BORROWED MY HAPPINESS chapter 01 – free novel PDF download

Chapter 1

Borrowed Happiness :

Her phone rang and she jumped to her dressing table  where she had left it .

“Hi mom. ” She answered.

“Can I talk to him ? What is his name ? Her mom said .

It has been like that between Debra and her mom Dorothy for 7years now . Debra is a 36 year old woman  who is still treated like a girl because she is not married.

“Please mom not now .” She answered.

“If not now Debby when ? You are running out of time , all your siblings are married and have kids now , what about you ? Listen to me Debra Loning and listen to me good , tomorrow you are not coming to my birthday celebration alone , if you don’t have anyone find him today and I mean it . By the way did you know Jonathan is back from wherever he was and he is still not married?” Debra’s mom said .

“Mom leave Jonny out of this .” She replied.

“I knew it you still have feelings  for him , you still call him Jonny , don’t worry I will ask your little sister Sheba to invite him. ” Her mom said .

“Mom don’t bother I have a boyfriend  , he is very serious , he wants to marry  me .” Debra said.

“OH ! What great news , is he cute ? Does he have a job ? Is he tall ?”

“Mom ! Mom ! I have to go .” Debra said hanging up the phone .

Mrs Loning is something else , her husband passed away 10years ago , she is a vibrant old woman, full of life . The Jonathan guy is her daughter ‘ s former boyfriend who cheated on her time and again , after Jonathan Debra has not been in the dating scenes much , the cheating made her loose confidence.  Instead  of finding love again  she pursued her dream of being a therapist. Debra had lied to her mom that she had a boyfriend , how was she going to get any when she didn’t have a life .After a call from her mom she headed to her office  and stopped  for a cup of coffee. It was a cold day so there was a queue.

A guy came in at the coffee shop and went straight to the table without ordering anything .He was on the phone and he didn’t seem to be having a good day and that caught Debra ‘s attention. He was too handsome to be having any problems , that’s what Debra  thought . Instead of ordering a cup Debra ordered two and went to sit next to that guy .

“Here we go .” Debra handed the other cup to the stranger .

” I am sorry I don’t take any of these.” The guy responded.

“If you don’t take any so why are you here?” Debra asked .” I am sorry ma’am is it any of your business?” The guy rudely said.

She didn’t wish to continue,  she stood up and went to her car .

“I am sorry  I was rude .” The voice behind her said .

“It’s OK. ” Debra said closing the door .

“I am Miles , can we start over ?” The guy said .

“I am Debra .”

” Can I take you out to make it up to you ?” Miles said .

“No , but you can do something for me . ” Debra said .

“Anything. ” Miles said .

“Can you be my boyfriend for tomorrow only?” She asked.

The look in the stranger’s face was priceless.

“What did you say ? ” He asked.

“I am sorry,  I am very very sorry. ” Debra said ashamed.

“It’s OK, what’s the occasion?” He asked.

“My mom ‘s birthday. ” She answered .

“Here is my business card , send me the address and details. ” He said

chapter 02(Click here)