After My Husband Cheated Novel – Chapter 07

After My Husband Cheated Novel

Husband Cheat Chapter 07:

After Adrian made that promise, he started coming home on time every day. I was Busy with my upcoming training program and not pay much attention to anything else.

t ptomise, he started coming home on time every day. I was busy with my upcoming training

 One weekend, a welcome distraction arrived in the form of a colleague’s invitation to go shopping. I told Adrian was going out and he seemed relieved and said, “I have to work overtime this weekend, so I can’t join you. Go have fun with   your colleague.”

His response sent a fresh wave of suspicion rippling through me. But I brushed it aside, clinging to the fragile hope 

  that maybe, just maybe, things had changed.

However, fate, it seemed, had a cruel sense of humor. As I rounded a corner in the mall, my breath caught in my

 throat. There, in a brightly lit children’s restaurant, sat Adrian. Jesse perched on his lap, a mess of giggles and tomato sauce, while Sophie, the picture of domestic bliss, doted on them both.

  Sophie smiled and wiped the tomato sauce from Jesse’s mouth. I stood there, watching the smile on Adrian’s face. They looked just like a family.

My colleague’s nudge snapped me out of my paralysis. “Madeline, why did you stop?”

A brittle smile, a mask to hide the devastation within, was all I could manage. However, just as I turned to leave, a   flicker of movement in the restaurant caught my eye. Adrian. He’d seen me.

I turned to leave, but he quickly put down the child and ran after me. “Madeline!”

  Adrian caught up with me and held my hand. ” Jesse was crying and begging to come out for fries. I only came because  the child was upset.”

 His explanation, laced with desperation, rang hollow. My hand recoiled from his touch as if burned. “It’s fine. Go back  and be with them.”

  Adrian shook his head. “No, I’ll come with you. What are you shopping for? Let me help.”

“There’s no need. I’m with my colleague.”

 Adrian persisted and held my hand again, more tightly this time. However, before we could leave the spot, a small hand suddenly grabbed Adrian’s other hand. “Daddy, I want you to take me to the amusement park.”

Sophie emerged from the restaurant, her voice dripping with feigned sympathy. “Madeline, I’m sorry, Jesse’s still  young and doesn’t understand.”

 Yes, the child was still young, but calling someone else’s husband “Daddy” was still too much. After all, the mother   could have taught basic etiquette at home, could she not?

With a curt nod in their direction, I turned to look at Adrian. My voice, devoid of the anger that used to simmer just  beneath the surface, was laced with indifference. “Yes, you’re right. A child needs a father figure. Perhaps you should spend more time with them, Adrian.”

I pulled my hand away and turned to leave. However, Adrian let go of Jesse’s hand and followed me. “Madeline, wait! Listen to my explanation!”

Behind us, Jesse started crying loudly and Sophie hugged the child. Both of them looked pitiful, as if I were the one  stealing their husband and father.

“There’s nothing to explain,” I replied, my voice flat. “It’s perfectly clear.”

“Madeline, please listen to me,” Adrian said, gripping my hand tightly. “It’s the child, Madeline. You have to understand. Being separated from the father at such a young age, isn’t it sad? That’s why the childis very attached to me. Madeline, can you understand me?”

“l understand, really. It’s the child.” I stopped and nodded. What did he expect me to understand? The hypocrisy?

In the first year of marriage, his family had pressured us for children. His parents then began to blame me, thinking it   was my fault I had not conceived yet.

However, Adrian, ever the voice of reason, had assured me he was not ready, that we should wait. Apparently, it was  not that he was not ready, he just did not want to have children with me.

The silence stretched between us, and just as I turned to leave, he suddenly stepped in front of me, blocking my v.•ay.

“Madeline, why?” he stammered. “Why aren’t you angry anymore? What are you thinking?”

I Inet his gaze, my expression carefully neutral. He searched my eyes, desperately seeking a flicker of my old self, the one who would fight for him. But the next second, his phone buzzed insistently. When he took it out, I saw the name on the screen, Lovely Sophie, the pet-name a stark reminder of his deceitfulness.

Adrian still answered the call. “Don’t cry,” he soothed. “What’s wrong? R A beat of silence, then a strangled gasp.

missing? How could that happen? Calm down, I’ll be right there!”

After hanging up, Adrian seemed to want to explain, to offer some empty apology. But the flicker of panic in his eyes was all the explanation I needed.

I simply stepped aside, creating a clear path for him to leave. “Go quickly,” I said, my voice flat and devoid of emotion.

He put away his phone, then hesitated. A flicker of something akin to guilt crossing his features before he rushed past me.