BORROWED MY HAPPINESS chapter 02 – free novel PDF download


Chapter 2 :

The next day arrived and Debby wanted it over before it even started but she thanked heavens because she had found a date. She read the message more than twice before she sent it to Miles,  she wanted to make sure she gave him the right address. 

At Mrs Loning ‘s house everything was done by 2pm , the set up was finished,  the cake and most of her old friends were already there and some of her grand kids also.

“I bet 5 grand Debby is going to come alone.” Said Sheba who was Debby ‘s little sister.

“She said she has a boyfriend , cute , tall and handsome and he has a job .” Her mom said.

“Debby is lying mom , the past week I saw her she was still 36 and single.” Sheba said.

“You can still get a boyfriend  at 36 and in one week you know . As I always say , I met your dad at 30 and within a week I was pregnant you know .” Mrs Loning said.

That was Mrs Loning for you , very loud , full of life with great sense of humor.

“Shebby I wasn’t a lady of the night you know but I was running out of time , our society is merciless you know , because I was 30 and unmarried I was now called a spinster. Look at me today I got 6 beautiful kids with a guy who was supposed to be my one night stand you know , may his soul rest in peace. ” She said .

” Mom ! Why do you have to give all of this information,  it’s traumatizing you know ?” Shebba said walking away from her mom .

“It’s the truth Shebby , the truth. ” She called after her.

Debby was still at her house , she wasn’t a dress up type  but today she had tried her best if not give her all. In normal days she would put on none fit pants and an oversized top , flat shoes and be ready to go. She woke up and went to a salon to get her hair done .

“I am going to my mom ‘s birthday. ” She had said to the hair stylist.

A beautiful black girl had took it upon herself to make Debby look beautiful. She even did her nails and make up .

“Thank you so much you are a life saver .” Debby said .

“You are most welcome my dear  ,  please come back again. “

When Debby looked at her mirror she regretted not being a fan of shopping,  she didn’t have the clothes that matched up with her looks . She put on her best black dress and a pair of red stilettos that her ex boyfriend Jonathan bought them years ago . She has never owned any type of earrings or necklace , she thanked God because the girl at the salon painted her nails red so they matched  her stilettos . She then realized that she had made a mistake she gave Miles her mom ‘s address instead of hers .


“Stupid , stupid,  stupid .” She said kicking herself. She had to go to her mom ‘s and she was going to meet Miles there. Everyone was there when she arrived,  all her siblings with their partners and their kids and she was by herself.

“Aunty Debby granny said you have a new boyfriend,  how come you came alone ?”  Asked little Naomi her brother Derick ‘s little daughter.

“How are you cup cakes ? Tell granny that aunt Debby said she must mind her own business. ” She said picking her up.

She knew her mom had told everyone and everyone had a question to ask so she had to shut them up .

“Hi Debby .” Carol her younger sister said .

“I am good .” Debby said.

“You look beautiful. ” Carol said .

Debby had a present for her mom and she navigated herself to her mom.

“Where is he ?” Her mom said loudly .

“I am here.” A deep voice said behind Debby.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the perfect handsome stranger .

“Happy birthday Mrs Loning.” Miles said handing her a bouquet of flowers.

“What a gentleman  you are . Where did you meet my daughter ?” Mrs Loning said .

“Not now mom .” Debby said .

“Yes now Debra Loning , if he is going to be my son in law I have the right to ask him whatever I want. ” The old woman said.

“It’s OK ma’am you can ask me anything. ” Miles said .

Debra was shaking in her stilettos because Milles knew nothing about her , she was afraid of embarrassing herself in front of so many people.

“What a good boy you are , when are you marrying her ?” Mrs Loning asked .

Debby was so embarrassed that she couldn’t look at Miles .

“When ever she is ready Mrs Loning whenever she is ready.” Miles said very cool and collected.

“That’s too damn good to be true , how much do you know about Debby young man ? What’s her birthday ?” Mrs Loning asked .

” October 9th .” He responded and Debra looked stunned.

“I did my research ,  and you should have gave me your address not your mom’s .” Miles whispered into Debby ‘ s ear.

Chapter #1(Click here)