him till I think of a way out.

okay I said and we both talked more before she left.

I don’t know what to do ,ever since I had sex with Derrick…I can’t let my mind off him.

truth be told,he was really good and satisfying…not that my husband doesn’t try but…

he was just special,his body alone is so enticing.

I was still lost in thought when he came in unknown to me, good day ma he said.

bringing me out of my thought,Derrick i said staring at him.

he is on singlet showing off his masculine body.

Anything for the boy ma,he said and I know he is hungry.

what were you doing with my bestie I ask?

nothing ma,he said

so after exercising your strength on her,you have now come for me to give you food. I said eyeing him

I don’t know what you are saying ma he,said and I rolled my eyes.

well you will know now,I said and stood up as I went close to him grabbing his cock caressing his body.

m..m.m.m he star mad and I grab his cock more romancing him.

this is not right ma,he,said

but it was right doing it with my bestie I said and he tried to defend himself but I cut him short with a kiss.

while kissing him I pulled his trouser down and then bent down,giving him a blow job

ursssh!! he moaned

and I put more pressure as he continued moaning.

Derrick POV

if I knew I would have starved for a little while,maybe in the night I would have eaten

but what choice do I have now when she is making me go crazy.

he way she is treating my cock I feel like Cumming…I can’t take it anymore as i grabbed her.

laying her on the couch then I tore her pant,entrusting in her as I bounced on her.

bouncing on her I grabbed her breast,squeezing it then I sucked them.

almost an hour after I cum on her.

geez!! I didnt cum inside her this time around,she is really good in me different style

I rushed up trying to go out.

Aren’t you hungry again,i heard her say and I turned to see her smiling.

what’s even making her smile? is she really comfortable cheating on her husband?

I thought to myself then I came back sitting opposite her.

see derrick I know is wrong but I can’t get my mind off you since that day.

I just hope you will never let my husband know,I think am falling for you derrick she said.

And I became dumb,I can’t believe my ears.

please just let this be between us she added.

and I didnt know what to say but kept mute.

let me go get your food she said and stood up heading to the kitchen.

tell me am not dream in,I whispered to myself.

oh God!! am in shit!! I pray I don’t put myself in trouble one day.

how do I handle this now I keep thinking as she brought me the food.

here she said stretching it to me and I collected it,hungrily I munch the food into my mouth.

we were both quite as I ate.

I finished eating and was about taking the plate to the kitchen…

I will go keep it she said standing up as she collected the plate from me.

thanks I said then she headed to the kitchen.

please derrick just let this between the both of us she said coming out of the kitchen.

and I nodded then left.

Sophia POV

I don’t know how it all happened but I pray I dont get caught…

but if I say I didnt enjoy the sex,i will be liar.

he was really good,this is what am talking about.

the fire part of him but my husband is very cold and not hard…

I really enjoyed every bit of him including his his broad chest and masculine body.

that night my husband came back telling me mama will be visiting the next day…

and I wasn’t happy cos if she comes now, I and derrick wont have that pleasure time again.

except we make it work,why didnt she come since…when she heard I am pregnant…

she promise visiting and I thought it was the next day only to wait and she didnt come.

its two months and she now want to come and disturb my peace mtcheeew!! I hissed

after thinking of it.

hey i know mama have wronged you in so many ways,please forgive her…

she has really tortured you and I know but for my sake and for the love we share forgive.

I know she must have realize her mistake and I know she will treat you very well Collins said.

I just sighed.

I have decided on getting you a house help to do the house chores…

I can’t risk you doing it again,especially I this condition…

you that know how much I have been expecting a child but I just wanted to be patient.

so I don’t want to stress you anymore and I have decided bringing the maid this weekend Collins said and I didnt know what to say.

At that moment…I told him I will think about it.

No!! you don’t have to think about it,I won’t let you do house chores again please.

for the sake of our unborn child he said but I just nod…

its just that I love the privacy I have here and I dont want much people in the house…

though I was bored but now I don’t think its bored anymore especially with Derrick here,I thought to myself.

hope am not going against your will he,ask and I nod negative.

the next day

I was in my room room resting when I heard Collins and mama’s voice.

where is our wife oo?? she shouted and I came out,take it easy please…

Derrick go and help her come down,don’t stand there and watch like a moron. she said

and derrick rushed to me,all I did was,just wondered if she was that same woman that hurled insult on me.

hope you have eaten she ask as I came close to her.

yes ma I said forcing a smile on my face.

please don’t mind my actions before,that wasn’t me.

I know my son married a good and gentle woman with a heart of gold.

I know you will forgive me my child,please forgive me…I know everything will be fine

cos I always pray for you and I know God never fails,please my child dont remember all those time.

Sophia pov

all she said made me wonder if she was for real,…its okay ma,

I forgive you i said trying to sound nice

thank you my child she said hugging me,hope my son is not stressing you in this house?

she asked.

and I nodded no.

am here now,don’t worry I will make sure I take good care of you.

she said and i still nodded.

you are still standing there derrick while my bags are here.

take it inside she said to derrick and Derrick took her belongings inside smiling.

mama change and was really nice to me,then I know it is good to be pregnant.

she doesn’t let me do any thing,she brought her maid to the house to do all the house chores.

while she wakes up every morning to prepare something for me to eat.

she pampers me as if am the child she is expecting.

my happiness came back to me…beatrice always come visiting and she also observed it.

is this not you mother in law? she asked the first day she noticed.

my dear you have seen It now,now I know how important and good it I to have a child.

I said and we both laughed.

hope you have killed that feeling you have for your gateman? she ask winking at me.

I haven’t bestie,the worst is that it keeps increasing and i dont know what to do.

do you know after you left that day,we had a hot sex together. I said and she opened her eyes wide.

after that day the feelings increased and i keep wanting him more.

I explained in a low tone.

are you really okay Sophy? you are risking your marriage she said.

Sophia:I don’t know what to do,beatrice please help me.

Beatrice: I think you should tell you husband to sack him

Sophia:are you okay bestie?. what will I tell him is the reason I want derrick sacked.

and you know I just can’t sack him like that,he did nothing to me …please suggest something else.

I don’t know what to suggest again than for you stop seeing him,

just avoid him and try to kill the feelings.

Beatrice said and I just nod ,I will try I said.

she stayed for some time before she left.

after that day I tried to avoid derrick even though it was really hard for me.

its Sunday and i decided not to go to church,

so my husband left with mama to church leaving me behind.

I was in my room then decided to go take some juice in the kitchen,slowly i walked to the kitchen.

getting to the door I saw derrick discussing wit the maid .

they were so engross in the discussion that they didnt notice I was at the door.

they were backing me, though the stupid maid was laughing so foolishly…

as derrick continue cracking the joke.

I was boiling inside me,he was wearing a T shirt that stuck to his body with a fitted trouser…

and I saw the girl scanning him all through,then i cleared my throat…

and they both turned to me,

Good morning ma,the girl said In fear as she continue what she was doing

after moving away from derrick.

Good morning ma derrick greeted coming out of the kitchen.

and I also move away to the sitting room,

I want you In my room I said as he came to the sitting room. then I left

I was in my room and a knock came on the door…

come in I said knowing fully well it will be derrick…

and he came In…

what are you doing with the maid derrick I asked??

nothing,we were just discussing he said

then i stood up and went close to him…are you sure? I whispered standing very close to him.

yea…he said

I don’t want to see you close to the maid please derrick please!! I said and he sighed.

okay he said and i felt happy inside.

I went and lock the door ,then came close to him and kissed him…

he tried resisting at first but later cooperated…

kissing him I realize how much i have missed and wanted him inside me.

my body reacted to it,the kissing got intense and he started pressing my butt…

taking my breast into his mouth…he continued walking on my body,

then he took me to the bed and there we had another gentle but loving and sweet sex.

He cummed inside me and I wasn’t angry though.

we were done and i rested on his chest wit his arms holding me.

what I have always wanted Is to be in his arms and It really felt so good.

I need to go now he said and I nodded even though I needed him to stay more and be around me.

but he left…

few hours later my husband and mama came back.

welcome honey i said to my husband…

welcome ma,I said to mama…

have you eaten my child? mama asked

and I responded nodding.

hope you weren’t bored when we left? ma husband asked as he held my waist and we went upstairs.

I wasn’t i responded and he kissed me.

derrick and I we’re always into each other outside the house.

we started hanging out secretly in a hotel and guess house far away.

I became too fond of him.

after school,chelsea my younger sister visited and was always with me.

I love my sister and she is so loving to be with…though I do make out time for derrick…

and at the same time ,I am always with my husband too.

who is trying to make me happy.

seeing Chelsea talk to derrick atimes make me jealous but I have to let go…

its just a mare talk anyway.

and its not always…Beatrice never stop visiting though she always warns me about the risk am taking…

but I do tell her I have a plan and no one will find out.

she will soon be getting married”Dan ask me to marry him she said to me the last time she visited,

feeling very happy and I was happy for her too”.

Beatrice of all people is getting married and am very happy…

it seems this very guy used charm on her.

cos Beatrice have never loved a guy After her first heart break.

and she has been very dangerous to men…she has a gang she belong to and only I know.

even her family doesn’t.

she killed her sister’s husband that cheated and dumped her sister for someone else.

(flash back)

she hooked up with him and the man never knew it was her…then when they met,

the man knowing fully well she is his sister In law still wanted to sex her.

there and then Beatrice killed him ,cutting off his manhood…

though she regretted It but It was out of anger,its just that some men are so annoying and foolish…

so I don’t blame her,I was with her that day but I didn’t see when she killed him.

I just came only to see his dead body in the hotel as she narrated what happened to me.


I got ready to go for anti natal,and am also going to scan today…

my husband Is already waiting outside for me,I went out to join his as he opened the car for me …

and I entered then we zoomed off.

we first went for the anti natal before going for scan…

while we want to go for scan is to know the gender of the baby.

so I will know what to buy,though I hear scan do give wrong info atimes

but we just want see how it goes for us.

we went to the doctor to perform the scan on me,we did the scan and what we saw…

and we were told shocked us,I cant believe this…my husband said.

God is really wonderful my husband said…

oh my God am carrying two children,is really a shock to me….

am very happy,and my husband couldn’t express his happiness.

So am going to be papa ejima? she said teasing me…

wow God is good he added and i just nod smiling.

My husband took the result and we went home,I told Beatrice and she was happy for me.

though she doesn’t have time to come cos her marriage Is taking place tomorrow…

which she is busy planning.

Beatrice marriage was really awesome.

Months later

its my ninth month now and am expecting my babies any time soon…

Chelsea went back to school.

its night and Collins came back as usual…

we were in the dinning eating when my water broke and immediately i started having slight pain in my abdomen.

I quickly alerted Collins who rushed dressed and carried me to the car…then drove to the hospital.

I gave birth to my twins in the middle of the night (a boy and a girl)

my happiness knew no bound and my husband was filled with joy…

at dawn…the news got to everyone and my mom came over to the hospital.

same wit my mother in law,Beatrice was really happy for me…she also came to visit in the hospital.

I was discharged the next day,then I came back home…

there where joy everywhere as people came congratulating and visiting.

My mother in law with my mom both stayed with me to take care of me…

At this juncture was when I understood and felt the joy of a mother…

then I realize what I was missing since.

thank God I took the bold step cos its really a thing of joy to me…

especially having a twin which is classified as double blessings.

Things fall in place and everything became nice…

am not that barren woman anymore!!

after the umugwu, my mother and mother in law both left…

and I am left with my family….I started taking care of my children as they grow up.

(2 years later)

my twins name Gabriel & Gabriella turned “two” looking so beautiful like me…

and a slight resemblance with Collins but a different character I don’t know where they got it from.


Anyway,they are so loving and Collins never jokes with them…

in fact ,he gives them more attention than anyone including me.

as days go by,Chelsea came to stay with us…

I was happy but while with us she became very close to derrick than before.

Before i never bothered,but this time around I am so disturbed…

not for anything but owning to the fact that I don’t want to be exposed.

and also derrick and i still meet at times,

not like before though but we still see each other…and I wouldn’t want Chelsea to get involved.

it can be someone else but not chelsea my sister.

the jealousy has reduced but some part of it is still left.

I was in my room when I had footstep and noise in the parlor.

hey derrick,I heard Chelsea call

hey pretty i heard derrick replied.

should I get your food?? she ask


then some minutes later derrick said thanks dear.

and this time around I was up watching,then derrick kissed her.

that alone shocked me,I can’t believe this!!

Derrick is really a poisonous snake ,I thought within me as he left.

then I came down,Chelsea I called and she turned to me…

what’s going on between you guys ?? I asked

Nothing big sis,we are just friends she said and I squeeze my face.

friends!! and he kissed you? I asked.

well I don’t know what to say about that ,we are just close friends and nothing else…

she said and I got angry.

what does she take me for??

do I look like a child that she can deceive?…I just hate lies.

but I saw him kissed you and you say his just a friend.

is that how friends does??…why lying to me I said angrily.

Believe me sis I was shocked too,but we are just close friends and nothing more…

moreever this is the first time he is kissing me.

you saw it,I didn’t even reciprocate…she said and I became confused.

I believe Chelsea cos I know my sister,she doesn’t lie not even when she is caught red handed.

so I went back to my room planning to confront Derrick.

Derrick pov

the first time I laid my eyes on Chelsea,Sophias younger sister…

I didn’t have any feelings for her ,all I just wanted was a taste of her…

just as I have tasted her sister.

But then I realize she Is different,she isn’t like her sister as I expected.

the first time she came,I tried getting her attention but she wasn’t giving me…

she is just different unlike other girls that will drool over me,and try forcing their self on me.

she didn’t even drool or admire me one bit,I would just greet her and she will reply and leave.

the little time we cracked jokes together I found out she is really intelligent unlike her elder sister…

and she is plain and truthful,she is absolutely different from others.

I used to hear all girls aren’t the same,but I never believed It until i met her.

and that alone marvelled me.

then I wanted her not just as a girlfriend but as a wife…

I never knew I would be this close to her now cos she was ignoring me.

I tried asking for her mobile number but she didn’t give till she left.

After she left the first time,i later saw her on Facebook and we started chatting…

I must be sincere,i fell in love with her cos she is everything a man would ever want.

she is decent,beautiful and intelligent…not like any other girl.

I continued trying to get her attention,telling her I love her.

but she continued posting me,and when she told me she was coming to visit again…I was really happy.

Finally she is here,and we are going along unlike before she never gave me any attention.

we usually talk about things including school and any time we are together…

I keep wishing i get her.

in the process of we getting closer I found out she has been hurt and heartbroken…

she kept her virginity till her higher institution ,until one idiot finally got her and later…

took away her virginity,leaving her heartbroken.

I don’t know why some guys don’t like good things…hearing her being heartbroken pains me a lot.

and since then she has been locking up her self…

after she told me this,I then realize why she has been ignoring me.

and why she isn’t giving me a chance but that alone increased my love for her…

And am not giving up on her unless she doesn’t want me.

After we discussed yesterday,she gave me her number and I was really happy…

she just prepared this food for me and I really appreciated it,

that was why I kissed her after collecting it from her.

the food taste really nice,she is really a good cook I mumbled while eating.

as i just finish eating my phone ringed…I checked to know the caller…

mtcheeeew!!! this woman will not just let me be…

What does she want from me now?

why wont she just focus on her family,I murmured before picking up the call.

Hello I said

we need to talk she said

and I wondered what she wants to talk about.

meet me in that hotel,she said and disconnected the call.

mtcheeew!! am not really interested In this game again

but I just need to keep playing it until I get what we agreed on.

then I can leave and stabilize myself,I murmured under my breath

as I went in to dress and get ready to go hear what she wants to say.

Chelsea pov

I was shocked he kissed me,I never knew my big sis was watching…

but what’s wrong with him anyway? why did she react that way??

is Derrick not good? I keep thinking…

I think I should still keep on watching before accepting him.

I don’t really want to make another mistake,though I have fallen for him.

I had liked him from the first time I saw him…but am not that type that throw herself on a man.

I have dignity and am a shy type…I don’t want to behave like other girls

and I also don’t want get heartbroken.

so I like focusing on my life not letting anybody in.

Derrick and i met on Facebook after i left the first time and he has been disturbing me…

I keep snubing him but as I came back this second time…

I have noticed he is good,though I can’t tell if he is pretending…I just want to give him a chance.

Giving him a chance but I will also be careful even though I have feelings for him.

I headed towards his apartment to take the plate so I can wash them.

I met him coming out of his room ,dressed to go out.

are you going somewhere? I asked.

yea,I just want to get something…will be back soon,he said.

okay,I need the plate,I said and he went in and brought the plate for me.

Sophia pov

what’s taking him so long? I said as I dailed his line.

Am here already he said as he picked up the call.

few minutes later he came in looking nice and handsome as usual…

why are we here? he asked.

what’s going on with you and Chelsea? I asked.

I don’t understand he said…

what don’t you understand? I saw you kiss her some hours ago.

anyway i dont know what it is between you two but don’t just go there.

don’t even try it!! I said squeezing my face.

well I dont know what you are talking about ,he said and I eyed him.

thats your business,I have just told you. I said and stood up walking out.

Derrick pov

omg!! this is really crazy…how did she get to know I kissed Chelsea…

she is really crazy to say i should stay away from Chelsea…I think she is not okay.

what’s all this self?? I murmured walking out of the room.

I got back and knocked on the gate,and Chelsea opened it.

seeing her i remembered what her sister said but I do love Chelsea…

I got in and after she closed the gate I held her hand…

I love you chelsea,please just tell me if you love me…

I don’t want you to accept me now,you can accept me anytime…

but just tell me if you feel the same way for me.

let me know…I want to know where I stand,I said looking straight into her eyes.

then she removed her face starmmaring…dont know…she said.

please Chelsea,i want to know,you can accept me anytime you want

but let me know am not gonna fight in vain.

I said and she looked at me …

I don’t understand! what fight are you talking about? she ask.

you wont understand now but I believe you will get to know later.

just tell me please,I said and she pulled out her hands and ran inside.

mtcheew!! i sighed frustrated and it done on me that Sophia could be watching.

I checked around to see if she is back but she is not…

thank God I murmured going inside.

Chelsea pov

I don’t even understand Derrick,is this another way of making me fall for him …

so he will use and dump me… hmm…guys are just so dramatic.

full with different tactics…the drama he acted just keep ringing In my head.

Derrick pov

Chelsea just keep making things difficult for me by avoiding me.

for some days now,she has been avoiding me and its really affecting me.

I was sitting in my duty post when my phone ringed,and it was sophia again.

I have not been talking to Chelsea for some days now,so why is she calling me?

I said then I picked the call.

hey,can you come to the hotel we met last? she said and I was quite.

should i be expecting you? say something na…

okay am sorry for last time,we just need to see

she said

and I disconnected the call.

I dressed and headed there to hear what she is about to say…

I got there to see her lying half naked on the bed.

why am I here?,I asked not smiling at all.

come on na!! okay just calm down and tell me why you are acting like this,she said.

and headed to the door,locking it.

I thought you said you had something to say,I asked being serious.

is there something bad in missing my man?? she said caressing my body.

Am not your man,you are married for cry out loud,

and I will never be your man i said taking her hand off me.

so its now you know am married? since you never knew i was married?

you better cooperate with me cos you started it,unless you want to lose the 3million I promised you.

and also the job opportunity my husband is working out for you. she said holding my cork.

Are you blackmailing me ,I asked defeated.

come on let’s go down on this,she said giving me a blow job.

when will I be expecting the 3million I asked after we were done.

I have told you before,immediately you get the job but in case the job doesn’t work which is impossible.

I will give it to you on your birthday coming up in four months time just as I have promised.

she said and I hissed dressup and walked out.

getting home I knocked on the gate,and I was lucky to see Chelsea…

Hi I said…welcome she replied not giving me a glance.

please if its because of what I said last time you are avoiding me…am sorry.

let’s just be as before I said but instead she try walking out on me…and I held her hand.

if I can stop thinking about you i will be happy…

but since I can’t,it really hurts a lot. I said and left her hand walking inside.

Chelsea pov

I dont really know what to do now, just dont wanna get hurt…

should i accept him?? I keep thinking as I walked inside.

Derrick pov

After what I said to Chelsea that day…she started talking to me.

though it felt nice and i was really happy but I didn’t show it…

I just maintained cool,praying she one day feel the same way I feel for her.

I was at the gate as usual keeping myself busy with my phone…then came Chelsea.

Hey derrick she said

what’s up Chelsea,I replied not looking at her.

can I sit? she ask

yea…sure! have a sit and she sat close to me.

so what are you doing on your phone? she asked

just keeping myself busy i said as I continue scrolling through my phone.

I have something to tell you Derrick,she said.

what’s that ?? I asked taking my attention from the phone as i looked at her.

well right from the first day I saw you ,I have liked you…

but i was shy and scared of getting used and dumped.

I never wanted to get hurt ,so I just mind my business…

but as time pass bye and we started getting close to each other…

I fell for you,not just a mere like…but I also feel the same way you feel for me.

that is, if you are even saying the truth which am scared of.

why I never gave you any answers,its because i was scared of letting you know my feelings.

to avoid you playing with it,she said …playing with her fingers.

and I couldn’t explain how happy I am.

I don’t know how to show you that I love you,yea…I know is a mere talk,you hear from people too.

But believe me i can’t sleep without thinking of you,I really love you chelsea.

I don’t just want a friendship from you,I want a life time relationship with you.

I said and kissed her hand…then we heard her name from inside.

oh!!! Sophia might be watching…OMG!! did she see anything?

I asked myself as Chelsea walked away.

Sophia pov

I have been looking for Chelsea so we can go out together…

I have gone to the guest room and even the kids room ,she isn’t there.

since she is not around,I decided to go out alone…on my way going out.

I saw her from the window with derrick,they were so close to each other…

engrossed wit their conversation,though I couldn’t hear what they were discussing about…

so I stood behind the window watching them.

then ,they became so emotional and derrick held Chelsea hand and kissed them.

I said it, I knew they were in a relationship but they keep hiding it.

derrick is really daring me and for Chelsea,I never know she is a chronic liar.

I wonder when she became such a liar I kept thinking.

I will need to warn her,I said then called her name.

few minutes she was inside…

sit I said ,sitting on the couch then she sat abreast me.

I remember I asked you before what was going between you and derrick but you lied to me.

I thought you were really innocent and I believed you…

when did you become such a liar? I asked trying to calm my anger down.

am sorry big sis but I didn’t lie to you…the thing there is that I have been having feelings for derrick.

but I wasn’t really sure and I wanted to give him some space…

and he too has feelings for me,he has been disturbing me about It…

but i just wanted to be sure he loves me,and now I understand how I really feel about him.

so I just agreed dating him now.

we were never in a relationship before,we just started it now.

she said smiling and I felt like smashing her mouth…

all this was going on and you never told me,I asked.

I just wanted to be sure before telling you,am sorry!

now I know I really love him sis and he loves me back,she said.

well derrick isn’t good for you,so back off and kill that feelings!!!

cos I won’t support you and will definitely not allow you have anything to do with him.

I said and she looked at me.

but why,what’s wrong with him?? how is he not good,she asked.

and I just hissed…

hey Chelsea,i know what is good for you but Derrick isn’t…trust me I said and she just stared at me.

then I stood up and left.

derrick is really trying me I said heading to my car.

open the gate!!! i shouted then entered my car.

Chelsea pov:

I don’t really understand whats going on, why doesn’t she like Derrick??

she is always behaving weird because of this issue.

but what’s wrong with derrick? I keep thinking still sitting on the couch.

how can i stop loving derrick when my love for him keep growing each day…I just can’t.

what happened dear?? derrick asked bringing me out of my thought.

nothing I said not wanting to bother him…

you don’t need to lie to me cos I know something is definitely wrong.

what did Sophia say to you,he asked and I was shocked to hear him speak that way.

what’s going on?? do you guys know each other somewhere?? I asked

what did she tell you ?? he asked back.

okay ,she said you aren’t good for me that i should kill any feelings i have for you.

so tell me, what going on? have you wrong her before? I asked looking at him.

why didn’t you asked her what I did and why am not good for you.

you should have asked her to tell you the reasons she want me to stay away from you

he said and I knew he wasn’t happy inside.

I don’t know what to say but thank God you love me too.

and I will do everything within me to fight for our love he said holding my hands.

hope you won’t listen to her? he asked and I kissed him.

I can’t stop loving you at this point,am with you I said and we hugged each other.

But why is my big sis so upset about him ? I keep thinking.

Derrick pov

seeing Sophia upset as she came out of the house shouting at me…

I knew something was definitely wrong… who knows? maybe she saw us together

so after opening the gate and she left,I rushed inside to meet Chelsea…

as I got in she was lost in thought that she didn’t notice my presence…

I know Sophia will want her to stay away from me and I won’t take that from her.

she is married!! I wonder why she wants to hold my life captive?

to hell with her money!! she jus want to keep me captive while she is free with her family…

enjoying herself,well that won’t work.

I will just try to be patient for a little while to see if the job the husband want to secure for me will really work….

then everything ends.

after the hug I tried taking Chelsea’s mind off her by cracking jokes before going back to my duty post.

Sophia pov:

I was really angry,so I went to Beatrice house…I just needed someone to talk to.

hey bestir,this one you came unannounced…hope everything is fine? she asked as I sat on the couch.

so what should i offer you?

am not in a good mood to take anything I said and she sat beside me.

what’s the problem dear?? she asked?

Sophia: Can you imagine that stupid derrick going after my sister…

at first I thought they were just mere friends and then I saw him kissed her.

I asked Chelsea but she said nothing was going on…

I also asked Derrick and he lied to me that he doesn’t even know what am saying.

then I warned him to stay away from her.

do you know today I also caught them together with derrick kissing her again.

I angrily called chelsea to know why she lied to me…and she said rubbish of having feelings for him…

I have told her to stay away from derrick and if she doesn’t, she won’t like my actions.

Beatrice: I can’t believe this,but what will derrick go after your sister?

does he want to have sex with two sisters?

ah!! nawa oo…Chelsea should stay away from him and as for derrick…

he should go outside not your sister cos he is going beyond his boundary.

I think you should let him be,let him leave and go face his life…

you are facing yours already.

you are married for cry out loud ,so let him go get someone else and face his life.

Beatrice said and I stared at her angrily…

we are saying something important and you are bringing another thing into it..

did I say he shouldn’t find someone else??

and did I tell you ,he shouldn’t marry??

at least,he should follow the plans…after all am just trying to help him.

even if he is to marry,can’t we still be together??

are you not still dating bryan even though you are still married? I asked eyeing her

don’t just go there!! I and bryan have settled and decide going out separate ways…

and its not like you and a derrick she replied with a smack.

and I just rolled my eyes,who cares? I said

well I think you should talk to derrick again she said ,and after much discussion I left.

the next day 🌜.

I have sent a text to derrick to meet me In a hotel,and I have been waiting for almost 2hours but his yet to show up.

I picked up my phone and dail his number…

am there already he said angrily but I disconnected the call.

what kept you so long ? I asked as he came in.

as you can see am here already,he said and I eyed him…

am asking you again what’s going on between you and Chelsea?

well I love Chelsea and I think she loves me too…that’s it!!

he said and I gave him a bad look.

I think you aren’t okay! anyway stay away from her!!

and take those stupid love to someone else,I said and he chuckled.

why can’t i love her? he asked looking at me

well you aren’t here type and you are not good for her…I replied looking back at him

am not good for her but am good for you…did she complain to you? he asked.

and I felt like cutting off his tongue.

don’t dare me derrick!! I said angrily

as you can see I love Chelsea and I can’t let go of her…

I assure you i wont her cos I can’t leave without her,he said

I don’t care!!!!!! I shouted at him….

go get someone else not her…

don’t let me warn you again!!!

Writers pov:

Nonesence!!! he loves her,what type of stupid love is that?

whatever it is,I don’t want him for chelsea…sophia murmured walking to her car.

I don’t really understand this woman,whats bad for me to love her sister?

what’s even her problem? Chelsea loves me back so why will i go love someone else?

when my heart already is with Chelsea,Derrick keep talking an wondering.

Sophia,got home and headed to the guest room,

she pushed the door with speed into the room…and Chelsea looked at her surprise.

Chelsea you need to stay away from Derrick…I don’t want to see you anywhere close to him…

he is not good for you…

go find someone else,there are many cute rich and loving guys out there.

you are very beautiful to attract them not Derrick,Sophia said to Chelsea.

but why?? why isn’t he good for me….why not him?? cos he is the one I love. Chelsea added standing up.

Sophia: you need to listen to me Chelsea,stay away from him.

Chelsea: Give me a reason yo do that.

Sophia: He isn’t good for you,don’t you have ears.

Chelsea: And I asked why he is not good for me big sis.

Sophia: don’t dare me,stay away from him.

Chelsea: I can’t !! I love him

Sophia: Am warning you and I won’t warn you again…Sophia said walking away.

this is really serious,I think there is something wrong somewhere and I need to find out what it is.

Chelsea said as she came out and headed to go meet derrick.

she got to the gate and notice Derrick isn’t around,so she went back inside…

pick her phone and called Derrick.

where are you? she asked

I went to get something for myself but am coming already…

hope there is no problem,you sound worried…Derrick asked.

I need to talk to you Chelsea said.

okay just give me some minutes,i will be back. Derrick said.

Sophia was seen talking to Beatrice on the phone.

can you imagine Derrick has the guts to question me…

telling me he love Chelsea and Chelsea on the other hand has the guts to tell me …

she can’t stay away from him.

what nonsense!!! Sophia said angrily.

what’s wrong with Chelsea,I dont support her. Beatrice said over the phone.

derrick is really trying me and i have warned Chelsea… I will deal with the both of them.

if the try to mess up with me,Sophia said.

just calm down okay,let’s just see how it goes,Beatrice said.

Chelsea pov:

Derrick came back and i went to meet him…

what’s wrong? he asked

I jus wanna know what’s going on, my sister is really on my neck to let go off you.

what did you do to her? cos I dont understand this hatred towards you,I said looking at him.

just tell me what happened he said

she badge into my room earlier telling me or should I say warning me to stay away from you

I asked why and she got angry and warned me not to even get close toyou.

Am confused,what’s the problem between you too??

I don’t know why she changed this way toward you when you guys were like 5&6 before.

I said expecting to hear something from him .

you would have asked her why she is acting and saying all that to you,Derrick said.

I did but she wasn’t saying anything useful but to stay away from you.

I don’t know what to say ,she Is the one tell you why she is acting that way.

let’s just forget her,have you eaten?? Derrick asked.

yea…and I also prepared something for you .

writers POV

what’s that you prepared Derrick ask smiling and Chelsea went inside to bring the food for him.

thanks dear,Derrick said holding her hands.

Sophia was coming out from the house then she saw them together…

this two are really testing my patients she said then turn back inside.

the next day🌜

Chelsea was in the kitchen preparing something for she and derrick to eat…

then Sophia entered…what’s that you are preparing? she asked.

just preparing some noodles,Chelsea replied.

for who?? Sophia asked

Chelsea: for I and derrick

Sophia: I think you have gone nut… is there no soup or is there no garri at home.

I thought the soup I cooked is in the fridge?

Chelsea: yes …e…ss!! i just felt like eating noodles.

Sophia: then why not collect money from your stupid lover to get it.

did I buy the noodles for the both of you?

you better be careful In this house cos it doesn’t belong to Derrick.

don’t you dare touch my food stuff again without telling me…

Sophia warned walking away.

few minutes later ,Derrick entered the kitchen

hey sweetie what’s up? Derrick ask … hugging her from behind.

what’s the problem? why are you like this,he asked

Chelsea: Nothing am fine.

Derrick: you aren’t…you don’t seem to be happy why??

Derrick ask

and Chelsea narrated what happened to him.

is okay dear,just cheer up everything will be fine…you just have to ignore her…

Derrick said kissing her both cheek.

so is it really a yes,Derrick ask looking into her eyes.

weeeellll…yea and hey,am gonna plug out your eyes if you ever make me cry or regret.

hahaha no way,how will I even make a princess like you cry?

I love you Chelsea and I promise not to hurt you,

Derrick said and Chelsea hugged him.,then kissed him on the lips.

as all this happened,Sophia stayed glued to the door as she listened to their conversation.

Sophia pov:

So despite my warning,Chelsea still want to see what I can do…

okay ,let’s see how it goes.

I brought out my phone and texted derrick to meet me at the gate.

then I went out to wait for him.

few minutes later he was out …whats it again he asked? immediately he came closer.

so you want to see what I can do abi? I asked angrily.

Sophia you can do whatever you want to do,i don’t care he said making me more angry.

well I think I made the mistake of letting Chelsea come at the first place.

but don’t worry am going to correct that today i said trying to walk away then he held me.

what’s really your problem? why can’t you just let me live my life…

please leave Chelsea out of this,just let her be.

how dare you hold my hand,are you sick in the head??

I roared angrily and dragged my hand off his.

then I headed inside,

entering the parlor,i saw Chelsea sitting on the couch.

you know what Chelsea, your stay here isn’t welcomed anymore.

I said and she was shocked as she looked at me.

but why ? where did I go wrong? she ask still looking at me.

well since you decide to disobey me by trying me to see what I can do…

I can’t condole that in my house,so park your things and leave.

and make it quick please ,I said.

but what’s really the problem big sis? what’s going on?

I really want to know the reason you don’t want me for Derrick…she said and I eyed her.

do you want me to throw you out by force?

get your Ass out of my couch and get the hell outta my house.

you can’t stay in this house anymore,I said angrily and she stood up and went inside…

to gather her things while i stayed in the sitting room waiting for her.

I can’t believe you will do this to me,but Is nothing anyway.

one thing is that!! I will never forget this day…

and I will make sure never to let Derrick go.

what you just did will make me come after him the more.

she said immediately she came out with her belongings.

then walked away.

let’s see how it goes,you should know my eyes are on you …I said following her to the gate.

Chelsea!! Derrick called rushing to her…

am leaving but we will never be apart,we will keep connecting to each other.

she said and I hissed.

but why Sophia?

this only will make me go after her the more,Derrick said.

she has just triggered the love between us,Chelsea added walking away.

then let the battle begin…

cos the battle line has been drawn.

Chelsea pov

I got home to see mom sitting In the sitting room.

Good day mom, i greeted and she gave me a bad stare instead.

And i was like, what’s wrong with her?

am not in good mood,so I decided going to my room,ignoring her.

so you have decided to bring shame to this family,she said and I turned facing her.

what are you saying mom,i don’t get you!!

why we you get me when you have decided to turn yourself into a whore.

she said making me more angry.

look mom,am not In a good mood…so i dont have time for this your trouble now.

I said going to my room…

you must be very stupid Chelsea,you are stupid for talking to me like that…

you even have the guts to walk away from me,let your dad come back then we will see to it.

I heard her shout at me…and I wonder what she is talking about.

so Chelsea what brought you back from your sisters house?

dad asked after dinner In the dinning…

then i sighed as i grab the juice in front of me and sipped.

dad this question is not meant for me,its meant for Sophia…

cos I don’t know the reasons she threw me out of her house…even I am confused.

will you shut up you fool,mom interrupted me.

you think you can disgrace us,she added.

but mom what are you talking about,how do I want to disgrace you?

I asked confused…

so you want to play ignorant with us…

well your sister called and informed us of everything before you come back…

she told us how you have been dating all the guys in her street…

and the worst is that,you cheaply gave yourself to her gateman…

then when she warned you to stop your disgusting life…

you paid deaf ears….what have come over you chelsea?

mom said and i became shock hearing all these lies piled up against me.

mom all Sophia said is a lie,you know I can’t do all that…

have never had sex wit her gateman before…is just we fell in love with each other.

which Sophia Is kicking against,reasons best known to her.

she told me to stay away from him and i wanted to know the reason why…

and she got upset and threw me out of her house.

talking about dating guys in her street,i have never come out of that house before…

not to think of dating anyone in her street…

I think sophia is hiding something from us mom,I said and she eyed me.

do you know you are really stupid?? you are happy telling us you fell in love with a gateman.

do you even have sense? your sister Is trying to tell you what is good for you…

and you are here saying rubbish,mom said.

but mom,you don’t know this guy,he is not an illiterate…but an intelligent graduate with a first class degree.

he doesn’t have a job now,doesn’t mean he won’t have it tomorrow…

who knows? tomorrow might turn out to be good for him…

we all don’t know what tomorrow holds..the most important thing there is that…

we both love each other,please mom don’t try to be like Sophia…

you have always been a good and loving mother,don’t turn bad now.

Remember you use to tell me not to judge people because of their situation…

so don’t act otherwise please mom please…come on daddy you cant still help him…

you have help people you don’t know before,is it the person I love that you won’t help?.

he is even far better than this people you have helped and things are going well with them. I said holding my dad.

how do you know he is not a gold digger,mom asked.

he is not mom,you haven’t stayed or studied him before but I have.

and believe me,he is a nice guy I said .

okay dear,I will like to see him one of these days,dad said and I became happy.

thanks dad I said hugging him.

what do I have to say,if you love him …no problem but just be careful,

take your time with him first ,don’t be too fast and lets see how It goes. mom said and I hugged her before going back to my room.

Sophia pov:

Since Chelsea left I think there is peace in this house…atleast i wont have to see them together again.

And my secret will also be safe then I will now have Derrick all to myself.

though derrick and i haven’t been talking,I know he Is angry with me…

and i have been avoiding him…he doesn’t come to request for food anymore…

and i wonder where he eats and how he is coping.

I talked to my husband to employ a househelp

and she will be coming tomorrow at least to help with the house chores while i take care of the kids.

after I told mom all that about Chelsea,I expected her to call me and give me a feed back…

but they haven’t called since.

I dressed my kids for school and decide taking some food to derrick after dropping at them school.

I took them to school then headed back, when coming i sighted derrick holding Chelsea…

as they came out from the gate,then derrick kissed her passionately as they both chuckled.

I started boiling inside me,then i speed up,and i guessed derrick notice …

and rushed opening the gate.

after I drove in,he locked the gate and went outside again.

I decided to go after him and there I notice Chelsea was still there waiting for him.

then he held Chelsea…

what’s going on here,what are you doing outside derrick?? I asked looking at him

Ma’ is there anything remaining for me to do for you,he asked sarcastically.

then I gave him a bad stare…

dont worry honey,let me get going.. we will talk later cos I wanna go somewhere.

Chelsea said and kiss his lips then I felt like dragging off her hair.

after she left,derrick entered inside and I followed.

so you dont even have respect anymore,I said to him angrily.

I dont remember insulting you he said.

well I think your days in this house is number,so be careful…

cos I promise you I will make sure you loose everything and I will also make sure …

my husband terminate that employment he has already gotten for you…

oh yes,the button has been pressed and you are about to get employee in one of the biggest company in Nigeria.

but I think you dont deserve it and you don’t have to expect any dime from me cos you wont get It.

this is my final warning to you,stay away from Chelsea.. i said walking away.

Derrick pov:

what did i even get myself into,not that I even need her money but the job her husband promised me.

I don’t need her money cos i have saved alot from my salary here…

and it will be enough for me to get a good apartment together with some important things I will need…

till I get paid from the job i hope to get from her husband.

but how do i do now,cos I know she meant all she said.

why is this woman even wicked,what does she wants from me?

I can just let go of Chelsea because of her…and i don’t want to hurt Chelsea or play with her feelings.

cos I really do love her…what do i do? I can’t go start looking for a job again…

is not really easy,especially In a country like this…

I keep thinking then my phone ring…am not in a good mood to receive any call now.

I said ignoring the calls…

why is he not picking up? what might have happened?…

I never knew sophia will turn out to be this way but whats her reasons for all this behavior?

cos am not complaining about derrick and am the one to carry the cross if derrick Is not good…

so what’s her problem? I think I should go back there ,cos I don’t trust her anymore.

I board a taxi and headed back there,I got infront of the gate and decided to knock gently…

while trying derricks line,

hello babe, he said picking the call this time…

what’s wrong? I have been calling your you like ages now,where have you been? I said

am so sorry ,I wasn’t in a good mood and I never know you were the one calling…

am sorry please he said and I smiled…

am outside the gate ,I was really worried when you didn’t pick,so I came back to check on you.

so what’s making you sad,what happened? I asked eager to know.

but he disconnected the call

hello I said!! and wondered why he did so…

as i turned to leave the gate opened and it was derrick…

please come in let’s discuss in my room and I turned and looked at him.

is Sophia not around? I asked concerned

come on,come quick…she is inside,she isn’t watching.

but if you waste more time she might see us,he said and I rushed entering inside..

then entered his room.

Derrick pov

I made sure Sophia wasn’t watching them i locked the gate and went inside.

So what’s the problem,she asked sitting on the bed while I sat on the plastic chair.

after you left Sophia threatened to destroy the job I have been hoping to get through her husband.

she also said my days here are numbered. warning me again to stay away from you

I said frustrated.

come on derrick,is there anything you are not telling me?? she asked looking at me then I decided telling her everything.

I can’t hide it for long!, one day it will be open and she might feel bad…

then I started from where it all began till this moment as I narrate every thing to her.

oh!! now I get it!!! so she has been cheating on her husband?

Chelsea asked looking at me.

Am sorry chelsea,I was been forced sexually to do it…

am human,I pray you understand…I said holding her hands as I begged her.

but why we you also sex her friend Beatrice?? she asked

believe me Chelsea,I never wanted to but she gave me no choice than to do it.

and moreover ,I have never met you then.

am not a cheat Chelsea,and i really love you…am sorry for not telling you since,I said still holding her hand.

its okay anyway,I cant judge you for anything…and I know you will never do such things again.

she said and i kissed her both hands,thanks I said.

who knows if those kids are collins own?

who knows if you are the only guy she has outside her marriage?

I never believed Sophia will ever do such thing…hmm

the last thing I want you to know is that the kids aren’t Collins own but mine…i said and she was shocked!!

oh my God!! how did you know she asked.

I didn’t know at first but I overheardshe and beatrice discussing about it.

I couldn’t believe my ears,so i took the hair of the kids unknowingly to them to the hospital for test…

and there it was confirmed that the twins are mine,believe me Chelsea…

I never knew it will end this way and I never wanted it to …so I never bothered putting interest in the kids ,I explained.

Chelsea pov

seriously,am really dumbfounded on hearing all this…

I can’t believe my ears right now,but why didn’t you open up instead of keeping it to yourself? I asked.

as I said earlier,I don’t have interest in those kids cos I don’t even love her…

and it will also affect me he said.

and I understood him very well,his point

this is real wickedness,I just pity Collins…who have fallen so deep in love with the kids.

unknown to him that they aren’t his…well Sophia should know that,she has no right to threaten you…

because she is just at your mercy,I said angrily.

as you can see,I have been trying to be calm and peaceful but it seems like,she doesn’t like it that way.

and I will tell her that she is not the only wicked person in this world.

Derrick said and I became happy.

well am with you,together we will conquer her.

Sophia pov

by the time I finish with derrick,going back to his village will even be hard for him.

I will make sure he loses everything including Chelsea.

I walked in angrily after threatening him,then I went up to my room.

I took my phone and called my mom…

hello Sophia!! mom said as she picked up the call.

mom after everything I told you,do you know that chelsea still comes around to meet my gateman,I said angrily.

well Chelsea said all you told us was a lie,that she and Derrick love each other…

and I dont see anything wrong in her loving Derrick,or is there anything you want to tell me about this derrick…

mom said and it made me more angry.

mom he is my gateman and he is not good for her,I only want the best for her I said.

but why is he not good? did you notice any bad character from him? mom asked

mom derrick is a womanizer or do you want your daughters feelings to be hurt?

what if she get pregnant for him,what will you do??

and what if he doesn’t accept the pregnancy??

cos he is not able of cathering or taking care of a family now.

what will you do??

well am just trying to save her but if you dont want to save her…then you keep calm.

I said trying to convince her.

OMG!! and chelsea is there hovering around him.

don’t worry,I won’t let that happen again…let me call her now,she said disconnecting the call.

and I became happy.

Chelsea pov

I and Derrick where still discussing then my phone ring.

mom is calling I said to derrick…

alright but keep your voice calm he said and I picked up the call.

where are you Chelsea mom asked?

am at a friends place mom,is there any problem i asked?

I want you to come home now,mom said.

okay am coming I said wondering what happened.

what’s that ?? Derrick asked

mom asked me to come home now and I don’t know why,I said standing up.

Sophia pov

I decided to go meet Beatrice,I grabbed my car keys and headed outside…

as I came out ,derricks door opened and I saw Chelsea coming out then Derrick followed…

I was shocked and they were also shocked to see me too.

what the hell!!! you slut,what are you doing in my compound? I asked going closer to them.

I came to see my boyfriend,the idiot replied without an atom of respect.

how dare you fool,you see how cheap you are?? I said angrily

Am cheap but aleast i have a little value left in me than you that doesnt have any…

she said and i gave her a hot slap.

i wont have you talk to me anyhow in my own house. i said.

and she wanted to retaliate but derrick held her back.

well,i dont have your time now,but we shall see …she said walking away.

how dare you derrick,you have done enough and I can’t bear it anymore….

just get ready to be gone when my husband comes back,I said and he just laughed.

what’s funny you fool? or do you think am joking…I asked angrily.

well you should know I won’t be leaving without you,we both will be thrown out of this house…

he said making me confused.

you are very stupid i said giving him a hot slap.

let’s see who leaves I said and turned to leave .

but what he said made my legs weak….

Sophia pov

what he said made my legs weak,how dare you slap me you whore?

you think I don’t know who those kids belongs to?

let’s see who wins today,even though am in the mess,let’s see who it will affect most. he said

And what he said made me speechless,are you threatening me ? I ask

it’s not a threat dear,he said…then I became shock

and wondered how he found out the kids aren’t Collins own.

at that minute i felt like strangling him but i walked away heading to Beatrice’s place

why are you like this,what happened? Beatrice’s ask

we are in trouble Beatrice,Derrick threatened to tell Collins that the kids aren’t his.

and he also threatened to spill out what have been going on between us.

I said and Beatrice looked at me confused…

how did he know that the twins are his? Beatrice ask

I don’t know,do you possibly think i told him?

I didn’t and can’t but i don’t know how he got to know,I said as I explained what happened to her.

am in serious trouble Beatrice,if we don’t do anything now..he might use it to blackmail me.

and might also tell Chelsea,you know what it means if Chelsea get to know all that.

I said afraid.

what do we do Beatrice,I need your help? I added

his really a threat to you if he continues to stay in that house..

you see what I warned you about,If you had listen to me and throw him out since…

all this wouldn’t have happened . Beatrice said.

you don’t have to blame me now please…we just have to sort it out I said

I think you should go back and throw him out before your husband comes back…

so he won’t have the chance to spill it to him.

leave the rest to me ,I will do the rest Beatrice said assuring me …

then I stood up and headed back home going home,I branch and took the police with me.

after reporting him to the police,we got home and I pointed to him.

officer!! here he is…arrest the thief and take him out of here I said.

and the officers went to hand cuff him,I don’t get whats going on here…

what did I do officers…you don’t have to take me without telling me my offence he ranted.

will you shut up and go with them

,when you get there…you will know your offense fool .I said and he turned to me

Sophia your are very wicked ,what did I do to you?

you will regret this no matter what,the truth will always surface…he said and I winked at him.

move it the officers said taking him away.

Rubbish!! ,he think he can toil with me…this is just the beginning I said as they left.

what do I tell my husband now,I mumbled then I called Beatrice on the phone.

Hello,where is he?? I just sent some guys after him..she said and I was shocked.

oh no!! I just arrested him now and i never knew your plan

and I couldn’t just let him out like that…

he might get in touch with Chelsea and possibly my husband…

so I decided to arrest him first then we can know the next thing to do I said and she hissed.

hold on let me call back the boys,she said and hung up the call.

few minutes later she called back…so have the police taken him? she asked

yes almost an hour ago and I called to know what to tell Collins.

you know he will ask if he comes back.

Beatrice: what did you tell the police men?

Sophia: well I told them I caught him stealing my money and that he has been doing that unknown to me…

but when I look for it and asked him he will deny It

Beatrice: okay,tell your husband you don’t know where he went to.

and did he leave his phone?

Sophia: let me check I said going into his room…yes his phone is here I said.

Beatrice: okay,you will tell him you have been trying dericks line but no one is picking…

and you will also have to call him so go keep his phone back.

Sophia: but what if we start looking for him?

Beatrice: don’t worry,we will go to the police station tomorrow…

and we will be going there with some cash she said then I was relieved.

okay then,I will call you tomorrow I said before disconnecting the call.

After talking to Beatrice,I called derricks line countless times before dropping his phone.

Later that Night

My husband can back and I rush opening the gate for him…

welcome dear I said as he drove in…

where is derrick he asked??

I don’t know honey,I have been calling him since noon but he is not picking up.

I said and he looked at me

why he asked ??

I don’t know i said

have you knocked on his door? he asked

yea but no one is responding,i said.

when did he leave the house? he asked

I don’t know ,I just found out at noon.

you don’t know when he went out and he never told you were he was going to? he asked

yes! I said

then he went into his apartment,he came out with derricks phone…

he left his phone inside meaning he didn’t go far…

so why hasn’t he come back? he asked

I dont know…I have been waiting for you to come back if he would also come back.

Chelsea pov

I got home as my mom called me thinking it was something important…

only for me to get back and hear her say all manner of things about derrick…

I asked her how she got to know derrick is a womanizer and a bad person.

then she said it was Sophia that told her.

when she said that I hissed, knowing fully well that Sophia is the whore and not derrick.

your sister knows him more than you ,she said

Sophia is trying to protect you,she added but I didn’t say anything…

i stood up and left to my room.

am talking to you and you are walking away,i don’t want to see you leave this house again!!

infact!! let your father come back,then we will know what to do to you.

she shouted at me.

After then,I have been trying to reach derrick on phone but he is not picking…

I thought it wasn’t serious at first but him not picking up till now is really serious.

I can’t even go there now cos its late already…and it troubles me that he might be in danger.

I don’t wanna loose him,now I know how much I really love him.

I won’t let the only good man I have met,slip away from me.

Sophia pov

we have been worried since yesterday…

Collins didn’t sleep last night as he keep asking so many questions.

this morning we called everyone related to him to know if they have seen him…

or probably he might have visited any of them

but they all say they didn’t see him,and collins is really truobled.

I prepared my kids for school and took them to school…

after dropping them in school,i called Beatrice giving her the address to the station…

then I headed there…

few minutes later she came to the station,what kept you so long?

everyone has started looking for him,what do we do now I ask scared as we walked into the station.

Chelsea pov

I couldn’t wait for the day to get bright…I rush out of bed…

brush my teeth and took my bath..I try his line again and this time it became switched off.

I rush wearing my clothes and then headed to sophia’s house

I knocked on the gate and it open revealing Collins.

Good morning sir,I greeted…

morning Chelsea he said opening the gate wide.

please sir,its derrick around? I have been calling him since yesterday.

but his not picking and this morning his line became switched off.

can I see him please i sad closing the gate behind me.

Derrick has been missing since yesterday,he said and I became shock.

Chelsea pov

Chelsea!…Collins shouted taping me then I realize myself…

and what he said ring in my head…

its a lie…please tell me its a lie,we both were together before I left yesterday

pleas tell me it’s a lie,I said as tears form in my eyes

my dear that’s what I came back yesterday to hear….I thought he would come back

but till now his not yet back. I have called his people to know if they have seen him

but they said no….am really confused and worried right now

he said as I release the tears

you said you were with him yesterday,what happened after then he ask

yes I was with him but my mom called me and I left…

after I got home,in the evening I called his line and he didn’t pick up

till this moment…I can’t even reach him now,I said

when you were with him yesterday,did he tell you anything like he would be going out or something

he ask…..

no he didn’t say such thing I answered

I don’t know what to do now he said…

I think we should report to the police that his missing cos he might be in danger

we shouldn’t waste more time please…I said and he nodded

let me go get my car keys,I will be right back he said running inside

who knows what happened yesterday when I left,

Sophia should be the prime suspect tho it won’t be easy to accuse her

but I just pray we find derrick I murmured to myself

Collins came out with the key and as he was about opening the car.

His phone ringed

hello he said!!

what!!! he shouted and i started panicking.

OH God!! what might have happened??

please tell me he is okay,I said as I ran to him.

his in cell,the DPO just called to inform me his boys arrested him,collins said.

But why I ask??

I think we should go find out ,he said entering his car…

and I rushed to open the gate.

as I just opened the gate,Sophia drove in…

I hissed as she came down from her car.

honey are you going out,she asked as she went to meet Collins??

yea,I just got a news that derrick is in the police custody…

so am going to know what happened. Collins answered.

well i will be coming with you she said entering the car.

and as collins drove out he waited for me while I closed the gate and joined them.

As I was heading to the back sit,sophia gave me a killer look and I wink at her rolling my eyes.

we got to the station and headed inside…

Good morning,collins greeted the police at the counter.

Good morning,how may we help you? one of the police man ask

we are looking for a young guy named derrick,

we got an information that he was arrested and brought here…

please,can we see him?? Collins ask

oh that rapist!!

you can’t see him now,you will have to see the DPO first.

the police man said making me confuse.

okay so where can we meet the DPO? Collins ask

you and your wife should come,you stay back here

he said referring to me as he led them both to the DPOs office

Collins pov

we got there ,knocked and we were ask to come inside.

Good morning sir,we both greeted.

morning please sit,he said as we sat opposite him

I guess you might be Collins? are you related to the guy called derrick? he asked

Not really sir,he is just my security at home,I said.

oh!! someone came crying and narrated that derrick raped and collected everything she was holding.

we also got a report that the young man belonged to a cult group when he was still in school.

and has killed so many innocent souls which one of his victim…

is the sister to one of my boys…immediately we arrested him yesterday

one of my boys recognize him to be the one that shot his sister.

we couldn’t contact you yesterday cos he wasn’t ready to give any of his families contact.

but after threatening him,he gave us your contact which I called earlier.

the DPO ended and i couldn’t believe my ears.

I became speechless cos derrick has always been nice since I met him.

so I just couldn’t say anything…

I cant believe this!! my wife shouted and i know she is very shock cos she has always been close to him.

can we see him? I asked

thats if he will want to see you guys…anyways,lets go so my boys will bring him out.

the DPO said as we stood up and went back to the counter.

John!! go get the criminal…the DPO said to one of the police men.

Chelsea pov

Am really wondering what’s going on and I don’t understand anything here.

but why didn’t they let me go with them??

I keep thinking as collins and Sophia came out with the so called DPO.

john go get the criminal,he said to one of the police men there.

and I wondered Who this criminal is,I hope is not derrick cos there might be a mistake somewhere.

few minutes later the police man came back…

he doesn’t want to come,should we force him out,he asked??

then collins cut him off,is okay…let him be maybe some other time.

he said and I was forced to ask what’s going on??

its OK Chelsea,let’s go for now I will tell you when we get home…collins said

But I want to see derrick before leaving,please let me see him I said in tears.

don’t worry he is okay and nothing will happen to him…we just need to go sort things out…

and know how to help him out,collins said holding me close while i tried to calm down.

we left the station and went home…we got home and collins told me what the DPO said.

within me I know its all a lie …its a lie sir,derrick can never do that I said

we all are shocked too but that’s the truth,he said and i disagree.

come on Chelsea,Derrick is not whom you think he is,Sophia said and I gave her a bad stare.

But we haven’t heard his own part of the story sir,I said to Collins.

weren’t you there when the police man said he doesn’t want to talk to us.

or could we have told him to force him out,how can we hear his own part of the story …

when he doesn’t even want to see us,sophia said and I felt like giving her a hot slap but I walked away.

we might try to see him some other day Chelsea,Collins said and I turned and nodded then left

I just need to know what’s going on,I need to talk to derrick…i kept thinking while in the taxi

Sophia pov

that girl is very stubborn and i don’t know what have come over her

Am trying not to involve her but she is pushing me to…

anyway,since she doesn’t know my secret…I will just try to avoid her

Hello,I said picking up the call

how did it go ? Beatrice asked

it really went well so,we will move on to the next plan I said.

alright,she said before disconnecting the call.

Chelsea pov

I went to the bank and withdrew some money as i headed back to the police station…

I thought you guys just left now? one of the policeman ask as I entered

then I brought out some money and stretched to him…

please just let me see derrick,i will add more if you want…

Chelsea pov

please just let me see Derrick,I will add more if you want

I promise to make it snappy,I said and brought out a wrap of money

adding it to the first one….this is hundred thousand,just let me see him

I said stretching the money to them…I will take you to him.

you just have thirty minutes before our ova see you…just thirty minutes.

and then you be out here said and I nodded as he took me to the cell room.

Chelsea!! I heard that farmilia voice,then i turned to see my heart beat.

oh my God!!! Derrick!! I said rushing to him,he couldn’t come out so I just held his hand…

and he started sobing.

tell me its not true Derrick

tell me what I heard is not true…I said sobbing too.

I don’t know what you heard but please tell your sister to let me go…

I did nothing to warrante her locking me up.

he said and immediately i raised my head up.

I said it,I know my conscience never lies to me,so you mean its Sophia that kept you here…

bribing the police officer and the DPO to frame you up.

OMG!! I cant believe sophia will go to this extent…after I left that day.

I wasn’t really feeling okay ,it was as if my body was telling me ,something bad will happen…I said and he held my hands.

thanks for trusting me,no matter what happens i still love you and will never stop loving you.

he said and I tried kissing him but can’t.

time up !! the police said an I didn’t know what to do.

please Chelsea,help me out of here,he said as the police man escorted me out.

and I couldn’t help but cry,people are really wicked…and it turned out to be my own sister.

I will never forgive her for this,I said and left.

I headed to her house,entering the sitting room ,I saw her sitting with a glass of juice in her hand.

this one you are back,what brought you? she asked sipping the juice.

what did Derrick do to you to deserve this?? I asked

and she looked at me ,I don’t get you,she said.

so you are telling me you dont know how Derrick ended up in cell ? I asked

what are you saying Chelsea?? she asked.

please Sophia,just let him go …he did nothing to you,I dont still get what you mean Chelsea.

it was immediately I left yesterday all this happened,so you are my main suspect…

I said walking out.

you must be stupid for accusing me ,I heard her say as I walked away.

I came out to see collins entering the compound ..

you came back ?? he asked and I nodded.

but do you believe Derrick would do such a thing? I asked and he sighed.

no one is to be trusted Chelsea,he said and I turned back only to find Sophia standing at the door…

then I walked away.

I will come back for you sophia,I murmured going out.

Sophia pov

I need to do something,i need to stop this girl…cos if she gets to Derrick the truth will be unfold.

what should I do now?? I keep thinking as Collins and I walked inside.

Chelsea pov

I told you never to leave this house without my consent and you disobeyed me

so where are you coming from,mom shouted!!

mtcheeew!!! mom am really stressed out now and am not a kid anymore…I said sitting on the couch

I don’t blame you anyway,just because you grew like an African bowl doesn’t mean you are now mature.

and I wouldn’t like you talking to me anyhow,she said and I sighed

mom am twenty three for cry out loud…I can take care of my self

and I know what I want…I said frustrated.

will you shut up?? who told you ,you know what you want…what do you even know??

now,let me see you disobey me one last time then you will know what I can do…she said walking away.

OMG!! whats all this??

I dont just need this now,I said thinking of what to do next

Collins pov

Am trying to make the police drop the charge against Derrick

and am about visiting the cities home to beg

I just pray they forgive,the news of Derrick has gotten across all his relative …

and they couldn’t believe it.

my son is not a bad person!! his mother said when I visited

they are all begging and hoping they drop the case against him.

they all wants to see him and I planned going to see him alone without letting anyone know.

cos I know they are all stressed out emotionally.

well I got to the victims house and it seems they don’t want to set their eyes on me.

so I tried begging them from the outside standing in front of the house…

please forgive him,he is the only eye of his mother…i promise to pay a ransome.

I said as I beg

only God will help him,they said as I left.

I do have conscience even though he is not related to me..

I just pity his family.

am not a man that does care about others…the worst is that the police man involved doesn’t want to let the case go.

and I just pity the mother,I have tried my best anyway.

Chelsea pov

Am just stuck in this house,mom and dad has given strict orders not to let me out.

even though I explained everything thing to them.


mom,do you know derrick was missing and we later found him in cell,I said

yes,that’s good for him…you know God will continue to expose all this bad people that pretend to be good …

she said and I became sad…

what are you saying,he is not a bad guy,its all a lie…I said and she eyed me.

mom: I think he has initiated you somewhere, so in all this still want him and see him as a good person.

you should be thankful to your sister that tried to protect you which you know see as a bad person

if not for your sister you wouldn’t be here talking rubbish,it was as if she knew he wasn’t good

Chelsea: Exactly!!! the question is,how did she know?? and she didn’t sack him…k owing fully well he wasn’t good.

mom: what sort of stupid question is that??…enough she said cutting me off.

now i know why you always want to go out…knowing fully well he isn’t good for you …

but you still want to see him.

let me see your leg outside then I will show you what am made of.

she said walking away.

that night dad came back and he was told everything…and they both gave orders not to let me out…

since then I have stuck here and it’d making me sick..especially not knowing how Derrick is feeling…

makes me wanna run mad.

I have not eaten since two days now and I don’t feel okay .

Collins pov

I dressed and took my cars keys,I will be back soon…I said to my wife.

as I kissed her and then headed out .

I got yo the police station,

Good day sir,the both men on the counter greeted

good day please can I see him ?? I asked

let me go get him,one of them said…

no!!! dont worry,I will go talk to him there I said

and he took me into the cell room.

Derrick i called and he turned to me

he has now changed,looking very tartard.

why did you do it? I asked as he came closer to the cell gate.

do what??? look,I didn’t do anything…please tell them to release me

he said and I was confused.

I don’t understand but you raped a girl and she is testifying against you ,I said.

whuu….uu ich girl??? is anyone testifying against me??

anyway never mind,I believe the truth will still still prevail.

Collins POV

Anyway never mind,the truth will still prevail he said going back to his position…

I dont understand you,come on!! Derrick come and tell me what really happened. I said and he didn’t respond or move.

Derrick i called but he didn’t answer…

If you aren’t Guilty then why have you been avoiding us??

You would have told us from the first day it started but you refuse seeing us ,I said and he turned.

Did you ever come to see me except now? He asked and i answered….yes!!!

The police always come to call you but he will return to tell us that you Dont want to see us. I said and he starmmad

Buuuuu…t no oo oo…one co oo oo…mes to call me,he said and I didnt hear him clear…

What ??? I asked

What will I say now to make you understand or believe me…

I don’t even know how to start or put it,but dont worry …nothing Is hidden under the sun

Just let it be!!! He said and the police came to escort me out.

Time up!!! The policeman said

And i left wondering why Derrick was speaking in parables…and I don’t get any of his word’s

What do I do now??

I already promised his mother to try bring him back home,I think I should contact my lawyer…

I said as I brought out my phone dailing his number.

Sophia POV

What’s the real plan now Beatrice???

Beatrice: don’t worry everything is set in place, dont panic!…

just be yourself and everything will die down slowly after we finish.she said and i nodded

Beatrice: we will need to settle the DPO and others.

Sophia: yea…I know though my business is really going down but am ready for this.

Beatrice: okay,dont worry I will also help out

Sophia : thanks bestie I said

After meeting and discussion with Beatrice,I headed to the police station.

Good day ma’

Good day ,how are you guys doing? I asked as I entered inside.

We are fine ma as long as you are doing us well,they said and i chuckled.

Thats not a problem,I said assuring them

Thank God you are just coming now,cos your husband came here earlier,one of them said

But why??? He didn’t tell me he was coming here

Did he see Derrick? I asked,

We had no choice cos this time around ,he didn’t let us go in and come out.

Instead he followed us inside to speak to him directly,they said and I became Angry.

Why did you let him in??

You would have said something or created a distration to stop him.

I just hope derrick doesn’t say anything to him,I said angrily.

We are sorry ma!! They both chorused.

Is the DPO around? I asked and they said yes

Then I went to me him.

Derrick POV

I never knew all this will happen, only if I knew…I wouldn’t have started it at first

Now see were my enjoyment has landed me,

If i knew I would have tried my best to flee from her or maybe resign at that early time.

Now see how bitter it has turned to be.

How will I Get free now,I will be taken to court in the next two months…

How will I defend myself??

When people had been arranged to testify against me.

God please forgive all my sins and help me,I need you now than ever…

if i come out of this ,I will serve you forever…I said…then i heard my name.

I turned to see a police man standing with the devil herself .

What do you want again??

Or have you come to finish what you have started

If you are here to Kill me,go ahead dont waste time…I said and she chuckled.

You brought this upon yourself, look at you??? Am so touched to release you

But I dont know what would be the outcome, so i cant take that risk she said and i hissed

So why are you here? I asked and she came closer .

Then I held her neck trying to strangle her as a police man Rushed towards us…hitting my hand down with a rod stick.

Arrrshhhh!!! I let out a painful sound.

How dare you ??? She roared

And I laughed

You should be joyful i wasn’t in a good position and be thankful to the officer that saved you.

If not I would have committed the crime am been accused of committing..since am being accused already I said

I will deal wit you she said and i chuckled.

What are you to do again??

I promise you after everything ,I will return And you will see the dark part of me.

Not even your marriage will be saved, I said angrily and she laughed

You are foolish to think you will be coming back,

you won’t even see the day you will be taken for trial…let alone coming you.

Anyway,keep dreaming …well this is the last time you will see me

So please greet my grand parents over there,she said walking away.

And I couldn’t believe my ears,but why ?? What did I do to deserve all this….

So i won’t see my lovely mom again,I cant imagine how my mom will feel.

If i have a wish to make , its to see her before that day

Oh God I dont want to die now,I said as tears flowed down my cheeks

Oh no no no I shouted falling on my knees

Come wetin dey worry you?? You Better no Dey make that noise again.the cell warder said

How did it all start?? I asked myself… Then I regreted everything.

Chelsea hasn’t come for some days now…

Maybe she has also abandoned me…

or maybe Sophia has succeeded in winning her over.

Its because of the love I have for her am here,and now am Going to die without talking to anyone

I cant even open up to anyone cos no one comes here to visit.

The love of my life only came ones …so did Collins

My mom and siblings haven’t come…maybe they had but they wont let them see me.

God please I want to see my mom before I die…I really need to tell her everything befor I die.

I dont want her to take me as the bad child she never knew,after am gone

I really want to see her, God please!!!

Chelsea POV

I became sick and am in the hospital now,my mom is always forcing me to eat.

But I do ignore her cos she doesnt even listen to me,I know by now my Derrick will think i have abandoned him

God please help me!!

How do i go see him now? I kept thinking lying on the hospital bed.

Chelsea please Try and eat something…the doctor said you need to eat something

so the treatment will walk on you,mom said but i wasn’t listening.

Okay please eat so you will have strength to go see the so- called derrick ,she said

And my eyes widened…

I know she is lying but she made sence.

I need to eat so i will have strength to sneek Out, I thought to myself

As i agreed to eat only on the condition that she will give me her ATM

Then she started feeding me,

After eating and drinking water ,I became relieved…

so I decided to lie down pretending to be sleeping

And then she left …I opened my eyes standing up,i made sure she has gone…

then I took the ATM with me as I headed out

While heading down stairs,the nurses asked me where I was going ??

And i told them i want to exercise my legs

When i got down ,I told the security I want to get something outside…and as I came out of the gate

I ran to the nearest ATM machine,withDrew money….

Chelsea pov

I withdrew some money and boarded a bus to the station

I got to the police station and at the canter,the two POLICEMAN that allowed me

see derrick the first day,were there…and i guess they recognized me

I greeted them,and they responded smiling.

I brought out some cash and gave them ,one of them wasted no time to take it

so they took me to see derrick

I got to the cell and saw derrick backing me…

derrick!! I called as tears form in my eyes and he turned.

I became shock,

what happened to you? I asked as I released the tears I have been holding.

who did this to you? I said as I walk closer to the cell and he said nothing…

but shed tears, omg!! who the hell did this to you I shouted crying this time.

derricks face is disorganized and swalloon, he look so weak and thin.

and I couldn’t help but sob.

Chelsea is this you?

i thought you have abandoned me?

I never knew you will come back,he said and I stretched my hands and he held it.

Am sorry its not my fault,I didn’t abandon you and will never…

its my parents that stopped me from coming out and it really affected me…that I got sick,

am just coming from the hospital,I sneaked out just to come and see you.

I have missed you derrick,I will never abandon you,

I said touching his swollen face as he let out a painful sound.

his mouth was swollen too,who did this to you derrick? I ask.

Derrick pov:

Am shock to see her cos my hope was lost already and I was prepared to die…

but now am so happy with a spring of hope,even if I die…I will die happily.

who did this to you ? she ask and I sighed…

Chelsea!! I will want to see my mom before I die please help me…

that will be the biggest joy I will have I said and she rebuked it immediately.

dont say that derrick,you will not die she said and I smiled.

you won’t understand Chelsea,what will you do to stop a devil in human form of Sophia I said.

please tell me what happened she ask…Sophia has planned to kill me.

even before my trial day and she told me that herself…that alone is not enough.

the police started torturing me ,asking me to confess to a crime I don’t know.

yesterday,they made me go through so much pain and I felt like dying but couldn’t.

not that they feed me regularly,its just twice in a week I do eat.

its just anyhow food but whom am I to reject it when am extremely hungry.

I don’t know what I did to your sister that’s making her torture me

,and still plan to kill me after this great torture I explained

can you tell me what happened the last time we met.. when you haven’t come here.

as I left that day,what happened? she ask and I told her how I and Sophia were arguing…

and it was about her which made sophia threatened to push me out

making me loose everything and I also threaten her that I know all her secrets.

that was it ooo….

she went out and before I could know it,she was back with the police to arrest me

for stealing her money and from stealing her money

they increased it to rape and killing I explained with pains in my heart.

that is how I landed here and now she want to just waste me like that to clean her dirty deeds.

please Chelsea I want to talk to my mom,I don’t want her to see me as a bad child when am gone…

I said and she pulled my face close to hers and kissed me…

I assure you derrick you won’t die she said and I looked at her.

you need to be careful going after sophia Chelsea,she is very dangerous…

she won’t care if you are her sister…she is not my sister she said cutting me off.

okay but please be careful ,I wouldn’t want you to be in this condition with me.

cos that will weak me more I said.

its okay derrick,i promise you I will be fine and you also will be out of here she said and I nodded.

Hey,take this don’t let anyone see It…just try to hid it

I will get to you through it,she said giving me a small tecno phone and I collected it…

hiding it in my pants,then a police man came to escort her out.

I will get you food she said before leaving.

Chelsea pov

seeing derrick that way and hearing all that happened break my heart.

I regret having Sophia as a sister and i will never forgive her.

I can’t let her kill derrick and if incase she succed…

I will hunt her till I hunt her down.

I rushed to the eatery and bought two plates of food with a yogurt including water for derrick.

I brought it but the police man don’t want me to go give him myself…

and I don’t want to give it to them cos they might not give him or might even end up poisoning it.

so I brought out the last 20k and stretched it to them …please just let me,I won’t take a minute

I will just give him and come out,I pleaded with the money in my hand.

they grabbed it letting me go in.

why will bribery and corruption ever end when we have people like this in this country…

I murmured going in

here!!! I said stretching the food to derrick and he dragged everything from me

with happiness all over him..then I left

I went back to the hospital to see all the nurses and workers scattered around.

you!!! the security said rushing to me

you told me you wanted to get something here and for hours now,you are just coming back

where did you go to??

you want to make me loose my job abi???

he questioned agrily as he held my hand and took me inside.

Everyone was surprised to see me,mom was in the reception crying and all the nurses looked at me…

where did you go to,a doctor ask? then mom rushed to me…

Chelsea!!! she called hugging me

am fine mom I said and after some minutes,she looked at me angrily.

where did you go to Chelsea? she barked but I headed upstairs to my bed

do you know it wasn’t good for you to go out like that?

when you know you aren’t fully strong,the doctor in charge of me said as he came in

Am sorry sir but am fine I said and a nurse came in to give me my medication…

where is my ATM? mom ask coming in and I stretched it to her

why did you withdrew huge amount of money with it? she ask

and I was just silent.

don’t you have mouth? she asks angrily

I will give you back mom,i said.

so what did you do with the money? and where did you go to?? she ask

I went to see derrick,i said.

Chelsea!! whats wrong with you?

what did you see in this derrick? she ask

mom,derrick is a good guy…Sophia has been lying to us all this while…

she is the one that arrested derrick and still layed accusations on him

and now she is after his life just to clean up her secret…I said and my mom looked at me weirdly

Are you okay?? or this sickness Is affecting your brain? she ask

Believe me mom,all this is planned by her…and she doesn’t want us to be together…

cos she and derrick have been having sexual relationship.

shut up Chelsea!!! what have come over you?? she said cutting me short

why are you saying all this against your sister all because of a guy she is trying to save you from.

so this is how this Derrick of a guy is brainwashing you??

receive sense Chelsea!!!

but mom….I tried to say…

I dont want to hear anything,she said and walked away.

oh my God what do I do now???

Chelsea pov

I begged the doctor to discharge me today and he agreed…

saying I will be coming to the hospital to take treatment everyday.

which I happily agreed,the thought of Derrick in cell and being tortured…

make me want to kill this Sophia of a woman.

the doctor called my mom and she came taking me home.

we got home and I told her I want to see my niece and nephew…

that I have missed them so much…she knowing how close I am to the kids allowed me to go.

then I headed to Sophia’s house,I got there and knocked on the gate.

it opened showing Collins,

good evening sir I greeted.

Evening Chelsea,how are you feeling now??

I heard you were in the hospital and we planned visiting you tomorrow he said

Am fine now,I was discharge today but will be going to the hospital for medication everyday. I said

Oh thank God he said and I headed inside,

I got inside to see Sophia In the sitting room sitting on the couch…

oh Chelsea! how are you doing? she ask and I gave her a dagger look.

look at you pretending,do you think am a fool? I said and she gave me back a bad stare.

what do you mean? or have you come again to insult me in my house?

she asked and I laughed

you know it doesn’t really belongs to you,I said and she stood up angrily.

then collins came in and she pretended to be friendly.

come on Chelsea lets go to my room she said and headed upstairs while I followed.

this should be the last time you will come to my house and say rubbish . she said angrily as I entered

well until you go and release Derrick,I will not stop cos he did nothing to you

than to give you pleasure,I said and her eyes widened.

what nonsense are you saying,she asked

well what am saying is that you are supposed to be grateful and be appreciative to him

for making you a mother and not to pay bad for the good things he did

I said and she gave me a thunderous slap…

how dare you accuse me,she said and I got furious

giving her back a wonderful two slaps in retaliation.

come on ,I want us to do this cos i want your husband to know all that have been going on

at least a DNA will show you out since you think you can play smart by denying

I said positioning for her attack but she backed off.

so you now know,Derrick has told you everything? she said and I eyed her

well, I came to warn you cos my eyes are on you…I said

I think you should be watching your back cos I also got my eyes on you.

she said and laughed.. that’s not a problem anyway…

as long as you won’t succeed in killing him and you can’t do anything to me,I said

who told you I can’t kill him? even at this minute i can make a call …

puff!!! he will be gone

she said and I gave her a bad stare. so you still have the guts to speak??

do you know your husband is at home??

do you also know at this minute i can go tell him everything…

and puff!!! you will be out of this house,I said and she became more angry.

well am just giving you 16hrs to go bail him and clear him off the mess you put him

if not I will expose you,don’t even think of killing him,I said walking out of the room.

oh my God!! I know I just took a dangerous step,I said within me

I came down to see Collins coming out from the kitchen…

please sir can I see you outside,I said and he agreed.

hope there is no problem? he asked as we came out

then I stretched my phone to him,please help keep this for me sir…its off but there is something important in it.

and I don’t want anyone to know not even my mom…she might find out but not now

so I don’t want her to see it now and I also dont want Sophia to see it…

please sir keep it for me,i will come back for it…

incase I don’t,please don’t let anyone see it except my mom.

cos its only meant for her,please keep it for now…

please sir,I said and he started at me before collecting it.

I don’t know what all this is about but am pushed to take it

and I just hope is not a dirty game cos I wont take it lightly with you. he said collecting it then I left

Sophia pov

As she left my room I called Beatrice immediately and explained everything to her

please send those guys to get her before tomorrow, in fact let them get her now

cos they won’t be able to get her if she gets home…I want her to be sized for now

then we can sit and work on the next plan,I said angrily amidst panicking.

please be fast so they don’t miss her I said before disconnecting the call

Nonesence!!! what a stubborn fly! I said dropping my phone

then Gabriel and Gabriela rushed into the room…

mummy where is Aunty Chelsea??

I heard her voice,Gabriel ask

she has gone so go back to your room,I said not in the mood to talk to them.

Chelsea pov

I came out and walked to the junction to board a taxi and at the junction a taxi came close to me…

you dey go?? the driver said

then i hopped in,inside the taxi were two ladies and a guy

with the driver making us five

After I entered ,we heated the road but instead of going straight to my direction.. the driver diverted.

oga!!! shebi i tell you were I dey go ? I said but he didn’t answer

oga I said tapping him and he stopped,brought out a gun pointing it at me.

I looked at the other passengers then I realized they are also with their own gun

please don’t kill me,I said and the two ladies beside me ordered me to shut up which I did.

they took me to a very big house,after they drove in…we all came down

then they carried me inside with the gun still pointed at me

we got inside and they took me to a room,tied my hands and legs while I sat on the bed.

after that,they left…locking me inside.

well I didn’t say a word,move or even argue with them cos I already know who is behind it.

though I don’t know how its gonna end but what I know is that she won’t go unpunished.

Chelsea’s mom POV

Am really worried that Chelsea isn’t back,what could be holding her there??

I thought as I grabbed my phone and called Sophia

mom: hello Sophia

Sophia: hello mom

mom: is Chelsea still there?

Sophia: Ah! isnt she with you?

she left here hours ago. .she said and my heart started racing.

mom: But she is not here,

Sophia: maybe you should call her.

mom: okay I will…bye!

After the call,i called Chelsea’s line…oh no! its switched off

what might have happened?, whats really going on

okay okay okay I think I just need to calm down I said to myself

she will come back I said but wait, its late already and she doesn’t stay this late outside.

this is,7:45pm okay let me give her more time…I said as I continued what I was doing.

Writers POV

Hours later,Chelsea’s mom began to panic cos she wasn’t yet back…

she dailed her line but it was still switched off…making her more worried.

then she called Sophia’s number.

she is not yet back sophia and her number is switched off,she said crying already

calm down mom,now you see what your daughter has become…

let’s just wait till tomorrow,maybe she will come back,she suggested and her mom agreed.

Still then,Chelsea’s Mom didn’t sleep that night as she was deep in thought …

expecting her daughter to call…she stayed awake all night then as the day brighten..

she dressed and headed to Sophia’s house.

Ah!! mama this one you are here this early and you look worried,

hope there is no problem?? Collins ask as he opened the gate for her.

Chelsea is not yet back after she said she was visiting you guys yesterday,she didn’t come back.

Collins pov

what mama said ringed a bell in my head and I remembered….

when Chelsea left yesterday and how she gave me her phone to hold for her

what’s really happening I thought within me as I closed the gate

I went back inside to see my mother inlaw crying

her phone has been switched off since yesterday..

I don’t even know were she could be now she said amidst tears

calm down mom Sophia and I said trying to calm her down

I think we should go check if she visited the police station,Sophia suggested

and we both dressed up,heading to the police station with mama

we got to the station and the officers said she didn’t come back again

after she left in the morning.

we went to the hospital to see if she is there but the nurses said she didn’t come back

mama became frustrated and I advised we wait till evening if she will come back

in the evening,I said calming mama down

if she doesn’t come back,we will declare her missing to the police

I said

Derrick pov

I was sitting on the floor inside the cell,thinking and hoping

Chelsea succeeds in whatever she’s planning

then I heard a voice, hello lover boy I raised my head to see the devil standing before me

so you finally succeed in exposing me to your girlfriend??

thats good anyway cos she is just as stupid as you…

what were you thinking? if you think she will help you…you are dreaming.

And you just angered me,the day to your death Is closer than I planned.

don’t worry ,after you die I will also send her to you …so you guys can continue from there.

she said laughing.

hearing all this I became dumb…I warned Chelsea,who knows where she is now??

so you really want to kill your sister because of your stupid secret?? I asked

well I don’t want to take any chances and I don’t want anyone to know,that….

those kids doesn’t belong to Collins.

she said and I chuckled,you think you will hid it forever?? I ask

I will try my best to hid it for now till we grow old,she said and I laughed.

GOODLUCK to you !! I said before she left.

so am gonna die at last,I just hope to see my mom before i die.

Collins pov

I don’t know whats really going on and I need to talk to derrick…

I murmurd as i dressed and headed to the police station…I got there and told the officer at the canter

that I want to see him.

I also bought out some cash and handed to them before they escorted me inside

Getting inside I met Derrick about to eat and as he saw me he closed the food…

you finally came again, I thought you would never come.

so what brought you here? cos I know you didn’t come to see me…

he said and i sighed.

Am just confused Derrick,I dont know who to believe…I have been busy on your case

thats why I haven’t come since…I never forgot you.

I even contacted my lawyer on your behalf and he is willing to help.

am just waiting for him to come back from Abuja, so he can come meet you

I explained and he chuckled,

you think after saying all this,I will believe you?

what brought you here he asked again??

whatever you want to believe derrick,its left for you but Chelsea is missing…

and I don’t know whats going on,before she got missing…

she came to the house yesterday,she and Sophia discussed in Sophia s room

and when she was about leaving,she called me outside then handed this phone to me…

I said as I brought out the phone and explained all she said before leaving.

As she left my house,she didn’t get to their house and till now,she is still nowhere to be found…

am really confused,i explained.

then he collected the phone from me.

so have you checked to know what’s in the phone? he asked

No,its switched off since she gave it to me,she said she was coming back for It

and as she left ,she has been missing…

you should go power the phone and know what’s inside…

who knows it might be connected to her missing,he said

and he made sense.

I don’t know what’s gonna happen next but take this…

there is a recording In there you would like to hear.

your wife is trying to kill me,he said and I looked at him

I think he is out of his mind.

I know you won’t believe me,but I have been willing to tell you since…

but dont know how to tell you or put it.

I didn’t do any of this they accused me of…its Sophia your wife that is the mastermind

and planner of all this.

Chelsea knows and that’s why she went after her.

she is gonna kill me anytime from now…i dont know when and how she is gonna

do it but am happy the truth is finally revealed.

lastly,i would really want to see my mom before i die,he concluded and I couldn’t believe my ears

I dont get you Derrick,I don’t understand all you are talking about,I said

don’t worry ,this phone will make you understand more,he said pointing to the phone he gave me earlier

Alright,let me go now I said to him cos I need so many answers to my curious question.

I headed back home,getting home i saw Sophia playing with the kids in the sitting room…

how will she try to kill someone,she can’t even kill a cockroach …

not to talk of a human being…well let me see what’s in the phones.

Honey are you okay? she asked bringing me out of my thought.

yea am fine I said going to my room.

I got to the room,and powered the two phones…after some minutes

I switched them on,and went through it…in search of the recording.

I found 2 in Chelsea’s phone ,then 1 in Derrick’s own

I started with Chelsea’s own

“Chelsea what are you doing in my house? didn’t i tell you to stay away from Derrick.”” I heard Sophia’s voice

“” I can’t coz I love him”” I heard Chelsea s voice.

“” then you are requesting for trouble”” I heard Sophia say.

“”so be it…do whatever you want to do. Chelsea said

“”then the battle line has been draw”” Sophia said and that was the end of the first recording.

I don’t still understand,if Chelsea and Sophia were having issues..

why were they still communicating to each other??

behaving as if they were okay together and Sophia never told me anything.

well let me listen more I said playing the second recording.

“” this is the last time you come to my house and say rubbish””

I heard Sophia say.

“” until you release Derrick,I wont stop cos he did nothing to you than to give you pleasure””

I heard Chelsea say

“”what nonsense are you saying ?? i heard Sophias voice

“” well what am saying is that ,you are supposed to be grateful and appreciative to derrick …

for making you a mother…and not to pay him back with bad for the good thing he did””

I heard Chelsea say accompanied with a slap.

“” how dare you accuse me? Sophia said accompanied with two slap””

come on I want us to do this,cos I want your husband to know all that has been happening”” at least a DNA will show you out…

since you want keep playing smart by denying”” i hear Chelsea voice

“”so you now know,so Derrick has told you everything?”” I heard Sophia’s voice

then I couldn’t complete the recording as my mood change.

Collins pov

I can’t believe this has been going on under my roof,unknown to me

so Sophia has been having sexual intercouse with my gateman

and the painful part is that the kids I have came to love and cherish so much

with all my heart aren’t my children…OMG!.. I exclaimed filled with pains and heartbroken

my body became very weak and I started sobing,then I decided to listen to Derricks own

I played the recording,

“so you finally succeed in exposing me to your girlfriend,

that’s good anyway but she’s just as stupid as you…what were you thinking

if you think she will save you,you are dreaming…and you just drew the day

to your death closer,don’t worry after you die I will send her to you

so you guys can continue In the land of the dead,I heard Sophia say..laughing

OMG!,is this the woman I married,I can’t believe this

so you want to kill your own sister,I heard Derrick ask

I don’t want to take any chances,and I don’t want anyone to know the kids doesn’t belong to Collins…

so I will kill anyone that will be a threat to me…she said

you think you will hide it forever Derrick ask…

I will try my best to hide it till we grow old,she said,and that part

hurt me more,I can’t believe I married a wicked and cruel woman

so I have been leaving with a serpent in my house,oh no…it really hurt

I loved and cherished her,I gave her all of me and all I have

why will she do this to me?.. ..she being this wicked means

she is capable of killing me too,I kept thinking as i sob silently

after some minutes I remembered that Derricks life is in danger

so I stood up and rushed out,entered my car and headed to the station

Derrick pov

after Collins left I lost my appetite to eat,all I just want is to see my mom

then I remembered Chelsea,who knows were she is now

I pray she stays alive,mtcheeew i hissed pushing the food one side

Sophia pov

Collins seems weird today,anyway let me call to know if Derrick is dead

hello,have he eaten the food I ask

cell warder: he hasn’t ma.

Sophia: but why??

cell warder: I dont know ma,but your husband was here and after he left…

he hasn’t touched the food.

he said and I became shock.

oh my God!! Collins went to see him ??

I have warned those officers not to let him in,but they don’t listen.

who knows what’s going on now??

who knows if he has told Collins the truth??

I need to do something,Collins don’t need to see him again.

if I knew I would have killed him before now,atleast all this would have ended since

but today will be the last day,I said and called Beatrice

I was in my room as I made the call then I heard Collins drive out…

who knows whats happening now??. I thought to myself as I dropped the phone

Derrick pov

I was still thinking when the cell warder came close to my cell room…

won’t you eat your food?? she asked but I ignored her and she left few minutes later.

Some minutes later ,some officers came and took me out of the cell…

within me i know they are taking me for execussion…

I became sad cos I couldn’t see my mom before now,

we where about entering the car…then collins drove in with some soldiers.

they stopped the officers and took me to their car,and we zoomed off.

Are you okay?? Collins asked.

Am fine …am really sorry for all I did,it wasn’t my fault…

I apologized as I narrated how it all started and why I continued just to get the promises.

she made to me…then I found out she intentionally became drunk that day just to …

lure me and to sex her,and that was how she became pregnant…I said regretting.

Am really sorry ,you are a good man…despite all i did you still came to rescue me. I said

she’s not my wife ,not anymore…after all we dont have anything binding us together.

I couldn’t just stay and let her kill you when I know she is after your life…

so that’s why i came,he said and i thanked him so much.

I was happy he forgive me.

I need to go find chelsea cos she need to be rescued,I said to him

don’t worry we will all go find her,first lets get the Abductor .

and we will get the information on where Chelsea is,he said

and I was so happy within me.

I just pray they haven’t killed her before we get to her,I kept thinking as my mind raced for her.

Sophia pov

I was still lost in thought and scared if Collins has found out anything.

and at the same time waiting to hear from the police men to know..

if they have handed him over to the boys…then my phone ringed.

and I picked up immediately.

Hello!! is it done?? I asked

No ma!! your husband came with some soldiers and they took his away

he said and I became shock.

how?? why ?? I asked…does I mean that derrick has told him everything??

oh no!! what do I do now?

I checked my contact and dialled Beatrice line.

we are in trouble,I said immediately she picked up the call.

what happened?? have the police handed derrick to the boys? she ask

thats it Beatrice!!

Collins went to the station with some soldiers…

and they took him away,I said frustrated.

calm down Sophia,Derrick will always accuse you with no prove…

you can deny it,dont worry about the kids and their DNA…I will get in touch with my doctor

and you will bring the kids over,she said

then I decided to calm down but the DNA is still making me scared.

Are you sure Beatrice? I ask

don’t worry she said.

some minutes later ,some soldiers drove into the compound with Collins behind them

oh my God am finished,I panic

okay I think I need to calm myself down,I didn’t do anything..i said to myself.

then they all came down and Derrick is with them,so I went back to my room..

maintaining calm.

Sophia!! I heard Collins call and I came down

welcome dear! I said but he didn’t reply then two soldiers came close to me

what’s going on honey?? I asked

don’t worry since you are pretending not to know what’s going on..

you will find out soon,but for now…you need to go with the soldiers.

you are very dangerous staying here with me.

before i will wake up one day to see you pointing a gun at me.

I did nothing wrong in marrying you,he said and it touched me but I acted strong.

i dont understand what you saying honey…what is really going on ?? I asked

take her with you ,he said and they Soldiers took me away.

oh my God !! am domed ,what do i do now??

how do I reach Beatrice now?

I haven’t even taken the kids to her,even if I try to deny it…

the DNA will be the proof,what do I do now?

Beatrice need to take the kids,I dont know what she is planning…

but she need to execute it before it get too late…

I kept thinking as we entered into the car as they took me off.

Derrick pov

I can’t believe I will be free,oh God thank you…

you can go clean and wash up yourself in the guest room

after that you go make something for yourself in the kitchen…

cos I can see you are very hungry and weak.

then tomorrow you will be going to the hospital to check yourself

Collins said and I didn’t know what to say.

I can’t believe he will be this nice!!!

Collins pov

feeling so heartbroken,I layed on the bed as I remember how i first met Sophia

how good she was or was she just pretending then??

she was so beautiful and caring with that lovely smile,she was so gentle..

and very kind then that I never believe she will be this bad and wicked…

I know its Beatrice that changed her,I have never liked her right from onset…

and I always warned Sophia to depart from her but she wont listen…

and I never pushed it on her cos I loved her,I believed she was old enough to make decisions for herself

but look at what she has turned into,or was she like this from the beginning??…

they say birds of same feathers flocks together,was she wicked and bad from onset?…

I kept thinking as my heart ached,then I pick up my phone and called her mom to come over.

After some hours she came,looking at her I know she has cried her eyes,out

I know what it is not to have a child, not to talk of having them and lose them…

have you gotten any trace of where my Chelsea is?? she asked and I pitied her…

cos it will be painful for her to know its her own child that wants to kill her sister.

the child she trust…

we haven’t gotten the location but we know who too her I said and she sat properly.

then derrick came in…

Are you the one that abducted my daughter? she asked wanting to go after him

and I held her back.

its not him ma’

am not the one ma’ ,derrick defended

then I brought out Chelsea’s phone…

do you recognize this phone? I asked

thats Chelsea phone, how did you get it? she asked looking at the phone

then I narrated how I go it and then played the recording.

After that,I played the other recording derrick gave me..and she was shock to hear all of them.

Now you know who abducted your daughter not this innocent you man you are accusing,i said

and she broke into tears.

where is sophia?? she asked amidst crying.

she is in the Army barrack,from her we can get the location of Chelsea,I said

as I stood up and left.

few minutes later she also left ,went back to prepare…

and beatrice came…

what are you doing here? I asked angrily

I..I.. I came to see Sophia,she said

get out !!! I said and she wanted to say something.

get out !!! I shouted and she turned and left.

Beatrice POV

I called Sophia’s line and this time,switched off…

I came to see her myself so I we can take the kids to the doctor…

or does she has another plan? let her just say it but this Collins wont let me see her.

I don’t know what to do again or how to get the kids, I thought as I left.

Collins pov

I will be taking those kids to the hospital tomorrow for DNA test

and I will be going to a different hospital far from here,so I Will get the right results…

then after that,if derrick wants to take them,he takes them..but if he doesn’t,I will send them to her mom.

I can’t stay with them cos I want to cut every connection between I and Sophia…

and they aren’t my Children after all .

I called the soldiers to interrogate her and find out where she kept Sophia.

and they say she will be handed over to the police,another police station far from here.

the police will take up the case .

the next day🌞.

after the DNA test,which didn’t match with mine but derrick…

I headed to the police station the soldiers took her to,hearing the will interrogate her today.

so I went to see how it goes…I got there and the DPO welcomed me as everyone was busy…

doing his or her job,I was taken to the room were I would see and hear anything Sophia would say

I sat down with the DPO sitting down too…

some minutes later Sophia was called into a room opposite us by some officers…

after everything,they started questioning her…

Do you know this guy??

they ask showing derrick picture.

yes!! his my gateman,she answered.

so what relationship do you have with him?

His my gateman,so its just a normal employee and employer relationship.

So you mean you don’t have any intimate relationship with him??


okay ,so who is the father of your twin?

my husband of course!!

she said and I became very angry that I wanted to go there and beat the hell out of her…

for imposing someone kids on me.

Calm down!! the DPO said

so you are saying,collins is the father to your kids?? the officers ask again.

Yes!! she said

what if we find out is a lie?? what should we do to you?? they ask and she became quiet.

Alright ,is this your sister?? they continued,showing her her sisters picture.


what’s there any problem between you two?

No!!,I just advice her as a good sister to stay away from derrick.

Why ??? they ask

cos derrick is not her standard.

Did she complain to you?? they ask but she became quiet .

then I stood up and went into the room,looking at her I saw the shock expression on her face.

I sat opposite her,but why Sophia?? I ask

Am innocent collins,she said in a pitiable way

you are really bad and devilish to keep on lying ,I said as I brought out the phones…

And played all the records.

Are you still innocent or you wanna keel lying?? I ask angrily and she couldn’t look at me.

I also bought out the DNA result and showed her…

Are the kids still mine??

After all the love I showed you,you still had the guts to cheat on me.

not just that!! you went and got pregnant outside our marriage.

you couldn’t even go far,but derrick…the gateman!!

I never knew you had no shame,anyway that’s not my problem…

so where is chelsea?? i ask

but she didn’t say anything that cry.

As she cried my heart skipped.

why is she crying so bad,hope Chelsea is not dead??

oh no!!

where is Chelsea?? I roared so loud at her.

it wasn’t my fault Collins,I wasn’t like this…

is just because of the pressure I had from everyone,the insult I got from your mom

the pains I had for being lonely without a child…the barren name people called me

if you were in my shoes ,won’t you do more than this?? she asked and I chuckled

she is stupid to say if I was in her shoes cos we were in it together…

so when all this was happening,i had a child somewhere else right??

No,tell me we weren’t in it together.

in all didn’t I stand by you?? I asked angrily.

you weren’t in it with me Collins…and you wouldn’t stand by me forever,she shouted crying.

Who was the blame going on,is it you?? she asked

who was the insults coming to,is It you ?? she asked

who was feeling the pains and agony, collins is it you ?? she asked

if they were to settle the case and give suggestions,would it favor me?? she asked

who is gonna lose if I had sat back and didn’t take action,is it gonna be you?? she asked

since in all ,you can’t be blamed…that explain you weren’t in it with me.

Collins pov

feeling so heartbroken,I layed on the bed as I remember how i first met Sophia

how good she was or was she just pretending then??

she was so beautiful and caring with that lovely smile,she was so gentle..

and very kind then that I never believe she will be this bad and wicked…

I know its Beatrice that changed her,I have never liked her right from onset…

and I always warned Sophia to depart from her but she wont listen…

and I never pushed it on her cos I loved her,I believed she was old enough to make decisions for herself

but look at what she has turned into,or was she like this from the beginning??…

they say birds of same feathers flocks together,was she wicked and bad from onset?…

I kept thinking as my heart ached,then I pick up my phone and called her mom to come over.

After some hours she came,looking at her I know she has cried her eyes,out

I know what it is not to have a child, not to talk of having them and lose them…

have you gotten any trace of where my Chelsea is?? she asked and I pitied her…

cos it will be painful for her to know its her own child that wants to kill her sister.

the child she trust…

we haven’t gotten the location but we know who too her I said and she sat properly.

then derrick came in…

Are you the one that abducted my daughter? she asked wanting to go after him

and I held her back.

its not him ma’

am not the one ma’ ,derrick defended

then I brought out Chelsea’s phone…

do you recognize this phone? I asked

thats Chelsea phone, how did you get it? she asked looking at the phone

then I narrated how I go it and then played the recording.

After that,I played the other recording derrick gave me..and she was shock to hear all of them.

Now you know who abducted your daughter not this innocent you man you are accusing,i said

and she broke into tears.

where is sophia?? she asked amidst crying.

she is in the Army barrack,from her we can get the location of Chelsea,I said

as I stood up and left.

few minutes later she also left ,went back to prepare…

and beatrice came…

what are you doing here? I asked angrily

I..I.. I came to see Sophia,she said

get out !!! I said and she wanted to say something.

get out !!! I shouted and she turned and left.

Beatrice POV

I called Sophia’s line and this time,switched off…

I came to see her myself so I we can take the kids to the doctor…

or does she has another plan? let her just say it but this Collins wont let me see her.

I don’t know what to do again or how to get the kids, I thought as I left.

Collins pov

I will be taking those kids to the hospital tomorrow for DNA test

and I will be going to a different hospital far from here,so I Will get the right results…

then after that,if derrick wants to take them,he takes them..but if he doesn’t,I will send them to her mom.

I can’t stay with them cos I want to cut every connection between I and Sophia…

and they aren’t my Children after all .

I called the soldiers to interrogate her and find out where she kept Sophia.

and they say she will be handed over to the police,another police station far from here.

the police will take up the case .

the next day🌞.

after the DNA test,which didn’t match with mine but derrick…

I headed to the police station the soldiers took her to,hearing the will interrogate her today.

so I went to see how it goes…I got there and the DPO welcomed me as everyone was busy…

doing his or her job,I was taken to the room were I would see and hear anything Sophia would say

I sat down with the DPO sitting down too…

some minutes later Sophia was called into a room opposite us by some officers…

after everything,they started questioning her…

Do you know this guy??

they ask showing derrick picture.

yes!! his my gateman,she answered.

so what relationship do you have with him?

His my gateman,so its just a normal employee and employer relationship.

So you mean you don’t have any intimate relationship with him??


okay ,so who is the father of your twin?

my husband of course!!

she said and I became very angry that I wanted to go there and beat the hell out of her…

for imposing someone kids on me.

Calm down!! the DPO said

so you are saying,collins is the father to your kids?? the officers ask again.

Yes!! she said

what if we find out is a lie?? what should we do to you?? they ask and she became quiet.

Alright ,is this your sister?? they continued,showing her her sisters picture.


what’s there any problem between you two?

No!!,I just advice her as a good sister to stay away from derrick.

Why ??? they ask

cos derrick is not her standard.

Did she complain to you?? they ask but she became quiet .

then I stood up and went into the room,looking at her I saw the shock expression on her face.

I sat opposite her,but why Sophia?? I ask

Am innocent collins,she said in a pitiable way

you are really bad and devilish to keep on lying ,I said as I brought out the phones…

And played all the records.

Are you still innocent or you wanna keel lying?? I ask angrily and she couldn’t look at me.

I also bought out the DNA result and showed her…

Are the kids still mine??

After all the love I showed you,you still had the guts to cheat on me.

not just that!! you went and got pregnant outside our marriage.

you couldn’t even go far,but derrick…the gateman!!

I never knew you had no shame,anyway that’s not my problem…

so where is chelsea?? i ask

but she didn’t say anything that cry.

As she cried my heart skipped.

why is she crying so bad,hope Chelsea is not dead??

oh no!!

where is Chelsea?? I roared so loud at her.

it wasn’t my fault Collins,I wasn’t like this…

is just because of the pressure I had from everyone,the insult I got from your mom

the pains I had for being lonely without a child…the barren name people called me

if you were in my shoes ,won’t you do more than this?? she asked and I chuckled

she is stupid to say if I was in her shoes cos we were in it together…

so when all this was happening,i had a child somewhere else right??

No,tell me we weren’t in it together.

in all didn’t I stand by you?? I asked angrily.

you weren’t in it with me Collins…and you wouldn’t stand by me forever,she shouted crying.

Who was the blame going on,is it you?? she asked

who was the insults coming to,is It you ?? she asked

who was feeling the pains and agony, collins is it you ?? she asked

if they were to settle the case and give suggestions,would it favor me?? she asked

who is gonna lose if I had sat back and didn’t take action,is it gonna be you?? she asked

since in all ,you can’t be blamed…that explain you weren’t in it with me.

Sophia pov

seeing I have been exposed despite my effort hurts a lot,and i dont know what to do…

which make me feel really bad,and I now realize I was wrong…

though I was forced to,and I went too deep into it.

look at how it has swallowed me,I am so ashamed to face Collins…

after hearing the recording,it seems as if my brain has come back to me…

Now I realize how loving and caring collins has always been.

now I will have to lose him,despite all I did not to

the thought of losing him made me cry as I realize my mistakes.

I loved you Sophia and I would have stood by you till the end.

I have always warned you against Beatrice cos I know she is the mastermind in all these.

but you won’t listen,look how she has turned you into a beast .

Collins said and I cried the more…

so where is chelsea?? he asked

she is with Beatrice,I answered.

then I sited my mom at the door,and I couldn’t bear the shame anymore…

I wish the ground will open and swallow me,since I couldn’t face her…

I rested my head on the table in front of me.

I don’t want to see her,I said to Collins.

then he stood up and went to meet her,I gave them Beatrice line to call…

and request for Chelsea before they took me back to the cell.

I know I will be dragged to court,except they decide to drop the case …

which I know derrick won’t! cos i surely believe he will come after me…

even if they let me go free.

what will I tell my kids cos I don’t know If derrick will accept them…

and they are all I have,all i have suffered for….through them I showed my enemies that am not barren

now I don’t know what I will tell them when they ask about their father.

Collins pov

where is chelsea??, release her!! I said on the phone.

not yet,you will get her with the sum of 5million naira…Beatrice said and I became angry.

you are such a devil!! I said

call me anything you like,when you are ready …you call me to send you the address.

so you can come with the money and then pick her up.

but when coming,come with Sophia,she said and I disconnected the call.

after disconnecting the call,she sent a message that she wants to speak with Sophia.

and I took the phone to Sophia.

I think you should talk to your friend to release Chelsea,i said giving her the phone.

Writer’s POV

Hey! Sophia,Beatrice said but Sophia was quiet.

hello are you there? Beatrice said over the phone.

please Beatrice,release her…just let her go,the game Is over

Sophia said sobbing

Hey! is okay dear…remember besties forever…I have a plan.

You dont have to go to court or prison,

you don’t have to let derrick come after,all you will do is come with them.

and we give Chelsea to them,then I take you…after that we will travel out of the country…

at least so you Can start afresh and mend your heart,

only then you wont have to face derrick nor the court,she said over the phone.

and Sophia was shocked…

she will never change!! collins said.

come on Beatrice,its over already just stop all this your plans.

I can’t do it,I wont be comfortable and i will never feel at peace,Sophia said to her.

then that’s for you if you choose to go to prison,as for me I can’t and I won’t

so they should come with the money and get Chelsea,that’s it

she said and cut the call

Collins pov

I heard all Beatrice said,and Sophia’s mom heard it too

but seriously she’s supposed to be arrested…cos of Sophia,

we decided to drop the case since her mom pleaded on her behalf

and I don’t also want her to go to prison…so we will let everything go

as long as derrick and Chelsea are alive

I think you should call her again and tell her that nobody is taking her to court

and we have drop all charges against you two

nobody is after her so she should bring back my child…Sophia’s mom said

so we called Beatrice again with my phone,and told her what her mom said

Beatrice:well I don’t trust anybody so I will just bring down the money

since you are not coming with me

you guys should bring 2million and get her period…I won’t pick your call

except you text me you are coming for the deal…she said and disconnected the call

writers POV

your dad will be coming back from his business trip tomorrow

and the only money with me is just 2million,so I will have to empty

my account cos of your evil act,thank you Sophia…

thanks for all the COAX you have caused…her mom said walking away

and Collins followed,then Sophia broke into tears

the money was withdrawn and taken to Beatrice

as they also brought Chelsea back with them

Sophia was released from the cell that same day and she didn’t go back home

she was ashamed and scared of facing her family and her husband

so she logded in a hotel

Derrick pov

I couldn’t explain my joy and happiness when I saw Chelsea

I ran and hugged her as she held me tight

I have missed you she said,I missed you too I said kissing her

well I forgive Sophia,if Collins will forgive and save me,treating me well

then who am I not to forgive Sophia

Collins got the job for me which am starting tomorrow

and I have rented an apartment with my savings,I have gotten some necessary

things for myself,starting life in another new dimension with God.

Chelsea pov

I was happy seeing everyone again especially derrick

I had Sophia Is released and free which am not happy about

whatever it is,I will not forgive her…they might have dropped all the charges

against her but i will never see her as my sister again

Collins pov

well for me I forgive her though I don’t know what to do for now

and I am not yet settled on my decision

the thing is that the trust and love will never be there again

so I don’t know If she should come back but for me am done

well for the kids,the mother is coming today to take them

cos I can’t really keep them with me especially when their mother isn’t here

few minutes later Sophia’s mother came,and as she was about going with the kids

Sophia came in… really sorry Collins

am not here for you to accept me cos I know it will never work

am here for you to forgive me she said

I have forgiven you already I replied sincerely,and she went to her mom

begging her….I have forgiven you,you are my child.. I can’t throw you away

her mom said hugging her and they became so emotional

then she held the twins who were jumping around her as they all left

maybe she will come back for her belongings later I mumured

Sophia pov

after spending some quality time with my priceless kids

I went back to the hotel and carried the sniper I bought.

as I looked at it,I remembered my kids and my mom…

Am sorry I said holding their pictures…

I know you will miss me,I said looking at my kids pictures then I took the sniper.

Collins pov

As Sophia left,I was expecting her again cos her property is still in my house.

which she need to carry out.

I was sitting in the sitting room thinking about all that just happened…

then a call came into my phone with an unknown number.

I picked to know who the caller is,only to hear the most shocking news of my life


I shouted as I ran out with my night wear on,

I drove out of the compound and headed to the hotel,

as I got there her mom and dad were already there,and her was crying bitterly…

Tell me is a lie!!! I said holding and shaking one of the security there…

then they brought her Corps out to be taken to the mortuary

immediately,I rushed to the stretcher she is lying on and opened it…

oh!!! Sophia, my Sophia…i called as all the memories and time we spent came rushing through my head

All the love we shared…I forgive you sophia,please come back lets stay together

I still need you !!! I said shaking her as they took her away.

Awwwwwwuuuu!!! i screamed my lungs out…

all these befalled me just within a twinkle of an eye…

God why??

painfully i feel on my knees.

Derrick pov

the news got to me that Sophia took her life and I was really shocked.

I remembered how lovely she was before the devil got into her.

its really so painful cos i never wished her death,

I pity her mom and her husband collins ,they have really gone through alot …

these past few days.

Chelsea pov

The news really got me shocked and I cried my eyes out when I heard It.

I rushed to the mortuary she was taken, to see her

Am sorry for not forgiving you big sis,please forgive me…

I forgive you sis,I said holding her hand as I cry…

holding her I remembered how we used to be,how she use to defend and fight for me…

when I was little,then i felt so bitter and angry with myself.

Collins pov

Things turned upside down,everywhere became boring…

everyone was filled with sadness then I realise i still had a little feeling for her.

But she is nowhere to be found now,

you can’t remain like this collins,she doesn’t even worth it for all she did to you…

come on,move on and get someone else…you aren’t getting younger anymore.

my mom said

and I felt like giving her a punch.

Get out!!!! I said

what did you…..??

Get out i shouted cutting her off.

you started this,you brought this COAX into my family and you are here saying rubbish…

you are such a bad woman and there’s no difference between you &her

I said then went out.


Sophia was buried as they all mourned her.

Sophia’s mom and collins were heartbroken…

Derrick and Chelsea got married after that…but it took collins years before moving on.

Derrick and Chelsea took care of Sophia’s kids…..

Beatrice was nowhere to be found