I have been writing a diary since I regained consciousness. Earlier, I used to use my copies as a diary. Then Arifa started gifting me diaries from Saudi Arabia. The last time he gifted me two diaries was in 1998. One I kept and the other I presented to Bisma as a gift of my love. It was the first and last gift I gave to Bisma.

Talking about the diary, it came to the gift. Now my begum gifts me an imported diary every year. This is the case of a paper diary on which we write by hand. On the contrary, on the diary of the heart, everything is imprinted without writing anything.

In this world, people grow old, but this does not happen in the world of the heart.

There, love does not die and age does not increase.

Whenever you open the windows of your heart and go inside, you see everything written as it is. Something like this is happening to me today. I don’t know if love doesn’t come from the heart or it stays in the heart or say that love is done from the heart and memories are saved on the diary of the heart. Paper. Instead of the memories written on the diary, I am writing the memories written on the diary of the heart on paper today, but I have almost written them down.

The question must have arisen in your mind, “Why…?”

Tell me! I have a publisher friend, according to him my personal story is very interesting. They say that this story should be brought before the readers in the form of a book. That’s why I wrote the story. I don’t know the difference between a story, fiction, novelette and novel. I’m not even a writer, I need the technique of writing. It doesn’t even come, I have written the truth of my life as it is.


“Three burgers…?” Begum said as she looked at the bill in surprise. I closed my cabin with a smile and sat myself on the couch. Begum stood in front of me and asked:

“Number 2 is the sign, isn’t it?” Begum fixed her gaze on my face. I shook my neck in denial, smiling under my breath.

Begum asked the next question to Lajajat.

I took a cold breath and stood up from my place holding Begum’s shoulders with both hands and said:


“Then this could be the sign of your dearest lover number 1,” Begum said with full conviction.

“So many years have passed since our marriage. Have you ever hidden something from me?

“How can you hide it? I know everything about you even before marriage.”

“I also believe you to be an intelligent Fatin woman from the beginning.” I said while smiling and pressing Begum by the shoulders.

“No need to apply too much maska ​​polish…” What is the matter with the three burgers. “Begum’s needle was stuck there. I tried to avoid the conversation as before:

Begum smiled and looked at me and then went to the kitchen.

Mary Begum has no second in truth. I am very lucky in this regard. She is less of a wife and more of a friend. To tell the truth, even 4 wives like him are not a headache. Yet I have never desired four wives. I pray for his long life. Nowadays she is sick. There is no dearth of servants in the house, yet she does all my work herself.

His surprise on seeing that bill was natural. A question arises in the mind. The same question also arose in my Begum’s mind. The story of this bill can be related to a beloved. Begum brought tea and went and lay on the bed. I picked up a cup of tea and went to my study room and started reading the story of my life. Which I wrote like a story.


I still don’t understand whether this love is the end thing. All the women that have come into my life, I have never touched anyone by myself. Nowadays people touch the body first and make love later, I don’t know. Is it love or something else? Love is claimed. I or all the women who have loved me are riding on my mind today with their own memories.

Sometimes the thought of one is knocking on the mind and sometimes of the other. Like the strings of a kite, all the strings of love are tangled with each other. At least I could not know when the love story begins and where it ends.

Maybe love is like a thought that comes to mind and is gone the next moment. Similarly, when love comes in life and when it leaves, you never know.

We humans are also very forgetful. We have conditioned love with bodies. Although love is the name of emotions. Now the question arises, if love is the name of emotions, then why does love go away from life when a person leaves and why does love come when someone is found? Today I introduce you to all the kites that flew on the horizon of love, then were either cut off or stolen away by someone else.

Their strings are with me in the form of memories.


Me and Nabil are best friends since childhood. We were not traditional pigeon fanciers. Despite this, both of us were holding pigeons. Nabeel was good at reading but his logic was beyond my understanding at that time. He neither wanted to work nor his family dairy business.

He took his own decisions, started a spare parts business and also continued his private education. We used to sit on the roof every night and talk about our love affairs. Our family didn’t mind because We both used to sit on the roof. Nabil used to come straight home from the lorry base after closing his spare parts shop. I am his only one He was a friend and he was mine.

Nabil wanted to marry Farzana, the daughter of his distant uncle, and I called Sania, whom I affectionately called Dil Hi Dil Mi Sani. Once I called him Sani in front of Sania and Sania scolded me:

My name is Sania Talat. Be careful who ever takes my name backwards” after that he never had the courage to call him Sani in front of Sania.

Nabil’s family was small. His elder brother Khalil, who owned the family dairy shop, lived in a separate house nearby. In Nabeel’s house, apart from his mother and father, there was his younger sister Aaliya, who was affectionately called Aaliya. Aali used to bring us a bowl of hot milk on the terrace every night.


Sania Talat, my cousin, thin, fair-skinned, but attractive, proud and arrogant, always spoke bitterly, despite this I liked her.

I heard it from my grandmother once in my childhood. The pairing of Sania and Mehroz will look great. After that she was my queen and I was her king.

Aunty used to come to Lahore every year during summer or December holidays with her children. Khalu also had many relatives in Lahore. One year when aunt came to our house, grandmother was also alive. Sania was absently drawing straight lines with a ballpoint pen on one of my rough pink paper copies sitting next to Nani.

Sania got up and left when Aunt Atiya called her. As soon as Sania left, I tore that paper from my copy and kept it with me. I still have that twenty-four-year-old paper.

 Along with this, an essay called “Ashiana” which he had written to my younger sister, my sister finished her homework after seeing it and put that essay in the trash.

From where I picked him up and kept him safe. Which I have put in the photo album called “S”. The question must have arisen in your mind why the name of the album “S”…? It’s a simple thing, from Sa to Sania….everything related to Sania that I got, I have managed even today.


It was the month of July, after light rain, the intensity of heat had decreased.

About half an hour before Maghrib Adhan, I reached the roof of my house with the purpose of feeding the common pigeons of me and Nabeel. The roofs of our house and Nabil’s house were side by side. The pigeon coop was on Nabeel’s roof. Can I see Sania standing from our roof watching the pigeons? She appeared to me alone. Dil said, Mehroz son, the opportunity is good, whatever you want to say, say it quickly.

I dared to speak my heart to Sania:

“I have loved you since childhood and I want to marry you.” Sania looked at me from top to bottom as if she were saying this is a mouth and lentils. She looked at me angrily and left without saying anything. Sania’s brother was standing behind the pigeon hole, which I was unaware of.

He came in front of me after Sania left. He also looked at me like a hungry wolf looks at Barasinghe. He also left with a grumbling in his mouth. At that time, it came to my mind that Sania’s brother had also quarreled with his family and had arranged a love marriage outside the family. He should have guessed my feeling.

After all, only one lover can understand the pain of another lover. Still, he was very angry with me. Sania’s brother was right, if I were in his place and someone showed love to my sister like this, I would have played that lover’s band. If we love ourselves, then it is pure; if someone else does it, then it is impure. Our love is love and the love of others is love.

My expression of love wasn’t overly romantic, but it wasn’t cheesy or sloppy either. A twenty-one-year-old boy who is in love with a girl for the first time in his life would do the same thing as I did. “I have found a very sweet girl for you.” Nani tenderly placed her hand on my cheek and told me this good news. I looked at Nani with strange eyes, she smiled and said:

“Apni Bisma!”

“Basma……” I said in surprise. Bisma was my younger aunt Asia’s daughter. I used to call the younger aunt as masi instead of aunt according to her wish.

Masi was such a cute word … Masi means mother … strange time has come now in big cities the worker is called Masi. Those people lived in the township. Our approach to them was less, the reason being our poverty. Khalu was a lawyer and also had a joint business with his brothers. Aunts rarely wanted to interact with us.

I took his bike from Nabeel.

Nani poured petrol in it. I and Nani reached the township with Sania’s engagement sweets.

It was winter and on a Sunday, my aunt was sitting on the terrace knitting a sweater for her grandson. Me and Nani went to the roof. After a while, Bisma, dressed in black, arrived carrying a tray of tea. In those days Basma’s complexion was whiter than butter.

Bright forehead, eyes with thick red lines, bright face, long neck, shining teeth, black hair like the black night of Savan. In that period, no girl in the whole family was as beautiful as Basma. She was as beautiful as Basma. Good manners too. He would laugh at each other. When she laughed, she used to have a dimple on one side of her cheek.

“Mahrooz Chai…….” Bisma had said while placing a cup of tea in front of me.

I took the cup from his hand and looked at him carefully. She was also looking at me carefully. The little red nails on Bisma’s white cheeks were from Maha. As is often the case with young girls. After finishing tea, grandmother and aunt went to visit a patient. Bisma was the only sister of four brothers. Two elder and two younger, the eldest had gone to his in-laws with his Begum.

The younger one used to be in Qatar and the two younger ones than Bisma had gone to play cricket matches and Khalo Sahib to his friends. After Nani and Masi left, Bisma and I were alone at home.

Two feet away, Bisma was sitting confidently on the chair in front of me.

“You have a big heart… Sharing sweets on your own after losing your love.

“Love…….” I got a shock after hearing Bisma’s words. I thought to myself that only a few months ago, I had expressed my silent love to Sania for the first time in my life. No one except Sania and her brother knew where he got the news from.

“Where are you lost…?” Bisma snapped, breaking my train of thought.

“Who told you…?”

“Everyone knows.” Bisma replied leaning on the back of the chair. My wounds turned green again. My face became pale. Despite the effort, I could not stop the wrinkles of defeat from appearing on my forehead. My silent love was not covered by Bisma.

“Mahrooz, Sania never loved you. She often made fun of you and I used to get very angry with her.

I looked at Bisma with tearful eyes. Bisma had a deadly smile on her face.

“I am telling the truth!” Bisma’s pink lips were smiling again. I was getting the impression from his attitude that it was no big deal.

“By the way, there’s one thing… you’re true, my love. You’ve never seen anyone except Sania.”

“Who…?” “Who are you talking about?” I asked in a rough tone.

Bisma’s musical voice stopped coming. She was a bit nervous. She who was talking to me with great confidence a few moments ago suddenly smelled a snake. She got up and went inside the only room on the roof and stood there looking at the tank. I was suffering from anxiety. What is this incident? I got up from my place and went towards Bisma.

She was looking at me. As I walked across the room and stood in front of him, he rolled his eyes. His breath was coming fast and he was smelling sweet. I could not understand his concern. As soon as I raised my hand to place her on her shoulder to reassure her, she took two steps back.

“I am yours since childhood…” Bisma said looking at me with eyes wide. I fell in love with my cousin in an instant. Grandma’s words echoed in my ears:

“I have found a very lovely girl for you.”

Behind Nani’s voice, a voice reached my ears:

“I love you.” It was not in my power to control my heart, but still I do not consider myself helpless.

You can’t touch me before our marriage.” Bisma, along with the declaration of love, had given me an order to stay away from me while explaining her powers. Hearing this, my heart sank. He who was doing this while sitting in the street of Multan, he came to the township slipping and sliding. Now the township instead of Multan was sacred to me.

Within minutes my heart changed sides.

“You go from here. Someone will come.” Bisma gave the next order with great delicacy.

“Why should I go… there is no thief in my heart?” I said confusedly.

“Please, for my sake… I will be disgraced if anyone sees us together in the room.”

There was truth in Bisma’s voice. I stared at him.

She was really no less than a nymph . When I started to leave the room, one of Bisma’s sentences stopped my steps.

“I prayed a lot that you don’t get married to Sania.” I turned around and saw Bisma, whose face was confident.

“If you don’t marry me, I will die.” My face opened. The ointment of love was applied to the wounds of the heart in such a way that no trace was left.

After returning from the township, Nani came to my room at night. She wanted to apply ointment on my wounds. Now if someone told Nani, the wounds were already filled by a nymph.

“Mahrooz son!! I explained to your aunt that Mehrooz is a very good boy. Talat and Sania liked that boy a lot.

“To Sania…?”

“Yes…… Talat’s cousin’s son is a property dealer. Sania also liked him. Sania didn’t have to say anything. Talat asked Sania, she immediately agreed.

“Someone gets love without asking for it, and someone remains empty-handed even after asking for it.

“I said to Nani in a very poetic way.


Mobile was not common in those days, but PTCL number was definitely supported. which was already present in Bisma’s house. I did not have this facility either. There was a telephone at Tayaji and Nabil’s house, but it was locked in a wooden box, on which there was always a lock. The key of the telephone that was in Nabil’s house was in the pocket of Nabil’s father.

The key of the phone that was in Taya’s house was tied with Taya’s bird. Calling from there was like taking meat out of the mouth of a hungry lion. Therefore, the PCO had to be called. PCOs were also very cruel and used to charge double money from lovers. One used to listen to the lovers’ talk with his ear and kept smiling slowly. When it came to money, he would immediately put his eyes on his forehead.

By calling Bisma from PCO, I was deeply in debt. He had taken a loan of several thousand rupees from Nabil and Arifa. Borrowed from both of them and went straight to PCO. At first my mother would not answer the phone. Masi would become dense even knowingly and shout the wrong number loudly. This would have been a signal for Bisma.

There was a daughter-in-law in Masi’s house, with whom Masi was careful.

Masi and Nani were fully aware of the growing love between me and Bisma. Masi also wanted me and Bisma to have a relationship. I used to miss any opportunity to see Bisma, yet the thirst of my eyes was not quenched. Many times I went from Golmandi on my bicycle early to meet him outside Bisma’s College on Township College Road.

The meeting could not take place, only seeing him.

Basma’s aunt’s daughter Sundus and two girls from her neighborhood studied with her, all of whom knew me well. With six eyes, I could do only four eyes. As soon as they were done, I would grab my bicycle and return with the speed of a bullet to my technical college located on the railway road.

In the process of making eye contact with Bisma, my studies were going crazy. Often I was barred from entering the class for being late.

May Allah bless Sundus, the daughter of Bisma’s maternal aunt, who did not let my education get in the way and put this in my aunt Asia’s ears. The next day, as soon as I called my aunt’s house, she answered the call:

“Hello…” I remained silent even after hearing my aunt’s voice.

From the other side of Masi’s voice came again in a whisper:

“Mahroz son, don’t come to Bisma’s college…” Aunty just said this and hung up the phone. Aunty’s words were more than orders for me. Why not, one was like her mother and the other was Bisma’s mother… I stopped going to Bisma’s college. Then one day Masi gave another order on the phone that from now on only you can call Bisma on Sundays between 9 am and 12 pm.

I put a stone on my heart and accepted this order of my aunt.

I don’t know what I had to do to meet Bisma. One’s wedding card, one’s goods to be taken to the township, Mehroz Sahib was always available 24/7.


During the days when I was blinded by Bisma, one day I was feeding my pigeons on the roof.

“Have sweets.” I turned around and Nabil was standing behind me, with a plate of sweets in his hand.

“Didn’t you go to the shop today?” I asked, picking up a block of ice cream from the plate.

“Today was the engagement of His Highness.”

“Well, where is it?”

“In Gujranwala… there is a boy’s dairy shop.”

“Sister-in-law Sughra and Khalil Bhai came for the engagement…?” I asked.

Nabeel replied:

“Abba ji had celebrated” I was aware of their family discord so did not talk further. Brother Khalil wanted to establish a relationship with his brother-in-law Zafar, which Nabil was not in favor of. We both started thinking something while eating sweets:

“You didn’t ask about the boy…?” I was shocked while eating the sweets.

If you have a relationship, it will be good.

“Ali should not have been born in the house of Gujars.” I smiled after hearing Nabil’s words. Before I could say anything, I saw a plate al-Aali also come on the raised roof and as soon as he came, he gave a message to Nabeel:

“Abba ji is calling brother!” Nabil quickly went downstairs.

“Congratulations, Highness!”

“Congratulations, what do you mean?” Aali asked bitterly.

“You are engaged.

“Marriage will not happen.” Aali looked at me with complaining eyes and said this, she went down the stairs of our house. Aali was beautiful in appearance. She was always wrapped in a big blanket. She always came first in her class till matriculation but she did not take admission in college. I never asked Nabeel nor did he tell me. I had never seen him bare-headed.

I believe veil does not hide a woman’s beauty but enhances it. The woman is wrapped in clothes And she will look so attractive. Something similar was the case with Aali. She used to be lost in her thoughts or busy with household chores. Shant Gum Sim was surprised to hear her answer that day. He began to pour grain.


“Aisha!! You should also get engaged to Mehroz.” When I heard this, my heart started pounding.

“Mother!! Where should I get engaged…?” Ammi took Nani’s words lightly. Nani looked at me and asked:

“Mahrooz!! Get engaged to Bisma!” Before I said something, mom quickly spoke:

“Mommy!! Don’t say it in front of brother Rashid.

Baji, who sometimes meets us, will be banned by Rashid bhai too.”

“I know Rasheed and his father too… Who is the banning person? You speak your mind. “Do you like the girl or not?” Nani finished speaking. Mother looked at me with questioning eyes.

“As you wish!!” I said dryly, being ignorant.

“Mother!! Let me ask Mahroz’s father.” Mother tried to avoid Nani.

“I’ve asked, he doesn’t mind,” Nani said to Fit. Ami looked at Nani in surprise. After all, she was my mother’s mother.

“Didn’t say… I’ve asked.” Ammi didn’t know what she wanted to say, but she couldn’t say it to Nani. Nani then turned to me and said:

“Mahrooz, you bring a motorcycle from Nabil and leave the township today.”

As soon as I get a suitable time, I talk to Rasheed and Asiya.”

I reached the township with Nani with full preparation. Aunt Rasheed was at home due to ill health. Aunt Rashid’s condition had improved a bit. Seeing her at home, my condition must have worsened. Not even for a moment did Khalo let me out of her sight. I could only see Bisma’s hands and feet. Staying at Bisma’s house in Khalu’s presence was pointless. Before aunt asked me to go back myself I thought it best to get up respectfully.

Nani Amina Bibi was also a heavenly soul. She was the elder of the family after the death of her maternal grandfather. Most family decisions are made by the grandmother. Nani’s three daughters used to address her as Maaji and all other relatives as BBG. Nani was Abu Ji’s great aunt as well as great aunt. Both my grandfather and my maternal grandfather were brothers. My maternal grandfather was a retired Subedar from the army.

Nana had married all three of his daughters in his lifetime. Khalu Talat was Thanidar and Khalu Rashid was lawyer. The birth of both was the fruit of birth. When mom and dad got married, grandpa had a big clothes shop in Azam market and our situation was the best in the family. At that time, Abu had shot a boy in a quarrel, then half of the earnings were eaten by the policeman and the other half by the lawyer.

I am not talking about Khalu Talat, Khalu Rashid, these gentlemen were others.

Dada died of shock. The clothing store turned into a taps and buttons store. Our house was divided. Taya Sajid and Aunt Sara always blamed Abu for all this. He was right to a certain extent. Our family was sold. We came to rent.

Taya was called Saudia by her brother-in-law.

Soon, Sajid started progressing and his home conditions improved. Taya built two houses with Saudi earnings. One was in very good condition and the other was a fraud in the name of the house. That cheater gave us rent to live in. Abbu was grateful to Tayaji for this too and Ammi even more than him. Tayaji had four children, two daughters and two sons.

He had married his elder daughter. Arifa’s engagement to her sister-in-law’s son had also taken place in the same house. I was very fond of Arifa even though she was a year older than me. Phu Phu Nasira lived in Sabi, she was childless. She used to come to Lahore only occasionally after years.


“Mahrooz!! I have to close the shop and you take your mother to the hospital.

A healthy rickshaw will be expensive. Where will you push the Vespa in the wagons?” Before Abbu could say, “Bring your aunt’s Vespa,” I quickly spoke to myself:

“Abo! I bring Nabil’s bike. “I would never take a look at Taiji.” It was better to ask Nabil for a motorcycle instead of a Vespa than listening to Taiji’s rant.

On reaching the hospital, the grandmother’s condition was much better. Ami was also relieved to see her mother. My longing eyes were looking around for someone. Nani and Masi sensed my anxiety. My aunt went out with my mother and my grandmother forgot her pain and immediately addressed me:

“You are late. She came straight from college. She has just left… She will come tomorrow after college.

Pray that I don’t get leave till tomorrow.” Nani told the whole news like an innocent child. Nani was more sorry than me for not meeting Bisma. Today, when I remember my grandmother, I feel love for her innocent words.


I took leave from my college the next day to meet Bisma. Put on my best pant shirt and coat which were all given to me as gifts.

Decided to go to CMH by bike instead of bicycle. When he reached Nabil’s shop to ask for the bike, he found that both the bike and Nabil were missing from the shop.

So nice pant shirt top coat, CASIO digital watch in hand. I would like to ride a bicycle. An idea came to my heart, and when I put my hand in my pocket, only forty rupees came out. Arifa remembered.

Arifa, my aunt’s daughter, had only two hobbies: good clothes and good food. She had become quite fat after eating but was still good looking. Gori Chitti round Unable to study at once, after failing his matriculation three times, he himself said that education is God’s salvation. When he reached Taya’s house, Taya-Tai had already gone to Arifa’s in-laws. They were called by Arifa’s fiance Tanveer.

Arifa was also stunned to see my smile.

“Oh! “Mean man… how are you?” Arifa said as soon as she opened the door of the house.

“Tai is at home…?”

“Come on… come on…” There is no one at home…” Arifa said while going inside. I followed him. I explained the reason for coming as I walked.

“That Arifa… I wanted to borrow two hundred rupees.

“How many are there before?” Arifa stopped and asked merrily.

“Nineteen hundred……” I told her with a fit, Arifa started smiling and said:

“You are honest…” After saying this, she went to the room and brought two hundred rupees and placed it on my palm. I rolled up the sleeves of my coat and showed him the watch he had given me. She smiled. I quickly turned around. His voice fell in my ears:

“Oh! Today, where are you going to stay so…?”

“To meet CMH Bisma…” I answered as I walked without looking at Arifa.


Of the 240 rupees, seven rupees were charged as rent. After changing two wagons, I reached the hospital and grandmother was sleeping. My aunt saw me and said:

“Mahrooz son! You sit near Maaji, I will come after praying.” Masi went to pray. A few minutes later a nurse came and addressed me:

“Where has Baji gone?” “

“My aunt has gone to pray.

“Well do that. These are two injections. Currently they are not available in our stock and they are yet to be installed. You bring it from outside.” The nurse put a slip in my hand. I looked at the nurse worriedly.

“You get the injection, I’m right here…no need to worry.” I got those two injections from the pharmacy. When he asked for the bill, the elderly person sitting at the counter Looking over his glasses, he said:

230 rupees.

I took out 230 rupees from my pocket and handed it to him and ran back to the ward. The three coins lying in my coat pocket were bouncing and hitting each other. When he returned back, it was half past two. In CMH, relatives can visit their patients for two to four hours. Nani was sitting leaning on the back of the bed. Bisma was giving Nani cold water and her cousin and friend were relishing mango juice with straws in their mouths.

Seeing Bisma, my heart beat faster. Bisma also looked at me with a smile. I walked towards them. Bisma cleaned Nani’s mouth and placed the iced tiffin box on the side table.

Mehroz brother!! Aslam Alaikum…” Bisma’s friend Nida said. He had a smile on his face. However, Bisma’s cousin Sundus was not so good.

The nurse rushed to me as soon as she saw me.

“Bring the injection.” I did not answer and put the packet in front of him. She watched the injections carefully then began to inject them with the help of a syringe into Nani’s drip. In the meantime, my aunt had also returned.

“Your injections haven’t arrived yet.” Masi asked the nurse with a restrained tone.

“If you had come, why did you ask… Baji … …? … … Baji rush to reduce … … ” The nurse said to Masi while making a face.

“Basma! Let her stay with me. You three go outside and sit on the lawn!”

“Aunty, I will also go with them.” Sundus replied simply.

“Okay, you too go.” Sundus was the first to go outside. She was followed by Nada, then Bisma and the last one was me.

“Listen to Mehroz.” I stopped at my aunt’s voice. Masi took out some hundred thousand notes from her purse and walked towards me.

Sundus was standing behind me before Masi.

“Mahrooz, keep this money.”

“Why are you giving this…?” I immediately asked.

“Injections would have come at 250.”

“Aunty, she looks like a grandmother too,” he commented.

“Which Mehrooz earns now…?”

Mehroz does not earn, his father earns… From that day all expenses are being done by my uncle.

Sundus has opened a new Pandora. Masi’s facial features changed. Before she could say anything to Sundus, Bisma hurried to Nani’s bed and picked up Nani’s purse and showed it to Sundus and said:

“Nani is a subedar’s widow. They are being treated free of charge. If something is a little too expensive, it is done by the grandmother herself. Grandmothers are not a burden on us…nor on our other daughters nor on our sons-in-law…

“Don’t tell the girls… go outside and do the calculations…” Our job is a problem.

A senior nurse said humbly. Masi gave Bisma a wink. Bisma drank her anger and took everyone out. Outside, the four of us were watching each other like owls during the day.

“I’m very hungry…” Sundus broke the silence.

“Me too…” Nada also held her stomach and said. Bisma stared at Nida.

“Why are you looking at him with tears in your eyes?”

What is breakfast? Drinking a can of juice fills the stomach a little.” Before Bisma could say anything, Sundus had narrated the whole situation himself.

“Okay, we will have something to eat after going home.” Nida had killed her hunger for Bisma’s sake. I secretly looked at Bisma… who was already looking at me. Sundus’s eyes were watching us like a deer. I remember studying in matriculation. Our Headmaster Yusuf Sahib was a very good man. He used to teach matriculation students free of cost in the school building every year before the commencement of board exams. Our matriculation exam used to last for a week. It was a cold February night. After teaching mathematics, before the leave, Master Saheb recited to us some Punjabi poems written by himself, in which Heer Ranjha was also mentioned.

After reciting the poem, Sir asked what do you think about Kedu. Sir would point at each boy with his stick. He would quickly get up from his seat and express his thoughts about being in one sentence and then sit down:

“Kido was very disrespectful.

“Sir! He also used to smoke cannabis.”

“Sir Ji was the enemy of lovers!”

“His behavior was not right, that’s why he was not married.

All the boys, including the head, laughed. No boy was willing to give Kedu a certificate of good character.

“Who would give his girl to such a lame bhangi…?”

“Whatever he did. “I would have broken his other leg too,” said a boy aggressively. Thankfully there was no kiddo. Seeing his anger, if Kedu was there at that time, my classmate would have done it.

“He was a killer of lovers.”

“That’s right sir!! He was Sedia (villain)” said the guy sitting next to me. Sir swung his rod at me like a snare on prey. I stood up. The head instructed me to speak with the eyes.

“Sir! To me Kedu was a jealous person.” All the boys in the class turned their necks and looked at me with devouring eyes.

Some had blood in their eyes as if it was a matter of their honor. I looked nervously at Sirji who was looking at me seriously. Sir addressed me and asked:

“Just or do you want to say something else.”

“No, sir, I have a lot to say.” I replied with a broad chest. The head again beckoned me to speak with his eyes.

“Her Kedu’s house was respected. How can any honorable man tolerate a Kama (servant) flirting with his masters daughter? If any of us were in Kedu’s place, he would have done what Kedu did. Kedo is not the enemy of love…it is a sign of honor.”

My arm was hit hard. I looked down and saw Sir Ji’s stick lying in front of me.

As soon as I looked up, Headmaster Yusuf Sahib was standing in front of me with embers in his eyes. He placed a strong slap on my cheek and said:

“Vida Kedu Da Supporter.”


“If someone poisons me at this time, I will eat that too.” Sundus had also described the last limit of the intensity of his hunger.

“Basma, I bring something from the canteen.

“Nida thought this was the only solution to shut Sundus’ mouth. Basma also gave her consent silently.

“I don’t want to eat anything from the canteen. “How many days does it last?” Sundus made a face like a stubborn child and said to me:

Mehroz brother!! Nada will feel good bringing something while you are there…what?” Was it a joke of Sundus or a question at that time I did not understand anything.

“What do you want?…” Nida asked impatiently.

“There is Rahat Bakery nearby, let’s go there, shall we?” They come from there after eating something. “He revealed the intentions of his heart.

“Your mind is fine. Grandma is sick inside. We have come to take care of them and are waiting for you.”

I have seen Bisma angry only once in my life and that day.

“Tell me the food you want from Rahat Bakery, we will order it here.” Nida hastily presented her suggestion, which Bisma did not like at all. Bisma cast a sharp look at Nida.

“That’s right.” Sundus gave his consent while pinching, and said the food as well:

“I will eat a burger.”

“Me too.” Nida also agreed with Sundus’s yes. Bisma looked at me questioningly. I have not forgotten that sight of him till this day. In which there were questions, apologies, compulsions and above all, love.

“What are you going to eat?” I also asked Alfat.

“What you will feed.” Bisma spoke sparingly. But his eyes were generous that day.

They looked at me with joy and I could not even do that. I was afraid of Sundus. But Bisma’s fear was over. According to Nabil, Lillo was also unfit in love.

“Let’s go get the money.” Sundus’ voice drew Bisma’s attention.

Nida had put her hand in her purse when Bisma asked the fit:

“Why money…?” Sundus looked at Bisma in surprise.

“Mahroz Bhai, which one is he earning now?” Sundus said with emphasis on each word.

“Even if I don’t earn. You can eat burgers.” Bisma answered Sundus with great pride. I looked into Bisma’s eyes. She spoke a lot with her eyes.


I am Mahroz Majid today I am a successful businessman but years ago it was not like that.

I was very simply married at the age of twenty-two, just out of college. There are two younger sisters who are married and both are happy in their homes. Abu died a few years ago. Ammi lives with me. Earlier we used to have five people living in a small house in Gwalmandi and today only five people live in a big bungalow in Defence.

Ami, me, my Begum And my two twin sons Jodan and Rehan. Jodan had a tendency towards business. He looks after our business at the Hafeez Centre. And Rehan is good at reading, so he studies in the university. I was tired of reading. I opened the study room window. The light in Rehan’s room was burning. I left the study room and walked towards Rehaan’s room.

I knocked on the door of Rehaan’s room.

“Come on papa!!” I entered the room. Rihan took his eyes off the laptop and looked at me.

“Who are you talking to?” I asked while sitting next to him.

“From Malaika…” He said while holding the laptop in front of me.

“How are you uncle…?” Malaika showed warmth even after twelve o’clock in the night.

Malaika and Rehaan are class mates in the university and they both belong to the same group. While I was speaking before that, Malaika asked the next question:

“Uncle you haven’t slept yet”

“I was in my study room.”

“Your story is not complete yet?” Malaika asked in surprise.


I thought it best to get up before Malaika asked about my story again today. I left Rehaan’s room and went to my study room and sat down again with the draft of my story. I went to Rahat Bakery with three coins in my coat pocket to buy “three burgers”. I ordered three burgers as I left. The boy packed three burgers and cut a bill of 120 rupees and pointed to the counter while holding it in my hand. I picked up the shopping bag and reached the counter. He handed over the bill to the counter and began to rummage through his own empty pockets. For two minutes I continued to pretend.

The counter guy was watching me carefully because I was never a good actor.

“Uncle!! Put the shopper… And bring money. Then take… Burger.” said the counter guy with great style. I felt as if he abused my poverty. Even after hearing this I could not keep shopper.

I thought for a moment that I would run, then I thought that if I get caught, someone’s moral will be broken.

If I do, what should I do? I was lost in my thoughts. When I turned around, a glass or two hit me and my left wrist hit Hasina’s shoulder. I don’t know whose mistake it was. Her greatness was that instead of attacking me, she said sorry, paid the bill and left. I followed him with my eyes and found out that a handsome young man was waiting for him in the car.

As soon as the girl left the bakery, the young man opened the door while sitting in the car. She quickly got into the car and left. When my wrist was on her shoulder, I realized that I was wearing a brand new CASIO watch. I took off the watch and gave it to the person sitting at the counter along with the bill.

As proudly as I presented the watch to him.

The person sitting at the counter said more contemptuously than that:

“Uncle! This is a bakery, not a watch shop.”

“You keep this watch, I will give you 120 rupees and take my watch.”

“Hold your watch, put the shopper and go out…” That man had regularly insulted me. I want to put my heart under his ear. What is the poor thing?

But this was not the solution to the problem. I took the path of reconciliation and said very innocently:

“Uncle!! Burgers are my take at any cost.”

“Okay, then you sell this watch to me for 120. You can’t give a watch instead of 120 rupees while giving account to the owners at night… can’t you? I keep the watch myself and put 120 rupees into the account from my pocket.

“But this is brand new, worn today for the first time. Its price is much higher than 120. He turned the clock towards me. Instead of grabbing the clock, I thought it better to grab the shopper that had three burgers. When I turned around, the same two glasses I had bumped into were looking at me intently. Like trying to identify.

“Sorry, I didn’t see it.” I said this and walked away.

“May I ask your name…?” The young lady asked before I left.

“Mahrooz Majid.”

“it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Me too…” I answered him and came out of the bakery. I kept a bill of one hundred and twenty in my pocket above my heart.


“It’s very tasty…” Sundus said as soon as he took the first bite of the burger.

Bisma looked at me as she removed the white paper dressing over her burger. I was looking at him lovingly.

“You didn’t bring anything for yourself…” Bisma asked seriously. I shook my head in the negative. Bisma got up and came to me and gave me half a burger and said:

“Eat half and half.”

“You eat, I’m not hungry.”

“Love grows by eating together.”

Bisma said shyly. Sundus immediately looked up at us. Now I too was not paying any attention to Sundus. I’ve eaten big burgers in my life, but that half burger tasted like something else. Maybe Bisma’s hands were on him. After finishing the burger, Bisma said:

“Nada, you sit near Sundus, me and Mahroz bring tea from the canteen for both of you.”

Bisma got up from her seat and plucked a rose flower from the garden and presented it to me with great confidence. I looked at Sundus and Nida and then took the flower from Bisma’s hand. Bisma had declared her love. I became a coward because of Bisma’s honor. Bisma’s love made me brave. Bisma extended her delicate palm towards me.

I moved the rose flower from right hand to left hand. He placed his hand on her palm. Bisma’s palm was as soft as rose petals. I still feel the touch of Bisma on my hand. I got up from my seat and walked along with Bisma. Tea was an excuse. Both of us sat at some distance in front of Sundus and Nida and engaged in conversation.

“Mahrooz!! Tayaji has asked for my relationship for Ajmal. Ami has put it off by saying that I am studying right now. You also do something.

“Send mom and grandma for a relationship ․․․․․․․” I replied with a fit.

“Do something. Ajmal owns a shuttering business… earns good money. They.”

“My last semester is going on… how can I quit studying and work?” I got a heavy slap on my neck.

For a moment, my parrots flew away. When I looked back, Khalo was standing there. Khalo Rasheed looked at Bisma with eyes sharper than a sword. She silently bowed her neck and walked silently in front of Khalo. Khalu Rasheed would have beaten me more if I was not in the public place. After this insult, I did not even dare to meet my grandmother. I bowed my neck and walked towards Golmandi from Cantt fell

While climbing the mall from Kanal Roor, I looked at the canal in which dirty water was flowing. My heart wanted to jump into this dirty water and kill myself, but it was a small canal. It only wet me, I couldn’t drown, because I was a very good swimmer too. Even if I wasn’t a swimmer, a stupid lover dies a little. Not even the dirty water of a canal can enter their throat until they have drunk their share of disgrace.

Despite being an expert swimmer, I could not cross the class canal. Where wealth is more important to humans than love. I threw those three coins in that dirty water.


 When I reached home from the hospital with a sad heart, I was greeted by Abuji’s crackling voice:

“Where is that watch…?”

“Which watch…?”

“What Arifa gave you as a gift.

I have never seen my father so angry. I couldn’t understand why Abbu found out that I had sold that watch for 120 rupees. I was thinking with emphasis on the mind. Who was Abu’s acquaintance in the bakery who told this news to Abu before my arrival?

“Son, tell me…” asked mother kindly.

“That’s ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․”

“What happened to mother ․․․․․․․ They are fine, aren’t they?” Ami immediately became soft. Abu was also cold to some extent.

“Nani is fine…don’t worry.” I consoled her while holding her hand.

“Owl’s muscles……because of that watch ․․․․․Tanveer has refused to marry Arifa.”

“I don’t understand Abu Ji.”

“Are you listening… Mehroz’s mother… I don’t understand how he is so forgetful.” Mother looked at me with complaining eyes and then started saying:

The day mother and I asked you, you would have told me that you and Arifa like each other. No matter how good a girl is, she cannot be better than Arifa.

“Ami ji!! You are misunderstanding….There is nothing like that between me and Arifa.”

“There is nothing like that, so why are you taking gifts from him for years?” He has told that the clothes you are wearing today. He has gifted them all to you. This pant shirt, belt, coat, only boots you bought with my money. Abu Ji was right.

“Mahroz’s mother, give him food.” Abuji said this and went to his room.

Who was hungry? I had no idea what the fuss was about. I requested Ammi:

“Mommy, tell me the whole story…?”

“First you tell me everything.” Mom asked me in reverse.

“What should I say…?” I asked with an open mouth.

“Mahrooz, I did not expect this from you.” Ammi said this in a complaining manner and went to the kitchen.

After a while, groundnut dal and two rotis were lying in front of me.

“Put the dishes in the kitchen.” Ammi said while going to her room.

After eating half of the burger, I was crazy enough to eat peanut butter. I picked up the dishes in the same way and put them in the kitchen. I kept seeing Bisma’s face all night. I also forgave Khalo Rasheed as Basma Kabab.

If he was not Bisma’s father, he would have slapped me. Ammi Abu’s displeasure and her anger did not matter to me. Whenever Taya’s elder daughter Kulsoom had a disagreement with her in-laws, the relationship between Tanveer and Arifa would break. With the reconciliation of Kulsoom, the relationship between Arifa and Tanveer would automatically be restored. It was routine. The next day I wanted to go to the hospital again, but at the same time I was afraid of Rashid. Instead of going to college, he reached Nabil’s shop. When Nabeel was told the whole story, he asked:

“When your aunt slapped you, you were not even holding Bisma’s hand.”

The heart was wanting, but she started saying:

“I have held your hand myself. Now don’t try to touch me.”

If I had held her hand, she would have slapped Khalo herself.

“Meaning…?” Nabil asked with a bad face.

“It means….she says you can’t touch me before we get married.”

“You must have touched Sania.” Nabil guessed with great confidence.

I shook my head innocently.

“So you are very unworthy Lello.

Nabil said in a harsh tone.

“I have not been able to see Sania for the rest of my life.”

“Son, let go of love and affection, this is not your business… Me and Farzana Pindi went to the wedding. Your brother was holding Farzana’s hand all the way.

Nabeel tell me what to do… Don’t listen to your love stories.

“The whole night she was lying with her head on my chest.

Nabil made another joke.

“I also know… tell me what to do.” I was getting very angry with Nabil, but he was not paying any attention to my anger.

“So don’t have any contact with Bisma for a few days… Look at the oil and look at the oil flow.” Nabeel said like an experienced lover.


The next day passed in great anxiety.

The next day I reached home after college leave, Tami immediately informed me:

“Mom! He is fine and he has also been discharged from the hospital.” Ammi was smiling slightly looking at me. I was afraid that Ammi has come to know about the “three burgers” thing and Khalu’s slap has also come to know. When Abu comes home at night, I hide from him too.

There was no smile on Abu’s face, there was no sadness. That day also passed by Allah. When he returned from college on the third day, both mother and father were getting ready to go somewhere. Abu usually returned home from his shop late at night. On that day, he came home on time. I was surprised to see Abbu, but at the same time I was afraid of him. When Abu left the room, I quickly asked Ammi:

“Where is the preparation…?”

“Getting married!!”

“Mahroz’s mother come and go…” Abu said after kicking Vespa.

Ammi took the warm blanket on her shoulder and replied:

“Ig… If Hareem and Tahirim come from tuition, then stay with them…. Potato spinach I have cooked and bring rotis from the oven.” Ammi had said everything in one breath while going out.

When Nabil returned from his shop in the evening, he met him on the roof. Nabil started asking me:

“Any good news of Bisma…?”

“You yourself advised that the matter is hot… Do not try to contact Bisma for two or four days.

Today is the third day.

“His phone didn’t answer…?”

“Where does the phone come from….you guys have had a bad number for a week.”

“Tere Taye Sajid’s number is right…”

“Tai has already washed her hands behind me. They would have got another chance to defame me.”

“Yar would have given the number of the shop.”

“In your absence, if his phone would come, your father would hear the call and immediately inform him.

Nabil immediately supported my point.

“Tomorrow you call yourself and say hello.” When the love period ended, the pigeons started. Nabil and I sat on the terrace till late night and talked about pigeons. I heard the sound of Vespa in the street, I hurriedly went down the stairs and opened the door of the house, there was my mother standing in front.

“Where has Abbu gone again…?” I asked while peering into the street.

“To return the Vespa,” Ammi said as she entered the house, removing her warm blanket from her shoulders and went to her own room. I also followed behind them.

“Did you have an affair with Bisma?” Ammi asked calmly, but it was difficult for me to answer her.

“Dizzy…?” I tried to pretend.

“Today she cried a lot after hugging me,” Ammi said while sitting on the chair.

“Why did she have an operation?” I asked, as if I did not know Bisma.

“No marriage… marriage is also like an operation.” Ami replied with a faint smile.

“Who’s wedding?” I could only ask nervously, as the outer door began to knock.

There my heart began to sink.

“Go quickly, your father is here.” Ammi said strongly. I opened the door with heavy steps. As soon as Abu saw me, he put his hand on my shoulder and asked:

“Yar Mehroz, when will your course end.”

“It is the last year.” Abu put his hand on my shoulder and brought me with him to his room.

“Mahroz’s mother completes her course… so I have to marry her with the same simplicity.” Abuji said while sitting on a chair and taking off his boots and socks.

“What is his age now? Give him something to do!!”

“It has become one twenty-two… Basma was even younger than that, she has become her own house.”

I thought it best to get out of there quickly before I started crying.


“If I don’t get married to you, I will die.” Lying on the bed, I remembered something Bisma had said. I got up from the bed wiping my tears and went to the ceiling R is gone. Sitting on a broken chair in a corner, I spoke to myself:

“Basma you have cheated me so much ․․․․․․”

Someone had a delicate hand on my shoulder.

I also put my hand on his hand. Then someone’s lips opened near my ear in a whisper:

“I will never betray you.”

I got scared. When I looked back, Aali was bending over with her lips on my ear.

“You ․․․․․․․here․․․․․․․․․․․․․ In the middle of the night…” I screamed. He quickly put his delicate hand over my mouth and pleaded with his eyes to be quiet.

I calmed down. He again spoke a sentence in my ear:

“I am telling you that I will marry you.” As soon as she said this, she walked away from there. He looked back before descending the stairs to his house. Even in the cold I had sweat on my forehead.

What did Aali say?… Somewhere she didn’t go crazy… I always considered Aali as my sisters. I was mourning my love. Aali explained the disease of his love. Now my heart was forced to think about Aali instead of Bisma. That day I found out that the mind thinks as well as the heart. After that night, every time Aali would bring milk for us on the roof, I would keep my eyes down, and few days passed like this. Nani also came to our side from the township. That night Ammi Abu called me to her room to discuss something important. Nani was also sitting with him. I wanted to ask Nani a lot about Bisma, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to Nani in private.

Before talking to my grandmother Abuji said:

“I want to marry you.” I looked at everyone in surprise. Ammi was smiling, but Abu’s face was serious.

“Is there no language in my mouth?” Abu’s tone was bitter this time.

“Marriage… I’m going to have papers.”

“The marriage will take place only after the papers,” Abuji said decisively.

“But Abu ji, I am unemployed.” I never once asked him who the girl was.

“Make your own passport Sajid Bhai will take you to Saudi Arabia.”

“Yes, better…” I stood up from my place.

“Mahrooz son!! They will not ask about the girl. “Nani addressed me seriously. I shook my neck in the negative, looking at Nani suspiciously.


As I was lying on my bed, Nani came and sat next to me and started rubbing her fingers on my head with great love. I turned my face away in frustration.

“Are you angry with me?” Nani asked with great love.

“What should not happen.”

“Basma is not my daughter….my daughter’s daughter. It was beyond my power to decide his life.

Ajmal is not lucky enough to get Bisma. Unfortunate is Bisma who lost you. Arifa is also a very good girl and she also loves you very much.

“Where did Arafa come from?” I asked, raising my nose.

“You are getting married since Arafa.” Nani told me with great satisfaction. I was in a quandary whether to ask my grandmother first or not.

“You wanted me to marry Bisma. Arfa and Tanveer’s engagement broke. What is my fault in this?” How can Arifa and I get married? ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․”


My papers were done and I was looking for a job. At the same time I also started visiting a big electronics workshop in Hall Road.

Kulsoom Baji’s fight with his in-laws had become quite long this time. When there was a wedding in Taiji’s uncle’s homeland, Taiji and Tai moved there. After Tayaji’s TV broke down, Abbu ordered me to go and fix his TV.

“His wires have been cut with scissors” I told.

“I know…… Kulsoom Baji said proudly.

“Why…?” I asked in surprise.

“Because of your love, I am sitting here… You are the one who does not come around here.”

“My love…? Who…? Who are you talking about Baji?” I asked Kulsoom Baji several questions at once. Kulsoom Baji was surprised by my answer.

“Don’t you love Arifa…?”

“Who told you…?”

“Arfa says that you also love her.”

“Who does she say?” I asked confused.

“From me…” Kulsoom Baji looked at me with questioning eyes.

“Kulsoom Baji, I have not understood myself till today who loves whom.” The confusion between me and Kulsoom Baji was also removed by Arifa.

“Oh! You know… I love you… It’s for your sake that I broke off the engagement with Tanveer.

“When did I say that you break the engagement with Tanveer?” I separated myself from Arifa’s one-sided love in front of Kulsoom Baji.

“Arifa, if my house is destroyed, you will be the main reason for it.” Kulsoom Baji said to Arifa in a reproachful manner and walked away from there.

“What was the need to speak all this in front of Baji?” Whatever you do, I will never let you marry anyone other than me.

Arifa had openly threatened me in straight words. Arifa also left there stamping her feet. I had gone to Tayaji’s house to fix the TV. Arifa in turn repaired me. I quickly fixed the TV and left there. Whenever Arafa had to meet me, she would open the TV herself and cut some of its wires.


Two months after Bisma’s marriage, one day Nani began to tell me the details:

“When I came home from the hospital, I found out that Rasheed had fixed Bisma’s relationship with Ajmal.

Bisma cried a lot, but Rashid did not listen to her. Your aunt’s daughter-in-law and Sundus had filled your aunt’s ears against Bisma and your aunt. At night Bisma said that I will eat poison but I will not marry Ajmal under any circumstances. Rashid said if you don’t marry Ajmal, I will divorce your mother and kick her out of the house. It used to arrange your meetings with that bastard.

After listening to Nani’s words, the blood circulation in my body accelerated. Nani started the conversation again:

“Asia said: “Basma will marry Ajmal, but I also have a condition.” Rashid said to Fit:


“You will never stop me from seeing my sisters.”


They will be invited to the marriage and will not mention anything to them.

“This is also accepted.”

Nani wiped the tears from her eyes and said:

“Mahrooz son!! Bisma was not unfaithful, she was forced. Even if she did, what would she do?

“What was Saniya…?” I asked Nani in a hug.

“She was greedy… When he When the relationship of that hair dealer came, I explained a lot to him. Sania Beti Mehroz is a very nice boy who will make you very happy.

Sania started saying:

“How will Nano be happy?” They live in a rented house. He is studying in a government college. Even if found, he can get a menial job in a factory. He has no future. While Khurram has his own bungalow and car. I will indulge with Khurram. Leaving Khurram and marrying Mehroz would be foolish.”

“Grandma, why did you always try to make my relationship towards your daughters?”

I asked sadly. Nani took a cold breath and sadly said:

“Mehrooz wanted to put the cement of a new relationship on the old walls of relationships in my son.”

“I do not get it……?”

“I can only tell you… I can’t understand.”

“Why did you want that…?”

“New relationships strengthen and weaken old relationships.

I also wanted to strengthen the weak bonds between my daughters.”

“Grandma, from your words, I am feeling as if my status was like brick, sand, cement to you.”

Nani quickly hugged me to her chest and said in a raspy voice:

“Don’t get me wrong Mehroz son!! When your children are young, you will like your grandmother perfectly.

Allah knows that my intentions were clear.”

“If your intention was clear, why did it not succeed.”

“Because of your poverty.”

“My poverty….?” I have never felt poverty except for one day in my entire life and that day was when I went to Rahat Bakery empty pocket to buy three burgers. I had my own bicycle and used to get good pocket money from Abbu.

I used to get a loan from Arifa. Every day at night, a bowl of milk would come for me along with Nabil. On the day off, Nabil and I used to have breakfast outside, sometimes Phaje’s pies, sometimes Fike’s lassi, Kake’s nihari. Today Nani called me poor, I never saw my poverty in the mirror of my mind. I was rich in heart and considered it as rich.

Sania did not see your love, she only saw your poverty. In the same way Rashid was also hated. He has given his daughter’s hand in full hands instead of empty hands.

“Nani, truly, Sania or Bisma had nothing in her heart for me.”

“Sania spat out your love and Bisma swallowed it.”

It was said at once that I had to face such a harsh reality for the first time in my life both inside and outside.

A donkey is also known as a horse. I thought Golemandi was the business district of New York. According to me, the richest people in the world were the residents of Golemandi.

“Arifa is a very good girl.” After Sania, Bisma, Nani also spoke the same line for Arifa. I remained silent after hearing this.

“If it was so good, why would Tanveer end the years-old engagement with her?”

“Because of you…” Nani put another accusation on my head.

“What I have done……?”

The things that Sajid used to bring from Saudi Arabia for his future son-in-law. You used to take those things from Arefa.

“By God, Grandma, I never asked Arifa for anything.” She herself keeps giving me gifts.

“And you take ․․․․․․․ Just think, why would a girl give her fiance’s things to someone else…?”

“What did I know that they used to bring things for Tayaji Tanveer?”

“Arfa loves you very much.”

“I loved Sania from childhood and Bisma was in love with me from childhood. Neither Sania found me nor Bisma could find me. Even before the marriage of Kulsoom Baji, Tanveer is in love with Arifa. Should I see Tanveer’s love or Arifa’s love?

“If Tanveer had love for Arifa, he would not have broken the engagement with her.

“If you are unfaithful, the engagement will break even,” I told my grandmother.

“For whose sake has Arafa been unfaithful to Tanveer…? For your sake. I was thinking after listening to Nani’s words.

“Hey, I forgot.” Saying this, Nani got up from her seat and took out a packet from her bag which was wrapped in a pink gift paper.

“This was bought by Bisma for you.” I held it and got up from my sisters’ room and came to my room. I took out my big wooden box from under my bed in which I used to keep my special things. He put the gift in it and locked it again. I ran up the stairs. Tears were coming out of my eyes.

When he reached the roof, Nabil was standing in front of him.

“Sherban Shir…….Men don’t look good while crying…” Nabil comforted me hugging his chest, but there were tears that he didn’t accept any consolation. They were constantly flowing.

“One got engaged and the other got married… I wanted both of them to break up.” I said with a hurt voice.

“Milk…….brother!!” Aali had reported his arrival while standing next to Nabil. I quickly wiped my wet eyes and picked up a cup of milk from the tray. Aali went from there saying something more. “Why are you behind me?” I shouted to Arefa. A triumphant smile appeared on his lips.

“Now I have fallen in love with you.” Arifa said with great pride. Like conquering me. I reminded him in a dead voice:

“We are not married yet.”

“The days have been set and the marriage will also take place.

“I don’t want to marry you.” I said bluntly.

“I love you and I want to marry you.” Arifa said to Alfat. I smiled a little.

“Why are you smiling?” Arifa immediately asked.

“That’s why you have taken away the smile from the lips of two men.” After hearing my words, Arifa did not miss this.

Now Arifa had a smile on her lips.

“Leave Tanveer’s talk alone,” Arifa said rudely.

“Was it his fault…?” I asked softly.

“Oi!… you tell me what is my fault…?” I have left Tanveer for you…you have never even looked at me with love.” Arifa was emotional. I said nothing more and got up.

“Oh! “Where are you going?” Arifa asked indecisively.

“Hall Road…”

“Go and fix the TV…”

“TV will be fine, what about life? Arafah, you have ruined my and Tanveer’s life because of your stubbornness.” I fixed the TV and went on my way.


A few days later one day I was walking on the roof in a fit of anxiety.

Nabil had gone to Gujranwala to leave Ali’s dowry. I was supposed to get married to Arafa on the coming Friday. Two days after that, on Sunday, Aaliya’s procession took place. Despite the cold, I did not want to go down. I also knew that Nani was waiting for me in my room.

Aali appeared with a bowl of sugar on a tray.

“Mahrooz, I have brought you warm milk.”

“Why did you bring hot milk for me?” I replied while eating the heat. Aali’s face grew serious.

“My heart was wanting me and the order was given.”

“Go take the milk, I didn’t drink it.” I said in a harsh tone.

“You don’t want to marry Arifa, do you?” Ali asked innocently.

I looked at him angrily. My anger didn’t make any difference in Aali’s behavior, she said with the same seriousness:

“You don’t want to marry Arifa and I want to marry Anwar.”

“You go down, what will your family think?” I shouted angrily.

“My family has faith in me,” Ali answered with great confidence, looking into my eyes.

“If these actions continue, confidence will rise.”

“Love is another name for trust…” How can you love if you don’t trust me?

“You stop your nonsense and get out of here.” I lost my mind.

“I will not be Anwar’s bride and I will not let Arifa be yours.” Aali said with great patience and conviction and went downstairs.

My anxiety had increased.


Preparations for my marriage were going on in our house. Ammi and my sisters were busy cleaning the house. I was cleaning the yard after cleaning the rooms. Aali appeared empty handed to me coming down the stairs.

“Aunt! Your sister got a call from Multan.

She will call again in ten minutes.”

“Well done son! Nani raised her neck and asked worriedly while picking rice.

BBG is good. He has something important to say.” Aali replied calmly looking at me. I was already seeing him. Our eye-to-eye conversation could not be hidden from Nani’s eyes.

Ammi ji, after washing her hands, wiped her face with a towel and said to Nani:

“Mom, let’s go.”

“Come and listen to Atiya’s important matter.” Nani had no intention of leaving. Ami Ji went to Nabil’s house to listen to Aunt Atiya’s phone call. Aali sat next to Nani.

“How many days until your marriage, dear son?” Nani asked without looking at him while picking rice.

“Four days are left for Mahroz’s marriage.” Ali said to Hola while looking at me. I had also finished my work and I was looking at Aali.

I have asked for your marriage. Not for Mehroz’s marriage.” Nani replied with suppressed anger in the presence of seriousness.

“My marriage is one day after Mahroz’s marriage, BBG.”

“Grandma! The tea

Hareem reported while placing the tray of tea in front of Nani.

“When did I ask for tea?” Nani asked while raising the cup of tea in a questioning manner. Hareem pointing the same tray towards Ali replied:

“I made it for my great-grandmother. I thought I would make it for you and my brother too.”

“Nani Biscuits…” Tahirim was standing in front of Nani holding two plates.

“These biscuits and namko are also for Aali Baji…?” Nani asked looking at Hareem and Tahrim in a worried tone.

“When we go to Ali Baji’s house, she feeds us so much.” Harem said with great pleasure. Tahrim also spoke quickly:

 “I wanted Aali Baji to be our sister-in-law.”

“Prohibition……think and speak.”

“I scolded Tahirim. There was a moment of silence.

“Sorry” Tahrim spoke in a low voice. Hareem took over, cleaning up on Tahirim’s behalf:

“That Bhai Tahrim meant to be our sister-in-law like Aaliya Baji.” Nani remained silent during the entire scene. Except Nani, all of us were drinking tea while looking at each other.

Nani was busy trying to read the writings on everyone’s faces. Meanwhile, mother She entered the courtyard in a state of happiness.

“Mother! Congratulations, Sania’s wedding is after the first month of Eid. Atiya Baji was telling that you people will get marriage cards in a few days.

“We will go to Multan for Sania Baji’s wedding.

Tahrim, who was sitting in shock, got up after hearing this. She forgot everything he had said a few minutes ago.

“It will be a lot of fun.” Hareem could not hide her happiness either. There was a happy atmosphere, Abu Ji also came carrying numerous shopping bags.

“Here is the mother of Mahroz, I have brought everything that was written in the list.”

“Harem, take the goods from your father.”

Ammi ordered my sisters. They both quickly grabbed all the shopping bags from Abu and went inside. Ali also kept her empty cup and she too went up the stairs.

“Sania’s wedding is next month.” Ammi gave the happy news to Abbu on her behalf. Abu made a face and said:

“Let’s spend new money” It was a matter of concern for Abu. Whoever said it is right.

One nation’s hero is another nation’s villain. One person’s happiness is another’s sadness. It was a matter of happiness for Sania that she was about to get married to Khurram, a dealer. I don’t know why I was in pain.

Mehroz remembered… Sajid’s brother and sister-in-law met on the way. His TV is broken again, so come and fix it.

“On this TV…” I was on fire after hearing the news of Sania’s marriage.

From above, Abbo ordered to fix the TV.

“Go, Sajid Bhai has to watch the news at 9 o’clock. I picked up my toolbox and left the house.


Arifa opened the door before Taya rang the doorbell. Like she was waiting for me. As soon as I entered Taya’s house, Arifa said anxiously:

“Mahroz, I have to talk to you very important.

I was going towards the TV room with fast steps and Arifa was following behind me. I started to open the TV and Arifa held my hand.

“Only one wire is cut… TV will be fine…” You listen to me.” Arifa said in a harsh tone. I didn’t like his harsh tone. I was already angry. I picked up that TV and hit it hard on the ground, the TV broke into several pieces.

“It won’t be right now.” Arefa was going to be afraid of my anger.

“Fuck the TV, listen to me.” Arifa was not sorry for breaking the TV, she had her own.


“Someone is cooking khichdi at aunt’s house… Kulsoom Baji got a call… Someone has told Tanveer that Arifa is your dream… to drown for you. The place is if Arifa got married to Mehrooz.

“So what should I do…?” I replied bitterly.

Why are Mehroz angry? I don’t want to marry Tanveer, I love you… Do something for God’s sake.” Arifa said with great love. I have never seen Arifa speak in such a sweet language before. That’s always, crack, Oy! was talking to I was also somewhat mellow.

“Tell me what to do…?”

“You go and tell Tanveer yourself that I am yours.” I smiled at Arefa’s stupidity after listening to her.

“Why what happened?…” Arifa did not understand the reason for my smile.

“Thinking that you are obsessed with me, he broke off his engagement with you.” After hearing my words, Arefa got lost in thought. I walked from there.

Arifa quickly spoke without thinking:

“Tell him that I am going to be the mother of your child.” I was shocked to hear Arifa’s words. My steps stopped. I turned around and looked at Arefa.

“Say it… If you say this, then he will never refuse to marry me.” Arifa gave me the next advice. Tayaji’s phone was lying nearby. I grabbed Arifa by the wrist and made her stand near the telephone and said:

“You will have the number of Tanveer’s shop.” You call him and tell him everything yourself. Arifa did not call Tanveer, but someone else’s call came. The day before Arifa and I’s marriage, it was very cold and foggy. After Isha prayer, all of us in the family were sitting in Ammi Abu’s room with the heater installed. Ali first applied mehndi to Tahirim. At that time she was applying mehndi to Hareem.

Ammi, Abu and Nani were enjoying Kashmiri tea. I was lost in my thoughts. Someone started knocking on the outer door of the house.

Abbu beckoned to me. I quickly ran outside. When the door was opened, Kulsoom Baji was standing in front of it. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were red.

“You and Arafa have ruined my house, Mehrooz!” Kulsoom Baji said while pushing me on the shoulder and walked towards Ammi Abu’s room.

I locked the door and followed them.

“Uncle! save me from ruin Abu is not listening to me.” Kulsoom Baji was praying in front of Abu with folded hands. Abu lifted Kulsoom Baji from his feet and made her sit in front of him.

“Tell me what happened…” Abu asked very kindly.

“Uncle! My in-laws have said that if Arifa and Mehrooz get married, they will divorce me.

My mother and father said let the divorce happen… This day-to-day book will kill you. I don’t want a divorce. They have also taken away my children from me. Uncle, for the sake of Allah, save my house from ruin.

“But this relationship was broken by Tanveer himself.” Abu said in a state of concern. Kulsoom Baji gritted her teeth and said:

“Even now Tanveer has died…” says Arifa, my childhood fiancee.

How can she become Mehroz’s wife…..? Chacha ji, don’t you do something….what is my fault in this.

“What does Shabir say…?” asked Ammi quickly.

“Aunty! What he has to say is also speaking the language of his family. He says Arifa is ours, it is a question of our honor.

“What respect are you talking about now, they kicked him out of the house.

“Nani said in depression.

Abu cast a consulting look at Nani. Nani comforted Abu by shaking his neck and said:

“Son, you all go to your room.” My sisters and Aali left.

“Come here to me…” Nani called Kulsoom Baji towards her with great love. Kulsoom got up in front of Baji Abu and went to Nani and sat down.

Nani loved him then said:

“Your house will not be destroyed. This is my promise. Just answer truthfully what I ask.”

Kulsoom Baji nodded his neck in agreement.

“What kind of boy is this Tanveer?” Nani asked Kulsoom Baji.

“Okay,” said Kulsoom Baji, surprised.

“No problem…?” Nani immediately asked the next question.

“There is no fault, he only eats paan with tobacco.”

“anything else……”

“And there is no harm in that… Yes, I remember, on the day of the holiday, Gudi also flies on the roof.

“Whose name is the house in Gwalmandi?” Nani asked the next thing.

“Khalo JK.”

“There is something in Tanveer’s name too.” Nani said thinking.

“Yes, yes, both brothers have bought five five marla plots in the China scheme.

Kulsoom Baji said proudly.

Nani was thinking about something. We were all looking at Nani. Kulsoom Baji’s voice broke the chain of silence:

“BBG is the biggest mistake I forgot to tell you.” Our attention immediately went to Kulsoom Baji. Kulsoom Baji began to tell with great concern:

BBG! Tanveer Lai looks very good.

Umm Abu laughed at Kulsoom Baji’s stupidity.

I also smiled a little but Nani remained serious.

“Let’s get up…” Nani got up from her place.

“Where…?” Ami asked in surprise.

“Your father’s house.”

Nani, Ammi went to Taya’s house with Abu and Kulsoom Baji.


After closing the outer door, I was going to my room from the yard when Aali came out of my sisters room and started climbing the stairs.

We both came in front of each other.

“I said Thana……” Ali spoke with a triumphant smile.

“What…?” I asked in surprise.

“Half of the work has been done…” Aaliya reported this and went up the stairs.

I was already worried, Aali’s sentence from above made me more worried. The night was passing and my anxiety was increasing.

Late at night Ammi Abbu and Nani returned back. Ammi Abu went to his room as soon as he came. I wanted to ask Nani what had happened at Taya’s house, but Nani only said:

“Sleep now, I will tell you in the morning.” Saying this, Nani went to Harim and Tahrim’s room. What infidel was getting sleep that night I cut my eyes. Today I wonder why I was not getting sleep that night.

Sania was about to get married and Bisma was married. I didn’t want to marry Arifa, that was going to happen, I was still worried. The fickleness of the heart was beyond my understanding even then and it is still a mystery today.


The next morning Abbu went to Tayaji’s house early. Ammi got busy making breakfast.

When I saw this, Rezai went back to his room and lay down. After a while, Nani came to my room.

“You are still sleeping, son of Mehroz.” I sat up. Nani sat next to me on my bed and kissed my cheek and said:

“Mahrooz, couples are made in the heavens… So don’t lose heart my child…”

“I do not get it.

“Today, Tanveer’s marriage is your place with Arifa.” In a moment, I became a snowflake instead of a living person. It is true that I He did not want to marry Fah. It is also true that I was deeply shocked to hear this.

It is also a fact that till date no scale has been created to measure happiness and sadness. If it had happened, this grief would have been as big as the one I got at the time of Sania’s engagement or Bisma’s marriage.

Mulla’s run to the mosque and mine to the terrace. I threw Rezai aside and went to the roof. Suraj Sahib came to duty after many days that day. There was a lovely sun.

I sat face down on the broken chair. After a while someone’s hand came on my shoulder. I looked back and Nabil was standing. Nabil himself picked me up from the chair and hugged me to his chest.

“BBG has told me everything,” said Nabil patting me. There was moisture in my eyes that wanted to melt into tears and tears wanted to be released from the prison of the eyes. Nabil, examining my face, said:

“Don’t cry… men don’t look good while crying.”

“A man also has a heart in his chest… he also gets hurt… tears come out when he gets hurt.”

“It’s good that you lost your life with Arifa… Who did you want to marry her?”

“Sania, after Basma, I also fell in love with Arifa.”

“Bhai Nashta…” Ali was standing behind both of us with the tray in her hands.

“When did you come?” Nabil asked Ali.

“When you said BBG has told me everything.

Aali replied keeping the breakfast tray on the table and left after saying something more.


On Friday night I was thinking while lying on my bed today Arifa also became Tanveer and I….? Nani entered my room. I rolled my eyes.

“You can’t sleep by closing your empty eyes, Mehroz son!” Nani said while dragging the chair towards my bed.

Nani sat on the chair.

“You see, I will bring a moon-like bride for you.”

I had heard similar lines twice before from Nani’s mouth. I opened my eyes and looked at Nani. She was looking at me. I sat up.

“Whatever happens happens for good.” Grandma’s right hand was on my cheek. I replied in frustration:

“Why does such a good thing happen to me…?” Nani thought.

Nani didn’t have an answer to my question or thought it best to remain silent. They got up and started leaving. I held her hand and she sat down. There was silence between us for a while. Then Nani herself started telling me the details:

“It was my decision… I could not destroy Kulsoom’s house to settle your house. If Arifa and Tanveer were not married, Shabbir would have divorced Kulsoom.

When Nani paused, I quickly spoke:

“Now what is the guarantee that Shabir will not divorce Kulsoom Baji and Tanveer will not divorce Arifa…?” A serious smile appeared on Nani’s lips and she started saying:

“Now those two brothers will think a thousand times before even uttering the word divorce.” I looked at Nani with questioning eyes.

“I have written the plots of Shabbir and Tanveer in Haq Mehr.

“Whose right dowry…?” I asked in a hurry.

“Shabbir’s plot belongs to Kulsoom and Tanveer belongs to Arifa.”

“There is a little happiness in writing the plot right…?”

“Only men follow their wives and only such men are ruled by wives.” It was too late for these words to come out of Nani’s mouth.

“I’m too lazy! You had instilled in my mind since childhood that Sania and you would make a great pair.

I fell in love with Sania. Then you said I have found a very lovely girl for you my Bisma and I got mad at the stupid Bisma. After Bisma’s marriage, you consoled me and told me that Arifa is also a very good girl and she also loves you. Hearing this from your mouth, I started liking Arifa too. Now you are giving me new hope after marrying Arifa to Tanveer. To see you, I will bring you a moon-like bride. Bus Nani Bus! Now I don’t believe anything you say.” I got emotional and abused Nani and got up angrily and went back to the roof. Nani’s knees hurt and I knew she couldn’t come up to the roof. I was pacing the roof in anger. Two children came and informed me that Nabil Bhai is calling you. I went to Nabeel’s house on the terrace. My father and Nabeel’s father were sitting in a circle around a ring of coals near the stairs, drinking hakka, along with some of the older men of the family. Nabil’s father saw me and said:

Along with Ali Nabil, you also have a sister.

Go give Nabeel’s hand… He has been missing since yesterday.” Nabeel’s father’s tone had doubts as well as orders.

“Prishan hai Bechara” Abu’s voice was also in my ear while leaving there. I found Nabil in the courtyard. He asked me to fetch a pot of Halim from the street. I had just entered the house with the barber lifting the pot with the help of scissors, when Nabeel gave me the next order:

Mehrooz! The older ones are drinking.

You sit on the pots. I will prepare the food.” I sat on the pots at a little distance from Abu and Nabil’s father. Nabeel and his sister-in-law started feeding the guests with the help of some of their cousins. There were three pots of chicken haleem, mutton korma and Kashmiri tea in front of me.

“BBG saved two houses from destruction.” I heard Nabil’s father’s voice.

He was engaged in the most intemperate chatter with Abu.

“You are right, Lalaji… Brother Sajid had made up his mind to divorce Kulsoom. They wanted Arifa to get married to Mehrooz anyway. Then BBG told us all not to do that and let me take the decision.”

“Have you heard that BBG has written a plot in Haq Mehr?” My ears were towards him.

A man asked Abu.

“Quorma will be fulfilled.” Nabeel asked while placing the quorma in front of me. I quickly took out the korma from the pot and started pouring it into the empty pan.

“No one is touching Halim, everyone is lying behind Korma,” Nabil said while leaving.

“Well, Majid is one thing. Patr Tera Hai Bada Sharif. Nabil’s father said.

Abu heard this and smiled proudly and then looked at me with great love. I became unconscious and quickly started checking the pot of Kashmiri tea to see if it had cooled down. Nai had proved wise. He placed coals under the pots before placing them. After the meal, Kashmiri tea was served. Around ten o’clock in the night, Ali’s mother’s meal ended.

After finishing all the work Nabeel and I went to the terrace as usual.


“Thank you man, the quorum is fulfilled. Abba ji had also told me who eats Nabeel Putra Haleem. People eat meat here. Make both pots of korma. I stubbornly took the chicken haleem.

“What do you plan to cook on the baraat?” I asked not knowing why, in fact I had no interest in Aali’s marriage.

I don’t know why I was feeling jealous of Aali when I didn’t get married. As soon as the thought of Aali came to me, another thought came to me that I have not seen Aali today.

“Bhai Doodh” remembered Aali, she appeared like a devil.

“All the milk was put in the pot.” Nabil looked at Ali and said in surprise. At the same time he picked up his cup from the tray.

“I already took it out for both of you,” Aali said, glancing at me while placing the tray in front of me. I immediately controlled my gaze after looking at him for a moment. After taking a sip of hot milk, Nabeel said:

“If you are a sister, like you… May God bless you in your home.”

“Amen” came out of my mouth.

As always, Aaliya left immediately after giving milk.

“All the guests got beds, didn’t they…?”

“Yes, brother… everyone went to sleep.”

“You too go to sleep.” Nabil said with great love.

The next night was Aali’s oil mehndi. All of us, including the grandmother, were present at Nabeel’s house. Aali was dressed in a yellow dress and was sitting on a swing. Aali had roses and pearls in her hands and her hair was decorated with flowers of balls and pearls.

On top of the flowers, she had a thin dupatta on her head and the yellow ensemble she wore was also thin. I could not understand what had happened to Aali, who had been wrapped in a sheet for twelve months. Today, among so many people, he has only a thin dupatta on his head? Bus…

When I took my eyes off Ali and looked around, all the women were in the same situation. All the women were wearing silk clothes even in severe cold.

Without sweaters and warm sheets. Some women even wore half-sleeved shirts.

“O Allah…! “Why don’t these women feel cold on the occasion of marriage?” I thought in my heart. Well, what do I think? It was a women’s personal matter.

Everyone applied mehndi to Aali and sweetened her face. When it was my turn, I slipped away.

I don’t know why I wasn’t feeling well.

Nabil’s father had bought a bull for the barat food. In a school near Nabeel’s house, food was being prepared for the Birat. Throughout the night, Nabeel kept preparing food for the parties. Nabeel’s father had only one concern that the food might not run short…his worry was understandable, because the procession was coming from Gujranwala.

Nabil’s father and some of his close relatives came there after dawn.

“Well done Peter…! You guys go to sleep now. Get up at ten o’clock. Then there is also the arrangement to sit for Janj (Barat).” Nabil’s father congratulated me and Nabil. We were both tired. There was a rush of guests at Nabil’s house. I brought Nabeel with me to my own house.

We both in my room They fell asleep.


A noise arose in the yard of our house. My eyes opened. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was half past eight. Looking at Nabeel, he was sleeping happily. The noise in the yard turned into screams. I was somewhat worried. I got up from my bed with eyes meeting. I was about to open the door of the room when the door panel hit my forehead hard.

My head was spinning. There was darkness in front of the eyes. Khalil Gujar appeared from the darkness holding a pistol in his hand and as soon as he came, he grabbed me by the collar and put the barrel of the pistol on my neck.

“Oh! Disrespect… The bones of the sleeve….you got our sister only…..” When the darkness removed from my eyes, I saw that my two sisters were wrapped around Khalil’s legs and my mother folded her hands in front of Khalil. She was standing.

“Khalilputr forgive him…”

“Mommy! Why are you apologizing.” I did not see my mother crying. Meanwhile, Nabil’s eyes opened. He shouted while freeing my neck from his brother’s hand:

“Leave Lala Khalil… this is my friend…”

“It’s not a friend, it’s a friend… Ask him disrespectfully…” Khalil roared with embers in his eyes.

“What should I ask…” Nabil shouted angrily, coming between me and his brother.

“He did not leave our sister anywhere.”

Khalil angrily pushed Nabil. Because of that push, my neck also slipped from Khalil’s hand. Nabeel fell against the wall and I was on my bed. Khalil fired a pistol at me. Before Khalil’s bullets could reach me, Aaliya became an armor on me.

Both bullets hit Ali.

“By Allah Lala… Mehroz is innocent… Mehroz is innocent. All this has been done by Zafar.” These were the words on Ali’s lips.

“Aali…….” Seeing the blood flowing from Aali’s body, Nabil writhed in pain and immediately ran outside, picking him up in his arms. Everyone ran after him except me and Khalil.

Khalil was standing like an idol and I was looking at him. Khalil was silent and I was thinking myself guilty. I fell in my own eyes.

Khalil’s eyes were on Aali’s blood which was scattered on the floor. And my eyes were seeing the scene of a few minutes ago. When on the same floor my two sisters were clinging to Khalil’s legs and my mother was standing bare-headed and bare-footed with folded hands begging Khalil for my life.

Khalil was still holding the pistol tightly. I stood in front of him and held his pistol hand and said:

“Khalil Lala, shoot two bullets in my chest as well… you have killed that innocent person.” Khalil ran away shouting loudly:

“Ali…….” My eyes followed Khalil as he ran away, and Nani was standing in front of him.

They took off the cloak from their shoulders on the blood flowing from my forehead. I was bleeding from my forehead when the door hit, which I was not aware of. A drop of blood from my forehead fell on Aali’s blood scattered on the floor and got lost in it.


After the ointment on my forehead, I started to go to the hospital when Ammi stopped me:

“Mahrooz, don’t go to the hospital… Khalil will kill you too.

“Ayesha, let her go,” Nani ordered Ammi.

“How can I let go, mother! I have only one son.”

“Whoever has taken the tablets of his portion on his body is also the same.” Nani looked at me and said to me:

“You go, Mehrooz.” I was about to leave when Abuji entered the house with heavy breath. After looking at me carefully, hugged me lovingly.

Then they started looking at my forehead injury. After that he examined my whole body. When they were satisfied that I was only injured on the forehead. Then after hitting my cheek with a strong slap, they started asking:

“Why did you write a letter to Ali’s fiance…?” I was stunned after hearing this. I only said this to Abu in my cleaning:

“I have not written any letter.

“Mahrooz, don’t lie.” Twice you called that boy. He refused to believe you, so you wrote him a letter. I am coming to see that letter with my own eyes.

“Sometimes it’s a lie even if you see it with your eyes,” said Nani.

“You are right, BBG.” After agreeing with Nani, Abu looked at me and said to me:

“You also come from the hospital.

Abu said this and started going to his room, so Nani asked worriedly

Majid son! How’s Aali…?”

BBG! The doctor was telling that his life will be saved. Especially my sisters who were standing in a corner of the house. Abuji looked at me while going to his room and said:

“Go now…”

“You also wonder why you are sending him to the hospital.

Ammi asked worriedly while following Abu.

“Mehrooz is innocent.”

“Then why did you slap him?”

“I am in love…” Abu told me the last thing while opening the door of his room.

“In love…” Nani repeated Abu’s words with an intelligent smile as if she understood everything. But I did not understand anything, I thought:

“Who called Anwar…? And who wrote the letter…? Ali took the name of Zafaru.


When I reached the hospital, I saw almost the entire family of Aali in the corridor. A few of Ali’s in-laws were also present there.

Seeing me, Khalil himself came towards me and took me to a corner and said: “It is all known… whose mischief it was.” I asked with courage:


“It is not known.

Khalil answered with a forgotten face. I smiled inwardly at his wisdom. However, Khalil, taking a wise approach on his part, told me:

“I have sent the food for the procession to Gujranwala. As soon as Aali recovers, we will also marry Anwar and Aali.

“Lala, now Ali’s marriage will not be with Anwar. Nabil said in a final tone while coming in front of Khalil.

“What nonsense are you talking about…” Khalil got angry.

“Your mind is not damaged.” All the relatives were gathered by Khalil’s thunder.

“Yes, my mind is damaged. What has all this done to your brother? If he comes in front of me, I will not leave him.” Nabil said in a frightened voice instead of shouting.

“Why is there a lot of noise, Khalil?” This was the first question Nabil’s father asked after coming there.

“Abba ji says this… Ali’s marriage will not happen with Anwar.” Khalil told his Abba ji in a complaining manner.

“He must have thought about something and said ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ If something happens to him, I will shoot the rest of the bullets into your chest.

Nabil’s father said this with great restraint. He didn’t want to cry in front of everyone.

Nabil took his father from there. The rest of the relatives also left and right. In the end, Khalil and I were the only ones standing there. Seeing this, sister-in-law Sughra quickly came there and as soon as she came, she whispered to Khalil:

“Your mind has become corrupted, Khalil. It’s a good thing that the Highness has not been blamed.”

Now I see where they marry Aali…

So close your book. I did not even think that your brother would be so disrespectful.” Khalil stared at Sughra.

“Don’t show your eyes to understand the matter…. If Gujranwala Ali will not get married, who will he marry?”

“From whom?” Khalil asked.

Khalil’s eyes widened when Sughra mentioned the name of his brother Zafar.

“I didn’t think of this.” Khalil said while looking at Sughra Bhabhi with angry eyes.

“Mahrooz, your brother understands the matter late.” Sughra Bhabhi looked at me and said. As soon as Sughra Bhabhi looked at Khalil, Khalil gave a strong slap on Sughra Bhabhi’s cheek.

“I understand everything,” Khalil said, gritting his teeth.

Sughra Bhabhi Hickey Bucky was standing with her hand on her cheek. Before I gave any consolation to Sughra Bhabhi.


Nabil called me from a distance. All three of us looked at Nabeel. When I started going towards Nabeel, Sughra Bhabhi made a bad face and asked me:

“Don’t say anything to Nabeel, Mehrooz!”

“Yes sister-in-law!” I said and walked towards Nabeel. “Why are you hiding from me?” You didn’t even ask about Aali.” Nabeel told me as soon as he left the corridor. I really did not have the courage to meet Nabil’s eyes. I remained silent.

“I know that you are innocent…” After hearing this, I looked at Nabeel. He encouraged me with his eyes.

Then he took out a paper from his pocket and presented it to me. I grabbed the paper but did not open it.

“How is Aali…?”

“Aali’s thought came very quickly.” Nabil’s sentence had sarcasm. I looked at him and said:

“I have prayed a lot for Ali.”

“In what capacity…?” I did not expect such a question from Nabil.

I had no answer to his question.

“He is out of danger. One shot hit his arm and the other hit his leg. The operation has been done, but he has not regained consciousness yet,” Nabil explained in a grief-stricken voice. There was silence between us for a while.

“Open this paper…”

When I opened the paper, I was shocked. The date on that paper was 20 December 1998, Sunday

“December 20 is your date of birth, isn’t it?”

Nabil looked at me suspiciously. He was not giving or asking the address. I immediately agreed:

“This is my diary paper… This diary was gifted to me by Arifa. “

“Arafah ․․․․․․․why would she do that․․․․․․․?”

“I broke his TV” came out of my mouth. Nabil looked at me strangely. Then he said in a commanding manner:

“Read the letter…”

Anwar sir!

My name is Mehroz Majid and I am Alia’s neighbor.

Called you twice but you didn’t believe me. That is why I am writing to you. I am telling you again for the last time that I have an affair with Aliya. Do not marry him.

“I didn’t write this… Nor did I call Anwar. I cleaned myself anxiously.

“I recognize your handwriting,” Nabil said confidently.

When I started thinking about handwriting, my senses were blown away.

“This is Sania’s handwriting.” These were the words that came out of my mouth in worry.

“Sania’s…?” Nabil asked in surprise.

“Yes, Sania’s… I have an article written by her hand… you can see it by calling her.”

“The diary was given by Arifa… written by Sania…” Nabil fell into thinking while talking to himself.

I remembered from Fit:

“I had gifted one such diary to Bisma too”

“Despite my forbidding,” Nabil said as if taunting.

“What you mean is that this page has been extracted from Bisma’s diary and written by Sania.” Nabil was trying to reach a conclusion.

“It may also be that Arifa has taken out the page before giving the diary…” I frowned.

“It is also possible…” Nabeel immediately supported my expression.

“Give me this letter…” I gave that letter to Nabeel. Nabil tore the part of the paper which showed that the paper was a page of a diary.

“Don’t mention to anyone that this is a diary paper. Now it’s just a letter… don’t even mention Sania’s writing… I understand all about who tore the paper from the diary and why. It spoke and left while I was still diving in the sea of ​​thought.

“Have all three of my loves together tried to defame me….I never wished them ill….then why did they do this to me…” I was lost in my thoughts when Nabil called me from a distance. I looked at him and he beckoned me to come to him. I walked towards him.


It was night, standing outside a hospital room, Nabil started to explain to me:

“Amma Abba has met Aali… now he has called us…” I quickly cut off Nabeel’s words:

“Why have you called me…?” Nabil stared at me. Then, in a good mood, these words were on his lips:

Nabil took my hand and took me inside the room.

First, he locked the hospital room from inside. Then he went to Ali. I was behind him. He kissed Aali’s forehead with great love. Aali was encouraged by what had happened. Then he carefully placed his hand on Aali’s hand. Aali had a drip needle attached to the back of his palm. Nabil sat on the bench next to Ali.

“You would have told me your heart only once.” Nabil said in a complaining manner. Aali’s face turned pale. She who was looking at Nabeel turned her face to the other side. He slept in the hospital room for a few minutes. Then Nabil turned Ali’s face towards us with great love. Ali had tears in his eyes.

“Why are you crying now…?” Nabil was shocked to see Ali’s tears.

Nabil also shed tears.

“Ali understands that he has not been excused… why is this Nabeel crying.” At that time, this idea came to my mind. Before I could think any more, Aali said in a pained voice:

“Sorry brother.” It was too late for Aali to speak. Nabil got up and hugged Aali who was lying down. Both siblings started crying again.

“How much will you both cry… just do it…” I had a second thought. A few moments later, Nabil got up. First he wiped Aali’s tears with a tissue paper. Then he came towards me wiping his tears. Nabeel put his hand on my shoulder with great respect and asked:

“You haven’t had your fourth love yet…” I said to Nabil He was embarrassed to hear this because he had asked this question in front of Aali.

I looked at Ali with furtive eyes. She was smiling under her breath.

“Don’t look over there and answer my question,” Nabil said in a restrained tone. How would I answer his question? I shook my head in the negative.

“If you want to marry Aali, send your Ami Abu to our house to ask for a relationship with BBG!”

Nabil said bluntly.

I didn’t know what to say to him at that time. I was worried. I looked again at Aali who was looking at both of us. Aali must have looked into my eyes for a moment. Then he lowered his eyes while smiling.


My eyes were on my written draft at that time, but it was showing me greatness.

I wrote back that even today I feel the touch of Bisma’s hand on my hand.

I have started talking to her even strangely. Even today I feel the charm of Aali’s eyes lying on the hospital bed all over my being.

“It’s late, let’s go to sleep now.” My Begum’s hand was on my shoulder. I looked back. Sani was standing.


My aunt’s daughter, my first love…. Sani held my hand and took me from the study room to our bedroom. Late at night, I and Sani lay facing each other on our bed. were done

“You still love Aaliyah the most. That’s why I call her your beloved number 1.” Sani teased me.

“How many times have I told….there is no first, second and third in love.”

“Hote hai keon nahi hote…” At the top first position, Bisma is second and Arifa is third in your book of love” said Thani emphatically.

“You have bought the book of my love from your love, Sani!”

I became silent. Now Sani started telling me about the past:

“You remember…when you placed a rose bud on that cut picture of me.” As soon as you left the room, I threw that flower out of anger. At that time, that flower fell at the feet of the Supreme Being. Aali picked her up with great love and came to me while walking and sat down and said while explaining to me:

“Sania Mehrooz loves you a lot…you should marry her.”

“I got angry at Aali’s words.

“You marry that phrase.”

“Sania, you don’t see Mehroz’s love and he loves me… he wants you since childhood and I love him…” Aali told me.

“Mahrooz has told you all this…or have you asked yourself…?”

“I could not tell him about my love, what will I ask him?”

Ali said.

“Then how do you know all this…?”

“Mehrouz and Bhai tell their stories to each other day and night… I sit on the stairs and listen to them both. Till date I have not even heard the name of any other girl from Mehroz’s tongue.

“I am neither interested in Mehroz nor in his love. You have a good chance. Go and talk to him about your heart.”

“I have heard the highness.

“Please accept Sania.”

“How can I believe… Khurram has his own bungalow… has a car. What does Mehroz have?

“If the husband is bad, what to do with the car and bungalow?”

“You take this good husband.” She remained silent on my words and started to leave, so I asked:

“Why haven’t you talked about your heart with Mehroz until today…?”

“Because you are in his heart since childhood… I knew that today he will express his love once again by giving you a rose bud… I have done this for myself. A rose bud was ordered, but he snatched it from me and gave it to you, and you threw it away.

“Now give him this key…he will understand,” I suggested to Aali.

“Should I give him the thrown key…?” At that time, Ali’s question left me unanswered. I quickly changed the subject:

“You do so now, go and tell him the state of your heart.”

“He is deaf in your love.”

“Blind has not happened yet…”

“God forbid……”

“You do this, write a letter to him…” After hearing this, Ali got into a deep thought.

Then started looking around your room as if searching for something. Finally, he opened your closet, which contained two new diaries. She took them out and sitting in front of me on your bed took out the page dated 20th December from a diary.

“Why did you remove the December 20 Page…?” I asked Fit.

“I will write a letter on this.” I was surprised at Ali’s words.

I quickly asked:

“You mean love letter…? Why on this one…”

“Mehrooz and I were born on December 20, one year apart…”

“Does Mehrooz know this?” I immediately asked.

“Nabil Bhai knows.” Ali folded the diary paper, held the rose bud and left the room. When Sani became silent, I quickly asked:

“Let me write this too…”

“Don’t write my bitter words.” Sani said while closing his eyes. The next night I sat down again with my draft:

I was on my way home from the hospital and the news had spread in the whole area that Khalil’s brother-in-law Zafar called Anwar twice to break the relationship with Aali and then also wrote a letter to him. His sister Sughra supported him in this work. Some people were also looking at Khalil with suspicion.

I was about to turn the corner of the street when Zafro suddenly appeared in front of me.

“You here…?” I was shocked to see Zafro.

Dear Mehroz King! By Lord I have not written a letter nor have I made any phone calls but no one is willing to believe me.” I looked around, there was no one.

“Zafru, disappear for a few days.

Nabil’s mind is twisted. Don’t even forget to go in front of him. If not, he has to blow you away.” There was a sound of some people coming from the other side of the street. My attention was directed towards him. When I looked back, Zafro had really disappeared.

A few people doubted me too. Those who answered those who doubted me also had a strong argument that if Mehrooz had written the letter, he would have written his name on a small letter.

As many words as many words. Everyone talked according to their own needs. After a few days, Aali shifted home from the hospital.


We were sitting on the terrace for the first time after Aali came from the hospital. After a while of silence, Nabil started talking:

Mehrooz! Did you talk to your family?

“Talked to grandma.”

“So what did they say…” Nabil quickly asked.

“Nani was very happy. She will talk to Abbu today.”

“You didn’t mention me…?” Nabil asked with concern.

“She won’t even mention me to mother and father.” They were just worried that your family would not agree.

“Don’t worry about my family, I will make them happy.”

“By the way, did you talk to BBG…?”

Nabeel asked as if I was really an unworthy man.

Today, for the first time in our many years of friendship, we were not able to meet each other’s eyes. No one even brought milk to us on the roof that day. Just as I was thinking, my younger sister Tahirim came to the terrace with two bowls of milk in a tray. He said as soon as he came:

“I went to find Aaliya Baji. I said that I should give milk to both of you.

After lifting the cup of milk, Nabil kissed my sister on the head. He had honored my sister and I was blushing with shame. Tahrim went from there. I was sitting with my eyes down.

“How long will we keep stealing glances from each other… I know it’s not your fault.”

Nabil put his hand on my shoulder and acquitted me honorably from his court, but I was sitting as a criminal in the court of my conscience.

“Tell me, Nabil, then who is guilty…?” I have seen my diary. It has a page dated 20th December… Sometimes I start doubting Arifa and sometimes Bisma. Sania is a sinner…” I said getting emotional. Nabil took a cold breath and said:

“Drink the milk, it’s getting cold.”

“You said that day that you understood.

“Tell me what you think,” I asked bitterly.

Nabil preferred to drink milk instead of answering my question. After finishing the milk, he put down his cup and gave his voice:

“Send your family for Kurishte tomorrow.” Nabil said this and went down from the roof.


When I reached my room, Nani was sitting waiting for me.

When he saw me, he motioned to sit. When I sat down, they started saying:

“Why do you want to marry Aali?”

“Because she is disgraced because of me.”

“Notoriety is because of love…” Nani gave her opinion while giving me a scrutinizing look.

“What kind of love is Nani talking about, which happened to me three times?” I was not defamed.”

“Whether a man loves or hates, he remains honorable. . . . A woman is disgraced even by hating and disgraced by loving! . . . You just tell me why you want to marry him…..?”

I had no answer to Nani’s straightforward question.

I replied to Nani:

“Now you have to marry someone.”

“He who eats the pills of your portion on his body is not his own. She loves you, you tell me…” I had a lot of respect for Ali in my heart, but I was not able to confess my love.

“I don’t know why I want to marry Aali. Just make me marry him.

Nani started to think about something:

“It is only your desire or someone from the house of Aali also wants it.”

“Nabeel also wants this.” Despite the promise to Nabeel, his name escaped my mouth. A slight smile appeared on Nani’s lips.

“God willing then this relationship will be done… I am telling you for your comfort. I have also convinced your parents.

Your friend turned out to be Sienna… She didn’t let her sister’s mistake become a sin.

“Nani, there is no mistake on Aali’s part in this.” I cleaned it myself on behalf of Aali. Nani looked at me carefully and then said:

“Sometimes you talk too much.” I don’t know if grandma was praising me or mocking me.


The next day my family reached Aali’s house.

Nabil had already made up his family’s mind. It was a relief to sleep that it was the grandmother who had spoken.

Nabeel’s father had reservations about the caste community. Who were removed by Nani and Nabil together. In this way, the blessed month of Ramadan is with me On Sunday, December 20, 1998, after breaking the fast, the marriage took place with great simplicity. One thing I regret to this day is that Khalil Bhai could not attend his sister’s marriage.

Khalil Bhai was a bit foolish but he had a good heart. At that time, Nabeel’s father was not even ready to see the appearance of Khalil and his in-laws.


“If there is no mantle of honor on the head of love, that love becomes a widow and I did not want to make my love a widow.”

Today, after my marriage with Aali, I confessed my love for Aali.

On the day Arifa got married to Tanveer, I repented of love before marriage. On that day, I promised myself that now I will love my wife only. Seeing Aali’s love, I was really weak, but I managed myself. Not that I didn’t understand how it all happened. I was creating unknowns myself, didn’t I say: “If there is no cloak of honor on the head of love, then that love becomes a widow.”

“Like Nabeel, I was also trying to save the honor of Ali. There was definitely a difference in our methods. I know almost all yet some questions were answered only by Aali. I will never ask him because he should not be ashamed. He was sitting on the roof talking to himself in response to those questions. Surprisingly, I went to the terrace on my wedding night too. Nabil also came up.

As soon as I saw him, I quickly stood up and started going down. Nabeel stopped me and said:

“Mahrooz, my sister is very forgetful to take care of her.”

I myself hugged her emotionally.


When he entered his room, the great bride was sitting. Whom I had never even thought of in my dream, today she was sitting as my bride.

I also sat next to Aali. She collapsed. Both of us were dumbfounded. After a while, I put my hand on his arm where the bullet hit and asked:

“Now how are your wounds…?”

“Now you will be fine…!”

“Why did you come in front…” I asked while lifting Aali’s chin.

“It was my fault! So I should have received the punishment, right…” I did not comment on Aali’s words.

Aali herself began to elaborate:

“I love you since childhood…” I looked at Aali in surprise.

“If there is even a single lie in it, then I will die now.” Aali was a little emotional. I placed my index finger on her lips and signaled her to be quiet with my eyes. Aali kissed my index finger then held my finger in her right hand and said:

“My heart will be burdened.

Please listen to me!”

“Speak…” I held Aali’s hand while smiling. As Aali got my trust, she started feeling better.

“Last year, Abida gave you two diaries as a gift. I took out only one paper from those two diaries, to write you a letter… I was thinking of writing you a letter now. You started narrating Bisma’s stories to your brother.

After Bisma’s marriage, I once again wanted to tell you everything, but by then, the marriage of Arifa and you had started. Then the date of my marriage was also fixed. As the days of my wedding drew near, my heart was sinking. Then one day Sania got a call. Hello from Sania. He asked me about my marriage.

I just told him what was going on in my heart. Finally, Sania asked me:

“You want to marry Mehroz?” I immediately said yes. Sania said:

“There will be infamy…” I said:

“I don’t care…

“Then do as I say.” First of all, Sania asked me for the telephone number of Tanveer’s shop.

I gave it to him. Sania instigates Tanveer to marry Arifa. After that, Sania asked me to get the telephone number of Anwar’s milk shop from somewhere and give it to her. I also gave Anwar’s number to him. Sania became Mehrooz and called Anwar and tried her best to upset his heart on my behalf, but Anwar was not convinced. One day Sania called me and started asking:

“You had a paper of Mehroz’s diary.

“Yes, I have taken care of it,” I told him.

“You send it to me.”

“What will you do with him?”

“I will write a letter on that diary paper and send it to Anwar’s family.”


“If I write it on a normal paper and send it, then Mehroz can leave comfortably.”

“Then let Mehroz out.”

“I want to break your marriage with Anwar and get it done with Mehroz.”

If Mehroz is out of doubt then you will get married to someone else. That is why that diary paper is necessary.”

“In this way, Mehroz will also become infamous.”

“It won’t happen.”

” how does……?”

“Only you and Mahroz know that that paper is from his diary.”

“Brother Nabil will also know that Mahroz does everything with Nabil bhai.

“Wow…then it will be even easier.”

I had TCSed that diary paper to Sania. Three days later, I found a letter written by Sania’s hand on the same diary paper. Which I had TCS done at Anwar’s home address. Last time they got that letter a day before the wedding. There was an argument in their house throughout the night. Anwar wanted to get married, but the family of Thomgros refused.

On the day of Barat, when you and Nabil Bhai got up from the cooking place and went to sleep, about two and a half hours later, Anwar The family members reached Lahore with that letter. As soon as he came, he handed the letter to Khalil Bhai. After reading that letter, Khalil Bhai threw it on Abbaji’s hand and started searching for you with a pistol. Someone told him that both of you are sleeping here, so Khalil Bhai came here.

When I got this news, I also ran and reached here.

Aali was silent, her eyes were shining with tears. I hugged Aali to my chest before that glow dripped.

“Sorry I hurt you.”

Those tears of grief took the form of happiness. Aali and I were very happy to meet each other.

I got answers to all questions except two.

Last night, when Aali was lying beside me, I asked her:

“Why didn’t you take admission in college after matric…?”

Sister-in-law Sughra and Khalil Bhai had a lot of objection. About that. There was also a quarrel between Khalil brother and Nabil brother. Nabil Bhai was in favor of my studies. That quarrel was the reason for the division of our house.

Khalil Bhai had demanded one thing from the house and the shop. Abba Ji did not want to give anything to Khalil Bhai. Then Nabeel agreed to give the shop to Bhai Khalil on the insistence of Bhai. Abba ji wanted Nabil Bhai to do his family work, but Nabil Bhai took up the business of spare parts.

“The house was divided over your education.

She would have taken admission in the college.

“Sister-in-law Soghari had taunted Ammi while leaving home that Aali will definitely go to college and get selected. I heard that, that’s why I didn’t go to college.

“Chin, you’ve still made it up.” came out of my mouth unconsciously. Aali, who was lying beside me, became embarrassed. Instead of being scared of me, she hugged me and put her mouth in my arm.

A few minutes passed like this. Aali was hugging me. Apnayat was in his grip, I was still worried. I was thinking what to talk to Aali. She took her head out of my arm and started saying to me:

“You are my dress and I am yours…” Only three people know my mistake. My friend, my brother and my dress. Brother and friend have done their duty, now it’s your turn.

“Aali had redeemed my sixes. I had never been so surprised in my life. I quickly changed the subject to cover my embarrassment:

“Why did you take a paper out of my diary to write me a letter ․․․․․․?”

“I wanted the page of December 20 to write a letter…” Ali’s face was immediately happy.

“Why did he…?” I asked smiling.

“Your date of birth is 20th December 1976 and mine is 20th December 1977. I thought this day would be lucky for both of us. That’s why after speaking to Nabil Bhai, the date of Karnakah was kept on December 20.

Aaliya was reacting like a child whose childhood is yet to come. Mary looked at the wall clock:

“Hurry up, it’s time for breakfast.” Ramadan passed happily and Eid came. Four days after Eid, Sania’s marriage was to be with Khurram. All our family members were going to Sania’s wedding except me. Aali wanted to take me along but I was not ready.

“Let’s go… What will you do staying at home alone?” Aali said stubbornly.

“I will miss you.” I tried to avoid it.

“Looks like you are not happy with me” Aali asked making a bad face.

“Who told you this…?”

“I think…if you were happy with me, you would have forgotten Sania by now.”

“I am trying to forget, but you are the one who is bent on reminding.” I replied to Aali in fear.

I was being watched sitting on the bed with great masooit.

I fell in love with him:

“Look, I’m very happy with you.”

“I am also very happy with you… I was taking your test and now there is no one in your heart except me… Congratulations, you have passed the test.”

Saying this, Aali got up from the bed and started leaving. I grabbed his wrist and asked seriously:

“If I had failed the exam, what would have happened?” Aali had no answer to my question.

He bowed his neck.

“Look at me… It’s true that I wanted Sania, Bisma and Arefa from my heart. Now my desire, love, and love are all about you.



All the family members went to Multan. I was alone at home..․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․

Earlier, he used to talk to Nabeel about Sania, Bisma, and Arifa apart from pigeons. Now he could not even tell Nabeel’s stories about Aali. Somewhere, that new relationship was lost to our old friend.

Nabil also used to talk to me carefully. He who used to call me unworthy Lallu, after marriage with Aali, he stopped saying that.

Nabeel stood in front of the pigeon pond lost in his thoughts and I stood behind him reminiscing the past.

“Are you angry with me, Nabil?” Nabil looked back at me and said with a slight smile:

“No, then….do I look angry?” He asked looking at himself in my eyes.

“There is something that you are hiding from me…” I said while examining Nabil’s face.

“Yes… there is a lot.” Nabil gave me a shy look. I went forward and took him by both shoulders and said warmly:

“Whatever is in your heart. Tell your friend everything today.

“Yar Mehroz! Farzana’s relationship has come.” Nabil told me sadly.

“Farzana’s family has asked for time to think.”

“Where did the relationship come from?”

“From Jhelum, the boy is in Qatar…” Farzana was telling… His family has made up his mind.

“The mind has made up, hasn’t it… Yes, no… I am talking to your mother and father… We will go to Kamunki tomorrow with your relationship.”

“Will you talk to Amma Abba…?” Nabil asked me as if he didn’t believe in my ability.

“Yes, I will talk…after all, I am his only son-in-law.”

Nabeel’s mouth fell open after listening to me.

“You sit down, I’ll go and talk.”

“Now…?” asked Nabil coming in front of me.

“No…after Farzana’s relationship…” I replied mocking her.


“Peter can’t ignore your talk anymore.” Nabil’s father had shown his consent by putting aside the pipe of Haque.

“Why Khalil’s mother what do you say…?”

“What do I have to say…..Khalil’s father…..My son, Raji Jawai, Razi Bhalla, what can I object to?” If Aali comes from Multan, then we go to have a relationship.

“Who will go to get a relationship?” I asked Nabil’s father.

“Two yes you and two us…”

“Khalil brother and sister-in-law will not take Sughra…?” I asked consciously.

“Don’t take the name… of that dishonorable person…” Nabil’s father roared with anger. Nabil’s mother started crying.

“Don’t cry for Khalil’s mother because of his disrespect.” Nabil’s father said in a dignified manner. There was silence in the room for a while. I got up and sat next to Nabil’s father.

“Aunt! Let me ask you something.

“You have respected me. Ask what your heart desires.

Nabil’s father said like a generous man.

“Aunt! Even today you remember Khalil Bhai in spite of all this resentment.

“When did I miss…?” Nabil’s father cleaned himself while looking at his mother. I smiled a little seeing his expression.

“Tai Ji wants to give a voice… So you say Khalil’s mother.”

Taiji on the other hand replies, Yes Khalil’s father. Khalil is a brother in everything. The name of the one who lives in the heart comes on the tongue. “Nabil’s mother’s tears came out. His father also became emotional. After a while Nabil’s father said:

“Khalil’s mother will go to celebrate him and secondly, I will not call Khalil’s in-laws.” Hearing this, Nabil’s mother started crying more loudly.

Then she started crying and said:

“Wow Khalil’s father, you are binding your son and leaving my sister.”

“Okay, add your sister too, but Zafar will not come to my house.” Nabil’s father gave the final decision and left the room.

“I don’t want to see Zafaru’s appearance either,” Nabil’s mother said while wiping her tears. Khalil bhai His wife Sughra was the daughter of his great aunt.

Therefore, Nabil’s mother was worried about her sister.

For Nabil’s relationship, I had convinced his family, but the sword of Jhelum’s relationship was still hanging. Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I hurriedly followed Nabeel’s father, who was walking in the yard.

“Aunt! Call Kamunki.”

“Why did he…?” asked Nabil’s father in surprise.

“Farzana has had a relationship with Jhelum….don’t touch it.” Nabil’s father thought for a few moments and then said:

“Got the phone.”


When I successfully returned to the roof, Nabeel was walking anxiously. I hid my happiness and made a bad face. Nabil examined my face. Then he sat aside with worry and looked at me and said sadly:

“It was not your business.

I just let you go. I will have to do something myself.” Nabeel punched his right hand on his left palm and turned his face to the other side out of worry and began to think. I walked up to him and sat on the wooden bench next to him.

“Khalil brother and Sughra sister-in-law have also been allowed to come home. Taiji and Tayaji have also been celebrated.

Tayaji’s talk with your uncle has also been done. Taya ji has told Phoopho that as soon as Aali returns from Multan we will bring Nabil’s relationship.” I said all this in one breath. Nabil was looking at me in surprise. After I finished speaking, he was suddenly surprised. As if he did not believe my language and his ears.

“Are you telling the truth?” Nabil asked pointing a finger at me as if confirming. Nabil immediately hugged me as I nodded my head and smiled.

“Dude, you turned out to be a great genius. All the problems have been solved in such a short time.

“Except for one…” I was about to tell him that Nabil quickly asked:


“Tayaji and Taiji did not forgive Zafaru.

Nabil’s facial expression changed immediately. He gritted his teeth and said:

“Well, did they… No, then I…” I quickly interrupted Nabeel and asked:

“what I……?”

“I would have thrown him out of the house.”

“Nabil, didn’t you put all the blame on Zafro and rape him?” I asked with a little hesitation.

This question was bothering me for a long time.

“It doesn’t matter if a few more splashes of black ink fall on the black sheet. . . . The whole region is aware of his exploits. That is why all the relatives and local people immediately believed my words that this letter must have been written by Zafar from someone and posted in Gujranwala. Mehrooz! I was not going to blame my sister under any circumstances.

I knew she loved you in her heart. Many times I saw him secretly watching you.” After hearing Nabeel’s words, my face changed color. Nabil understood this. He patted my cheek lovingly and smilingly said:

“Don’t worry… you’re a good friend… I’m proud to have you as my friend.”

He finished by patting my shoulder. I asked him in surprise:

“If you already knew…?”

“So tell me… what did my brother say to you?” Nabil’s answer made me think.

“Where has this Aali been left… she hasn’t brought milk yet.” Nabil deliberately broke my train of thought. We both laughed and kept laughing for a long time. On that day we both laughed openly after months.

“Now, instead of my wife, your wife will bring milk.” I said while laughing. Nabeel hugged me again and placed his head on my shoulder and said:

“Thank You Mehrooz!” Excellent! Marriage was enjoying in Multan and I was sad in Lahore. I was missing him very much. I was not sleeping at night. I thought of my wooden box that used to be under my bed. After my marriage with Aaliya, the bed was replaced by a new bed and my coffin found a place in the attic. I quickly got the key to that box in the locker room.

I opened that box. In that box were all the gifts given by Arifa. There was also an article in Sania’s handwriting and a paper with inverted straight lines added by Sania on top of my rough pink copy.

In one corner was the gift given by Bisma, which was still wrapped in gift paper.

After Bisma’s marriage, I never wanted to open it.

When I opened the gift paper, I was amazed. Bisma’s gift was accompanied by a letter. I kept the gift aside and opened the letter and started reading:

Dear Mahroz!

How are you… I hope you are well… I am writing this letter to you a day before my marriage. I have been only yours since I regained consciousness till today. Never saw anyone with full eyes.

I am not fond of writing a diary. Only your words have been written on your gifted diary and I will write only your words in the future. I am not unfaithful and forced. The girl you bumped into at Rahat Bakery was my best friend Arjmand. I had shown him your picture. His aunt lives in Kent.

She came with her brother to drop us CMH. Sundus’ wallet was left in his car. After you went to Rahat Bakery, she came again to return Sundus’ wallet, so I asked her to go to Rahat Bakery. I suspected that you didn’t have money to bring burgers, so I sent Arjumand to Rahat Bakery. She bumped into you and left in the car with her brother.

You thought so. Arjumand went a little further and got down from the car and came back to Rahat Bakery. When you gave the person at the counter your watch and bought three burgers, she was standing behind you. After you left, he bought the same watch from that man for two hundred and returned the watch after telling me the whole story. Arjamand spoke a line to me that day:

“Basma, this boy can do anything for you.

Do not ever leave him. Unfortunately, I could not find you. Take this watch as a gift from me. I will try to forget you and you should also forget me.

Only: “Basma”

After reading Bisma’s letter, I had tears in my eyes. I saw my face in a broken glass in the mud.

My eyes were filled with salty water. I carefully dug myself in. It was me. The watch given by Arifa was now re-gifted to me by Bisma. I put that CASIO watch on my wrist at that time.


The next day I was returning home from Hall Road when Taya Sajid met me on the road.

“Peace be upon you, auntie!”

Peace be upon you! How are you, Mehroz son… I was going to go to you today.

“Order Tayaji” I asked submissively.

“Man! That previous TV was broken by the old man….then he bought an old TV, he didn’t enjoy it. Today I took out a new TV from the box. Stayed. So come with me.”

“Tayaji, I have come from home to eat food.” I tried to avoid Tayaji.

“It doesn’t matter if the relationship doesn’t happen…if there is, he is still my son.” Tayaji took me by the arm and took me to her house against my will.

After fixing their antenna on the roof, I brought them to the room and Arifa was standing. Before Arifa could start anything. Tai Ji took the tea tray and entered the room. I got busy with my work.

I did not even look at them.

“Where did Tanveer go?”

“He will take me back. Goes up to Burns Road. Ammi, who drinks tea at meal time. “Arfa said to Taiji in a restrained tone.

“Drink tea first, then I will bring food.”

“I don’t drink tea.” Arafa replied bitterly. I took my eyes off the TV and looked at him.

Tai made a bad face at Arifa and pointed at me.

“Mehrooz doesn’t even drink tea, he will eat with me.” Arifa replied more bitterly.

“I want you to run to eat… I’ll bring you food,” Taiji said impatiently. After Tai left Arifa asked me with great love:

“How are you Mehrooz…”

“Where is Tayaji…?”

“Abo! Have gone to pray Isha.

His TV has been set. Let me know if you come.” I said while walking. Arifa grabbed me by the jacket and said:

“are u angry……”

“What do you think…”

“Forgive me Mehrooz… If I had not married Tanveer, he would have divorced my sister.”

“Kurdia Hai Maaf.” I freed my jacket from his hand and walked away.

“Oh! Go eat your food.” Arifa yearned. I still didn’t stop.

“Mahrooz, if you don’t eat with me, I will think that you are angry with me.” Hearing this of Arifa, I stopped.

“The whole neighborhood and all the relatives praise you.”

“What praiseworthy work have I done?”

“People say Arifa got married to Tanveer. Mehroz didn’t make any fuss.

Then Mehroz’s family married him in the house of Gujars to save the honor of Gujars Daya still remained silent…” Arifa was speaking without a break and I was standing listening to Arifa’s words.

“Are you happy with that touch…no…?” I stared at Arifa. But he didn’t care about my stare. She spoke again in her song:

“Mahroz, even if you are angry, your wife is touching you….You and her have no connection.

“Are you and Tanveer in a relationship?” Hearing my words, Arifa laughed loudly instead of being embarrassed and said while laughing:

“My feet wash and drink… May Allah bless BBG who wrote the right seal. And Tanveer’s neck came to my hands….by the way, there is one thing….I often think about your relationship, what BBG has done with Aali.

“Looking at Ali, ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ At that time, Tayaji returned after praying.

“O Allah, thank you, my children are happy despite everything.” Tayaji said looking at me and Arifa. After a while, Tai Ji put the food. When I took off my jacket to wash my hands, Arifa noticed the watch on my wrist.

She smiled under her breath. After finishing the meal, when I left there for my house, Arifa called from behind. I stood before the outer door of the house.

“You are making love with the highest … and you have tied my sign on your wrist.” Arifa came to me and said to me.

I came out of Tayaji’s house and all the way I kept thinking about whom I love.

Sania, Bisma, Arifa or my wife Aaliya came home ․․․․․I got my answer. I came home and put that watch in the same box and instead of it I wore my wedding watch which was given to me by Ali’s family. Swallows.

When Aali returned from Multan, Aali and Sania’s friendship had deepened ever since. Both of them must talk on the telephone once or twice a week. It was with great hope. When the family members came to know about this, their happiness was boundless. I was counting the days. A few months later, Nabil got married to Farzana. “Where did so many rupees come from…” I asked looking at the money lying in front of me.

“I have sold all my jewelry…” Before I could say anything, Aali spoke again:

“I had consulted with uncle and aunt….Uncle has come to sell jewelery in the gold market. I didn’t go with them… Don’t be angry… What is a jewel, it will become again.

Business is very important. How long will you work for someone?… Sorry I didn’t ask you.” Aali didn’t give me a chance to say anything. She kept talking and I kept listening.

With that money I started my own electronic workshop at Hall Road. My work took off and I started to grow.

One day, when she returned home, she was sitting on the bed, lost in her thoughts.

“What happened to my Aali… why are you sad…” I asked while sitting by Aali’s side.

Aali started going out avoiding the matter.

“I bring water for you.” I held Aali’s wrist.

“First tell me why you are worried…?”

“Sania got divorced.” I was deeply shocked to hear this. I let go of Aali’s wrist.

She went to fetch water for me and I lay down on the bed.

Aali’s delivery days were approaching. One day she was lying next to me and said:

“I have one wish.”

“What a wish.”

“Will you do it?” Aali asked looking into my eyes.

“Tell me…”

“First promise that you will definitely fulfill this wish of mine.

“Promise…” I assured her while holding Aali’s hand.

“Sania’s period has been completed.” I was surprised to hear Aali’s words.

“Marry Sania.” Aali said as if she was begging me for Sania. It didn’t take a moment for my surprise to turn into anger.

“Your mind is fine.” I sat up.

Aali also sat up quickly. He reminded me:

“You promised.” I sprang from my bed.

“According to my last wish.” I was leaving my room. At that time, Ali’s words were in my ears.


I was angry with Ali about the same till a day before delivery. She wanted me to marry Sania but I was not ready.

At last Ali surrendered.

“Sorry, don’t marry Sania…. Talk to me, Naji…. I need you at this time.” Aali had said so lovingly, I was completely angry.

The next night, Aali was in pain. Farzana Bhabhi, Nabil and I took Aali to Lady Aitchison Hospital. Aali’s health suddenly deteriorated. Aali was taken to the Cooperation Theatre.

A little later a nurse came out of the operating theater to get my signature:

“Who is with Alia?”

“I am.” I answered quickly.

“You sign here.” The nurse placed a few papers on the clipboard in front of me. When I started to sign, Nabil asked worriedly:

“Sign for what, sister…?”

The patient’s BP is very low, we will have to do a major operation.

Which may even endanger their lives.”

“What a risk… She was perfectly fine… I have done all the tests myself.” I was shocked to hear the nurse.

“Just pray.” The nurse said this and left. I recited all the Arabic surahs I could remember outside the operation theatre. Nabil and Farzana were worried separately.

An hour and a half later a lady doctor came out and told us simply:

“Two sons have been born, but we could not save the mother.” Saying this, the lady doctor calmly left there. I lost my life. I sat there on the cold floor.


What do I see when I come home the next day after burying Ali? One of my sons was held by my grandmother and the other was in Sania’s lap.

Sania was carrying my son which I did not like. Somewhere in my heart was the thing that Sania had rejected my love and chosen the wealth of that dealer. I went to my room. I had not even seen my sons. After a while, Nabeel came into the room carrying my two sons:

“Take a look at them,” said Nabil, placing the two children in front of me.

I saw those innocents and I was not spared. I picked up a child and held it to my chest and started kissing it. Tears were coming out of my eyes. I kissed the other child Konbil’s arms. My heart, which had been complaining to Allah Ta’ala since last night, had thanked Allah without my permission.


That night I was sitting on the roof.

I could see Ali going up and down the stairs. I was looking at the past in the present with open eyes.

I was about to lift the cup of milk with my hand when Aali disappeared. I returned empty handed. I screamed and started sobbing and crying. Nabil came to the roof looking for me. Seeing me crying, he quickly came to me and hugged me.

For a long time, I kept crying on Nabil’s shoulder. Nabil only offered me a shoulder. No consolation was given by the language. It is also a matter of luck if someone’s shoulder is lucky in the suffering. When my sobs stopped and my tears stopped, Nabil lifted my head from his shoulder and looked at me and asked:

“I can tell you one thing.” I indicated Nabil to speak with his eyebrows.

“Ali’s one thing is trust with me. If you say, I will hand over the trust to you.

“Tell me…” I could only say this with great difficulty.

Give someone A week ago, Aali told me that she wants to get you married to Sania. I wanted to explain to him, but he instead requested me to convince you about this. I thought it was very inappropriate at that time, so I did not talk to you.

“If not at that time, then why are you doing it today?” I said to Nabil in a restrained tone and got up and walked to go downstairs.

“Because now this thing is not inappropriate.” My steps stopped at Nabil’s words. I was just about to walk when Nabeel quickly came in front of me and said:

“When you go down, everyone will talk about this… Before talking to me, Aali also talked to BBG.

The decision has been made below.”

“I just ask the people below…” I said bitterly. A smile appeared on Nabil’s lips and he said:

“What will happen if you ask those below…? Such decisions are made at the top…” Nabil raised his index finger towards the starry sky and said again:

“Whatever He wills happens. . . . Along with life and death . . . He has reserved to Himself union and separation.” When to separate whom from whom…and when to unite whom with whom…only He knows”

I had no answer to this argument of Nabeel. So I remained silent. The next day at ten o’clock in the morning in the local mosque, there was a ceremony of Aaliya. The same Imam Sahib, who recited the Khatam Qal of Ali at 10 o’clock, was teaching my marriage to Sania at my house at 11 o’clock. Isn’t that surprising? If we think about it, we will find many such amazing incidents in our lives.

At the time of marriage, our house was full of guests. Sometimes someone whispers in my ear:

He would have said congratulations.

“And sometimes someone ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․

As I wrote back. Mulla’s race to the mosque and mine to the roof… Roofs and thatch played an important role in the lives of the residents living in Golmandi. To some extent that influence is still there today.

Before another congratulatory voice could reach my ears, I ran to the roof.

I was going up the stairs and suddenly a smile appeared in front of me. She was coming down from the roof. We both stopped.

“Will you not congratulate Sania on her marriage?” I asked with emphasis on the words. Bisma replied very seriously:

“No…. I will only feel sorry for Aali….. I am deeply saddened by the death of Mehroz Aali.” Bisma said this and quickly went downstairs and I towards the roof.

When I reached the roof, I saw a lot of malts lying in front of Arefa and she was eating the malts with salt.

“Tanveer knows my blood pressure gets low. That’s why I’m eating Malte.” After looking around I asked:

“Where is Tanveer…?”

“He has gone to get bananas for me… He had brought only an empty malte. I said go and bring bananas too.

Now I could not even stay on the roof. I started going down the stairs of Nabil’s house.

“Oh! Mehrooz malte to khalo” Arifa called me from behind. I waved to him and went downstairs.

When I reached down, I encountered Nabeel’s mother, she quickly hugged me. He started crying loudly. My eyes filled up too.

I took them to their room. Silenced them, so they turned their attention to me. He caressed my face very lovingly and then started saying in a low voice:

“The Lord made me wish…. The time of Aali had come, son….” May Allah give everyone a son like you… Aali was very happy with you… Patience. Be patient, my son. So my son is swollen. How are your eyes turning red from crying?

Nabeel’s mother lovingly laid me down on her bed and kissed me on her own. After that she left the room closing the door.


After shaking me by the shoulder, Nabeel said:

“Mahroz get up… it’s 9 o’clock at night.” I got up and sat up.

“Wash your mouth, I ask Farzana to eat.”

I went to the bathroom and Nabil to the kitchen. When I returned back after washing my hands, Farzana Bhabhi had prepared food. After looking at the food, I looked at Nabeel with complaining eyes. Nabil understood my look. he told me:

“Mahrooz, you haven’t eaten anything for the last two days.” I was looking at Nabil when Farzana Bhabhi spoke:

“You are also on hunger strike for the last two days.

I turned around and looked at Farzana Bhabhi.

“Mr. Mehroz Bhai, if you eat something, you will also eat something.” Farzana Bhabhi said with great sadness. I sat down to eat. Seeing me, Nabil also sat down. I don’t know whether I ate because of Nabeel or he because of me.

Same old haunt after dinner. Nabil and I were sitting on the terrace.

“You and Aali were together for 10 months and 21 days. While we spent almost 21 years together. I am not saying that I am more saddened by Aali’s death than you are….Your sadness is great. Still have to get out of it. Second! My sister’s children have become a mother. That’s why I have accepted her as a sister. You also accept her as your wife. Go, your wife and children need you.” Nabeel patted me and got up and left. I pondered his words for some time. Then I also got up and came down from the roof. When I entered my room, Sania was feeding one child from a feeder while the other was sleeping in the swing. Nabeel’s words echoed in my ears:

“Sania has become the mother of my sister’s children. That’s why I have accepted her as a sister. You too accept her as your wife.”

About 48 hours ago Aaliya was in this room with me.

Now her place was taken by Sania. Being the mother of my two children. I sat quietly on the sofa.

“Peace be upon you.” Sania had greeted me.

I did not respond to his greeting and remained silent. About half an hour later, Sania switched off the tube light and lit Zero’s bulb. I also lay down on the couch. When Sania saw this, she also lay facing the swing.

In which both my sons were sleeping. About half an hour later, Sania got up from her bed and picked up her blanket and put it on me and opened the cupboard herself and started looking for something. He found two bags inside the closet. Sania took them out and lay down on top of her. An hour later, my second son started crying. Sania quickly picked him up, held him to her chest and fed him from the other feeder as well.

He fell asleep next to Sania’s breast, so Sania kissed him and put him back in the swing.

Throughout the night I saw Sania as the mother of Aali’s children with half-open and half-closed eyes in the light of the zero bulb. Sania didn’t talk to me other than that greeting. I didn’t even think it was appropriate to answer her greeting.

The next few nights passed in the same way, I would lie on the sofa and Sania would sometimes sleep on the bed and sometimes she would get up and start putting my sons to sleep. The only difference was that on the first night Sania had two khes and now one Rezai. In these few nights neither Sania called me nor I spoke to Sania. Sania’s behavior with all family members was very good, especially with my sons.

She used to visit them again and again. That too I had been surprised to see with my own eyes during the last few nights. Where is that Sania who did not let even a bee sit on her nose… and this Sania who never tired of kissing my sons’ noses and mouths.


A few days later, I went to the railway station to make Nani sit on the train.

Nani was going to Multan. There was still time for the train to arrive. Me and Nani were sitting on the platform waiting for the train. Looking at me, Nani began:

“I know you still haven’t accepted Sania as your wife….Son now you are abusing her….She is already suffering so much don’t make her suffer any more.” ․․․․․ Make it yours.

“She’s a pain in the ass,” I said sarcastically. Nani looked at me questioningly and then asked:

“Has he hurt you? Isn’t that why she married that hair dealer instead of you…and tell me…? Yes, he was proud of his father’s police station, but his father’s rank and position could not save his house.

You know that dealer used to beat him with alcohol. When Aaliya and Sania used to talk on the phone, he thought that Sania was talking to you. That bastard has done a lot of injustice to Sania…..don’t go here, don’t do that, don’t meet him….he used to stop talking about things, he was disrespectful. One day he saw the telephone bill and said to Sania:

“Why don’t you call your friend in Lahore?”

Your father will pay the telephone bill.

Sania forbade him not to bring her father in the middle, so he beat Sania a lot. When your aunt Talat came to know about this, she repaired Khurram well. Khurram got angry and divorced Sania and spread the news in Multan that Sania was infatuated with her aunt’s son Mehroz, so I He is divorced. Aali felt that it was because of him that Sania got divorced.

That’s why she wanted Sania to marry you. Ali had also talked to Sania. At first she refused, then she agreed after Aali’s explanation, but you didn’t agree. If Aali was alive, she would have died after marrying you with Sania.

Mehrooz son! Sania is a bit angry. She doesn’t get along with everyone, she talks harshly. Everyone has their own mood. Despite all these things, she is very good at heart.” The engine whistle blew. Nani’s train had arrived at the platform. If the train did not come, the grandmother’s story would continue. I made Nani sit in the train, when I started to return, Nani kissed my forehead and said very lovingly:

“Take care of the second.” I was looking at Sania lying on the couch. He had just put my son in the swing when I got up from the couch and stood in front of him. Sania suddenly got scared seeing me in front of her. Before I could say anything, my son started crying.

“This owl has risen again.”

“It’s not big, it’s small.” Sania said while lifting my son from the swing.

“How do you recognize the big and the small… both look the same.”

“Mother gets recognition.” Sania said about Mamta’s eye while hugging the little one.

“Why not name them…?” I asked.

“If your mood is fine…” Sania looked at me suspiciously.

I was a little embarrassed. When the little fell asleep, Sania put him in the swing and said:

“Ali told me two names.

“Did you tell me…?” I was shocked. Sania proudly shook her neck and said:

“The elder’s name is Rehan and the younger one’s name is Jodan.”

“Then it’s okay, big Rehan and small Jodan.” At the same time, I put a seal of approval on the names given by Aali. Sania and I were standing face to face and I started the conversation.

“Thank you, second……”

“For what……?”

“On becoming the mother of my children…”

“Mother, I am the son of Ali’s children, so I am only your wife.

“What happened Sania…?”

“Now you can call me Sani.”

“Why can I say now?”

“Now you have the right… I am your wife. The way you used to love me one-sidedly. I also loved the one sided Khurram. I used to think that rupees are the most important thing to live a good life. I was wrong and Aali was right.

Aali had told me that if the husband is bad, what to do with the car bungalow. I used to tell Aali my big sorrows on the phone and she would tell me her little joys. I was very jealous of her…” Sania was silent for a while then said: “If you call me Sani instead of Sania, I will think that… you have accepted me as your wife.

“Sania made me believe that she was mine. I gained confidence from him. I held his hand.


It has been twenty years since Sani and I got married, we have no children. Sani never even wished for it. She remained the mother of Rehan and Jodan. Both of them die more than me.

Even today, Sani often talks to me about Aali. Frankly, she knows and wants Aali more than I do. It is heard that whoever loves a person becomes like him. Sani seems to me to be the same. When Aaliya used to talk, most of her sentences included “J”. I have noticed that now Sani also uses G quite often.

Sani used to call me “Aap”. After marriage, I don’t remember Sani ever addressing me other than “Aap”. Sani says that Aali accepted me in his life. Khali this alone is enough to describe her magnificence. Sometimes when in a good mood, Sani teases me by calling me Arifa and Bisma. Bisma’s husband died a year ago when the roof of the house under construction collapsed.

Now her elder son looks after the business and Bisma’s daughter Malaika is Rehaan’s classmate. May Bisma become my Samdhan.

Arifa has had ten children so far. I don’t even know how many sons and how many daughters. Tanveer has proven to be an oriental husband indeed. Nabil and Farzana Bhabhi have three children. The daughter is the eldest whom Nabeel has named Aali and she has two younger sons.

Me and Nabil intend to marry Jodan and Aali.

Nabil has also now shifted to the defense. Nabil and I now visit our old neighborhood every weekend. Nabil has rented his house to someone. That man has opened a restaurant in that house. Now we both sit on the same chairs on the roof. It is a different thing that now we are drinking black coffee or green tea instead of milk.

Now pure milk is not available even from Khalil Bhai’s shop. Pure milk is now drunk from buffalo or cow’s milk. Now where can pure milk be found in Lahore?

I considered myself a champion of love. Today I confess that women taught me to love. In the form of grandmother and mother. My mother who joined hands in front of Khalil to save my life.

Sometimes in the form of sisters who were wrapped around Khalil’s feet like fetters for my sake.

great… How can I forget the one who became my shield? Of which there is no second. He gave up his youth for my children. Aali and Sani, both of them made my life bright. How did Aali come into my life whom I never thought about and how did I get what I always thought about. What a person thinks and what happens. Only my Allah knows about the time to come. Our intentions, our thoughts, all remain the axis of the axis. We do not know when and how He changes hearts.

…The end…