It’s been a week since my twentieth birthday, I heard a voice from upstairs, Shade! Shade!, ah, it was my dad, (he is going to london for a business trip, and I’m on holidays, my mom travelled to dubai last week and won’t be coming home for a long time, and now my dad is also leaving… ) Yes daddy, I answered.

Dad: Shade, as I told you earlier, I’ll be travelling to london to spend some days there, I know you’ll be left alone and you’ll miss me and your mom, its for the best, we need to upgrade our company and increase the demanding rate by our customers.

Me: (I don’t even understand what he’s saying) okay dad ***with a smile on my face***

Dad: okay, before I forget, Tunde our new house boy will be looking after the house, Tunde! Tunde! He shouted.

——Tunde walked in——–

Tunde: Yes sir, I’m here sir **looking excited**

Dad: You will follow all what she will tell you, you’ll also not fail or disobey her orders unless you want to sleep in sale

Tunde: ah yes sir, I’ll not fail you sir

Dad: okay Shade, I’ll be on my way

Me: okay bye dad.. I love you dad, safe journey **i said smiling as his driver came and drove him off***

My father had reached the airport when he called me saying he is about to leave, I then prayed on the phone for him and he hanged up telling me to take good care of my Self.

Immediately I called my boyfriend, I asked him to come over to my place that my father had now travelled, I waited for hours and was just staring at my wrist watch when tunde showed up putting on a short boxer and a singlet. *****Tunde was a student at the university of lagos, doing computer science, he’s fairly tall, slim and muscular with a dark complexion, he speaks good english and from my dad’s theory, he needed to raise enough money to pay his school fees and buy a new laptop of about 200,000naira for his project in school.

Being a house boy or girl for our family can fetch a huge fortune, and tunde was lucky because my dad knew his parents so well*****

Tunde: Shade, what will you like to eat for the afternoon?

Me: ***Staring at his muscular and s*xy body*** Nothing! Don’t disturb me okay?

Tunde: I’m sorry, I can see you’re sad by the departure of dad, accept my apology miss shade

Me: Apology accepted, leave now jare….

****even if i schooled abroad, I still knew a little yoruba, and i noticed he smiled when i included “Jare” to my sentence***

I was still very worried as its almost getting late and i haven’t seen any sign of my boyfriend, as he told me he’ll come visiting and come spend some intimate time with me ***sounds funny but I’m still a virgin at 20*** I waited a couple of hours and bang! My phone ranged…

Boyfriend: hello sweetheart

Me: why honey, I’ve waited decades for you to come over, what’s keeping you boo?

Boyfriend: honey, I got caught up with some important stuffs, and you know my dad came and he needs me to help him arrange some important documents.

Me: aww why now! Your dad is really getting between us.

Boyfriend: Honey g2g now my dad is here already

***Cuts the call***

Ah, I felt really bad and worried, its been a long time since I really talked with him, he was literally mad at me after I refused to have sex with him, but it seemed he has gotten past all that. I decided to go see him myself, I carried the car key, entered the car and Drove off to his house, I horned, and the gateman yelled, “oga no wan see anybody today o…” I guessed he did not see my car, he just shouted out of ignorant… I yelled back “Musa! Musa! Open the gate”

Musa: oh, madam shade, I no know sey na you

Me: you’d better not known, as I drove and parked my motor vehicle I spotted his car, I asked the gate man;

Me: musa, is my boyfriend around?

Musa: miss shade, me I see am for oga e waka with one fine girl enter inside room. Pha, since morning.

Me: have you seen his dad?

Musa: oga father nodae in town o… Me I no see am for oga father

Me: okay musa thank you very much. ***i removed 1,000Naira note from my purse and handed it to him. ***He smiled and said “Nagode”(Nagode is a hausa word for Thank you”*****

I walked into the house with full confidence knowing my boyfriend can never cheat on me, he always says he loved me and will never cheat on me. ***I opened the door***

Me: Jesus! Wha What Are you do dooing? I….i…TrUsted you…***burst into tears***

Boyfriend: its not what you think, please wait ***he held my hand***

Me: don’t touch me! Don’t even dare! I hate you disgusting bastard!

Random girl: leave her, let’s enjoy what we were doing…

Boyfriend: shut up you harlot!

Me: sobs, **cleaned my tears and carried my bag and drove off**

I reached home, feeling heart broken and depressed… Then Tunde walks in…

Tunde: hey shade, where have you been, you just drove off and seemed you’ll never return

Me: I’m not in the mood to make jokes okay? Just get lost

Tunde: okay, I’m sorry if I’m bugging you

Me: mtcheew…

I was really tired, to add again the heartbreak, I couldn’t even eat anything the whole day till it was late and i didn’t even know when I fell asleep but I was a bit concious and I remember quite vividly that i didn’t sleep with a blanket on, but someone covered me my blanket who could it be if not Tunde?

I woke up yawning and stretching, my body, I opened my eyes, I did my prayers, took unto my slippers and went to the bathroom, took my toothbrush and Tunde had already made breakfast I went to the dinning and eat in the same table with Tunde, he was sitting directly opposite me , I was still strained by the heart break my boyfriend had caused the previous day I didn’t even answer him when he said good morning, I felt fatigue and a huge loss of appetite that made me eat little. But Tunde was eating like a hungry lion.

Tunde: you enjoy the food right?

Me: No!

Tunde: its really nice, I think you’re not feeling too well, the chicken is really great.

Me: Na you sabi ***remembering the incident last night that someone had covered me with a blanket***

Me: Who covered me a blanket last night?

Tunde: I did. I saw you felt cold and folded your body so tight, so I thought I might help by covering you the blanket.

Me: hmmm

***I felt cared for, when he said that, but isn’t he crossing his boundary?***

Me: don’t try that next time, okay? You know my father will not take it lightly if he were to find out you really did that. Let it not repeat itself, is that clear?

Tunde: Crystal clear sir, I mean madam

Me: ahaha, you’re a real funny boy, but you need to understand that I don’t like being played with okay?

Tunde: Okay.

***i stood up and took the toothpicks, as I got chicken meat hooked all over my teeth***

I was a bit bored that day, my father had called earlier and asked how I was faring, after so much phone conversation he decided to hang up. I was bored and went to Tunde’s room to call him and ask if he could play chess which I’m sure he can, I walked down the stairs after failed attempts of him being available, I walked through and I entered his room without knocking, surprisingly i saw him Naked!!! I quickly shut the door… And stood outside his door

Me: oh, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry about this okay

Tunde: there’s nothing to worry about, its my fault really, I left the door opened

***He quickly wore his boxer and opened the door***

Me: okay, i just came to find out if you can play chess with me?

Tunde: why not… ***he dressed up quickly***

We went to the parlour, played chess and laughed with, I thought to myself, “I think I’m falling in love with this guy”, he played better than me, as he played he kept on staring at me till I don’t know how I kissed him….

Everything happened so fast that day, I could still see shock in his face as he was so puzzled how i could give him such a warm kiss, you know I haven’t really given any chance to my Ex and i think its all my fault we broke up, Tunde was very surprised that a girl like me with high standard and influence will bring herself so low to that level, anyway, it wasn’t really my fault i felt strained and depressed following my hectic and bad day that all started from my fathers departure..

I moved to the refrigerator, brought out some water and drank a bit of it, I went outside the living room since facebook can be very boring sometimes, I decided to put my headphones and play chris brown song, the “Loyal” track is always my favourite I listened to it for a while, then I heard footsteps of someone approaching, who else it was Tunde!

Tunde: Excuse me, can i talk to you for a moment please?

Me: yes go on…

Tunde: what you did when we were playing Chess, what was it for?

Me: I’m sorry, I lost control, I’m now starting to feel I’m in love with you.

Tunde: Hmmm, your father will kill me if he were to find out please I’d appreciate if you pretend nothing happened..

Me: Chillax, its just me and you, No One will suspect anything, you see, I’m a Virgin **on hearing this, he looked calmed** and I just broke up with my boyfriend, I love you, for your uniqueness, gentility, and calmness.

Tunde: hmm, I love you too, but don’t you feel you will be taking a big risk!?

Me: ***I moved closer to him, I held his hand and he felt a bit shy, and he couldn’t resist me, I had all the physical qualities of a diva, my curvy shape, my nicki minaj butt and all that*** Tunde, I’m in love with you can’t you see that? Come here let me show you something. ***i carried him to my bedroom, he looked worried, I tried my best to contain him and make him feel comfortable.***

We sat down, and i told him how my previous day had been, we discussed for a while, and we turned on the television and watched a movie for quite a long while, I told him how I broke up with my previous boyfriend, and he encouraged me and gave me some very good piece of advice, I was beginning to feel comfortable with him, I even leaned on his lap, and slept off, that night we slept in the same bed, it was a warm night, I really enjoyed his close relationship with me only at that point in time, he’s really handsome.

Early in the money, around 6am, I woke up, breakfast was already prepared, and my friend Tobi called and told me she’ll be coming to visit, Tunde was outside, doing some sanitation when my friend tobi came in.

Tobi: wow, shade, you’re looking good, what’s the secret?

Me: its God oh…

Tobi: okay sha, who’s that handsome guy working outside?

Me: its our house boy oh, he just watches over the house…

Tobi: hmm, he’s cute oh, for a house boy, introducing him to me, I think I should hook up with him he seems cool though’

***This made me irritated, if she wasn’t my friend I would have given her a dirty slap, but you know, I had to pretend as if nothing was going on between me and him***

She still insisted I introduced him to her… I felt upset but i really had no choice than to do as she asked so i allowed her to talk to him. And she was getting too serious, she started touching him and Tunde felt comfortable with it, he did not even complain, they exchanged phone numbers and i was just sitting next to my popcorn pretending to be watching a movie, and when ever they made a joke i will just put a sacarstic look on my face ***i will pretend to laugh*** until I felt so uncomfortable and jealous I had to leave the sitting room, before my friend had left, she came to my room and told me how she admired tunde, I looked at her and I sighed. I then wore something, and escorted her outside the gate….

But she kept on coming, and these time with new cloths she bought for Tunde…

Me: who did you buy those cloths for?

Tobi: Tunde of course!

Me: Why? Did he tell you he needed any of those?

Tobi: hmmm, can’t I buy gifts again?

Me: hmmmmm ***feeling Slightly Jealous***

*****Tunde cuts in, I never knew he could be such a womaniser, or didn’t he love me anymore like he said??******

Tunde: welcome tobi, I missed you a lot **hugs**

Tobi: I missed you too, I bought this stuffs for you, I hope you’d like them?

Tunde: wow, this is so nice of you, what can I do to repay you?

Tobi: nothing can be greater than two happy lovers **chuckles**

Me: hmmm, I’ll be going out to the store, see you guys later **i walked away open the car door and closed it with force and drove off…**

Tobi: what’s wrong with her, did anyone upset her?

Tunde: ah, i don’t know, maybe she woke up on the wrong side of her bed…

Tobi: hmmm let’s go inside.

***I drove to a nearby eatery, and sat for a while and ordered for hamburger and a can of malt, coincidentally, i saw, my Ex boyfriend eating with another girl, it disgusted me, I had to rush my food and I payed the waitress and left that vicinity immediately,..

I was a bit relieved and I decided to drive around town for a while to kill time, so I can go spend quality time with Tunde as soon as that Traitor that claims to be my friend leaves the house, so I drove for about an hour, something immediately added to my thoughts, I decided to buy tunde my own special gift and a laptop for that matter, isn’t that what he has been expecting? So I drove to the ATM and tried to cash out enough money to purchase the laptop, but the ATM was like a pin in my neck so I went straight to the bank and redrawn the money, that money was part of my savings, my father usually deposited enough money monthly for me.

Tunde told me earlier that he loved Hp products so I went to a laptop/tech shop and bought a new laptop. worth 130,000NGN, and drove home delighted to surprise my boo!, I drove home horned at the gate, the gate man opened the gate, I saw my friends car still parked in the compound, I was surprised what she was still doing in my house upto this hour, maybe she’s watching MTV or so, but I was furious and was going to use some deceptive techniques to chase her out of my house, I parked the car, walked straight at the house, and opened the door, nobody was there, I kept quiet, and walked to my room, and opened the door! Oh my God!!!! I found Tunde and Tobi completely Naked…………

***I felt like I’ve been pierced by a very sharp object, finding Tunde and my besty naked in bed? It was terrifying*****

Me: What the hell is going on here?

Tobi: I can explain, I can explain, reduce your voice before someone hears please

Me: I can’t believe this, how could you bring yourself so low to engage in this profane act in my own fathers house? Huh? And you tunde speak up? Justify yourself, what do you have to say?

Tunde: eh its the devils work (he stammered)

Me: Tobi, leave my house, from today, you cease to be my friend, Get out! (I yelled)

Tobi: it’s not over yet, he’s mine okay, and I love him, we did nothing wrong.!

*****she quickly took her bag and dressed quickly and left, leaving me and Tunde alone******

Me: Tunde, why did you have to do this, despite my love for you?

Tunde: I’m sorry.

Me: Sorry? You’re just sorry? You’ve totally made me start a beef with my best friend and I now hate my childhood friend.

Tunde: hmmm, he came close to me and started wiping my tears…. I love her okay.

Me: what? You still have the nerve to say that? Come here is she better than me? *****i removed my blouse and tried to seduce him while I hung my hands around his neck*****

Tunde: enough okay save your virginity for someone better, I’m sick and tired of you telling me what to do okay? Just stop.

Me: hmmm don’t make me hate you, after all you are nothing, just a good for nothing house boy!****i still Felt surprise cos I’ve never seen this version of him before*****

Tunde: Thanks for the compliment

Me: I’m calling my dad and I’m going to tell him everything

Tunde: go ahead! I’m not your child okay.

Me: ****I got very sad I held his leg****

Tunde, I love you more than you can ever imagine, I went to buy you the new laptop you were saving for and I felt really devastated seeing you with my best friend, please stay with me, I’ve never felt heartbreak before please don’t do this to me

****tears rolled down my cheek****

Tunde: you deserve better, am not good enough for you. And I can never love you, I’ll be stabbing your dad in his back if I do.

******he opened the door with force and swerved away*****

Me: I felt shame and pained and wondered why he will refuse a beautiful girl like me so I followed him and as I was bout to enter his room I heard him make a phone call.

Tunde: hello sir, I’m glad to serve you, but plans have changed, I’ll be traveling to town tomorrow and I wish to resign. I hope you find someone as trustworthy.. Okay, I’ll receive the alert thank you, goodbye.

‼️‼️ Please follow Stainless Tata he lost his page ‼️‼️

I was so devastated to hear him make that phone call, I had to go to the bathroom, and clean up, I really didn’t know what to say, I kept on thinking and thinking of a plan, how could tunde leave me this way? How and why could he? I loved him so much but he wasn’t concerned about all that, all he wished for was to please my dad, and I guessed all he thought of was not to date his oga’s daughter as they call it…

But you know, after all that happened with my former bf, I’ve learnt a lesson, maybe chasing after all the rich guys, you wouldn’t really or you’d hardly find love…..

And I think there’s a strong force pulling me closer to Tunde…

********Someone badges in*******

Tunde: shade, I’m sorry, I’ll be leaving, I’ll no longer be working here, I’m sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings in any way….

Me: I really have nothing to say okay, but if you feel like hurting someone else and getting away with it is cool then okay….

Tunde: bye…. I’ll miss you and the house

****just before tears rolled down my cheek, I heard a horn…. PEeeeeeeep…. it was my friend’s Tobi Honda car…******

Me: What the F**k is Tobi’s car doing here!?

Tunde: ah she volunteered to pick me up…

Me: wait, you’ll be staying with her? **with a puzzled look**

Tunde: Yes, any problem with that? I’m no longer under your control madame…

Me: hmmm

Tunde: don’t worry about nothing going on between us

****PEeeeep…. She horned harder*****

Me: what’s wrong with that b*tch? Tell her to stop disturbing this environment…

Tunde: remember that was your besty and you’re using mean words on her, girls sha…… I’ll have to leave now….

Me: Like I care……. Anyway I’ll help you with your bags…

Tunde: I’ll really appreciate that Shade, but there’s no time for that now…

Me: I insist…

Tunde: hmmm

****i had the sole intention of helping him with his bag because I wanted to create a scene by kissing him in front of Tobi******

So we came close to the car, he collected the bags and when he was about to enter the car Tobi came out, and said “I told you he was mine, you’ll never have everything friend, you’re rich I’m not as rich but I’ve got someone that loves me”

On hearing this, I accelerated my plans, I moved close to Tunde and gave him the best kiss I could ever give him, he was so shocked he stood there without moving or responding, I was 99% positive he’d push me off but hell no, he didn’t…..

Until I stopped…. And told him bye… And when I went back to the house, I was filled with joy… Meanwhile tobi was mad….

Tunde: Get in the car, let’s go

Tobi: what the hell happened there?

Tunde: I’ve got no Explanation, you saw what happened

Tobi: what do you mean you’ve got no explanation?

Tunde; I said Get in the Car!!!!!!!

*****she entered the car immediately as if Tunde was her commander, while I was outside laughing though it was raining a bit*******

Shade: next time don’t you shout at me again as if you’re the owner of the car or I’m your driver !? ……..

Tunde: or Else you go beat me? Hmmm

****back to my own problem I felt really pained that night, I barely slept well, I woke up and sent the maid to buy breakfast and my head was filled with crazy thoughts like “what if he’s in bed with tobi now”

“What are they both doing now”

****I heard a knock on the door, ko ko ko… I then remembered I sent for breakfast****

Me: Whaaaaat!? What are you doing?

****it was Tunde, he came back?******

Tunde: I missed giving you breakfast…

****he winked*****

On felt really happy and proud to have him back, although I had to pretend I didn’t miss him, he literally asked the maid who i sent and collected the duty and bought everything himself….

He looked bright and handsome that morning, he hugged me and I felt his warmth and love, though I was not sure if he really loved me, as he was going just about entering the kitchen to prepare my breakfast…

Me: Tunde, Once again I’m so happy you’re back.

Tunde: there’s no place like home abi…

Me: why did you suddenly decide to come back?

Tunde: you know how annoying tobi can be, I felt we were never meant for each other and your dad, I can’t just disrespect your dad just like that by leaving….

Me: Oh, Okay, I understand, so who is meant for you!!?

***I was happy I asked him this question with full hope that he’s going to say I’m meant for him***

Tunde: there’s this girl I meet, she stays in Abuja….

Me: Okay just forget it. It’s clear you are never serious…

****i don’t know why he always behaves like this, I even started asking myself silly questions like, am i not good enough for this guy, anyway, I didn’t know what to do really, he then walked in with my breakfast****

Tunde: breakfast is ready…. I hope you’ll enjoy it…

Me: hmmm, enjoy what? After all the pain you’ve created….

Tunde: I thought you said you loved how I make breakfast? Isn’t that what you said before?

Me: hmm, all I love is to be close to you okay? And stop acting as if you’re dating, I checked your phone and I haven’t even seen any number that looks like you’re dating.

Tunde: ah, shade, it’s not like that, you see, your dad has better plans for you okay, and I can’t change that, if all you want is for me to change his plan, its impossible. I can’t. I love you but I can’t. Can’t you see what your dad has done? Without your dad I won’t even be in the university.. That man supported me throughout everything okay…

Me: okay I see, you’re saying, I don’t have the right to choose who I want to date right? That my dad wants the influential typa guy to be with me right, the governors son, or even the president son? Mmh?

Tunde: that’s not what I’m saying angel, what I’m saying is…. I’m can’t be your type I’ll be betraying your dad if I do so….

Me: bla bla bla, you just called me an angel… I get it, you love me, but just don’t have a chance…. Come here kiss me, hold me, come on, I’m all yours now,****i tried all my possible best to make this dude see that I can give him everything but he just won’t see it****

Tunde: Enough!! Enough okay! Finish your breakfast madame.

****i eat my breakfast while I was thinking of him, you know it’s always nice when you eat and think, he was just there, doing push ups, I just stared at his muscles, he finished doing his routinely exercise and went to the shower, I waited for some time, then a nasty thought came into my mind, so I sneaked to the bathroom door and peeped through a small circle, Wow! He’s so Hot! I stared and Stared ….

Suddenly my phone rang, sh*t!******

Tunde: who’s there? Is anyone there?

Me: uhmm, no ones there, I was just coming to check the tap.

Tunde: I hope so… I thought it was a peeper…. Ahaha you don’t peep right?

Me: just shut up and take your bath abeg…

***just to check who called, it was Tobi! Why will she be calling me? The phone rang again…..***

Me: hello, what do you want this time bitch?

Tobi: nothing, you see, I’m sorry bout everything, I never knew you were into him, you should have told me…

Me: mtcheew….. So why are you calling?

Tobi: come over to my place okay, I have a surprise for you…

Me: hmm okay…. I hope it’s a good surprise… I’m on my way, and next time don’t steal my man

Tobi: as if your dad will allow you to date that low cl*ss guy…

Me: okay, I’m not coming again.. if he’s low cl*ss then I’m low cl*ss too…. Period!

Tobi: okay I’m sorry okay….

Me: okay let me take my bath, I’ll be there as flash..

*****i was just wondering, what does this girl really wants with me this time anyway I’ll know when I get there******

On driving there, I reached tobi’s place, she looked very nervous, she then hugged me, and I parked outside, i asked her why I couldn’t park inside, she said the gate was faulty and stuffs, immediately I entered the gate 2 huge guys came out locked the gate, they used handkerchief to rub on my face and the only thing I could remember was tobi’s voice saying “Ahahaha that virginity of yours will be gone today”.

**I felt like the devil hit me with a hammer, I felt betrayed…. Why would tobi have such evil motive? What have I done to her that she will act this way.. I wonder how jealousy can control people.

As my vision got blurred as a result of the drugged handkerchief her boys used to rub on my face, I could hardly remember anything, just that I kept imagining why tobi will do such a thing, she kept on laughing, and it made me more angrier, then they carried me inside, before they could open the door to put me, I heard a voice.

And it was Tunde’s, on hearing his voice, I felt relieved. And luckily he came with our gate man (our gate man is very slim, he hardly does complex duties******

Tunde: What the hell?

Tobi: emm it’s not what you think, they came and took her off, they took her inside, emm some huge guys, I’m so scared… Please do something, help my friend…

Tunde: why didn’t you call the police or someone? I know you’ve got something to do with this, you deliberately made that call so you can lure Shade to your evil nest, this was all a setup…. Anyway, Guy, don’t let this woman leave here she’s got some explaining to do.

***He said with a real angry face****

Gate man: okay, I don lock the gate sef, where she wan p*ss? Or she wan disvirgin me too?

****Tunde rushed to the room, with a big stick, he’s father was a police and he really got great skills when it comes to fighting, he fights like Iron Monkey, just as they were about to pull my skirts Tunde steps in….****

Tunde: O boy, Wetin dey do una? Free that girl now! you mad?

Thugs: Who goes there?

***immediately they said this, Tunde rose in rage, and attacked them, he smacked one in the head, causing him to faint, the other one was tough a bit, he messed up Tunde’s Mouth real bad with punches and even collected the stick and engaged Tunde with it, Tunde blocked with his hands, but the pressure was too intense it broke his hands tunde was lying helplessly in the floor****

Thug: *Wiped Tunde on his back with the big stick** O boy you mad? Who you think sey you be? Infact you never born… ***wiped him again in his legs***

Tunde: just let her go, hit me, but don’t hurt her… Please…

Thug: make I make one call, dem go smoke you today, I dey handle operation you wan com spoil am? Abi you no know sey na mi be the don for this town? ***Wipes Tunde again the third time****

Tunde: Ahhhhhhahhhh please, what do you guys want, stop doing this… Ouch.. Ouch… Ohhhh…..

“ Gate Man Call the Police! Call the Police! He yelled”

Thug: ***Wipes him again!*** Shut up! Anymore noise I go silence you for life

****I felt really terrified, how could all this be happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? I’ve only seen hostage held in movies, but now I’m so unfortunate to be a victim, I felt more fear as the other thug guy Tunde smacked down was starting to gain consciousness******

Thug: RedScorpion get up! Make we finish this girl commot here.

****On hearing this, my adrenaline rose to it’s peak, I didn’t know when I was holding a sharp broken iron hanger I pierced him on his neck and he fell down bleeding, my heart was pumping fast…. Did I just kill someone?******

Me: oh my God, Oh God, did I just kill a man, Oh No…

Tunde: Yes you just did. And I’m glad you did. If not we would have been dead by now.

***i went close to the dead thug and collected the stick he held, just to be sure we’re save***

Tunde: No…… Watch Out!

Me: What?

Tunde: Behind you…….

****i turned around with full flexibility, It was the other thug, he was with a pen knife, immediately I hit him on his head, that exact same place tunde hit him****

Me: go back to sleep animal!

Tunde: nice shot, you looked s*xy when you hit him… And where did you learn to hit things like that?

Me: I was in a baseball team back then in the UK

Me: anyway be a man and get up! Or else I’ll give em my virginity… **chuckles**

Tunde: ahhh…**as he struggles to barely stand***

******suddenly, a car parked outside, telling the gate man and tobi to lie down flat or they’ll shoot them*******

Tunde: Shade, we’re dead. The friends of the thug youu killed are here….

*****Bang Bang! Open this door! Open this door before we shoot it open! Open it now!*****

Me: ***i felt scared, but do I have a choice? No I don’t. I went close to the door with fear that immediately I open the door they’ll shoot me dead, I opened the door****

Police: it’s the police, hands on your head, sergeant search them…. And wait, who killed this men?

Me: they tried to rape me…. After my friend had set me up, so I had no source of defense than to hit him with a broken hanger which………

***the officer steps in***

Officer: Shade? Is this you? What are you doing here……? And who are you young man? Sergeant Matthew, take that young man to the hospital he’s messed up…

Me: sir, like I said earlier, my friend, i’m sorry, that GIRL, the one you saw outside set me up for a gang rape… With the sole purpose to terminate my virginity. We just got lucky, we would be dead by now…

Officer: sergeant mark, without questions, arrest that woman outside, Shade is a girl I’ve known right from small as a honest girl…

So she couldn’t lie… Sergeant Ayo, call. Some professional to dispose this dead body, and arrest the man lying unconscious.

Right now, I’m calling your dad to tell him about this incident. Anyway who’s the young man that looks messed up, is he your saviour?

Me: kind of…. He saved me…. And he’s my boyfriend.

Tunde: Whaaat? Sir do not take what she says seriously, she’s just relieved that I saved her butt and she’s just trying to make me feel better for how messed up I am..

****we went to the hospital, got checked, I had no serious issues whatsoever, but Tunde got really messed up Bad, he had fractures, internal bleeding and a broken shin bone, we were then discharged, we went home…

Tunde took his bath, got to his room, then I entered.****

Me: hi

Tunde: hello, you were a hero out there.

Me: ***bursts into tears*** I can’t believe I killed someone… ***as I said this, he came closer****

Tunde: you did what was right to save yourself… There’s no two ways around it. Either you kill or you get kill okay? So cheer up a bit, you look beautiful as ever.

Me: ***he felt really weak, he couldn’t even move he’s neck well when we were talking. I just Zeroed my mind and kissed and sucked his lips, I kissed him real bad, I even felt his di*k rising, we kissed and kissed, I removed his singlet, we continued kissing I removed his trousers and removed my own blouse, we continued and I felt him, he was very hard… He was enjoying me, I thought to myself, could it be it? Has he fallen deep for me already? As I was bout to remove his boxers…..

As I was about to remove his boxers….

Tunde: No.. Stop. You don’t have to do this…

Me: what? I thought you’re comfortable?

Tunde: it’s not just right…. You don’t have to take advantage of me just because I’m on injury, it’s not just right okay….

Me: ***Feeling surprised by his reaction*** what! you mean you’re not enjoying me?

Tunde: No! I mean we can’t do this… Goto bed now… Its clear that I’m exhausted. You too need to rest.

Me: Okay ***said with heavy Sarcasm***

Me: but do you know tobi can be so wicked? Why will she pull that kind of stunt?

Tunde: I thought she was your friend? I thought you know what she was capable of doing that made me break all my bones….

Me: ahaha, she’s like that witch we saw in that movie

Tunde: hmmm, I’m exhausted, don’t want to laugh now..

***just before our conversation spiced up, Cling…. Cling…my phone was ringing… Who could it be..??? Oh it’s my dad****

Me: Hello daddy

Dad: hello darling, how are you, are you hurt? the officer called me and told me about what happened, I’m glad you didn’t think twice before you stabbed that criminal to death..

I know you must be feeling bad about it, but the truth is, those men where bad men and you did the needful, because those men wouldn’t think twice to hurt you if they had their chance.

Anyway how’s Tunde? I heard he was a savior?

***in the background***

Tunde: tell him I’m fine, tell him I’m not hurt, tell him I’m well… Don’t tell him I’m down..

Me: No, I can’t lie, you’re down and he has to acknowledge that.

***Left Background***

Dad: hello, are you there?

Me: yes dad, tunde was messed up bad, he even has internal bleeding due to the severity of the beating

Dad: okay, tell him to stay strong, and also, watch him, let him not start leaving the house suspiciously, you know, he might get involved in antisocial activities..

Me: oh, daddy, he’s a really good person. He’s presence in this house has made my life easier

Dad: And how do you know that? Is he talking to you this much? I won’t tolerate any of that nonsense okay… he has to know his boundary.. I’m coming back to Nigeria next-tomorrow to see how things are since I left it.

Me: daddy you don’t have to come back, I’ve got everything under control, and the company earnings is rapidly increasing.

Dad: young lady, I left you in a tense situation, and you almost got yourself raped! I also arranged a meeting with the governor’s son, so he says he’ll like to have lunch with us…

Me: dad, you know I don’t like that boy he’s so rude.

Dad: hmm, okay, I’ve got to hang up now, I’ll talk to you later.

Me: bye daddy, I love you…

Dad: I love you too…

******Cuts the call******

Tunde: what was that for? I told you to tell him I’m fine

Me: the bible says “thou shall not lie!” And it will be a sin if I lied to my dad.

Tunde: assuming we got married, you’ll play a big role in disobeying me.

Me: hmmm, we are gonna get married one day, I love you and that cannot change okay.

Tunde: I hope you see you’re trying to destroy my future? Who’s paying my tuition fees? Its your dad! And if he finds out you have feelings for me, my career will be done for good.

Me: anyway, he says he’s coming next tomorrow and he’s inviting the governor’s son for lunch with us..

Tunde: I guess he wants you and the governor’s son to hookup… I’m not fortunate to be the governors son or any sort of rich kid so I’m of no good to you. I want the best for you, and getting engaged with the governors son will only make our lives better. You see I love you but you have to do what’s right. I’m going to bed.

****he kissed my hands like a gentle man will do****

***thats the first time Tunde’s words ever got to my head, tears roll down my cheek, I felt very emotional, you know, I was born and raised in a rich home, and I always got what I wanted… Could it be I just Couldn’t get this One?*******

I was so terrified when the door was Opening, my dad could kill, he used to do some boxing exercise and other extreme sports those days before he meet my mom.. I kept on imagining how he was going to deal with Tunde, but wait a minute, Tunde is way stronger, oh and he loves me so much, I don’t want this to happen. I always had this culture of praying when I’m in trouble.

*** Oh God let it not be my daddy, he’s gonna kill me oh, and come to think of it, I guessed that stupid maid must have told him where to find me, right inside tunde’s room, and the first question he would ask will be “what’s going on here”***

••••••••••DOOR OPENS

***Thank God, It’s The Governors Son Dammy****

Govt.Son: What!? What is going on here? You mean a girl of such cl*ss is banging her house boy?

Me: Dammy it’s not what you think, okay, it’s not like that… I.. I actually… Ehmm came to…

**I thought as much what the first question would be, I was clearly short of words, but I felt Relieved, it was the governors son, he came to check on me simply because he’s obsessed with me, but what if he tells my dad!?**

Govt.Son: I get it okay, you said you were going to the bathroom to ease yourself and left me waiting for over thirty minutes, unknowingly, you came to stay with your Servant?

****Tunde was uncomfortable on hearing dammy call him a servant, he felt influenced but annoyed, maybe because it was the governors son, but he couldn’t control his anger anymore one more word and it’s going to be really ugly****

Me: he’s not a Servant okay?

Govt.Son: hey, Tunde what’s that in your hand? that’s the necklace I bought for shade, what’s it doing in your hands? Are you trying to steal it?

Tunde: oh, I thought it was a rope? I Was about to throw it inside the toilet.

Govt.Son: you’re very funny, How much Should I pay you for that joke? Or should I employ you to be making jokes for my kids? That Necklace could change your life…

Me: please dammy, Enough already! You know how I hate Rude guys, and don’t make me get the feeling you’re rude. I just came to tell him my phone had a problem with the battery and Tunde is good at IT stuffs so I thought he’ll do a great job fixing it. Can we go to the dining now before my dad comes?

Govt.Son: hmm okay, don’t forget to collect the rope from his hands..

Me: ok I won’t dear…

I was so relieved, I got really scared on what the outcome would have been but thank my stars it wasn’t my dad. We left for the sitting room, we talked for a while, he could be so hilarious, but I just couldn’t enjoy our conversation because I just did not like him, he’ll say something really sweet, and make promises to buy me ride and I’ll just laugh so he’ll think I really love what he’s saying, but I don’t, I was actually just doing pep talk with him just to please my dad. Finally, my dad finally came back, he saw us talking together he smiled and came to us and joined us, all both of them talked about was how I’ll look good with dammy on a wedding gown…

Dad: Shade, go and call Tunde to join us, don’t take so long okay…

Me: okay daddy.

**i said to Myself, finally, I’ve left their presence, I can now actually breath fresh air***

***I went to Tunde’s room, the door was opened, before I entered he was the first to speak.***

Tunde: you came to call me Mmmh?

Me: how do you know that? Don’t tell me you were stalking our discussion at the dining? Or haven’t you gotten past all what he said?

Tunde: its not about what he said okay, the thing is I can’t stand seeing you sitting close to the govt.son, I love you and you’re the best thing that has ever happened to my life, I love you shade and it hurts me anytime you sit close to him.

Me: aww, that’s so romantic, I love you too. But it will be an insult if you don’t come, you know how my dad takes things seriously, he will feel *ssaulted.

‼️‼️ Please follow Stainless Tata , he lost his page ‼️‼️

Tunde: who cares, as long as I love you… He went and closed the door..

***he came closer and started touching my hair, I wasn’t really thinking straight, which day did he actually start being romantic? but they way he touched me was turning me on… Then he started behaving like a devil, rubbing my neck and my back, I just couldn’t resist anymore until we started kissing, I removed my Shirt, Tunde was just good at caressing my body, he removed his trousers and was left with only his boxers..

Me: Stop, we don’t have to do this okay.

Tunde: But why? You don’t Love me?

Me: Shhhhh….I’m. Hearing footsteps, someone’s coming..

****I was so Scared this time, oh no, it was my dad, he was walking towards our room I rushed to put on my shirts but it was too risky and too late because they where actually gaining on us, I knew the governors son deliberately told my dad to come check on us****

Tunde: [Whispered] please, carry your clothes and hide under the bed, they won’t see you.

Me: okay, okay.

Dad: Tunde! Open this door!

Tunde: yes sir.

**Opens Door**

Dad: I sent Shade to call you just so you come dine with us.

Tunde: ah sir, Shade is not here oh… I went to buy parts for the other car and I’m just coming back, maybe she went other places in the house to look for me sir.

Gov.Son: but I saw you and hour ago with shade inside your room?

Dad: what was shade doing inside his room?

Tunde: she gave me her faulty cell phone to check for her sir

Govt.Son:Let’s Search the Room,You know how sensitive your daughter is and This Servant can’t be trustworthy….

Dad; okay, Search The Room

Shade and Tunde ran through the night, the cold air biting at their skin. The moonlight barely lit their path, casting eerie shadows on the ground. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they fled from everything they had known. They didn’t stop until they reached an old, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Inside, the air was musty, and the floor was littered with debris, but it offered them a place to rest.

**Tunde:** (Breathing heavily) We can stay here for now.

**Shade:** (Nodding) What’s our plan? We can’t run forever.

**Tunde:** We need to get far away, where no one can find us.

The warehouse was silent except for the distant sounds of the city. They found a corner and huddled together, trying to stay warm. Shade’s mind raced with fear and uncertainty. She had left her family and everything familiar behind for Tunde. But she knew it was the right decision.

The next morning, they left the warehouse and made their way to the bus station. They bought tickets to a small town several hours away, hoping to start anew. The bus ride was long and silent, each lost in their thoughts.

They arrived in the small town in the afternoon. It was quiet, with a few shops lining the main street and houses scattered around. They found a cheap motel and rented a room. It was small and bare, but it was a start.

**Tunde:** (Looking around) This will do for now. We need to find jobs.

**Shade:** (Nodding) I can work in a café or a shop.

Days turned into weeks as they settled into their new life. Tunde found work at a local repair shop, and Shade started working at a nearby café. They worked hard, saving every penny they could. They spent their evenings planning their future, dreaming of a time when they could open their own business and live without fear.

Despite the challenges, they were happy. They had each other, and that was enough. But the shadow of their past lingered, always threatening to catch up with them.

One evening, as they walked home from work, they saw a familiar car parked outside their motel. Shade’s heart sank. It was her father’s car. She grabbed Tunde’s hand, panic rising in her chest.

**Shade:** (Whispering) Tunde, it’s my dad. He’s found us.

Tunde looked around, searching for a way out, but it was too late. Her father stepped out of the car, his face hard and determined.

**Dad:** (Shouting) Shade! Tunde! What do you think you’re doing?

They stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Her father marched towards them, his eyes blazing with anger.

**Dad:** (Pointing at Tunde) You! How dare you take my daughter away?

**Tunde:** (Calmly) Sir, I love your daughter. We ran away because we couldn’t be apart.

**Dad:** (Shaking with anger) You’ve brought shame on our family!

Shade stepped forward, her voice steady.

**Shade:** Daddy, I love Tunde. I couldn’t marry Dammy. I couldn’t live a lie. Please try to understand.

Her father’s face softened slightly, but his eyes remained stern.

**Dad:** Shade, you’re my daughter. I want what’s best for you. Running away is not the answer.

**Shade:** (Tearfully) But I’m happy with Tunde. We’re building a life together. Please, just give us a chance.

Her father sighed, looking between Shade and Tunde. He could see the love in their eyes.

**Dad:** (Reluctantly) Alright. I don’t like this, but I can see you’re serious. I’ll give you a chance, but if anything goes wrong, you come back home. Understand?

Shade and Tunde nodded, relief flooding through them. They had won a small victory. They had her father’s reluctant blessing and the chance to build a future together.

As her father drove away, Shade turned to Tunde, her eyes filled with hope.

**Shade:** (Smiling) We did it. We’re going to be okay.

**Tunde:** (Hugging her tightly) Yes, we are. We’ll build a life together, one step at a time.

They walked back to their motel, ready to face whatever the future held. They knew there would be challenges, but they also knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.

And so, in that small town, they began their journey anew, hand in hand, hearts full of hope and determination…

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 On the mountain.

What will Shade’s father and the Governor’s son do???

The days following Shade’s father’s visit were tense. Shade and Tunde knew they had to prove their commitment to each other and their new life. Every morning, they woke early, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

**Tunde:** (Preparing for work) We need to stay focused. If we work hard, we’ll save enough to open our own shop.

**Shade:** (Nodding) And maybe someday, we can have that cafĂ© I’ve always dreamed of.

Tunde spent his days at the repair shop, quickly earning a reputation for his skill and dedication. His boss, Mr. Okeke, noticed his hard work.

**Mr. Okeke:** (One evening) Tunde, you’re a good worker. Have you thought about staying here permanently?

**Tunde:** (Hesitant) I appreciate the offer, sir. But I have bigger plans. Shade and I want to start our own business.

**Mr. Okeke:** (Smiling) Ambitious. I like that. If you need any help, just ask.

Shade, meanwhile, became a favorite at the café. Her warm smile and attentive service drew in customers. Mrs. Eze, the café owner, took a liking to her.

**Mrs. Eze:** (One afternoon) Shade, you’re a natural. You ever think about managing a place like this?

**Shade:** (Smiling) Actually, yes. It’s my dream to have my own cafĂ© someday.

**Mrs. Eze:** (Nodding) You have the talent. Keep at it, and you’ll get there.

The small town started to feel like home. They made friends with their neighbors, who were kind and supportive. But the fear of being discovered never left them completely.

One day, while Shade was working at the cafĂ©, a familiar face walked in. It was Dammy, the Governor’s son. Shade’s heart skipped a beat as she saw him sit down at a table, looking around.

**Dammy:** (Smirking) Well, well, look who we have here. Playing waitress, Shade?

Shade forced a smile, trying to keep her composure.

**Shade:** (Politely) What can I get you, Dammy?

**Dammy:** (Leaning back) Just coffee. And some answers.

Shade brought him his coffee, her hands trembling slightly.

**Dammy:** (Sipping his coffee) So, this is where you ran off to. Thought you could escape me?

**Shade:** (Firmly) I’m happy here, Dammy. Please, just leave us alone.

**Dammy:** (Laughing) You think it’s that easy? You belong with me. Your father made a deal.

**Shade:** (Angry) I’m not a bargaining chip. I’m a person. I choose my own life.

Dammy’s smirk faded, replaced by a look of determination.

**Dammy:** (Standing up) We’ll see about that. This isn’t over, Shade.

He left the cafĂ©, leaving Shade shaken. She knew Dammy wouldn’t give up easily. She had to warn Tunde.

That evening, Shade told Tunde about Dammy’s visit. His expression grew serious.

**Tunde:** (Determined) We need to be careful. He won’t stop until he gets what he wants.

**Shade:** (Nodding) I know. But we can’t let him control our lives.

They decided to lay low for a while, avoiding any places where they might run into Dammy. Their friends in the town noticed their unease but didn’t press them for details. They supported Shade and Tunde in whatever way they could.

Despite the tension, Shade and Tunde continued working hard. Their savings grew, and they started to look for a place to open their business. They found a small, empty shop on the main street that was perfect for their plans.

**Tunde:** (Excited) This is it, Shade. Our future.

**Shade:** (Smiling) It’s perfect. Let’s make it ours.

They signed the lease and began renovating the shop, turning it into a cozy café and repair shop combined. Their friends helped with the work, and the community came together to support them.

On the day of the grand opening, the shop was filled with friends, neighbors, and curious townsfolk. Shade and Tunde stood at the entrance, greeting everyone with smiles.

**Mrs. Eze:** (Hugging Shade) I’m so proud of you, dear. You’ve made your dream come true.

**Mr. Okeke:** (Shaking Tunde’s hand) You’ve done well, Tunde. Best of luck.

The cafĂ© was a success from the start. Customers loved the warm atmosphere and delicious food. Tunde’s repair services were in high demand. They worked long hours but enjoyed every moment.

One evening, as they were closing up, Shade turned to Tunde, her eyes shining with happiness.

**Shade:** (Softly) We did it, Tunde. We built a life together.

**Tunde:** (Smiling) Yes, we did. And this is just the beginning.

They knew there would be more challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together. Their love had carried them through the darkest times, and it would continue to guide them as they built their future, side by side.

In their small shop, they found not just a livelihood but a home, a community, and a place where their dreams could flourish. And as they looked out at the town they had come to love, they knew they had made the right choice.

Their journey was far from over, but for now, they were content. They had each other, but the threats from Dammy kept them thinking…..

Will Dammy come back for Shade?

Shade and Tunde’s new cafĂ© and repair shop quickly became a beloved spot in the small town. They worked tirelessly, ensuring every customer felt welcomed and satisfied. Their hard work paid off as the cafĂ© became busier each day.

One evening, as they were closing up, a stranger walked in. Tunde recognized him immediately. It was Dammy, the Governor’s son, looking more determined than ever.

**Dammy:** (Smirking) Nice place you’ve got here. Didn’t think you’d actually pull it off.

**Tunde:** (Tense) What do you want, Dammy?

**Dammy:** (Calmly) Just a chat. Shade, you’re looking well.

Shade felt a chill run down her spine. She stepped closer to Tunde, trying to muster her courage.

**Shade:** (Firmly) What are you doing here, Dammy? Haven’t you done enough?

**Dammy:** (Ignoring her question) I have a proposal. You see, your little business here has caught some attention. I could help you expand, make this place even more successful.

**Tunde:** (Suspicious) And what’s in it for you?

**Dammy:** (Smiling) Simple. Shade agrees to marry me. In return, I’ll invest in your business, make you both rich. Everyone wins.

Shade’s eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn’t believe the audacity of Dammy’s proposal.

**Shade:** (Angry) You think you can buy us? Buy me?

**Dammy:** (Coldly) It’s a generous offer, Shade. Think about it. You could have everything you ever wanted.

Tunde stepped forward, his fists clenched.

**Tunde:** (Firmly) We don’t need your money, Dammy. We’re happy as we are.

Dammy’s smile faded, replaced by a look of annoyance.

**Dammy:** (Warning) Don’t be foolish. This town is small. It would be a shame if your business suddenly faced… difficulties.

Shade and Tunde knew what he meant. Dammy had power and connections, and he wouldn’t hesitate to use them.

**Shade:** (Determined) We won’t be intimidated by you, Dammy. Leave us alone.

**Dammy:** (Sighing) Fine. But remember, you had your chance.

He turned and walked out, leaving Shade and Tunde standing there, shaken but resolute.

**Tunde:** (Softly) We need to be careful. He won’t give up easily.

**Shade:** (Nodding) I know. But we can’t let him control us. We’ve come too far.

The next few weeks were tense. Dammy’s threats hung over them like a dark cloud. They noticed strange things happening: late-night phone calls with no one on the other end, customers suddenly canceling orders, and a few minor vandalism incidents. It was clear Dammy was trying to intimidate them.

One evening, as they were closing up, they found a note pinned to the door. It was a warning: “Leave town, or else.”

**Tunde:** (Holding the note) This has gone too far. We need to take this to the police.

**Shade:** (Worried) Do you think they’ll help us?

**Tunde:** (Determined) We have to try. We can’t let him win.

They went to the local police station the next morning. The officer in charge, Inspector James, listened to their story with a serious expression.

**Inspector James:** (Nodding) We’ve had complaints about Dammy before. He’s used to getting his way. But this is our town, and we don’t take kindly to threats. We’ll keep an eye on him.

Feeling slightly reassured, Shade and Tunde returned to their shop. They knew it wouldn’t be easy, but they felt stronger knowing they had the support of the local authorities.

The community rallied around them as well. Their friends and neighbors offered help and encouragement, determined to stand by them against Dammy’s threats.

**Mrs. Eze:** (Firmly) We won’t let him scare you away. This town is your home now.

**Mr. Okeke:** (Nodding) And we look out for our own.

Their words gave Shade and Tunde the strength to keep going. They focused on their work, determined to prove that they wouldn’t be driven away.

One night, as they were closing up, they heard footsteps outside. Tunde peered through the window and saw a group of men approaching. They were Dammy’s men, and they looked ready for trouble.

**Tunde:** (Whispering) Shade, stay behind me.

The men entered the shop, their faces set with determination. The leader stepped forward, looking at Tunde with disdain.

**Leader:** (Gruffly) We’ve got a message for you. Leave town, or things will get ugly.

Tunde stood his ground, refusing to be intimidated.

**Tunde:** (Firmly) We’re not going anywhere. You can tell Dammy that.

The leader smirked, raising his hand. But before he could do anything, the door burst open, and Inspector James and his officers stormed in.

**Inspector James:** (Shouting) Police! Hands up!

The men were caught off guard, quickly subdued by the officers. Inspector James turned to Tunde and Shade, his expression stern but reassuring.

**Inspector James:** (Nodding) We’ve got them. Dammy won’t bother you again.

Relief washed over Shade and Tunde as they realized the nightmare was finally over. The men were taken away, and the police promised to keep an eye on Dammy’s activities.

As they stood in their shop, holding each other, they knew they had won a significant battle. Their love and determination had seen them through the toughest times….

What of Dammy and Shade’s father… It’s like he’s going to plan for a bigger attack on Tunde and Shade? What do you think will happen in the final episode?

With Dammy’s threat finally neutralized, Shade and Tunde felt a weight lift from their shoulders. The police kept their promise, ensuring Dammy’s men were dealt with and keeping a close eye on the Governor’s son himself. For the first time in a long while, Shade and Tunde could breathe easy.

The days passed peacefully. The café and repair shop flourished more than ever, becoming a staple of the community. Shade and Tunde were embraced by the town, their hard work and determination winning the respect and affection of everyone around them.

One evening, as the sun set over the small town, Tunde led Shade to a quiet spot by the river. The water shimmered under the fading light, creating a serene backdrop.

**Tunde:** (Taking Shade’s hand) There’s something I want to ask you, Shade.

Shade looked at him, curiosity and affection in her eyes.

**Shade:** (Smiling) What is it?

Tunde took a deep breath, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small, velvet box. He opened it to reveal a simple, elegant ring.

**Tunde:** (Kneeling) Shade, we’ve been through so much together. You’ve been my strength, my partner, my everything. I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?

Shade’s eyes filled with tears of joy. She knelt down beside him, taking his face in her hands.

**Shade:** (Whispering) Yes, Tunde. A thousand times yes.

They embraced, the river’s gentle flow echoing the calm and happiness they felt. Their journey had been filled with trials, but in that moment, everything felt worth it.

The town celebrated their engagement with enthusiasm. Mrs. Eze and Mr. Okeke threw a party at the café, and the entire community joined in. It was a night filled with laughter, music, and heartfelt toasts.

**Mrs. Eze:** (Raising a glass) To Shade and Tunde, the bravest and hardest working couple I know. May your future be as bright as your love.

The weeks leading up to the wedding were a blur of preparations and excitement. The town came together to help, offering their skills and support. The wedding was set to take place in the town square, under the open sky.

On the day of the wedding, the square was transformed into a beautiful venue. Flowers adorned every surface, and a small arch stood at the center, draped in white fabric. The townspeople filled the seats, eager to witness the union of their beloved couple.

Shade stood at the edge of the square, her heart pounding. She wore a simple, elegant dress that Mrs. Eze had helped her pick out. Her father, who had come to accept her choices, stood beside her, ready to walk her down the aisle.

**Dad:** (Softly) You look beautiful, Shade. I’m proud of you.

Shade smiled, tears of happiness in her eyes.

**Shade:** (Whispering) Thank you, Daddy. It means so much to me that you’re here.

As they walked down the aisle, Shade saw Tunde waiting for her, his eyes filled with love and emotion. The ceremony was simple but perfect. They exchanged vows, promising to support and cherish each other through all of life’s challenges.

**Tunde:** (Looking into Shade’s eyes) I promise to stand by you, to love you, and to be your partner in everything.

**Shade:** (Holding Tunde’s hands) I promise to support you, to love you, and to build a future with you.

When they were pronounced husband and wife, the town erupted in cheers. Shade and Tunde shared their first kiss as a married couple, sealing their promises with love.

The reception was a joyous affair. Music filled the air, and everyone danced and celebrated. Shade and Tunde moved through the crowd, thanking their friends and family for their support. They were surrounded by love and happiness, knowing they had finally found their place in the world.

As the night drew to a close, Shade and Tunde stood together, looking out over the town that had become their home. The stars twinkled above, and the laughter of their friends filled the air.

**Tunde:** (Holding Shade close) We did it, Shade. We made it.

**Shade:** (Smiling) Yes, we did. And this is just the beginning.

They knew there would be more challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together. Their love had proven strong enough to overcome any obstacle, and they looked forward to the future with hope and excitement.

In their small town, Shade and Tunde found not just a home but a family. They had built a life filled with love, resilience, and dreams, and they knew that as long as they had each other, they could face anything the future held.

And so, with hearts full of hope and hands clasped tightly, they stepped into their new life, ready for the adventure that lay ahead.


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