After My Husband Cheated Novel – Chapter 14

After My Husband Cheated Novel

Husband Cheated Chapter 14 :

After the incident, Adrian did not contact me for several days. For the first time in a long while, I could

finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The hospital had been buzzing with a number of patients lately. After observing me for a while and

seeing that I was capable, Tyler started allowing me to assist in surgeries. However, the consecutive days

of surgeries began to take a toll

on me.

Standing for long periods caused severe pain in my lower back, likely exacerbated by my previous

abortion, from which my body hadn’t fully recovered. After standing for ten straight hours, I nearly

fainted on my way back to the office.

Fortunately, Tyler was beside me and caught me just in time. As I struggled to regain my balance, Adrian

suddenly appeared and yanked me out of Tyler was arms.

Without asking what was wrong, he jumped to conclusions. “Didn’t you say it was nothing?” he spat, his

voice laced with suspicion. “Do you have to be hugging in public? You want a divorce because you’ve

already found someone else, right?”

His accusations drew quite a few stares. I was there for training, and his public outburst made it difficult

for me to stay at the hospital. I lowered my head, feeling dizzy and unable to respond.

Tyler ignored Adrian’s question and asked me, “Are you okay? Do you need help?”

My hands and feet felt cold, but I managed a weak shake of my head.

“If you need help, just say so,” Tyler continued. “This is a hospital, after all. If things get worse, we can

call security or the police.”

Adrian glared at Tyler, but the doctor walked past him and left, giving Adrian the chance to see that I was

in pain. “Madeline, what’s wrong?” His concern, though belated, was evident in his voice.

I slumped against the wall, every movement sending a jolt of pain through my lower back. Adrian bent

down to meet my eyes and I saw the scar on his forehead from when I hit him with the glass vase.

“Madeline, are you sick? What’s happening? Please, tell me.” His voice, softer this time, held a hint of

desperation. “Shall we go back? Forget the training. Let’s just go back home….”

“Adrian,” I interrupted him, “do we even have a home anymore?”

He paused, then forced a smile, “Of course, we do, Madeline. We’re married, remember? You love me

and I….” His voice trailed off.

“No.” I shook my head and the single word escaped my lips.

I met his gaze, my own filled determination. “Adrian,” I said, each syllable heavy with a lifetime of

unspoken words, “I don’t love you anymore.”

The life drained from his face, leaving behind a mask of pale shock. I repeated softly, “Adrian, I don’t love

you anymore.”

He staggered back a step, his lips trembling. “H… how?” he stammered, his voice cracking. “Madeline,

how could you not love me anymore?”

I did not say anything else, just looked at him. Silence filled the space between us.

Adrian slumped back, leaning against the wall, and after a long moment, he covered his face with his

hands. The man’s shoulders shook and I seemed to hear him crying.