Blinded by Power

Blinded by Power

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by dense woods, there lived a young woman named Shiela. She was kind and helpful, always willing to lend a hand to her neighbors. Everyone in the village knew Shiela and liked her.

One day, an old woman came to the village. She was bent with age and had a mysterious air about her. She approached Shiela and said, “You have a good heart, my dear. Take this amulet. It will grant you special powers.” The old woman handed Shiela a beautiful amulet with a large, glowing stone in the center.

Shiela put the amulet around her neck and felt a warm energy flow through her. She felt stronger and more powerful than ever before. She thanked the old woman, who nodded and quietly left the village with a devilish smile on her face.

At first, Shiela used her newfound power to help the villagers. She could lift heavy things with ease and make small plants grow with just a touch. The villagers were amazed and asked her how she did it.

“It’s my little secret,” Shiela said with a playful smile. She enjoyed the attention and the power that the amulet gave her. But soon, she wanted more.

As days passed, Shiela began to use the amulet’s power for her own benefit. She took food from the market without paying and made people do things for her against their will. Her once kind heart had turned cold, and the villagers grew fearful of her.

One night, as Shiela walked through the village, she heard a voice whispering in her ear. “The amulet gives you power, but it needs more. It wants darkness, it wants fear,” the voice said. Shiela looked around, but she saw no one.

She realized that the amulet was attracting dark forces, and the more she used it, the darker her thoughts became. She felt the warmth of the amulet turn cold, like ice against her skin. Shadows followed her wherever she went, and the village became a place of fear and gloom.

One day, her neighbor, an old woman named Inang told her, “You need to get rid of that amulet,” she said. “It’s not meant for us mortals. It brings nothing but trouble.”

But Shiela laughed. “I like this power Inang. Why should I give it up?” she replied. The old woman shook her head and left, knowing that Shiela’s heart was now too hard to change.

As time went on, the dark forces grew stronger, and the village was filled with darkness. Strange creatures roamed the woods, and the villagers had to stay indoors at night. Everyone knew it was because of the amulet that Shiela wore.

One night, as Shiela slept, the amulet began to glow with an eerie light. It was calling to the dark forces, inviting them into the village. Shiela awoke to find the shadows swirling around her, whispering dark secrets in her ear. She felt scared for the first time, realizing that she was no longer in control.

In desperation, Shiela tore the amulet from her neck and ran to the ocean. She smashed the amulet into tiny pieces with a rock and threw the fragments into the water. The shadows screamed and vanished into the night, and the village slowly began to return to normal.

Shiela left the village, feeling ashamed of what she had done, and never returned. The villagers never saw her again, but they knew that they had been saved from a terrible fate. And the amulet? Its pieces were lost forever in the ocean, where they could do no more harm.