Ada My Child

Ada My Child

Help ! Ada shouted at the street where her mother was hit by a speeding car. Down the street

That day, Ada decided to follow her mother to hawk tomatoes on the street.

Yes, that was the only way Ada’s mother could find money to care for her child.

Ada was the only child of her mother; her father died not long after Ada was born.

And ever since that day, Ada’s mother was the one taking care of her until Ada turned eight years old.

That day, Ada returned from school with tears all over her face. Her mother asked her what the problem was.

I was driven home from school because I haven’t paid my school fees. Ada replied

Is that why you are crying? Ada’s mother asked in pain.

Don’t worry, my little child. If I return from the market today, I will gather all my profit and give it to you so you can go and pay your school fees, Ada’s mother said as she tapped Ada at her back.

Mama, I want to follow you to hawk the tomatoes today. Ada insisted.

No my child, just stay back home and wait while I go hawk the tomatoes

No mama I want to go with you today

Ok, my child, change your school uniforms and let go to the market together.

So they both went to the market together. While Ada’s mother was trying to cross the street, a car speeding down the street ran into Ada’s mother, and she fell down unconscious.

Help ! Ada shouted at the street where her mother was hit by a speeding car. Down the street

The driver of car the stopped

Immediately, the car parked, and a tall man came out of the car. He grabbed Ada’s mother from the ground, put her in his car, including Ada herself, and drove them to the hospital immediately.

Immediately, the doctor attended to Ada’s mother; he came out and told Mr. Peter that Ada’s mother was still unconscious.

For like four days, Ada’s mother was still unconscious.

During these four days, Ada was staying with her mother at the hospital. She refused to go home unless her mom’s went with her.

Mr. Peter, who ran into Ada’s mother, was not also able to go back to his own family because Ada’s mother was still unconscious.

The next day, Ada’s mother began coughing out blood from her mouth.

Ada quickly ran and informed the doctor about this, and Mr. Peter and the doctor quickly ran to where Ada’s mother was staying.

Ada’s mother kept coughing out blood, then she finally opened her mouth and said, Ada my child, please take care of my child.

With these words, she gave up on the ghost and died.

Ada’s mother kept coughing out blood, then she finally opened her mouth and said, Ada, my child, please take care of my child.

With these words, she gave up on the ghost and died.

She is dead; I am sorry we lost her, the doctor said as tears rolled down from the doctor’s eyes.

Ada was a kid, but she knew what death meant. She rolled herself on the floor and cried out.

It was a black Tuesday for Ada. In fact, there was no one who could stop her from crying.

Burial arrangements were made immediately. After Ada’s mother was buried, Ada’s uncles and relatives held a meeting with Mr. Peter.

Everyone was sitting around on the couch, and they began discussing:

I want to use this time to say sorry for the pain I have caused everyone. It wasn’t my intention to hit her with my car; it was only a mistake.

A mistake indeed. I don’t know why people like driving anywhere on the street. Look now, you made this little girl an orphan, one of Ada’s uncles said.

Anyway, the deed has been done. Let’s figure out a way out to handle this issue. Another of Ada’s uncles insisted.

I would have taken Ada to live with me, but as you can see, I am poor, and at the same time, I also have my own kids to care for, as one of Ada’s uncles said.

Including me, I can’t even find food for my own children. If not, I would have taken Ada to live with me, another uncle said.

Ada’s uncles suggested that Ada should follow Mr. Peter to the city to live with him since he is rich and can care for Ada.

Mr. Peter remembers what Ada’s mother told him before he died. Take care of my child; that word kept ringing in his memory for like two minutes, then he finally agreed.

And they finally agreed that Ada should go and live with Mr. Peter at his house in the city.

And so it was!

Very early the next day, Mr. Peter took Ada with his car, and they drove to the city.

The city where Mrs. Peter lived was very far from Ada’s village, so they got to the city very late.

On their arrival, the gate quickly opened, and Mr. Peter drove in immediately.

Mr. Peter’s wife, Esther, came out immediately to welcome her husband.

Honey, what took you so long? You said you were only going to stay for two days. But how come you spent almost two weeks there? Mr. Peter’s wife questioned

Honey, it’s a long story; something really bad happened. I will explain everything to you later, Peter said as he opened the car door for Ada to come down.

Immediately after Ada stepped down from the car, Esther looked at her with a dangerous eye.

And who is this little girl you brought with yourself? Esther questioned again.

Darling I told you that it was a long story; for now, let me have my bath. Peter answered

They all went into the house, and, like, one hour later, Peter explained everything that happened to his wife.

Well, Esther wasn’t bothered about how Ada lost her mother or Ada.

She only stood up and left the room.

Peter managed to get Ada food from the kitchen, although they arrived late to the city.

He showed Ada her room, and Ada went inside to sleep peacefully.

That night, while Ada was sleeping, she had this scary dream.

In her dream, she saw herself crying beside her late mom’s grave. Immediately, her late mom appeared to her.

Her mom was about to tell her something, but Ada was woken up by some strokes of the cane.

Tah! Tah! Tah! Wake up, stupid child; you are still sleeping. Ok, you want me to do the housework for you, right? Esther said angrily.

Ada was only a kid; she had no choice but to cry because the strokes were painful.

Will you shut that stupid mouth? I haven’t even touched you, and you are crying. You followed my husband from the village to the city to enjoy life, but I will show you hell till you grow, Esther said with a devilish smile.

Will you shut that stupid mouth? I haven’t even touched you, and you are crying. You followed my husband from the village to the city to enjoy life, but I will show you hell till you grow, Esther said with a devilish smile.

Before I close my eyes and open them, I stand up and get out of this room to go and wash the plates outside.

Ada quickly did as she was told; she stood up immediately and ran into the kitchen to wash the plates.

The plates were too full, but Ada still continued doing the work. I mistakenly took a plate from Ada’s hand and broke the ties immediately. That was because Ada was a village girl who wasn’t used to that kind of plate.

Immediately after Esther heard the sound of the broken plates, she quickly ran to the kitchen, where Ada was.

Wait a minute; did you just break my plates?

Did you just break my expensive plates that I bought? Esther asked in anger again.

Ma, I am sorry, it was a mistake. It wasn’t my intention to do that, Ada said politely.

mistake, right?

I will show you hell today.

She quickly dragged Ada out of the kitchen, picked up a long cane, and started beating hell out of her. Ada cried for help, but no one came.

After beating her, she promised not to give her food until the next day.

Well, Mr. Peter was not around while all this was going on; he left early to work.

Ada wished she never came to the city; she wished her mother was never dead.

Esther prepared her own kids for school and gave them enough food to eat. She warned Ada not to touch any food from the kitchen or else.

That is how you are going to starve till tomorrow, useless girl, Esther said as she entered her car with her kids and drove them to school.

This made Esther start thinking about her mother and how her mother will always take her to school. She bent her head and cried out.

Well, time went quickly, and it was already noon. Esther drove back into the compound with her kids.

When they all went into the house, Esther had three kids. John, James, and Annabel

While they were going in, John saw how Esther was sitting alone and sad.

So some minutes later, he came out back to meet Esther.

I am really sorry for what my mom did to you earlier. John said

No problem, I will soon get used to it, Esther said as tears rolled down her eyes.

John was almost the same age as Ada; he is also kind and not like the rest of the kids.

Please stop crying. Tell me what your problem is. Maybe I can help. John insisted

You can’t help me; my dad died a long time ago. My mom also died recently and was hit by your dad’s car on the street.

That’s how I was brought here; you can’t help me; my problem is too much. Since I am still starving for food this morning, I think I came into this world to suffer.

No, don’t say that; you didn’t come to this world to suffer. And about the food, let me get you one. I will drop it in your room so my mom doesn’t find out. John said as he ran back inside.

Ada feels relieved; at least there is someone in this house who has a good heart.

John did exactly as he promised; he secretly took the food in the food flask into Ada’s room.

So that was how Ada was able to eat that day.

One week later…

Darling We can leave her like that; she needs to start going to school like our own kids. Peter said

She can’t. Her work in this house was to wash plates, wash all the clothes, and do the house chores. Esther fired back.

How can you say a kid like Ada shouldn’t go to school? Remember, she was going to school in the village before that incident happened.

Honey, while do you even care about a child who is not even yours? Esther said

She’s not my child?

Do you know I was the reason her mom died?

Honey please!

No ! She will be going to school like our own kids; her mom told me to take care of her child before she died.

I have said mine and that final, and she will be going to the same school with our kids.


That final! Peter said as he walked out of the room.

The next day, Mr. Peter took Ada to the school for her registration. After that, Ada was very happy when she was registered at the school. At least she resumed school.

But her problem worsened as she began schooling.

By Raphael creative pen

But Ada’s problem worsened as she began schooling.

It was Monday, and Ada woke up very early that morning because, since it was her first day going to her new school, she had to go very early.

Ada was preparing herself for school when Esther entered her room.

Make sure you wash the clothes I kept outside before you start going to school, Esther said.

But ” today is my first day, and I have to go early; permit me to wash the clothes when I return from school, Ada replied respectfully.

Are you mad?

I said, Wash the clothes before you go to school. Esther shouted

Ada was afraid, So she agreed to wash the clothes before going to school. Ada knew that this was going to create problems for her at school, but she has no choice.

So Ada did as she was told; when she was done washing the clothes, it was already 9 a.m.

Ada knew she was late already, but she still insisted on going to school that day; it was her first day, and she couldn’t afford to miss that day.

Ada quickly prepared and began her journey to school; her school was a little bit far from her home. Although Esther was supposed to take Ada to school, including her own kids, since they all attend the same school,

But Esther drove only her own kids to school and left Ada to walk all the way to school.

When Ada finally arrived at school, it was already 10 a.m. that morning.

She entered the classroom; all eyes were on her.

Good morning, ma.”Ada greeted her teacher in the class.

Why are you coming to school at this kind of time? Oh, are you not the new girl that was registered last Friday? The teacher asked

Yes, ma” it me.

So why are you late on your first day at school?

Ada wanted to tell her teacher the true reason why she came late, but she was afraid because Mrs. Esther’s children were also in that same class; they might tell Mrs. Esther about it.

So she lied.

Ma I think I overslept; that is why I came late. Ada lied.

Really! You overslept.

I will spare you because this is your first time in class. Now go to your seat, as the teacher instructed.

Ada gently walked to her seat and sat down. The school bell rang, and it was break time.

All the students went out to play, but Ada sat down alone. Her teacher noticed that and called her.

You look sad; what is the problem? the teacher asked.

Nothing Ada answered

I know something is wrong somewhere; feel free to come to me whenever you need my help. Madam Grace said

Madam Grace is a good teacher who really loves children, especially the brilliant ones.

The school closed. Among all the kids Esther had, only John had a kind heart. John quickly came to Ada and told her to wait so their mom would come to take all of them home.

Ada knew that waiting for Mrs. Esther to come take her home was a waste of time.

Don’t worry, I can walk home myself, Ada replied.

No ! Why will you walk home when we leave in the same house? Just wait a little bit for my mom to come, John said.

Look, I know my mom doesn’t like you, but I promise to talk to her when she comes. John tried to convince Ada.

Why they were saying this? A car drove by and packed. It was Mrs. Esther.

The three kids ran up to their mother; only Ada was standing behind her. Esther didn’t even bother to call her; she just moved her car immediately.

John was so heartbroken to see the way his mom was treating Ada.

He tried talking to his mom about it, but he always got shut up.

Mom, you don’t have to treat her like that, John said as they were driving home.

Just shut your mouth up; that girl might be a witch; do you even know she was the one who killed her own mother? Esther said.

No mom! Ada didn’t kill her mother; please have pity on her.

Mr. Bernard was returning from his office that afternoon when he saw Ada walking home from school.

He packed his car immediately.

Ada Why are you walking home? You are supposed to be picked up from school with the kids.

Ada was just standing in silence. “

He drove Ada home and went to meet his wife immediately.

Darling While you were treating the girls so badly, you went to the school and picked only the kids, leaving Ada behind.

Honey I know what I am doing; believe me, that girl is a witch. I don’t just like her, Esther replied.

She is not a witch! She is not!

She lost her mom because of me; I made that poor child an orphan. So it is my responsibility to take good care of her, Mr. Peter shouted.

I don’t care!

Then be ready to leave my house. I am your husband, and you must respect my orders. You better learn to love that child or you better start packing your things to your father’s house, Mr. Peter shouted angrily.

Then be ready to leave my house. I am your husband, and you must learn to respect my decisions. You better start loving that child or you start packing your things to your father’s house, Mr. Peter shouted angrily.

Oh so you want to chase me out of this house because of that little witch, said Esther.

If you don’t want to be chased out, then better start doing what is right; that child has my full responsibility over her, please!

I can’t believe you are choosing a stranger over your wife, Esther replied.

She is not a stranger, for God’s sake! Mr. Peter said and left.

After Mr. Peter left, Esther began thinking of what to do. She doesn’t want to lose her marriage and also doesn’t want Ada to be in that house.

I need a better plan, she said to herself. What am I going to do now oo?

After thinking for about 30 minutes, she finally found a better plan in her mind. Yes, that’s what I was going to do, she said to herself.

So the next day, Mr. Peter patiently waited for Ada to prepare for school. He prepared food for himself and also took Ada to school by himself.

He did all these things because he didn’t want Ada to experience what she experienced the previous day.

He also promised that he would also be coming to pick Ada up from school with his own car. He really wants to make sure that Ada feels loved and cared for.

He drove into the school compound, dropped Ada, and also told her he would be coming to take her home after her closing time.

Ada was very happy with the way Mr. Peter was treating her; she happily ran into her class.

Her teacher was shocked to see that Ada was the first student to come to class that very day.

Good morning, ma! Ada greeted her teacher with a joyful smile.

Good morning, dear! You look strong and happy, unlike yesterday. How are you doing today? Madam Grace asked

Am fine! Ada answered

That is good. I know you must have passed through some painful things, but I am happy that you are feeling strong now.

Thank you, ma, Ada said, going to her seat.

After the school closed, Esther came and picked up only her kids again, but this time around Ada wasn’t bothered because she knew Mr. Peter would surely come for her.

Ada waited for, like, about 20 minutes, but Mr. Peter didn’t show up.

A few minutes later, a black car drove into the school compound. A man came out of the car; he walked to where Ada was sitting and told her that it was Mr. Peter who sent him to pick her up from school.

Ada was confused.

But he told me he would be coming to pick me up by himself. Ada replied

Yes, but he told me he was very busy at his office today, so he asked me to come and pick you up.

After a few minutes, Ada decided to follow the strange man, so the man took Ada, and they drove out of the school.

Another car drove into the school compound again; this time around, it was Mr. Peter.

Mr. Peter quickly went to Ada’s teacher and asked where Ada was.

The teacher told him that a man came to pick her up from school.

Mr. Peter was shocked.

A man?

Which man, please? Peter asked

Oh, I thought you sent him, so why are you still asking? The teacher said

Oh my God!

I didn’t send anyone here to pick Ada up from school, Peter said sadly.

How can you allow a child to follow a stranger without calling me?

Sir, but I wasn’t with your contact

Shit !

Mr. Peter quickly entered his car and drove out of the school compound with speed.

He went home straight and still didn’t find Ada at home. This is serious.

He was discussing this with his wife when he got a call from an unknown number.

“Hello, please, who is this?

“My name is Virus.

Ada has been kidnapped, and he is with me.

“Please don’t do anything to her; I will pay you anything you want.

No, I don’t need your money. Ada is going to die.

What !

No, I don’t need your money. Ada is going to die, the kidnappers said.

What !

Please don’t kill that innocent child. I will pay you any amount you want. Mr. Peter said.

Mr. Peter was confused and sad at the same time. Who might have sent those kidnappers to kidnap the child?

What has the innocent child done to deserve this? Mr. Peter kept asking himself.

Take care of my child. A voice rang in his memory.

Darling I need to go find a solution,Mr. Peter said as he quickly stood up and ran into his room to change his clothes.

The man who kidnapped Ada took her to a secret place in an incomplete building. After the strange man made the call to Mr. Peter, he took Ada to his main boss.

Spider was the name of the main boss of the kidnappers; he was the one who sent Virus to kidnap Ada.

When Virus went to his boss, he pushed Ada to him and said, Boss, this is the child; what do we do with her?

We will do according to the plan; we have to kill the child. That is what we were paid to do, Spider said.

When Ada heard that she wanted to be killed by the kidnappers, she began to cry in sorrow.

Shut up, little girl, one of the kidnappers said.

The boss listened to Ada as she cried. I think her voice sounds familiar, the boss said to himself.

Show me her face!

The boss instructed, and then one of the kidnappers removed the clothes that were covering Ada’s face.

Wait ! I know this child, the boss said. I can’t kill this child; she is innocent.

All the kidnappers became confused.

But, boss, we were paid to do this, so what are you going to do now?

Note: This story is written by Raphael Creative Pen

We won’t kill her anymore. I remember one day when I was hungry. I was running from some policemen. I begged everyone I saw on the way for small food, but they all refused to give it to me. But when I met the mother of this child, she didn’t have much, but she gave me the little she had. I also remembered that she sent Ada to get me the food. Her mother was a good woman, and she doesn’t deserve to be paid back with evil, the boss said.

Boss, you are right; the child looks so innocent. One of the kidnappers said

We will free her and tell the woman that the child escaped from our hands, Spider said.

Ada felt relieved in her heart when she heard what all the kidnappers had said.

Take her somewhere very far and drop her off so she could go wherever she wanted, the boss said.

So they took Ada in their car, drove to a faraway place, and dropped Ada by the roadside.

Make sure you run to somewhere safe and don’t ever think of going back to Esther’s house again; she was the one who instructed us to kill and kidnap you, the boss said, and they drove away, leaving Ada alone on the street.

Ada was happy when the kidnappers freed her. I must find a way to survive, Ada said to herself as she walked down the street.

Mr. Peter, who was desperately searching for Ada, got into an accident on his way and died immediately on the spot.

Mrs. Esther got a call from the kidnappers that Ada had escaped from their hands.

What ! How can you tell me that a little girl like that could escape from your hands? Esther roared in anger.

She dropped her phone and began to think of what to do next, and then she got another call.

Hello, the caller said.

Hello, who is this?

Am sorry, madam, your husband died a few minutes ago in a car accident, the caller said, and hang up the call.

Whaaaaat !!

This must be a dream, two bad news at the same time, Esther cried.

To be continued

You guys know already that I lost my phone, so the next episode might delay or not delay.

Am sorry, madam, your husband died a few minutes ago in a car accident, the caller said, and hang up the call.

Whaaaaat !!

This must be a dream, two bad news at the same time, Esther cried.

This cannot be happening; I need my husband back, Esther said sadly.

Ada kept walking on the street; she had nowhere to go. At least she wasn’t living with Mrs. Esther again.

She continued walking till she got tired and began to feel hungry. What do I do now? she asked herself.

I am feeling hungry already, and night is falling already. I need to find something to eat and somewhere to sleep, Ada said.

She finally came to an environment where people were plentiful; there was also a restaurant there.

Ada was a brave girl and a very hardworking one again. So she walked up to the restaurant, and she saw a woman standing at the restaurant. “This must be the owner of the restaurant, Ada said to herself.

Good evening, ma. Ada greeted the woman she saw at the restaurant.

Good evening, little kid. How may I help you? the woman answered.

I am feeling very hungry, ma; is there any work I can do for you? So you will give me food in return? Ada asked.

The woman was shocked to see a little girl like Ada in that condition.

But we’re your parents?

Why are you walking alone on the streets looking for food? the woman asked.

It’s a long story, ma; maybe I will tell you if I can see something to eat, Ada replied.

There is no work you can do for me now; I am also closed for today, but I am still going to give you the remaining food I have, the woman said politely.

Thank you, ma; I really appreciate it. Ada said

The woman gave Ada a lot of food to eat. Ada was very happy and sad at the same time.

After eating, the woman sat closer to Ada and began to ask her some questions.

Where are your parents? She asked

My father died not long after I was born, and my mother died months ago.

Ada told the woman all her story and problems; tears rolled down her eyes immediately.

Hey, stop crying, the woman said as she kept tapping Ada on her back.

It also happened to me, the woman said. I have four children and a caring husband, but death took them away on the same day. My husband and kids were coming back from a vacation, and they had a deadly accident on their way, and they all died, the woman said in tears.

Immediately, Ada felt pity for the woman and also began to cry with her.

You can come to stay with me if you want, the woman said. Ada was happy that she finally found a place to stay.

Things began to go well with Ada. Mrs. Gloria also registered Ada at a new school.

Ada began like her own child; they were leaving happily together.

Ada kept leaving with Mrs. Gloria till she grew up and began her secondary school education.

She wrote her letter and passed it out in

flying colours

She proceeded to the university and went further to study law.

Ada finished university when she was 22 years old.

A taxi car drove into the Mrs. Gloria compound. Ada came out of the taxi and paid the driver.

Mrs. Gloria was very happy to see Ada.

You are welcome, my child; you have grown big already. Mrs. Gloria said

Mama, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I hope you are doing well, Ada said happily.

Mama, I am done with school. I have finished my NYSC, and guess what? Ada said I was offered a job by the government as a lawyer.

That good news, my child, is that your dream of becoming a lawyer has finally come true, Mrs. Gloria said.

That night, Ada was scrolling through Facebook when she came across John, Mr. Peter’s son.

Sadly, John told Ada about the death of their father long ago.

Ada felt sad to find out that Mr. Peter died just because of her.

As time went on, Ada finally became employed as a lawyer.

She was loved by everyone in her workplace, and due to her kindness, she received a lot of promotion, and that was how she was promoted to judge.

Now Ada is a judge and also takes judgement on cases.

But there was this case that was brought to her court—the case that will change everything!

But there was this case that was brought to her court—the case that will change everything!

Do you remember Mrs. Esther having a kid named James? Yes, James grew up as an arm robber; he started following bad friends, and he later became an arm robber.

James had carried out so many evil operations, like the robbery of banks and also robbing people in cars on the highway.

But the last operation he went to with his gang didn’t go well.

At the time of the operation, James and his gang were busy robbing a bank in a small village.

While they were carrying out this operation, the community police were informed immediately.

The community police arrived, and they started battling with the robbers.

After so many shootings, a police officer was killed, and three of the robbers were also killed, but two escaped.

But James was caught while trying to escape from the scene.

He was the only robber who was caught. The police took him away and dropped him in their custody.

The police finally agreed that James would face death penance because he has a lot of bad records.

When Mrs. Esther heard that the police were going to kill her son,

She started screaming and crying in pain. She quickly hurried to the police station.

She started pleading with the officers not to kill her son.

Madam, I am sorry there is nothing we can do. Your son has a very long record of killing and stealing; he deserves to die. The DPO replied

No, sir, just punish him instead.

Madam, I am sorry, it is not my own order.

Then I will have to take this case to court; I can’t lose my son. Esther said it in tears.

After that day, Esther forwarded the case to the court.

She tried to bribe a lot of lawyers so her son would not be sentenced to death.

But when the day of the case finally arrived,

Everyone was sitting down, waiting for the judge to come in.

Immediately, the judge walked into the courtroom, and everyone stood up and sat down.

Esther was surprised at who she saw.

Ada ! She said to herself in her mind, So Ada is the judge.

Oh, my goodness I don’t think I will ever win this case, Esther said to herself.

Immediately after Ada saw Mrs. Esther, she was also shocked.

She turned Around her eyes, she glanced at John and also at James.

Then she started laughing in her mind. Is this how life works? She asked herself

But Ada was ready to forgive Esther, she remembered what her late mother told her when she was a kid. ALWAYS FORGIVE.

Esther thought Ada was going to sentence James to death, but unfortunately, Ada didn’t do so.

Instead, Ada was a kind person, even though Mrs. Esther had maltreated her before; she still had pity for her.

She didn’t sentence James to death or life imprisonment; instead, she sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment of hard labour.

Ten years was big enough, but it was better than death. Mrs. Esther never believed Ada would ever forgive her.

And ever since that day, peace has rained between Ada and Esther’s family.

The End