Broken Trust

Broken Trust

Annabel has been a supportive girlfriend to Anthony. She has been playing all the roles in his life, both that of a parent and otherwise. Both of them met during a Matriculation ceremony in Annabel’s school. Anthony had attended the occasion for his younger sister. On that fateful afternoon, Victoria, Anthony’s younger sister, was angry as almost all the people were on their matriculation gown, but she was only putting on her cloth. She had gone late to collect it and found out that the gown had finished, so it couldn’t reach her. Saddened, she sat on a block there, refusing to snap pictures without the matriculation gown.

Annabel, on the other hand, was looking for who to help her take pictures and luckily met the two siblings. She offered to give Victoria the gown only if they’d help her take the pictures. Indeed, it was a trade by barter as both parties willingly gave in. Annabel was done with taking pictures and was about to go when she hit her leg on a nearby stone and was about to fall down, but Anthony offered a helping hand which prevented the heavy fall. It was as if the fall was a sign of the pain and doom that Anthony would bring to her. Annabel’s heart began to soften, her eyes singing a poem of love that her mouth couldn’t hold to voice out. She knew she hadn’t felt that way before and still a student, didn’t want to go through it.

She collected her gown from Victoria who’s now wearing a happy face and went away. She was heading to take a cab when she met Anthony again. It appeared that his sister was living in the hostel and he had gone there as her guest. Both shocked and Annabel couldn’t help but conclude that fate was trying to bring them close. As the conversation went on, both ended up exchanging contacts. That was how the two of them met. Ever since then, Anthony had been caring towards her, even confessing to be in love with her. Annabel, though felt the same way, knew she was sent to the school to study and not to be in a relationship. She started avoiding him, snubbing his messages and avoiding his calls. It came to a point when it seemed that Anthony gave up in his attempts. Neither was he calling nor texting her again.

One fateful day, Annabel went out to buy some snacks in a nearby shop and met with Anthony, who was obviously looking for her apartment. She tried to hide but he had already seen her. With no other option, she brought him to her apartment where her greatest life mistake would happen. Anthony, as if he read the book of getting his way into Annabel’s heart, started with his love speech. Annabel, still a young girl, was desperate for love. She had heard her course mates discussing their love life several times, and the chance of experiencing it was before her. She tried to avoid making any eye contact, but Anthony wouldn’t let her. That was how the once innocent Annabel lost her virginity that night to the hands of her lover, Anthony.

She started missing her classes, going from one party to the other with him. It came to a point when Annabel borrowed Anthony her school fees. He promised to pay her back, but weeks turned to months, yet he wasn’t able to raise the amount. She knew her parents weren’t that comfortable. They had sent her to school with their little income. She was confused and didn’t know what else to do. The deadline for the payment was in two days, and Anthony hadn’t been able to raise the amount. To worsen the whole situation, Annabel fell sick. Going to the hospital, the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant. Her life was in a complete mess. She knew she had disappointed her poor parents, and her dreams of becoming a Doctor had been shattered.

Quickly, she called Anthony and informed him of the situation at hand. He did not waste time to drop by, promising to take full responsibility of the child. Annabel remained calm, believing that Anthony would keep to his promises. She stopped attending lectures as her school fees hadn’t been paid, and the shame of carrying the pregnancy as well. Anthony was angry with himself. He only faked loving her because he wanted to sleep with her. He already had a fiancée, and their invitation card would be shared soon. He knew he was in a mess and decided to act quickly before his wife-to-be would get to know what he had done. His fiancée was from a wealthy home, and her father had promised to send them both abroad after the wedding. “Who would love to miss such an opportunity?” he said to himself, building up courage to tell Annabel the truth.

A few days later, he came with a gift to tender an apology and an invitation card, inviting Annabel to his wedding ceremony which is to be held in few days.

Annabel was shocked and couldn’t believe her eyes.

“if you were engaged, why did you take advantage of me?”, she said crying.

Anthony gave her the money she borrowed him and left, leaving the shattered Annabel to weep in sorrow, realising she had made a terrible mistake by falling for Anthony’s love trick.

Annabel’s roommate, with whom she had been staying, overheard their conversation and became angry. The landlord had clearly warned them not to engage in activities that would tarnish the reputation of his house before they moved in.

Filled with anger, Annabel’s roommate stormed downstairs to the landlord’s apartment and filed a complaint, adamant that she could not live with a pregnant girl . The landlord, in turn, came to their place and instructed Annabel to vacate within the next few days.

Annabel’s world seemed to crumble around her as her hopes, dreams, and expectations shattered due to a single mistake. Tears streamed down her face as she packed her belongings, knowing she would have to leave the following day.

Her heart heavy with sorrow, she wondered what she would tell her parents. Should she confess that she was deceived and led into a relationship resulting in pregnancy, or faced the truth that she had willingly allowed herself to become pregnant? The inner turmoil left her utterly confused.

The next day, carrying her belongings, Annabel returned to her parents. However, their disappointment was obvious when she revealed her pregnancy. Despite their past sacrifices to finance her education by selling their valuables, they harshly rejected her, forcing her to leave. Tearfully, she picked up her bags and departed into the unknown.

Wandering through the city of Port Harcourt, seeking refuge, Annabel found no comfort . Just when hope seemed lost, she encountered an elderly woman known as “Eze nwanyi” (Queen of women) who offered her shelter and comfort, calming her troubled spirit.

Having disclosed her woes and predicament to Eze nwanyi, she received assurance of assistance in dealing with Anthony. The woman suggested that Annabel attend his wedding to teach him a lesson. She planned on using her evil powers to get revenge for Annabel.

The woman was happy that she has gotten someone who to her, would watch over her shrine when she’s no more.

On the day of the wedding, Annabel adorned herself elegantly, ready to confront Anthony. Unashamed, Anthony glanced at her while dancing with his wife. In a remarkable display of confidence , Annabel joined the celebrants in money-spraying, using the money provided by Eze nwanyi to spray.

Though Annabel’s heart was heavy with a mixture of emotions as she stood among the crowd at Anthony’s wedding. The weight of betrayal, shame, and disappointment bore down on her, but there was a sign of determination and vengeance in her eyes.

As she gracefully moved to the rhythm of the music, the money in her hands floated around her like a silent protest. Each note that fell to the ground felt like a declaration of her broken trust.

Anthony’s eyes locked with hers, a mix of surprise and perhaps a hint of guilt in his eyes. But Annabel stood her ground, her spirit unyielding despite the pains within her.

As Eze nwanyi instructed, she made sure to spray the money from her shrine on their faces and their bodies so as to inflict doom, pain and sorrow in their marriage.

Having done with her mission, Annabel walked out of the compound.

After their wedding, Anthony and his new wife, Deborah, returned home, unaware of the the challenges and doom that lay ahead. With the assistance of Deborah’s father, they secured their visas to travel abroad. Anthony couldn’t contain his joy, realizing this was the life of luxury he could have missed had he married the previous girl he had deceived, Annabel, whom he considered “good for nothing girl, who shamelessly goes about, allowing strangers to have access to her .”

Their journey to Canada was eventful, and things were going smoothly until Deborah fell pregnant a few months after their wedding. Tragedy struck when she suffered a miscarriage after falling down the stairs. A distraught Deborah wept inconsolably, but Anthony comforted her, promising her a new child would come.

Working in Deborah’s father’s company in Canada, Anthony felt complete as he enjoyed in his cars, house, and developing family. He believed he had achieved the height of success, conveniently forgetting the pains he wrought on Annabel’s life through deceit and betrayal.

Months passed, and Deborah became pregnant again, this time exercising utmost caution to avoid another loss. Her delivery brought forth a healthy baby boy, bringing immense joy to Anthony, who threw a lavish party to mark the new addition to their family. Invitations were sent far and wide for the child’s celebratory ceremony in Canada and Nigeria.

Meanwhile, Annabel, who had long been raising her own child, was overseeing the affairs of the late eze nwanyi’s chamber. Angered by news of Anthony’s wife’s delivery, she bore a deep hatred towards him for living a comfortable life while he had destroyed hers. Resorting to evil rituals, she invoked Anthony’s name before blowing a mysterious substance in the air, going back to her room afterwards, to lay her weary head.

The child’s naming ceremony was a grand affair, with abundant food and drink and a popular musical artist in attendance. Little Daniel was named amidst the festivities. As Daniel grew, he struggled with epilepsy, causing him to suffer seizures that led to discrimination by peers, who would often make mockery of him, because of him always falling on the ground.

Deborah’s white neighbours would often warn their children not to go close to Daniel.

Even when the school bus will be dropping the students, Daniel wasn’t allowed to enter with other children.

It got to a point where Anthony was told to withdrew him from school, owing to the fact that some parents weren’t comfortable with their children around him.

Despite the illness, Daniel found comfort in playing football , known as one of the team’s star players, “but the deeds of the parents they say, follows the children”.

During a soccer game, an epileptic attack struck Daniel, resulting in his collapse on the field. Rushed to the hospital, tragic circumstances unfolded as efforts to save him were all in vain , leaving Anthony and Deborah devastated by the loss of their beloved son. Their tears, though saddening and pitiful , couldn’t rewrite the cruel fate that had befallen their family.

As tears flow like a river in Anthony’s eyes, Annabel watched in her evil mirror with satisfaction and joy written all over her.

Those tears was little compared to what she passed through in his hands.

“I could have forgiven u, if u weren’t heartless by brining ur wedding invitation card to me”, Annabel said smiling, and at the same time crying.

Anthony had turned her into a heartless girl and she’s willing to go to lengths to destroy him.

Anthony’s father-in-law was devastated when he received the heartbreaking news of his grandson’s death. In his grief-stricken state, he asked Anthony and Deborah to return to Nigeria to uncover the root cause of their ongoing troubles.

After a few weeks, the family made their way back to Nigeria, where Deborah’s father began to suspect that there was a hidden reason behind their misfortunes. He suggested seeking the guidance of a pastor, recommended by a close friend, to help on the worst situation.

The following day, they embarked on a journey to visit the pastor at his church. Upon entering the modestly decorated house decorated with crosses, they were met by a man dressed in white garments, who greeted them with a melodious ringing of a bell. As the man caught sight of them, he started turning around, ringing his bell and gestured for them to take a seat, creating a sense of spirituality with the lighted candles on the ground and on his table.

However, Annabel, who had been observing Anthony and his family through her evil mirror, recognized the pastor as one of the lazy men faking and posing as servants of God. Despite their trust, the pastor proceeded to accuse Anthony of marrying his wife for personal gain, and sacrificing her seeds(children) for more wealth and power at an evil altar.

Deborah’s father was shocked at the prophecy from the supposed “Man Of God”, filled with disbelief as he held Anthony’s tie, angrily questioning his motives and accusing him of betraying the trust he had placed on him by his evil deeds and greediness. The pastor’s heavy accusations did not cease there, as he fearlessly said that Anthony harbored evil intentions towards Deborah’s father’s life, and would act if not chased out from their lives.

In an act to protect her daughter , Deborah’s father quickly took his daughter away from the church with the oil the man gave them, leaving Anthony feeling abandoned.

A fire of anger towards the fake pastor filled Anthony, and he felt like strangling him there, but managed to control himself.

Anthony went outside of the pastor’s church not seeing neither his father- in – law nor his wife. It became obvious that they had left him there. Anthony tirelessly trekked back home, his financial accounts immediately frozen at the instruction of his father-in-law.

Returning to his wife’s home, Anthony was met with resistance by the gatekeeper, who coldly refused his entry as per instructions. His once-promising life lay in shambles, stripped of all his accomplishments in a single day, leaving him shattered and locked in a web of sorrow.

With no means for assistance and facing wave of humiliation and rejection from his community, Anthony sought employment to sustain himself. However, every avenue he pursued led to dead ends, as the news of what had happened in his marriage tarnished his reputation, destroying his chances of getting help from people .

Resigned to his fate, Anthony found temporary comfort in a backbreaking job as a laborer who carry blocks for a pay , only to be left sacked without pay for a simple mistake on site – breaking a block.

His world crumbled around him, his wife’s father increasing his pain by seizing the house he built in Port Harcourt, rendering him completely homeless.

With the little money, his sister who was in NYSC camp sent to him, he was able to get himself something to eat.

Annabel hadn’t had enough as she went as far as causing an accident through her evil manipulation and Anthony was hit by a car while crossing the road beside restaurant where he had gone earlier to eat .

People around rushed him to the hospital and he got revived, but was unable to use his two legs again.

He was now like a vegetable with his life upside down.

He once caused a girl to lose her future by taking away her virginity and impregnating her, now, his life was a complete mess.

He once invited the same girl he impregnated to his wedding, and now people are paying him visit for his broken legs.

Life is indeed, unpredictable.

With no means of sorting the hospital bills, Anthony lain on the hospital bed with tears flowing from his eyes.

Tears flowed from Anthony’s eyes like a river. The doctors were threatening to send him out of the hospital bed since he wasn’t making any move to clear his bill. He was in pain, feeling abandoned and helpless.

One afternoon, a group of church members who regularly visited patients in the hospital came to minister and pray for the sick. It was Anthony’s turn, and as they spoke about the impact of past deeds on the present, Anthony opened up, confessing his past actions. He tearfully spoke of how he had ruined a young girl’s future by impregnating her and wickedly inviting her to his wedding.

After his confession, they held his hands and prayed. Through a spiritual revelation, the pastor among them uncovered the root of Anthony’s problems. He revealed that the girl he had wronged was manipulated by an evil woman and was still harboring thoughts of vengeance against him. He went on to reveal Annabel’s hands in Anthony’s problems.

With the help of the church’s contributions, Anthony’s hospital bill was cleared, and he was discharged. They searched for Annabel, the girl he had wronged, and found her living in the small house left behind by the evil woman.

Initially filled with anger, Annabel poured dirty water on Anthony, demanding they leave her house. However, after understanding her pain and pleading for forgiveness, she agreed to let go of her anger and start anew.

Giving her life to Christ, Annabel regretted why she had to harm innocent lives because of her revenge mission.

In a surprising twist of fate, Anthony’s father-in-law reconciled with him and returned everything he had taken.

Anthony took responsibility for his actions, making amends by sending Annabel’s son to school, building them a house, and setting up a business for her. Despite the mix of happiness and pain, Annabel accepted her new life.

Months later, Anthony’s wife became pregnant, bringing joy to their lives.

Annabel also reconciled with her parents after years of being far away from them, inviting them to join her in her new home. She apologized for falling short of their expectations but embraced her new chapter.

Anthony learnt his lesson, realising that not every girl he could “use and dump”.

Though their lives had taken unexpected turns, both Anthony and Annabel found redemption and forgiveness, paving the way for a brighter future ahead.

The end.